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Spiritual topics - Channeling - Awareness

On this page, you’ll find a selection of spiritual topics covered by The Man in the Cave. The only purpose of this arbitrary selection and breakdown is to enable you to quickly find certain statements made in the course of the sessions on a given topic. They are therefore taken out of context, and cannot on their own reflect the entire message conveyed by The Man in the Cave, which can only be guaranteed by reading the sessions in their entirety, preferably in the order in which they were given.

Moreover, by deliberately breaking down the message, separating and boxing up these spiritual topics, I’m going against his original teaching, which is to make us aware of their interconnectedness and of the unity that exists, in both the physical and the metaphysical, the One.

Certain topics, with different words, in fact correspond to the same concepts, and certain statements made by the Man in the Cave could just as easily be found in other topics…

And it’s in John’s voice that you’ll feel the emotion behind the words.

Nevertheless, I hope you’ll find some of the information in this thematic classification useful in your quest.


This page is permanently updated.

Some topics may disappear to merge with others, and some new themes may appear.

Please check back regularly.

Fear will stop your journey. Awareness will allow you to continue. It is very simple. Fear is created by you, by your mind.

Excerpt from session 32

The Man in the Cave

You asked me where I am from. I am from the same place as you, as we all are. There is only one source. When you are asking the questions, I am answering the questions. That’s the reason I am here. Ask with sincerity, and anyone can get the answers.

How many are asking? Not as many as you think. They are not lost, they merely don’t ask. It’s not as complicated as you think it is.

(Excerpts from session 2)


We are all the same. You choose to live outside of the source as I do, as so too does Seth. We are all from the same source, as one, as all…

There are things I don’t know. There are questions I cannot answer. But we are all connected…

In this world it is not a question of right or wrong, it is a question of knowing. You do not have to ask the question, is it right or is it wrong? It is automatic that you know.

This is much different than the world you have placed yourself in. In this world it is not difficult to access the information, it is already within you. There is no question of its authenticity…

The connection to another energy source is not difficult, but communication is often difficult in the way you would interrupt the language. The communication is difficult because the energy is different…

In a mental form there is no necessity to eat, there is no necessity for money, there is no necessity for all the things that you value so dearly in the world you created. It is what you would term free, it’s all free. There is no confusion.

(Excerpts from session 4)


I am you and you are I…

It is not my intention to confuse, it is not my intention to control, merely to inform, to remind you.

(Excerpts from session 5)


I am here to help you understand, to rationalise. It is difficult for me also. You would say we are from different cultures, different worlds, when in reality we are the same…

Your conditioning screams out to name everything, to give me a name. There is no necessity to do this. You have asked me on many occasion what my name is. I am not a name. I am an energy, an entity, I am you. I told you before, I am Seth, it is the same thing. You would not understand that because you are screaming to give me a brand, an identity, a name. It is not important.

(Excerpt from session 6)


I will not leave, I will not leave you. I am you. How could I leave?

(Excerpt from session 10)


Clear and precise is as it should be. What is above is below, it is the same thing. It must be clear to you, it must be obvious. You will know. Information is confusing. Radio waves can be confusing, nondescript, but you will know. You do know. There are many trying to do what you are doing now. The door has opened, but you have a clear channel. It is by no accident. I am not the source, I am like you. I have a higher understanding than you do, but it is the same.

(Excerpt from session 11)


We are given many names, many brands, and they are the same.

You have to analyse everything. Sometimes what you think is correct is not necessarily correct. Motives, reasons, many have ulterior motives and reasons created by themselves within their world. Their world is not the world, it is only their world. Of course more confusion. The confusion is unnecessary, created by yourself…

If you want to work with us on a practical basis, then it’s possible. But there’s no necessity for this. You merely have to understand. Practicality is the same thing. Your conditioned mind would create us as ET – is what you would call us – but it is only your conditioning that would do this. There is no differential between any of us.

Your words make it very confusing for us also. Your interpretation, your application, confusing. It is one. We are the same.

Practicality applied in our world is much different than practicality applied in your small world. You have to look from outside within to understand this. I know you are confused about practicality and application. Knowing is application, knowing is practicality, one follows the other. It is not so complicated. Everything works on frequencies, the energy from the source…

If you create a carnival in your life, then you will live in a carnival. It is what you create. We only choose to focus on what is real, not something from your imagination or creation that we know is not real. That is why we don’t like names and brands. You relate to this. You warm to it. You create a story around it. But it is not real. I won’t even say the names that you create for us because it’s a diversion. It is wasted energy. That’s why I won’t say it. It is confusing for you. You create your own confusion.

It is best to be simple, to know the source. I can play with your words if you want me to, but it’s unnecessary.

I have been with you for a very long time in what you call time. With us you built many things on this world, many.

(Excerpts from session 12)


We have learned the physics of the universe, the world ……. (Transcript from audio impossible) physically or metaphysically, because we understand the physics. You do not yet understand the physics. You are learning. We do not interfere. It is to our determent if we interfere. We guide, we confirm, we challenge. Challenge is not interfering. We do not impose, we respect. Our form is not your form. All metaphysical forms have a structure. It is a little bit like a DNA structure. All physical forms have a DNA structure. All metaphysical forms have a DNA structure or similar. All frequencies carry a specific structure, their interpretation designated by value, value for their effect. This is created from the source. It is energy, pure, value for purpose, value for creation, for direction. We have created many forms using this energy. The technology would be beyond your understanding. The ability to appear and disappear would be beyond your understanding. The ability to be able to travel in time within a second would be beyond your understanding.

(Excerpt from session 13)


We choose to be a form or not a form. We are all the same, all connected. What I show you is what I know. How could I show you something I don’t know? It’s impossible. There are many forms, some communicate, some don’t. It is their choice. And it is your choice to discern between those forms. What you believe is, or what you know, not believe, what you know is correct.

The higher self is making its way back to the source. We too. There is nothing to fear from us. I have said to you before, when we are helping you, we are helping ourselves. This is the reason we help. For you it would appear selfish, but it’s not. Because we are all connected, there is no selfish, it is from the source. Isolated and wanted to be connected. This is awareness.

So, we choose to be a physical form or we do not. I know you desire to meet us in a physical form. This is possible. You have to be prepared for this. You think you are, but in reality you are not. We will come…

People are awakening all over your world. It is not only us that are talking to these people. There are many. There are many levels of this awareness and understanding. Your communication channels are open, and people are talking about contact. It is only you that know that it is correct or not correct. It is only you that can discern. There will be lots of confusion. It all boils down to one thing, that is emotion, your feeling. How do you feel when you listen? It is very simple, but also very confusing for you. You must ask yourself, how do I feel? What do I feel? I think you know why you feel…

You must remember everything is possible in a mental world, so therefore your physical form is irrelevant. Your physical needs, your physical desires, irrelevant. The possibilities are endless, infinite. One completely outweighs the other, a step up the ladder.

