Session 107 – 10/08/2023

A channeling session with The Man in the Cave: a spiritual journey into consciousness.

Channeling session 107

You are already aware that your entire physical form resonates through frequencies, with frequencies, with all frequencies. You are both a transmitter and a receptor. This is all living things, this is everybody who has this ability to transmit and to receive frequencies. This is physical formation of which you formulate from self.

Mind confusion receives these frequencies in many forms, and it will have a physical effect on your physical form, on your mind, but not on your conscious. Your conscious sits outside of this, you sit outside of this. You are not a physical form, this is an illusion. This is your illusion, and this is what you are attempting to understand, to be aware of. And the most powerful formation of energy from source, in a way that you would interpret it is love. Love is source. So, to enable you to understand that you are not a physical form, you have created a physical form to exist within. But you are not a physical form. You are a pure form of energy and for you to understand this, you must understand love as being the most powerful form of energy that exists.And each and every one of you is the same. It is one, it is not billions, it is one form of energy, of pure energy and you have created this illusion to finally understand what you are. You have created another form of energy.
But because you have created another form of energy, because it is from you -it is the same energy- it is your mind that allows you to think it is not. What a form of energy, when separated, does to self it does to others and what it does to others, it does to self. This is absolute.

And when you consume all of the different energies that have constantly been created, are constantly being created, your mind cannot process. It is incapable of processing such a vast amount of energy for it to make sense of this within its own illusion. It is impossible, and this is when you must step out. You must step out into your consciousness, into the metaphysical to understand this, of which it is all metaphysical. It is not physical and whilst you are in a physical form of your creation, you will revert back to mind, to ego. This is your focus.

We must feel love, the energy of love created from source. You must feel this, this is positive. This is not a game. This is possible for you to do this in a physical form because whilst you are in a physical form, you are metaphysical also, you are both. And this is the journey you have chosen, and you choose all.

It is totally irrelevant what is occurring within this illusional time you have chosen to focus on. It is all energy created by physical form, vibrational energy, and it is all going to the same point, the same position. The story and the thousands of stories that you have created are irrelevant. It is a structure created by you to put yourself in a position. It is irrelevant by the fact that it is only, it is only a tool that you have created. It has no bearing on your ultimate position. No right, no wrong, and it must be viewed that way, it is merely an implement, a tool. A vehicle, as you are a vehicle, is what it is. How can you lay judgment on a vehicle? A little bit stupid, do you not think?

Your emotional reaction to all scenarios that are presented to you should be only love, only positive. This is source, this is God, this is what you seek. Seek and you will find.

This channel is always clear, it is necessary that it remain clear.

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The Man in the Cave