About Philippe

Meditation - Self-awareness - The Source

Philippe The Man in the Cave

I started my professional career as a sports educator. When The Man in the Cave later tells us that we are teachers, of course that made sense to  me. I went on to work in industry. It is the exchange, the sharing, the transmission with others that gave me my greatest satisfaction. And yet I am not a communicator.


At that time, a little by chance – but as The Man in the Cave keeps repeating many times, there are no coincidences -, I discovered parapsychology. I do not have any particular gift, but simply intrigued, I wanted to know more about it and registered for a workshop of applied parapsychology, with Jean-Pierre GIRARD, famous French psychic subject. I was the only one in the group who didn’t have a gift, and what I saw changed me forever. There was clearly another reality, I had no doubts anymore.


I then discovered the Seth books. Seth is a non-physical entity channeled by Jane Roberts in the USA in the 1970s and 1980s, considered as the greatest modern metaphysical teacher. Seth gave birth to the New Age movement.


These teachings of Seth were such a revelation to me that I decided to devote myself fully to their study. I left my professional duties, driven by a very powerful force, which I could call today a gut feeling. I was running our small family business and making a very good living. My entourage did not understand such a decision, worried about my future, and a little also perhaps for my mental health… And yet my spiritual journey had just taken another dimension, from that moment on, I was going to make my life in a conscious way, an experiment, a living experiment. I wanted the example of my life to inspire my children, my family, my friends. Teaching by example, so to speak.


We create our own reality with our thoughts, beliefs and emotions. What a revolutionary concept! So I was going to try to implement it.

‘I only believe what I see.’ I grew up, like many, with this kind of commonly accepted principle. But I was going to reverse things now: ‘I only see what I believe!’  Became my new mantra! So I had to deconstruct all my beliefs linked to my conditioning, to our conditioning, to choose new beliefs that would change my life in a very practical way as much as in a personal fulfilment way.  For instance, I chose to believe that I would have more money than I earned in business without having to worry about where the money would come from…


In 2015, after having absorbed the entire series of “Conversations with God” books by Neale Donald Walsh, I discovered the “New Message”, channeled for years by Marshall Vian Summers. In this initiatory journey, the practice of meditation finally imposed itself on me. It is one of the privileged accesses to what Marshall calls Knowledge, this innate knowledge, this part of ourselves of which we are rarely conscious, but which Knows. Yet I don’t hear voices, I don’t have visions, neither in meditation nor outside. I still do not feel that I have access to this Knowledge, I can only define it as my gut feelings. And it is one of them again that pushed me in 2019 to make very difficult decisions, then to sell my house near Bordeaux, to go abroad for almost a year…. I knew, without knowing why, that I had to try to improve my very low level of English…


When I got back in 2020, it was again this gut feeling that brought me to this village. I didn’t need to visit this house to know that this is where I would settle down.  And this cave at the bottom of the garden, and then among my lovely neighbours, Tina and John…


There had been a kind of immediate recognition between John and I. From the beginning we started to talk about metaphysics, subjects that neither John nor I could discuss with our loved ones, with very few exceptions. It is remarkable that John, without ever having heard of Seth, has an innate knowledge of his main theories. I myself have only a very incomplete theoretical knowledge of them. In other words, I want to believe in it and I do. John doesn’t have to believe in it, he knows!


This illustrates this kind of complicity, convergence, complementarity perhaps between John and I. Despite our very different backgrounds, there is a deep connection between us that is difficult to explain. We understand each other… And John doesn’t speak French!… Even if I believed in coincidences, by what chance could I have moved into the house next door? And why this deep desire to improve my low level of English for the last few years? And that cave in the garden…

The Man in the Cave, as we call him, gave us some explanations…


In short, it seemed that we were destined to share an experience.

 I did not know that it would be exceptional.


I quickly suggested to John that we meditate together, and in the cave. After a few sessions, he began to speak, a few sentences at first, then an incrediblematerial…


Shortly after these transmissions began, John said to me before entering the cave to ask a question in my head, just to see what happens! Here is the question I secretly asked this entity that was speaking through John’s mouth: « Do you know Seth? »

This is session 4, and it’s free online…


There is no such thing as coincidences…


And you are reading these lines…


Meditation – Spirituality – Channeling – Self-awareness – Consciousness – Metaphysical – The Source