It took us a long time in what you call time to recognise this ourselves, to recognise it within other species, to understand it, to understand the separation between the conscious and the consciousness. Through technology we can separate, but it is not your technology. It is the technology of the source through frequencies. Through emotions we can separate body, physical to mental. And we can choose to live in both if we wish. And we do. But for you this is an astronomical experience. For you it is huge. But there is no need to fear it. Remember, we can choose the form we wish to appear to you. We can choose whatever form we like. We will always try to choose a form that will not shock you or surprise you. Or we can change the form. But the emotion doesn’t change. The feeling, that will always be a constant. We cannot change this. We can utilise it always, but we cannot change it. It is the source.

You know these things, and you are communicating with the source, not with us, with the source. We are utilising that position. We are capitalising on that position. We too are communicating with the source, almost like a translator in the middle. This is why you are protected. Your protection doesn’t come from us, it comes from the source. We, like you, are observers. We are learning like you are, although we are more advanced than human technology. The source’s technology, we are still learning, we are still communicating.

(Excerpts from session 14)


We do not have illness where we are from. We do not grow old. We do not kill each other. We do not kill others. We create what we wish. We live where we wish. There is no reason for us to eat or drink, but we do because we take pleasure from this. If we need minerals, we create them. We use our energy to form them through frequencies. We can create any type of particle through frequencies. If we wish to live in a physical world, we create it. We all know how to do this. We all know what is correct. We all know how it works, how it is applied. There is no necessity to oppose each other, to destroy each other. I laugh when I see you doing this on the planet you live. It’s due to confusion.

Male and female is the same for us. We can choose to be one or the other if we wish to. We can choose to integrate if we wish to, as either or both. One of your longstanding separations is between male and female, when in fact they are the same. Your conditioning did this. Created opposition, challenged, created competition, when in reality you are the same thing as we are…

We can travel in a physical form and we can travel in a mental form, and we can travel anywhere we like in an instant. But travelling is ok, but you need to know where you are going. You need to know why you are travelling, for what purpose. We do not just stick a pin in a map of the universe and go. It is a very deep environment. We do not know the full scope of this environment. We cannot map it. We do not know, and we do not engage until we know. This is the key, knowing. This is what we are trying to show you. Know. Do not think you know. Know. Knowing means there is no discrepancy, there is no question, there is no wrong, no right, it is final, it is complete. When you know you have no more fear, no more questions to ask. It is relatively simple if you think about it in those terms. It only becomes a problem for you when you don’t know.

(Excerpts from session 15)


You have had many teachers in your lives. You have been inspired by many people. They are us. They are the same, from the source. You will continue to be inspired by many people, many elements. It is your support, your support mechanism. It is necessary. We have been with you for a very long time in what you call time, yes time, your illusion, your made emotion. You are understanding more every day. You have known for a very long time in what you call time. Your understanding is getting greater…

We too are looking for more answers. We understand the philosophy better than you do, so therefore our questions are more precise than your questions. Your questions are based on your conditioning. Our questions are based on knowing, but we too are looking for answers, like you…

It is an advantage for me also to give you this information, to help you to understand. Subconsciously you have always received the information. To be consciously aware of it is an awakening for you, a call, a calling. How you react is your choice. How you apply is your choice.

What we give you, we know, we do not think….

Through us you can feel the source. We are your channel, you are our channel. It is the same. You can’t imagine the beauty that lies within.

(Excerpts from session 18)


It is no good for me to explain to you what it is we are trying to learn from the source. You would not understand. But we are also intrigued like you are. We also wish to know more like you do. We are also on a journey like you are. When we help you, we are helping ourselves because you are us. It is the same thing…

The reason I talk to you like I do is because I know you don’t want to know the detail. You don’t ask for the detail. This is good. It’s simple. If you need detail, then you don’t know. The detail is unimportant. When I say detail, I am talking about your conditioned life and your conditioned lives. I am talking about all the crazy things that have been created through the energy, through the source, the crazy things in the universe. It is not necessary to see the physical element or even know what it is. I know you know that. This is why the channel is pure, why it is clear. It is a lot to ask for some people. It is about faith. I told you before, faith can move mountains, it can also create them…

You ask me how many others are experiencing this. It’s irrelevant. There is only one. It is one. It is the same. Seven billion or one, it is the same number from the source. Again, you are trying to apply your logic, your conditioned logic. It does not work in the metaphysical world, it is like two different languages of spoken words, trying to communicate in two different languages when neither understands the other. It’s impossible.

(Excerpts from session 19)


You call us your higher self. This is correct, but it is not correct in an egotistical view. It is one. It is the same. We are the same as you. We are you. Again, the same words. You need to be guided. We are not brainwashing you. You need to be guided. We need to be guided. You need to be reassured. Your conditioning needs reassurance, always. It is unnecessary for us. Reassurance does not exist. We know. Our questions about the source are much clearer than your questions. We also learn from you.

(Excerpt from session 20)


We stop many from communicating with you (2). It is a pure channel. Purity is important. When I say we stop, it is not like you think. We cannot force, we can only explain to them. The decision is theirs, it’s not ours, but we think it necessary to encourage. We cannot control, it is impossible for us.

(Excerpt from session 21)


The frequency between us and you has to be pure. Again, there is a defined pureness. It has to be defined, otherwise it can be contaminated. It is made up of vibrations. You can raise the vibration of your machine, your body. You can also prevent your mind interfering with your consciousness, your soul, your words…

Although we know we must join the source, we are like you. We have not. But we are metaphysical. We are not physical, but our journey is the same. Just because we understand the technology doesn’t mean we understand the source. We, like you, want to learn more. We want to advance. The cycle never ends.

(Excerpts from session 22)


All forms of energy exist in different ways, some physical, some metaphysical. We are metaphysical, but it is the same. There are many forms of energy, infinite, at different levels of understanding. It is true to say that some forms of energy would wish to apply only control. This is through fear. The most powerful form of energy that exists is fear. But, of course, love from the source is completely different. I do not term this a form of energy. I term it the creation of energy. It’s different. This we need to understand, as you do. Although it is an incredible energy, it is also the creation of energy, the creation of all energy, all forms of energy, physical and metaphysical…

You would ask, where, how, what. Well, with the source we do not know. We cannot answer. We know it exists but, like you, we cannot answer.We can only apply what we know. It is impossible to apply what you do not know. You must create, use your imagination. You might say experiment, but it is not an experiment. You must acquire wisdom through knowledge which knowledge is already inert, it is inside you. You must understand the structure, we too…

What an incredible journey for you this is. You have worked very hard to get to this point. All and every are experiencing a journey of some kind. We are happy to share with you our journey. We are sharing our journey with you. Your journey is our journey. It’s everyone’s journey, the journey of everything. It is the same.

