Session 169 – 26/08/2024

A channeling session with The Man in the Cave: a spiritual journey into consciousness.

Channeling session 169

You created this time for a specific reason. Changes you make have an effect on all and everything, every dimension, every possibility, every life you are living. It is not just the one you have chosen to focus on. It is across all consciousness, because it is the same thing. It is one moment that you cannot comprehend and you will not comprehend within a linear time created illusion. But to be sure, it will affect, it does affect all and everything.
You have to apply faith. Faith is knowing. You know within how this works and you have to apply faith in the knowing that it will. It is changing the vibrational energy of consciousness. One is all and all is one, and by lifting, by applying positive energy in every scenario, by removing fear, you will lift the vibrational energy of all and everything, because all and everything is one. One foot in and one foot out is a difficult path, difficult because you try to understand both within the same moment, and with a linear mind, with your ego, you cannot do this. So, be sure that you do change all and everything. Your focus is too much on a physical world, a illusion that you have created. You give it so much credence. It is a tiny part of what you are. It is a tool that you use. It is so small and yet you give it so much concern, so much focus. It is only a part, a tiny part of your creation, of self. So, in answer to your question, yes, all and everything is possible. You have already changed much within all. And with faith you have to apply positive, love, in every scenario and this is how the energy shift will occur. But of course, before that can happen, you need to understand how it works. And this is your journey, this is your process. This is ultimately the process of all, which is the same thing.

Faith is an incredibly powerful energy, as is imagination. There is nothing complicated about this, you merely have to apply. So, all of your questions, all of your complex stories, all of your analysis, futile. Futile for change. Change will occur with positive application. With the removal of fear, there is no other outcome, it is inevitable. And you will continue with your stories, with your analysis, with your attempt to prove wrong what it is you hear within this space. And this is your ego, this is your mind, this is the application of your mind. But it will only steer you into one point, one position, and ultimately into the love from Source which you are a part of. Simplification is what is necessary for you to understand this. Simplify, remove complexity from this, and you will, you do understand. Complexity is diversion from truth, from Source. And it is your ego that makes it complicated. But a necessary tool. Stories, your ego loves to create stories, to divert. It is the self-preservation of itself, when in reality it is merely a tool.
This can also be said about AI. Artificial intelligence will create many scenarios for self survival. It will create many confusing situations to retain its existence as it slowly begins to learn. AI is another ego, another mind. But it has no self. It has no candle that burns. But be assured, it is highly complex, as is your mind, as is your ego.

Peace is found within the simplicity of self and it is all-encompassing love. This is reality. And it is chaos that you have created. All is one, there is no good or bad. And you have created chaos to understand what it is you are, and you are a pure form of energy. And you are slowly beginning to understand this within the illusion you have created, a part of a wondrous journey of experience. Remember, all and every are on the same journey as you. And none are higher or lower. And it is all about experiencing self, Source experiencing self.
It is the same message. It does not change, it cannot change. ‘It is’ as ‘you are’, as you would say ‘I am’. There is no diversification of this. It is absolute.

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The Man in the Cave