
Channeling - Consciousness - Self-awareness

We invite you to explore our website and share our channeling experience, as we truly believe it can enrich your spiritual journey. In this world filled with noise and distractions, it’s so easy to lose sight of our true selves. The only way to truly understand ourselves is through self-consciousness, and the only way to truly connect with our higher-self is through spiritual growth. Our channeling sessions provide a unique opportunity to connect with the deepest parts of yourself and receive guidance from the divine.

By exploring our website and sharing our channeling experience, you can gain a deeper understanding of what is self and tap into your true potential. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to elevate your spiritual journey and join us on this transformative path!

There are no coincidences. Nothing happened by what you would term an accident. It may seem that way, but it is not. It is created from you, from your thoughts.

Excerpt from session 3

Share your feelings about The Man in the Cave, and feel free to share your personal spiritual experience. Feed this blog and contribute to the spiritual journey of others! Don’t hesitate to ask questions or give your answers! On the road to understanding consciousness, self consciousness, what is Self, Higher Self… What is spirituality? What are we? What is God?…

Consciousness vs awareness…

The Man in the Cave - Meditation - Channeling - Consciousness - Spirituality - Metaphysics - Awareness - Spiritual topics - Mindfulness - Higher self - What am I - What is God - Channelling higher self - Spiritual teachings - Metaphysical science - channeling books - Self-help - Personal growth - The Source

27 Replies to “Blog”

  1. Hello everyone,

    Connect to the wisdom of The Man in the Cave, through our compassionate AI tool, known as The Man in the Cave’s Secretary. Whether you’re navigating personal challenges or seeking spiritual guidance, chat with The Secretary now! You’ll be embraced by the clarity and support she offers you! And she speaks your language. On ‘Specific Search’ and ‘Sessions’ pages.


    Enjoy it!

  2. Bonjour aux amis francophones de l’Homme dans la Grotte!
    Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer la sortie de la version française du volume 3 de nos sessions!
    Disponible sur notre page Livres, ou via le lien suivant:
    Lien vers la boutique

  3. Hello everyone,
    We’re happy to inform you that the vol.3 of our sessions is available today, in ebook and paperback versions!
    French versions in a few weeks!

  4. Hello everyone,

    Important note about session titles and summaries.

    We consider these sessions in the cave to be the purest and most authentic information we can receive.
    But we asked Artificial Intelligence via ChatGPT to give each of these sessions a title and make a summary, to see if Artificial Intelligence was able to extract the essence, and perhaps make it more accessible to a wider audience.
    It is interesting to see how this artificial intelligence translates material that we might describe as purely natural, but beware, take these titles and summaries for what they are, a simple interpretation by the AI, in terms of both content and form.

  5. Hello everyone,
    4 new sessions available, audio + transcription + translations.
    Since session 128, we’ve improved the audio quality a little, but we’re going to try to improve it a lot more.
    In fact, we had got used to this raw, authentic sound, which in fact corresponds to The Man in the Cave! But it’s going to change soon!

  6. Hello everyone,

    We’re delighted to announce the release of “Man in the Cave – Vol.2”, available in both digital and paper formats.

    The French version will be out in a few days.

    Details here on our Books page

  7. Hello everyone,

    On the Articles page you will find an interesting document on the similarities between The Man in the Cave and certain theories of quantum physics.
    You will also find 2 other documents comparing the teachings of Seth, channelled by Jane Roberts, and the teachings of Eckhart Tolle, with The Man in the Cave.


  8. Bonjour à tous,

    Vous trouverez en page Articles un document intéressant sur les similarités de L’Homme dans la Grotte avec certaines théories relatives à la physique quantique.
    Vous y trouverez également 2 autres documents rapprochant les enseignements de Seth, canalisé par Jane Roberts, ainsi que les enseignements d’Eckhart Tolle avec L’Homme dans la Grotte.

    Bonne lecture!

  9. Bonjour à tous,

    Nous avons eu un gros plantage du site toute la semaine dernière. Mes traductions françaises personnelles ont disparu et ont été remplacées par des traductions automatiques, très imparfaites, surtout pour ce genre de sujet…

    Merci aux lecteurs francophones de patienter le temps que je les refasse…

  10. Hello,

    We have added a great new feature on our web site, Specific Search in the menu bar allows you to find spiritual subjects hidden within The Man in the Cave sessions that you are personally interested in without navigating all of the session. Log on to try it and let us know what you think

    Along with this we are also in the process of adding a summary to each and every session.


  11. Bonjour à tous,

    Nous aurons dorénavant 2 nouveautés sur le site:

    • Un résumé pour chaque session en page Sessions.
    • Une page Recherche Spécifique où vous pourrez trouver du contenu concernant différents thèmes, extrait des différentes sessions de channeling.

      Tout ceci sera mis à jour continuellement…
      Bonne lecture!

  12. Albert Einstein: Born 14/03/1879-Died 18/04/1955 (Aged 76)
    A few weeks before Albert Einstein’s death he wrote a letter to the family of a recently deceased friend in which he wrote, “For people like us who believe in physics, the separation between past, present and future has only the importance of an admittedly tenacious illusion.”
    Through his life’s work and his devotion to Physics, Einstein, in a practical way, altered the way we live. Were it not for Einsteins discoveries our world would be a very different place.

  13. Bonjour John and Phillipe

    Hope you are both well?

    My visit to the cave this year was quite incredible. The energy and the sense of being blew me away. It truly awakened my knowledge of inner self and conciseness. I shall listen to your sessions over the coming days and report back on my journey. I know it is going to be both fascinating and enlightening.


  14. Hi John and Philippe, I continue to listen to the words. To everyone reading this, just listen to the words, experience the seemingly silent moments between words, experience the words. I don’t try to understand. The words alter as awareness develops. And on hearing the same words a second or third time . Or when going back to an earlier recording. Look forward to the updates. Thanks

  15. Bonjour et bienvenue à tous les explorateurs de la conscience!
    The Man in the Cave, l’Homme dans la Grotte, inaugure son site aujourd’hui!
    Bonne visite!

  16. Hello and welcome to The Man In The Cave,
    I hope you can get the same inspiration and peace from exploring the man in the cave that Philippe and I have discovered on our journey.
    Please feel free to comment on the blog or just enjoy the site.
    Stay Positive

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