(Excerpts from session 23)


You wish to know more about us. There is little more I can tell you other than we are the complete opposite of what you believe is real. We can guide you. I can guide you. You can guide yourself. You are guiding yourself. You have to move away from your conditioning to understand what is spoken here. You will apply it, always, your conditioning. You will apply, and it will confuse you. You have to recreate our world with your imagination, a new word for you, imagination. Frequency, this is the only way you will understand the metaphysical. You have to start at the beginning which is also the end, which is also the moment. You have to start to recreate without the interference of your conditioned life, to build a new story. To understand us correctly, this is what you have to do…

Your story is so basic, conditioned, controlled by you for a reason, the reason you are here. You are constantly looking for errors, errors from us. You may think they are errors, but we only give you the information that we know. There is no reason for us to give you any other information. How could we? Why would we? But your inquisitive mind will question everything. This is not bad. There is no bad. For you it is necessary. For us it is a waste of energy. You have important things to learn, your journey has just begun, there is so much more. We too have to learn from you. We learn from every living thing and every metaphysical thing. We choose to learn. We choose to acquire wisdom. You too, you chose the path of learning. Your life cycles were orientated around this path of learning, of growing, of experiencing all and everything in one moment. But remember that moment can be changed. Although it is written it can be changed, this is hard for you to understand. It is your choice. One can change, billions can change. It is the same thing, in an instant. You can feel the energy now. This is your creation. This is our creation. You can see it.

(Excerpts from session 24)


Knowing makes it very easy to apply the formula, to create. Not knowing makes it difficult. This is your Conundrum. Because we know, we can apply. It is only a formula, a process. What you have created in your world is an illusion. And what you continue to create is based on that illusion. It is based on your fear. Your fear if you don’t create is part of the process. So for us it is much different than it is for you. We know if we create an illusion, which we do, we do create an illusion, but we know it’s an illusion. You do not know. So there lies the confusion.

(Excerpt from session 26)


We, like you, are looking to know more about the source. You do have a connection to the source like we do, as one. We do not wish to confuse you or interfere with your journey. There will be repercussions if we interfere. The same as if you interfere with anybody else’s journey. So we wish you no harm. I am not trying to manipulate you. We can learn from you as you can learn from us. But it is not a simple question, not as simple as you may think it may be. We do apply what we know to make our lives simple, easy. You apply what you know to make your life difficult. This is what we know. We do understand that you go through cycles of difficulty. We do not.

We can take any form we wish in a physical. But if we take a form, it is for a reason, otherwise we have no necessity to take a form. And often that reason is for our enjoyment, our pleasure. But we would not choose a form for pain. Again, pleasure, pain, it is an illusion. But it is felt. As an individual it is felt. So, we choose. You, also, you choose. It is true to say that we are often intrigued why you choose so much pain, so we learn from each other. We want to know like you want to know, to understand more, the source, the origin of all energy…

The question of higher self? We are one. You may consider in your conditioned world we are higher than you because we know. This is not correct. We are the same. It is only terminology. Again, conditioned terminology that would say we are your higher self. We are self, we are one. You would look at us as being wiser than you. We are not. We are the same. There is no higher, there is no lower. It is the same. So we are again playing on words and perceptions, illusions. It is not real. You created the terminology higher self because you want to believe that something exists outside of self that is better, bigger. If we can portray wisdom to you, you also to us, then neither is higher nor lower, but the same. Terminology is difficult to communicate. It is only an expression, higher self, to explain a situation of experience. You are experiencing us. We, through the communication channel, are experiencing you. There is no higher or lower. There only is energy.

You are protected from the source because you are aware that the source exists. You cannot explain the source, we cannot, other than the creator of energy. We do not know if there exists other sources of energy. We do not think this is the case. We do not know. The infinite universe of many universes, we believe there is only one. We do not know.

We do not mean to deceive you in any way. We know what we know. And, of course, it is all subject to one moment, one time which we know can be changed in an instant. And this you do not understand, neither can we explain it to you. Your science is trying to explain it, but they have not. So it is not so simple…

The all-encompassing love, not your human created dependency, but the all-encompassing love of the source is the only thing we are trying to understand, as are you. It is the same thing. There is no necessity for us to manipulate. Our only desire is wisdom, more wisdom and more knowing, just like you. You have learned so much in a very short time, what you call time, but you have been learning for the whole of your existence, no beginning, no end, a process. We too…

Alleviate all your fears. There is no necessity for you to be scared of anything. The journey is filled with excitement. You choose to fill your journey with pain. We choose to fill our journey with excitement. We wish for all species, all life forms, all physical matter, all-encompassing of every physical creation to be at peace, one with the source. This is our wish. And if we help, we are helping ourselves on this journey. No right, no wrong. There is no right or wrong. But we know, given a certain direction, that an energy will form and take. We know it is growth, expansion, creation, imagination. We know this, so we focus on this. We do not focus on the opposite of this, although they are both the same, from the source, from the creation of energy. The source is infinite, no beginning, no end. You cannot understand this. If you want your question answered, you need to understand this. You need to know this. You need to understand, to know that there is no such thing as time. It does not exist, it is your creation. You need to understand all these things to answer your questions correctly, and you do not. I can only give you comfort that your journey is the correct journey. This is the best I can do.

(Excerpts from session 28)


You do not call us to be here. We never left. We are always here. There is no here and there, it is the same point. So in your conditioned life you would say, “Come to us.” We never left. We are always here. For us it is another ridiculous request, but we understand, of course, what you are actually meaning. Again, the words are unimportant, the meaning is all important. This is how we have to translate from your conditioned world to understand what your request is. Your words are insignificant. And we are emotions and frequencies. Your creation of energy is what we know and understand.

Consciously apply, consciously apply, you are aware. Enlightened, it’s another word you use. It gives the perception of better. There is no such thing as better. It does not exist.

(Excerpt from session 29)


We can be in the moment everywhere and anywhere in one given position, or in many, but there is still only one point. I know you are trying to understand this. It will be difficult for you. The answer will lie in your imagination. You cannot apply the practicalities of your conditioned logic to make this work, it is impossible.

Your thoughts around our existence are childlike, insignificant, based on your conditioning. Whilst you are half to the truth, it is not the truth. It is far simpler to understand in a metaphysical than it is in a physical, and contamination of the two will never achieve an understanding.

(Excerpt from session 30)


You must watch, and you must learn, learn how the human race destroys itself, learn why it destroys itself through fear, learn how it destroys what it has created, how it chose to destroy what it has created. It chose, you chose this process for a specific reason. This is something we struggle to understand. We fully understand the process, but we do not know why time and time again you would repeat the exact same cycle. But within it we do believe there is wisdom. There is energy from the source. We do believe this exists within this process.

(Excerpt from session 31)


We – I say we, as us, as you -, we are never without you. We never left you. Left, there is nowhere to leave to go, it is your terminology. Once again, there is nowhere to go, to go to. It doesn’t exist. You create whatever you want to create, to experience whatever you want to experience. There is nowhere to go, nowhere to leave to go to. You merely grow as an energy…

It helps to feel sometimes human emotion. It helps to feel the pain, the love.

You will stay with us.

(Excerpts from session 33)


Yes, it is always hard to know where to start. So many questions. We, too, so many questions for you from us, it is the same. We have told you many times we are close to the source. We do not understand fully the source as is the same with you. We know your species is closer to the source in many ways. And, yes, we do need to understand more. We search for the answers as you search for the answers. It is not a game as you perceive it to be a game. It is the search for wisdom derived from knowledge. Knowledge is infinite and is already within. So, yes, we do need you in the same way as you need us, to teach each other.

