Seth and Jane Roberts

There are some interesting similarities between the teachings of Seth, as channelled by Jane Roberts, and the teachings of TMITC. Here are a few common themes and concepts that can be found in both teachings:
Consciousness and Reality Creation
Both Seth and TMITC emphasise the role of consciousness in creating and shaping reality. They suggest that our thoughts, beliefs, and intentions have a significant impact on the experiences we attract into our lives.
Time as a Subjective Experience

Both teachings challenge the conventional perception of time. Seth often discusses the idea that time is not an objective, linear progression but a subjective experience. Similarly, TMITC suggests that time is an illusion, and everything exists in a single moment.

Interconnectedness and Oneness

Seth and TMITC share the concept of interconnectedness. They both suggest that all beings are interconnected, and there is no true separation. This interconnectedness is often tied to the idea of a collective or universal consciousness.

Higher Self and Inner Guidance

Both teachings acknowledge the existence of a higher self or inner guidance system. Seth often refers to the “inner self” as a source of wisdom and guidance. TMITC also encourages individuals to listen to their inner knowing and desires.

The Power of Belief and Intent

Both Seth and TMITC emphasise the importance of belief and intention in manifesting desired outcomes. They suggest that our beliefs and intentions shape our experiences and that we have the power to consciously direct our lives.

Personal Responsibility

Both teachings promote the idea of personal responsibility for one’s life and experiences. They suggest that individuals have the ability to change their circumstances by changing their beliefs and thoughts.

While there are these similarities, it’s important to note that Seth’s teachings were channeled through Jane Roberts in a series of books, and TMITC’s teachings are presented in a different format. Each source has its own unique terminology, metaphors, and style of communication. Additionally, individuals may resonate more strongly with one source or the other based on their personal preferences and experiences. Exploring both teachings can provide a broader perspective on the nature of reality and consciousness.

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