Session 92 – 24/05/2023

A channeling session with The Man in the Cave: a spiritual journey into consciousness.

Channeling session 92

It is correct to use the explanatory of A to B. This is your communication, your terminology, from A to B, when in fact there is only A, there only exists A. There is no B. You create A to B, this is your illusion. This is your conditioned life, you create A to B as a journey. And whilst on that journey, you also create many obstacles along the way, many problems, many diversions. And in truth, in reality, there is only A. And with your mind and your ego, you will get to B. And then you will understand that you never left, because B is A. And when you arrive at A from your illusion, because you never left, you will then and only then realise just how incredible and how possible everything is. A, and your created B are both created from source. And the journey back, when in fact you never left, is back to source energy, back to God. And then you will choose – you will likely not choose to create another journey -, but because everything happens in one moment, the choice will be made within that moment, as all choices have been made within one moment, as all choices are taking place within one moment.

Whilst all and everything is one, the separation, which is the A to B journey, the separation of species, of humans, of all life forms, the separation is deliberate. And whilst on the sphere, each and every is in a different position, a different point, but ultimately, all will end up back at A. And the illusion is that they left it in the first place, which they didn’t, they created B themselves.

This is true self-awareness. This is enlightenment. This is what you seek to understand whilst you focus on your A to B journey, this is what you seek out to understand. It is free will. It is your choice, but without the understanding of process, with the ignition of ego, of mind, you believe – believe, an interesting word – you believe you do not have a choice. You have always had choice, and due to your ego’s ignorance, its inability to know, to want to know, the choice is wrongly interpreted as having no choice.

This cycle is infinite within all physical form. Infinity does not exist, but the illusion of infinity in its own context creates the cycle in itself. So all physical form continually expands, it continually grows, cycle after cycle after cycle, right the way around this sphere and back to the beginning. Many cycles, an infinite amount of cycles, when in fact, there is only one, only source, only God.

You have a greater understanding of this now and of course, within this life you have chosen to focus on, this illusion, within this one life, you have chosen to become aware of this. You have chosen to enlighten yourself with this knowing. Whilst you are on the A to B journey, you will not fully understand this. You will not fully understand this until you are back at a point, position. One foot in and one foot out is your terminology, it is your understanding of the journey you have created. As we never left, as there is nowhere to go, it is the same for you. But you created this cycle and you have continually created cycles of A to B, illusions, journeys that in reality do not exist. Every point, every position in time, that is your time created illusion, every point, every position in time is the same point, it is the same position. One is source, one is all and everything, one is metaphysical and physical.
Attainment of knowing one is true enlightenment, is true love.

Your ego, your mind will lose itself within the complexities of its own creations. Technology and science created by ego and mind will only prevent understanding of the self. It is far simpler. There is little necessity to understand technicality, technology, science. But whilst your physical creation, universe, universes, are ever expanding through ego, mind, through fear, through control, through all created emotions, your desire, driven by ego, mind, is to understand, is to contribute, is to be a part of. You are a part of, you separated with mind and ego, you never went anywhere. It is an illusion, you never left a point A, you never went on a journey to B, you never separated self from one.

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The Man in the Cave