You ask, are we Greys? This is funny, it is ludicrous. We are whatever we want to be whenever we want to be. Your interpretation is childish. It is like that of a child. I have told you before we are metaphysical. We are not physical, but we can take the form of physical if we wish. In an instant we can do this, and in an instant we can let go. So maybe we take the form of a Grey, maybe we take the form of a human species, maybe we take the form of whatever we wish to take. But it is irrelevant. The form is a machine, it is a vehicle. It is not real. It is not from the metaphysical world. It is a form. We can create any form we wish to create. We can create a new form if we wish to create it. So your question, “Are we Greys,” can you see how stupid this question is to us? It has no relevance…

We are, or we consider ourselves to be, powerful in the metaphysical world, we are a pure form of created energy in a metaphysical form, so we do consider ourselves to be worthy of this. But you, too, are the same, as are all the same. Realisation of this allows you to have the ability to do what you wish to do. You already do this without the knowledge, without knowing you are doing it. This is the difference. We know you know. We know you have done it many times. We know you choose to forget, you choose to have no memory. Every time you do it you choose to have no memory. This we don’t understand, this makes no sense to us. This is why we need to understand why you do it. What is the reason you do it?…

You talk about self-sacrifice to the source. We do not understand self-sacrifice. We are part of the source, what are we sacrificing? You must ask that question, what are you sacrificing to the source. What is the point? Yes, you are confused now, but it is a simple question. What are you sacrificing to the source with self-sacrificing? We do not know. We do not practice this. Why would we? It is very simple, if you become aware of all, there is no reason to do this, it is futile. The cycles you create are futile, but you create them over and over again. The complexities you create are immense within the world you live in, but you keep repeating the same cycle over and over again.

Of course, we can feel love for each other. We do feel love for each other. We feel love for each other, and we feel love for you. We are part of the same thing. There is no need to question our intention of love. We understand this philosophy very clearly and always have done. It has no relevance with self-sacrificing. You say it is the source trying to understand the source. This is confusing to us. The source is all seeing and all knowing. Why would the source do this? But you seem to know. This is confusing.

We also know lots of things that you do not know, and we are happy to teach you many things. Of course, trust will always come into the equation from you, Your created world is reliant upon trust. Our world is not. You will always question everything. It is what you do as a human species, you question everything. You need to trust. It is necessary for you to trust. We do not. It is not necessary in our world to trust because we know. We understand why you question, it is your conditioning. You are at a crossroads. It is a bridge you need to cross…

We have always been in control of our own destiny. We do not envisage that this will ever change. We do not perceive a time, as you know time, that this will change. Why would it? We do not understand not being in control of our own destiny. We are not aware of how this works. It appears that you like not being in control of your own destiny. We do not understand why you would feel this way. This is interesting to us knowing your history, knowing where you have been before, what you have done before within what you call time. It is the moment. It is interesting to us why you would choose this path.

We can adapt ourselves to any type of human emotion, laughter, love, joy, pain. But we choose not to. We do not see the necessity to do this. We can, if we wish, do it. Sometimes we do adopt compassion, sometimes we adopt compassion for all and every, but there is no necessity to continue this process over and over and over again, like you do. You believe it brings you closer to the source. We are trying to help you to free yourself from the life you have chosen, to be aware of the reason you chose it, to understand more the metaphysical world which is the only real world to exist within. We believe we are helping you, but we also believe that you may be able to help us to understand more the source. I know this is what you think, and it is correct.

(Excerpts from session 34)


We prefer not to give names for places. They are insignificant to us. Many other energy forms will want to give you such information, precise information of their terminology, of their existence, of their creation. But it is the same thing. We do not have names in the same way that you prefer to give everything a name. A name creates another illusion, another story which for us is incorrect. Of course, we know what you are referred to in this particular life you have chosen. Of course we know what your names are. We prefer not to express your energy form in names. It has no significance. It feeds your ego. It feeds your human desire to be wanted, to be needed. We prefer not to feed this desire. This is the reason we do not use your language of names. Whilst you are still working within this world you have chosen, then we will do all we can to prevent you reverting back to your conditioning. Using names will only encourage you to remain in your conditioning. It is very simple…

It is also true to say – yet again more questions you ask -, it is also true to say that from the creation of life in the world you have created that it is necessary to go through the whole process. The whole process is the creation of life within this world.So to become a form of the same as you, then we too would have to go through the process, the whole process. But we are also aware that the whole process has no time. So for us it is irrelevant (4). You would measure the process in time. We would not, but we still have to go through the process, the same as you have gone through the process many times because, after all, the process is the human form of life…

Reward is not measured in the metaphysical with any type of material gain. Reward is not measured in the way you would perceive reward to be measured. We would say that reward is awareness, it is wisdom, it is a closer relationship with the source. You would say reward is recognition, it is valued in material form. The only reward that we recognise is a reward from the source of the understanding of love for all and every. This is the ultimate reward, as you would term reward. For us, the search for knowledge and wisdom stands at the highest point. There is nothing that we can be rewarded with that is greater than this.

(Excerpts from session 35)


We would consider ourselves to be a higher form of awareness. We do not consider ourselves to be above other entities and energies, but we do consider that we have a higher knowing. This does not make us in your terminology better or worse than any other energy or entity.

(Excerpt from session 36)


It is true to say that we are formed from the same consciousness, it is true to say that we have the same journey, and it also true to say that not every consciousness has the same journey, that is a journey of understanding, of knowing. We do not consider ourselves of a higher consciousness than that of you, but we do consider that we are aware of our consciousness, and we know that you chose not to be aware within the journey you are now making. This interests us. This is the reason why we communicate with you. This is the reason why we look down the ladder to find the reason why you chose, why you chose this route. You are from the same as us. Why would you repeat the lower self? Not lower in your interpretation of lower. Why would you want to be unaware, asleep, and go through a process, yet again ,of awareness. Why would you choose this journey? Why would you consciously choose this journey? Because you did consciously choose this journey. And I will repeat yet again, when we help you to awaken and become more aware, we are helping ourselves, this is universal law. Do you really want to awaken having chosen to come into this world asleep? It’s a big question. Why would you want to go through the process again and again and again? Maybe there is something that you missed. We do not know. We also look to the higher self, the higher consciousness. We believe the highest of all consciousness is the source. We are not the source. We are part of the source, as are you, as is all…

We only know of nine. We are not aware of twelve. This you are learning. You can call it levels if this suits your terminology. Nine is one, it is the same. We know there is higher than nine, we would call this the source. We are nine…

We do not wish to tell you what your future is. It is irrelevant. It has already happened. We are not as you would term fortune tellers. There is no necessity for this. If only you could realise how child-like this question is. The only thing that is necessary is to understand. By knowing yourself, you will understand because you are us. Your insignificant human life and your desire to be needed and wanted is also a process that you have put yourself in a position to endure. It is also irrelevant. No, it is not just irrelevant to us, it is also irrelevant to you. You just do not realise how irrelevant it is.

(Excerpts from session 38)


You have learnt a lot. We too have learnt. Again I say to you, by helping you we are helping ourselves. But it is the same thing, we are you, energy from the source, so we might as well say we are helping ourselves, as one.

