Session 153 – 04/06/2024

A channeling session with The Man in the Cave: a spiritual journey into consciousness.

Channeling session 153

You can see within your illusion, your time-created illusion, you can see every day how positive energy works, how two can become one with the force of positive energy. I have told you many times that you are a pure form of energy, you are energy. You are not a vehicle, a physical form, you utilise your vehicle for your journey. And with frequency, with vibrational energy, you can change any physical form into a different physical form through positive thinking. You can change your DNA, you can change the appearance of any type of physical form into another physical form, or the same, and once you are aware of this, once you know this from within, you can create anything and everything within a single moment. Energy is your creation, and you have separated, you have created zero, one, you have created two forms of energy, and you have done this to set out on a journey to experience and to know self, to know what you are, and ultimately to return back to one, which is all and everything. But there is no back, it does not exist, there is no past, you are already one. You have merely created time, you have created an illusion to understand this.

It is a definite construct you have created. It is numerical, it is systematic, it is absolute, it is perfect. There are no flaws within what you have created, although you might think so. You might look at the chaos and the confusion that lies within the world you have chosen to focus on, every piece is absolute, is necessary, every piece is necessary for your understanding of self.

Through meditation, you will understand this, you do understand this. This is the time you have given yourself to understand it, and through meditation, you can separate and join. You can see and feel, more importantly, you can feel, you can know. How could you possibly be aware outside of this space, within your time created illusion, how could you possibly be constantly aware within a single moment -when in reality, you are-, because your mind and your ego is working constantly to separate. It is deliberately chosen by you, creating all of the confusion. It is like a machine, it is a tool, it is a tool that you chose to do this, to force you to a position of understanding self. And I repeat again, it is a necessary tool, it is deliberate, and it is perfect.

You are constantly, within your time created illusions, seeing energy formation, energy separation. And you are seeing it form and separate and back to one from two to one, from zero to one, zero to one is your binary system, and this is what you create, it is what you witness, it is what you see, it is what you know. If you break down every natural form of energy, you will see how perfectly it is formed by you, how it is created by you.

Man, your species, man, men, have always been confused as to how all natural things are so perfect, well, this is the answer. They are perfect because you are a perfect form of energy created from source, and it is you that creates this. It could not be anything other than perfect. So, when I say to you, you must think always in the positive, you must think positive continually. You already chose to do this, but by applying this, by consciously applying this, you will know love, you will know source, because this is what source is, and this is what you are.

And you will not judge others as you will become aware very quickly that they are you. You will not hate, you will not fear. It is only your ego, your mind, that initiates into your life fear, because once again, this is what you designed it to do. And I know it sounds very simple in here, and I know when you’re out of this space, it can be very complicated for you. But you chose to retain one foot in and one foot out, and you chose to do this. It is an incredible journey for you, it is an incredible journey for us, as we are you, the same thing, and you remember through us, and we remember through you.

You have created as much time as you need to understand self when in reality, time is an illusion. An illusion, it does not mean it does not exist, it is your illusion of time, of what time is. There is only one moment for all and everything, and all and everything is possible within a single moment, and you have, within a single moment, created this time for you to understand self.

And, I must remind you once again to remove all fear, all, every, remove all, there is nothing to fear, there is no beginning, and there is no end. You are, and ‘you are’ is what you will always be, and you know this within self, and you have always known it. You are, I am, it is the same thing, as are we, as are you, the same.

You must be compassionate to yourself, and yourself is everybody. You must be patient within the time you have created with others, their journey is also your journey. They have also created a time illusion to understand self, and they also are living within a single moment as you are. You might view them as being behind, there is no behind, it does not exist, they are the same as you, no form of energy is left behind. Remember that behind is your illusion, there is no behind, there is no higher, there is no lower, they are you, the same. And within your time-created illusion, you must show compassion, you must love. When you love, you are loving yourself, as all is one.

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The Man in the Cave