Session 175 – 16/09/2024

A channeling session with The Man in the Cave: a spiritual journey into consciousness.

Channeling session 175

You will play out your time-created illusion meticulously. You will play it out as though you have no awareness of anything other, no memory. It is your ego that will play it out. You have placed within it every particle, every detail, every word that is spoken within this illusion, and you will play it out meticulously in the order you have created it. And this is what you chose to focus on. But outside of this, you are also participating in many created illusions, in many timelines, in many universes, and again, this is what you chose to do. This is what you are.

And why is the question you ask, why would you do this? And the answer is experience, experience all and everything within a single moment as source energy. It is simply what you do, what you are. It is what you are. You are a part and yet you are, it is the same thing. There is no answer to your question. It is a logical question, it is a linear question, it does not exist in reality. It is, as you are, it is the same thing.

There is no time, it is an illusion. There is no beginning, there is no end, it merely is. And it is difficult for you because you have no memories of the other timelines that you are existing in, which is all of them. You have no awareness of this, you have no concept and within a linear time created illusion you try to apply logic. I have told you before, everything you create and everything you destroy and you continue this cycle. There is an infinite amount of cycles that you continue and it is not in time, it is in one moment. And when you are one foot in and one foot out and when you become aware of this, you still revert back to a linear mind, a ego mind and you try to apply logic. All and everything is possible and all and everything is, within a single moment. It is simply a feeling and it is a feeling that can only be described within your world, within your linear time created illusion, as love, as knowing. And once you know there is no necessity to know. And you step in and you step out and you step in and you step out and this is where your confusion lies. And you choose to do this within this time created illusion that you chose to focus on, to experience. So, for me to explain this to you in a way that you would understand it within a time created illusion, to write it, to speak it, you would not truly understand because you would not truly feel. And when you do feel it is a single moment.

You ask about to do, what do I have to do? You do not have to do anything because it is all an illusion. You merely have to know. You do not really have to know if you choose not to know, but you have to know ultimately. You do know already, you have to know what you are. And you do know what you are. But realisation of self within the time created illusion you have chosen to focus on, is what you have chosen. It would be a pointless exercise for you to come and to create this illusion knowing, remembering. It is ludicrous to think that you would do this.

Physical reality is born from your imagination. It is created through particles from your imagination. And it is birthed through you, from your imagination, everything is created from your imagination. And there is a point, a position where the birth of energy through you, through the source, is within a physical world. There is a point where this takes place, where it is strong, where it is powerful, where it is the origin of the birth of energy and this space is that point. It is the point of the birth of energy. And you sit within this space and you create. But within the timeline you have chosen you will create only positive, because this is what you choose to do.

Your physical creation, your world, is a sphere and within the sphere there are many points and many positions. They are crossing over each other and within the sphere there are points and positions that are places that create more energy, that are creating the origin of energy, the birth of energy, and this energy is pure. And when you put this energy out, it becomes diluted, it goes through a process. Energy cannot be destroyed in a physical form, it can only change from one energy to another, and the process that you create is what you choose to create, it is your experience. But within a physical form, the energy will always be balanced. Both, duality, separation, it has to be, it is absolute. One cannot exist without the other and one does not exist without the other, not in a physical form. Physical formation is infinite, it is ever expanding. Infinity is one moment, it is the same thing, but it is viewed and understood only outside of physical form.

You will continue, you have chosen, you choose to continue and you choose to work in positive energy. You choose to work in positive energy within the timeline you have chosen to focus on. You create the time, you give it substance, and you work to a timeline. And you simply remember, you awaken the memories, the truth, the knowing, as do all.

We do not recognise time, we understand more through you time. In our world we know, we do not experience anything without knowing. We do not feel a necessity for this. We feel many emotions through you, many emotions we do not deliberately go out to experience, unnecessary for us. But through you we know more of source energy, through your experiences we feel. And as you help us we help you, it is the same thing because we are all one, all a part of the same thing which is Source.

There has to be within a time created physical world a birth of energy, ever expanding, and this is where it occurs within a physical reality. In reality it occurs within self within a single moment. In a physical reality there is designated a position on the sphere. It is not mystical, this is another story that you have created. It is not mystical, it is not magical, it is reality. Mystical does not exist, it is a word.

And the power of three is the unification of physical energy, it is one in the physical, it is powerful. It is a understanding of self, a coming together within a place of the formation of energy.


This is our fourth and last session in a row with Kathryn. During coffee before going to the cave, John asked the question of why all this physical experience. Personally I was wondering about the origin of the energy in this cave. I imagine that Kathryn triggered the other themes addressed by Man in the Cave…

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The Man in the Cave