(Excerpt from session 39)


You are correct when you talk about theory and practicality. We do not experience the practicality of your physical creation. We choose not to. There is no necessity for us to do this. But we do observe your emotional reaction to the practical world you have created. It is of great interest to us, certainly considering that you understand subconsciously all aspects of all dimensions…

It is also true to say that as you are becoming more aware, we are watching your experience. We are monitoring your experience. We are learning from your experience. An awakening is truly a magnificent experience. You chose this journey, and we have great interest in it.

We are all created from the source, source energy, the origin of all dimensions, the origin of all created metaphysical and physical consciousness. We need to understand better the source, as do you. We can live your practical experience, your physical experience through you because you are us. We can smell and hear and see and feel through you because you are us. It is the same thing, the same energy. It is literally only one word.

(Excerpts from session 40)


We are you, we are the same as you. You may use the word higher, higher self. This is not technically correct with the words that you create, but you are content to use the word higher. We are not higher. We are you. We are the same. You are also correct to use the word sessions. We are not teaching you anything. You are not learning anything. You are experiencing. It is an experience…

You have chosen a very difficult path. It is frustrating to you, I know, but this was your choice. We do not wish to experience the same cycles that you have experienced, although we are the same as you. We separate ourselves from these cycles, and we watch you. We learn from your experience within these cycles you choose. It is necessary for us to advise, but only advise on process, on application. We cannot choose your direction. This would not be advice on application and process, this would be manipulation. By doing this, we will harm ourselves. By helping you to understand, we will help ourselves…

You now have the ability to understand my words. Many will not. Step by step you understand more and more because all and everything is already written, in one moment. We have the ability to know all and everything within that one moment. We do not experience it, but we do know it. There is a big difference between experiencing it and knowing it. You are experiencing it. You do not choose to know it. We choose to know it, and we choose not to experience it. There is a big differential between those two things.

This journey you are making is very significant to you. It is very significant also to us…

We do know which ending of this physical life you will choose. We are not talking about you individually, we are talking about your world that you have chosen to be in. We know all of the endings of which there is an infinite amount. You ask yourself, how can we know infinity? We know. We would not guide you to any of these positions. It is for you to know what the correct position is for you. It is important for you to stay in the positive. It is not the same for all, they are in a different position within the cycle.

(Excerpts from session 50)


We cannot explain to you one, one moment. We can only explain to you the source of all. It is the same thing. Until you are completely metaphysical, you will never truly understand this. It is impossible. Words could not possibly explain to you this, but we completely understand the process you have chosen. We do not completely understand why.

(Excerpt from session 51)


There is no longer any need for us to prove our existence to you. You are fully aware of our existence, and to prove it in a physical form is not necessary. We do not live in a physical form. We are purely metaphysical. This is our choice. We do not speak your language, our world is a world of frequency, of emotion, of energy which is applied in the metaphysical in a completely different way than your world of language, of material existence. We are merely telling you the facts. We are merely explaining to you theory as you can move forward and apply this process. And we understand how difficult it is to apply a metaphysical philosophy to a physical existence. Once metaphysical it is easy to understand both physical and metaphysical is completely separated by you. Your choice to be physical, your choice to live in a physical world, we do not choose this, but we understand both.

(Excerpt from session 60)


We are a pure form of consciousness, of consciousness energy. We are not separated by positive or negative, by good, by bad. Whilst we help you to understand this, we help ourselves to understand also the source. And your understanding of the source is limited through your conditioning, through your chosen conditioning.

(Excerpt from session 66)


We have all the answers to your questions. But often your questions tell us that by the way you ask the question, your questions tell us that you wouldn’t understand the answer, because to us the questions have no meaning. It is a step-by-step process of awakening, of understanding. Each position, each point you find yourself in, is correct for you. And although we have also got Faith – it is not the way you would interpret Faith -, we are also on a journey, as you are on a journey. And we also recognise the source as the complete one, as the complete one energy.

(Excerpt from session 67)


This is also a simple answer to your question about what is our gain from this (2). It is very simply when we help each other, we help ourselves because there is only one energy. There is only source energy. We are one. We are you. We are source.
We, as you, do not learn. It is not a lesson. You are remembering. We know. But we are one. We are expanding energy as are you together as one.

(Excerpt from session 68)


It is also true to say, in your words, in your explanatory, it is true to say that we are a higher self. We are you as you are us. It is the same thing and it is true to say that we are able to experience through you, your physical form. But we are the same as you. We are one.

(Excerpt from session 69)


Even within the metaphysical dimensions, energies do not choose to constantly dwell within the metaphysical. They choose to dwell or to focus their position within the physical as you do. Why do you focus on one position when you can own all positions? We do not know. You are all and you are one. Why would you choose to separate from the consciousness, from the source, and to focus on only one position when you have all positions within one moment? We do not know. But we do know if we help you to understand this within the position you have chosen, if we help you to become aware of this, then we are helping also ourselves.

(Excerpt from session 72)


You choose the topic of the conversation that we have in this space. You always choose the topic. It is not guided by us, it is guided by you. The consciousness and the physical world, the illusion that you have created are the same thing. Metaphysical is all there is. Your created illusion is part of the metaphysical. Whilst you chose to separate yourself from the vastness of the consciousness, you also strive to belong, once again, to the fullness of the consciousness. And you choose to remember, at a point within a position, you choose to remember, so you choose the subjects that you wish to discuss within this space.

(Excerpt from session 74)


This is what makes your journey interesting to us as to why you would choose the most difficult path of understanding, when you already know the consciousness, you already know the vastness and all-encompassing love from the source. You already have experienced this many times. There is only one moment, there is only the pure form of life, of love from source. There is only metaphysical. Physical created illusions are created for separation to journey back to source energy, one. And we, like you, as one have intrigue. Physical creation intrigues us because both physical and metaphysical is the same thing. And separation is by choice.

(Excerpt from session 76)


You chose to understand one before you understand the other, when in fact they are the same thing, and you separated them. Your journey is to reunite.

We experience this energy separation through you. We are not separated, we are one. We are not source energy, we are a part of the source. We are not complete source, we are a part as you are a part. But through you, we can feel different frequencies, different emotions. This is our interest. We can also explain to you the process, the process is absolute.

There is an infinite amount of choices you can make. We will not guide you to choose. If we do this we are interfering. We do not interfere, it will be detrimental to our journey of understanding.

(Excerpt from session 79)


We, like you, experience. We, like you, like you, travel to experience. The experience of a physical world, the emotion, the vibrational energy is much different in a physical world than it is in a metaphysical form, and we can feel this through your frequency, through your vibrational energy and this allows us to understand more of your dimension…

We do not force this communication with you. It is your choice as it is ours, as we are one, as all is one, one consciousness. Consciousness sits in everything and anything. You have no understanding of how this communication, this vibrational energy will go out within a moment to an infinite and vastness space, consciousness. Together we are lifting vibrational energy.

(Excerpts from session 80)


Although we are pure metaphysical energy, we are also two. We are also ever expanding, ever creating. Although we understand more the creation of technology, there is no necessity for this type of technology within a metaphysical created dimension.

