Session 82 – 13/04/2023

A channeling session with The Man in the Cave: a spiritual journey into consciousness.

Channeling session 82

When your biological form was created by another physical form, that physical form knew that you would raise your vibrational energy at some point in your cycle, you would raise your vibrational energy to release yourself from the entrapment of mind, of ego. They knowingly created you with this knowledge that you would, at some position, some point in the cycle, release yourself to join the world of ultimate consciousness. But whilst you continue the cycle of entrapment, you would use the terminology asset, a given value for your masters, your creators, this is what you are whilst in this cycle. You are a value for a different energy, a different physical form. As all and everything is energy, it is the energy that they will receive from you, which is where their interest lies within you as a asset, value. But when you reach the point where you no longer wish to reside in a physical biological body, they accept that you will no longer be of value to them within the physical form that they exist within. This is universal law. It is but a process that you engage within, as all consciousness exists within all and everything within a physical and a metaphysical form.


When we use the word entrapment, it is for your interpretation. There is no entrapment, it is experience. It is for you to experience. It is what you chose to do. It is also a cycle, and this cycle has been repeated many times upon your planet, what you call Earth. It has been repeated many more times than you are, or your scientists are aware of. Their timescales for this are incorrect, within the time that you work with, that you have created. They are incorrect. Hundreds and thousands of your years, it has been repeated many times and it will be repeated many more times in what you call time. But of course, time is your created illusion, and all of this is happening within one moment, as is all, as is everything.

Time should not be used as an explanation for a dimension, well not your interpretation of dimension. It is not real so therefore, it can be manipulated. It can be altered. It can be changed. It can be and is removed completely so it is not an actual form of any type in a physical form other than another creation of your mind. Whilst it is similar, it is not the same.


The light on your planet is burning brighter. The energy is lifting. You feel it. You feel it and your conditioned life will tell you it is confusing, and you feel the change. You fear. You must remove the fear. If you remove the fear, then you will add more light. You will add to the lifting of the vibrational energy, and this is what you chose to do within this moment. The cycle is occurring within your time created illusion. It will complete, it will go back to the beginning, and it will start again. The only important thing for you is position and position is awareness. And there is no beginning, there is no end, it is one. It is your time created illusion so there is only position which is defined through awareness. And you are assisting others to become more aware of self, which is you, which is man, which is us, which is source. And we know it is coming clearer for you, for you both, and we also know that your conditioning, your mind will not understand this, and it will push against it.


In every aspect of this physical life you chose to focus on, we have spoken to you about faith. It is necessary for you to retain faith when you feel lost within this world, when you feel confused. Faith will overcome this. It is an energy, it is absolute, it will keep your positioned within the positive. It is your mind that is intrigued about the detail, but your mind does not have the capacity to understand, to know. It is simple, it is your mind that will make it complicated, deliberately complicated. You are experiencing this, you are adapting to it, you are knowing how to separate. You are in well positioned.



The background frequency you hear today is different. John wanted to change, and we meditated with 432 MHz, instead of the usual 528 MHz. We didn’t notice any difference, but the next session John will want to go back to 528 MHz. We could perhaps do without it, but John feels that hearing this frequency helps him to communicate.

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