(Excerpt from session 81)


We know. You do not know. You know some, you do not know all, and what you do know keeps your candle burning. It becomes brighter.

We do not know completely source energy…

If you require to understand prediction, you can lower the dimension entity that you communicate with. It is of no interest to you, but you know, there is a little point, you are already aware of how this works. We do not prevent you from doing it, it is your choice, it is very precise. Neither do we prevent communication from other source energy. We would not do that, it will be detrimental to us, to our development.

(Excerpts from session 88)


When I question your choice to repeat over and over again the same cycles, I question this because I see no necessity to do this, considering that you are already aware before you place yourself in a position where you choose to forget your awareness, consciously and deliberately. I question your reasoning for this. Your chosen cycles create much pain for you. But pain is an illusion deliberately created by you, pain, to ultimately experience love from the source. But to consciously choose this for me is a question I ask, why? There is no necessity for you to do this as you are already aware, as you have been aware always…

I do not know that you choose to help other energy forms progress within the cycle of knowing (3). I do not know this, because I do not know I do not accept this. But the universal law from source, from God is, if you help energies to progress, then you will help yourself, it is the reason for our intervention with you. We know we are helping you, and by doing this, we know we are helping ourselves. And we are given many names, we are given many abbreviations, but it is insignificant to us, names. Names are stories.

You isolate yourself. We are all connected, you are aware of this. Whilst we are helping you, we are also helping ourselves, and both you and us are also helping others. There is only one. Your conditioned inability to know this whilst you focus on this one life will hold you back from knowing all, but it is deliberate from your perspective.

(Excerpts from session 90)


If I inform you of a specific momentary occurrence, this will direct you to this moment, this is interference. I will not interfere with your journey, it is you that chose this journey. It is your wish I do not interfere. It is your choice.

I am you, I am you in a different dimension, I am you in nine as are all, one.

(Excerpt from session 94)


We are you, you are us, you are I. It is once again the same thing. There is no separation. It is an illusion, and you are both developed enough to understand this, whilst many are not.

Your religious teachings will call this your higher self, it is not your higher self. It is self, it is you, it is one, it is us, it is not higher, it is not lower, it is. You must remove the perception of higher and lower. There is no higher and lower, it does not exist. It is one moment for all, for every.

(Excerpts from session 111)


I am informing you, I am not ordering you, I am merely informing. I cannot interfere in any other way, neither would I.

(Excerpt from session 123)


We are helping ourselves, as we are you. We are moving further towards the understanding of source energy, as are you. It is only important to know more of Source. It is not important to know more of physical technological creation. And the more we communicate, although we are always one, the more consciously communicate, the more we become closer to Source, as do you become closer to Source, and Source is all.

(Excerpt from session 128)


Remember, it is you that create the questions, and it is we that answer them.

And we understand more source energy through you, through diverse thoughts, and information is the way we understand.

(Excerpts from session 134)


If I were to bombard you with information, which I cannot, it is not my choice, it is yours, but if I were to bombard you with information, then you would not understand. You cannot comprehend the vastness of information that is created with within the universes, within the spaces, within the entities that exist. It is truly incredible, and for you, it would be truly overwhelming.

(Excerpt from session 139)


You merely ask me what is the meaning of life? I cannot tell you all, but I can tell you more than you know, and this is process. I can explain to you process, I will not direct you to a deliberate position on the sphere, it is you that will find this point. I will merely explain to you, process, and through knowing process, you will know self.

(Excerpt from session 142)


What are we? well there is little reason for us to explain in detail our world. We create as you create within a single moment. The difference between us and you is your illusion, you are not aware you do this. You are not consciously aware of this, we are aware of it. So, what is the difference? There is no difference in reality, but the difference in the words you would use are awareness, knowing. Knowing this is the difference, knowing what you are and knowing how to be aware of this. This is the only difference, if there was a difference. Awareness is all, knowing is all, knowing self is all and everything. By knowing self, you will know all.

(Excerpt from session 145)


Your mind is insistent upon applying time and space. Your question to me is, where am I? Where am I? You are not, you are one, all and everything, one consciousness, you are us, we are not anywhere, within your time-created illusion, we are everywhere, within, one. There is no restriction within us, and there is no restriction, no time or space restriction within you. So, we are at the same point, the same position on the sphere as you, and we are a part of you, the same thing. There is no place, or space or time, there is nowhere to go to, nowhere to be. It is, we are, you are, one.

(Excerpt from session 160)


Your connection with us is your connection with self. And it is by your choice, and it is by our choice. And it is to experience, and to know what you are. Not to think you know, but to know.

(Excerpt from session 164)


We are you, and we know your pain through you. Through you, we too awaken. Through you, we too know more source energy.

(Excerpt from session 166)


I have informed you many times, one foot in and one foot out is incredibly difficult for you. Out completely from a physical form is us. To attempt to understand both at the same time, it is incredibly difficult because you are living within a physical form. You are allowing your mind and your ego to control you, so, you will constantly revert back to your mind and your ego. When you are out, you are out. There is no distraction from mind, from ego. This is us. This is how we live. And you are attempting to achieve both within the exact same time created illusion. Very difficult indeed. But it is also a fascinating journey. Running side by side, there are many contradictions, and this is your way, your chosen way of understanding what you are.

And through what you have chosen, we also learn. We learn through your experience, your contradictions. We learn more source energy. We do not know beyond Source. Beyond, we do not believe. And I used the word believe because we do not know what exists beyond Source, because there is no beyond. All and everything occurs within a single moment. So, how can we explain beyond when we know all exists within a single moment? But for you, you have chosen an incredibly difficult journey. But you must be aware, you must know that there is only love, there is only Source. And ultimately, within a single moment, you are source energy.

(Excerpt from session 167)


You are here for a reason. You have chosen this illusion for a reason. You have chosen to focus on this illusion. And we have also chosen to communicate with you during your created time within this illusion. And we have chosen this because it also helps us to understand more source energy, what our understanding of source is, much different than yours. We understand much more of the process. You are learning, have learned the process, but you choose to forget. You choose not to remember. You choose to experience, and to forget is to experience, again.

Whilst our world is filled with positive energy, with love from the Source, we learn much from your experiences, your erratic time created illusion from man’s experience of self. We feel, we do not use words, we are a species of emotional vibrational energy. We feel all and everything. We observe, you ask questions and receive answers, we observe and feel. You are beginning more to observe and feel, a necessary tool for you.

(Excerpts from session 170)


And you choose, there are many frequencies, many emotions you are feeling right now. And you choose to communicate at this level. It is between you and it is between us, it is a joint relationship of communication. You can hear many frequencies now but it is your choice and it is our choice, and it is a coming together of choice.

(Excerpt from session 174)


We do not recognise time, we understand more through you time. In our world we know, we do not experience anything without knowing. We do not feel a necessity for this. We feel many emotions through you, many emotions we do not deliberately go out to experience, unnecessary for us. But through you we know more of source energy, through your experiences we feel. And as you help us we help you, it is the same thing because we are all one, all a part of the same thing which is Source.

(Excerpt from session 175)


John and Philippe

You will be helping others, but you won’t be aware that you are. It’s a natural occurrence. It’s a natural occurrence from the source.

Even your closest will question you. In fact, probably more they will question you. You have to remain strong, know inside that your experience is correct. They will question you through their own fears, through their own interpretation of what is real and what is not.

(Excerpt from session 8)


You have both played this game many times before, together, always opposing factors, one positive, one negative, one plus, one minus.

The setting is irrelevant. The meaning is the same. Centuries in what you call time. The roles have changed many times. The ego-created roles have changed within you on many occasions. One is a crutch for the other, an opposite, an opposite energy, but the destination is the same.

This time it’s no longer a game. This is a conclusion…

It is an individual journey. You help each other, but there is only a limit to what you can do. You have to go from within.

(Excerpts from session 10)


I do not talk to you individually. You are one…

(Excerpt from session 12)


There are many messages coming through now from the metaphysical world to your world. More advanced, more advanced elements are sending through many messages to lift the vibration, coming from what you would call species, many species. But it doesn’t matter what words you use to describe the elements. They’re all one. They’re all the same as you, from the source. There are many people transmitting this information to other people to try and lift them, to try and lift them onto the journey. It is having success. This is your journey, both of you. It is your journey. It is nobody else’s journey. You chose it. You can leave at any time. But I know you won’t. Your faith is strong.

(Excerpt from session 17)


You are two opposites of energy which makes a perfect solution, but you are the same as we all are. I have no other description for you other than you are energy, because that’s what you are. Your energy has created so many things in so much time, in what you call time. Your mind is taking a back seat now. Your consciousness is surfacing. This is good. This is the reason your ego is diminishing. This is through your choice, you chose it. You have created so many experiences…

You are from different origins of creation, not necessarily the human species, but it is all the same. It is one, it is the same thing. Again, we are separating, you are separating. You are trying to define something. All I can tell you is that you are not all the same. It is all you need to hear. Not all the same in the form you have chosen and where that form’s origin lay. But it’s still the source. It is the same thing.

You will never deny what you are again. You have come to a junction, a point.

You must stay on this journey. You will fill your life like you cannot believe is possible.

(Excerpt from session 19)


You are changing. You understand more. There is much, much more to understand, to know. You are never going to be isolated when you can feel the source. You felt the source all of your lives, both of you. You feel isolated. You make yourself feel isolated. It is your ego, it is your mind. You will never be isolated, it is impossible, isolated from what you treasure the most, the source. It will never occur. We never leave you. We are part of you.

(Excerpt from session 22)


You have set out on a serious journey. Historically it has not been so serious for you. It is necessary. Laughter does come from the source. It’s a very powerful energy, but we find it necessary to focus, to focus on all of the questions that you need answered. We do not like to complicate, especially with words. It is the most serious journey you will ever make, and you will continue to make. An endless journey, an infinite journey but a serious journey, not a game, not an illusion. Real.

(Excerpt from session 23)


We do not make mistakes in the way you would term mistakes. Our words are chosen. We will see, we will see when you write. Your ego is never failing you. We are not challenging you. It is not how we are. You wish to challenge us. We do not understand this. We do not relate to it.

There is no answer for you. We are you and you are us. By challenging us, you are challenging yourself. Why would you do that? It is in your conditioning, simply in your conditioning. But, again, necessary for your journey. You have always challenged everyone and everything.

The other energy in this room does not challenge. His conditioning has taught him to love, to care, to associate, to be kind. But, again, it is conditioning. Both necessary, both opposing.

You must relax, both of you.

(Excerpt from session 24)


You are having what you perceive to be your communications with us, an incredible journey. It is an incredible journey for you and for us. There’s not as many as you think that are in a point in their life where they can do this. There are others, but not so many as you think. This channel is open to all, all is one. It is open to anyone, but their conditioned life in your world does not allow them to make this step, to have this experience. You will try to explain this to many people, I’m afraid it will fall on deaf ears. But some it will not. Most will merely be intrigued, and then they will stop because their conditioned life will carry them in the way it has chosen to carry them, in the way they have chosen it, it will carry them. Your world likes carnivals. It likes theatre. You would be theatre to most people. You would be a carnival, you would be a clown to most people within their created carnival. But to some you will not.

(Excerpt from session 28)


I can tell you that you have both taken many forms in your cycles, many. Male and female within the human form and many forms outside of the human form, both. The details are irrelevant, insignificant. Not of this earth, you would say. But irrelevant, it is the same thing…

We find your choice of journey interesting. Your origin has never always been a human species. We find it interesting why you would choose to take this journey when you know, and you have always known. We find it interesting to know why you would take such a difficult journey. And we believe it’s possible that we can learn from this, so we can help you also. We can help each other.

The two energies in this space, not us, but you two energies are completely different through choice. Through choice and to meet. It is necessary to have a balance, to complement. Ultimately the same energy. But on the journey, different. It is necessary for the journey and has been over and over again, again, by choice. What an adventure you are having…

I do not consider any other species to be any different than us. They are all from the source. We do consider, however, that some know, and some do not know. They are different types of energy. Your energy is very strong, both of you. You cannot be manipulated. You will always be drawn to the source, always. You will be guided towards the source, always. This is why you have nothing to fear. This is why you are protected by the source. But, of course, your conditioned life will draw you back as you chose it to do so. This is what you chose.

(Excerpts from session 32)


You become more aware, more understanding of people and life. You experience more in your life to make you aware. You chose to do this.

When you use words like leave and go, it is not possible, it does not exist. And, of course, you are both a different type of energy which helps you both to understand each other. If you did not understand each other, you would be the same. Both is necessary to understand one. Both is the same, it is one, it is one form of energy of which there are eternal endless forms of energy, infinite forms of energy being created in what you call time, consistently in the moment.

(Excerpt from session 33)


It is not the first time you have been in this area. It is not the only life you have visited this cave for the same reason always, to communicate.

(Excerpt from session 35)


You are with us, as you always have been. You are a part of us. You chose to go through this process again and again and again. You are at where you should be, precisely. It is not the same for all. You measure your progress, whilst you have communicated with us, you measure your progress in terms of your awareness in terms of time. This is not important. In terms of awareness, it is. You are becoming more aware, both of you, less concerned about what is occurring in your created illusion. This is correct.

There is nothing to do other than what you are doing now. To become self-aware, to focus on self, when you are self-aware you are completely aware. Know thyself, know thyself and you will know God, the source. I use the terminology God because it is the terminology that you always revert back to given your conditioning. It is the source. Know thyself and you will know the source. And all is the same as you, as we are, it is one.

You desire always to have a higher, what you consider to be higher level of communication, of experience. This is what you are experiencing. Your wishes, your desires, you are now experiencing this. You chose to experience it, both of you. We too chose to experience this. From the position you are in at the moment, you subconsciously chose it. From the position we are in, we consciously chose it. There is a difference.

We do not believe that we can give you any more knowledge than you already have, but we do believe we can make you aware of this, and it will awaken once again the wisdom that you already have, and it will allow you to be free from your conditioning once again. We do not know if you will choose again the same cycle. We do not think you will, but we do not know. Your position is exact at this moment, it has not moved. Your energy is precise, it is exact. There is no reason for us to remind you to have no fear. You do not. Yes, it is way beyond your original expectation of what you could experience and, of course, you can experience whatever you want to experience. You are slowly realising the insignificance of the world you have created here to what is the reality. But you choose. Wrong and right, there is no differential. They are the same.

(Excerpts from session 36)


You have been with us for all of eternity, your infinite energy. You have worked with us for a very long time. You have stepped out of your comfort zone on many occasions, this we admire. But we don’t understand, you have chosen to do this on many occasions, we know you never left – as we said before, there is nowhere to go -, but we do wonder often why.

(Excerpt from session 37)


Yes, you are teachers, like we are teachers (1). We do not interfere as you do not interfere. But we evoke reaction through conscious thought which evokes growth, growth for the energy that you all are. This is what you do. This is what you have chosen to do…

Harmonisation of particles is necessary also for you in the physical to create pure form of energy that exists. It is not contaminated in here. It is good that you continue your journey of discovery. There is no necessity in your life for gimmicks. You are way above that (4).

(Excerpts from session 38)


You see now how insignificant the questions are that you asked at the beginning of this journey. You can see now how they have no reflection upon what truly is what you consider to be life or consciousness. It is a wondrous feeling for you to now be aware that these things that you believed were significant are totally insignificant. There is much for you to learn, and there is much also for us to learn. You could say we are so far apart, but we are not. We are so close. We are the same. I did tell you how insignificant your questions were, and I think you now understand why. Your journeys are the same as our journey, to become aware, each and every of everything. And you must also experience the physical world you have chosen to belong to. You must also continue to experience all and everything that this word has to offer you, a world that you created. It is the same as the world that we created, that we all created, from the source…

No more gimmicks. It is not necessary for you. You must relax and accept what you know. It is not necessary to prove anymore. It is only necessary for you now to enjoy your journey, to take pleasure from your journey, to enlighten others to join you in your journey, to experience all and everything, physically and metaphysically. It is no longer for you to have to prove anything. There is no necessity to prove anything. You are aware, you are consciously aware. You must develop now the skills that you know you have. You must develop yourself. You have come a long way and there is an infinite way to travel. Truly an incredible journey.

(Excerpts from session 39)


I told you many times, your journeys are different than most. You must work on removing all fear from your life of any kind and think in the positive, always. Fear is a necessary tool within the physical. But not for you. You have chosen a different path. You must think once again in simplicity. Although you are capable of many complex thought scenarios, you are capable of dealing with many in one moment, you must think in simplicity, the simplistic form of energy, of creation from the source. It is now, in what you call time, your time to do this and to apply positive energy. The vibration of your physical world will be raised. It will be corrected. The necessary cycle it is enduring at this moment, will form into positive vibrational energy. The process is taking place now. Although there is only one moment, you must hold two places. You must hold a place in the physical and you must hold a place in the metaphysical, and you must bring them together to understand the process of what is occurring. You have the capability of doing this.

(Excerpt from session 45)


Your energy is strong, it is powerful. Your ability to create is powerful. It is not by chance that you are here within this space. There are no chances. There are no coincidences. It does not exist. I know it is frustrating for you. You chose to be frustrated. You are driven by frustration. You are driven by challenge, both of you. You are driven by a need to know, an absolute need to know. What I have said to you today, many would not have a clue, but you know it is correct.

(Excerpt from session 50)


You are two energies, two opposite energies that have formed as one energy. Without one, the other could not achieve what you are experiencing within this space. It is by no coincidence that this has occurred. One supports the other. It is a meeting of two opposites that become one of the same. It is a powerful combination of energy. One cannot work without the other to achieve what you have set out to achieve. Without both, one would become the same as it was before. Together it is possible to open many doors of understanding to create much wisdom. It is a powerful source of energy. Outside of this space you will revert back to your singular pure form of energy, you will repeat the same process as you did before. Together you will have an understanding of all, all and everything. This is by no coincidence you chose to be here in what you call time, to come together, to experience this. You chose – you could say you arranged – this process you have repeated many times in what you call past lives. It is not, it is happening in one moment, all is happening in one moment.

You have crossed many bridges of experience to get to this position, both of you, many. Two is one, positive, negative, becomes one energy. Independently of each other brings confusion to you, it brings many questions of validity, of confirmation. In here this does not occur because the channel is pure, it is clear, a clear source of energy. This is the source, this is what you seek, this is what you know. The alignment is correct, it is also correct for us to be able to communicate with you…

Of course, practically, within the physical world that you have created, you cannot live in this space. You do not have to live in this space within what you call time. You merely have to experience the moment, to understand, to tap into your knowledge which already lies within you, to gain wisdom from this knowledge. It is a joint venture. You created all of the pieces that you put together to get to this position, this point. But out there, independently, you will fall back to what is your conditioned life, and it is your conditioned life that will consistently confuse you. But this is correct, this is what drives you back to this position, this point. So you do not have to be concerned when you step out of this space. You do not have to feel that you are losing the connection, you are losing something. You are not losing anything, you are gaining much. You have to live in the positive, this is what you chose. You have to understand the process.

(Excerpts from session 54)


There is no beginning and there is no end. It is an infinite journey of experience for you both. The rules are very simple. The process is very simple. Work with love, work with positive energy, do not allow fear into your life, and you will change the flow of energy. You will change the flow of energy for many people around you also that will be attracted to this source of energy, the source of energy.

You know all the answers already. They lie within you. You can summons them within one moment, or you can apply them to your created time illusion, but you have the answers.

You are correct to say that the energy within this space is pure. It has to be pure. You are also correct to say when you travel within the world you have created, there are many levels, many frequencies, much interference within certain positions on the sphere that you live, many crossovers, many points, many positions for you to experience. But it is necessary for you to experience all because there is only one, that is the source.

Remember, I will repeat to you again, remember the moment. One moment can change and you can change it. You must remain always positive.

All consciousness when separated is different. They are at different levels of consciousness and understanding. But they, too, chose the same as you chose. And when you are helping others, others are you, and of course you are helping yourself to develop your awareness. You have, you both have a high awareness, not higher than consciousness itself which is all – there is non higher -, but your individual part of you, the individual part of you that you chose is becoming free, free from constriction, free from your own choice of conditioning. You did this many times before and you can choose to do it again, although I am not sure you will choose again the same journey. And you chose to help others, and you chose to help others because others are you, and this would help you. And ourselves chose the same, you are helping us, and we are helping you, and this helps ourselves as it does you.

(Excerpt from session 57)


Whilst like will naturally attract like, eventually, within your time created illusion, two energies, two opposing energies will meet as one energy and recognise. They will recognise they are the same energy, and that energy is the all-encompassing energy of love, of light, of source. Whilst you make your journey, your time illusional journey, you have chosen to work within light, within the positive. You have worked many times within the power of your interpretation of good and bad, of positive and negative. You have worked within both. It would be impossible for you to get to the position you are in if you had not experienced both. But it is insignificant for you to remember your past lives, which are, of course, not past. There is no necessity to focus on any conditioned life, merely to understand the process and merely to make a decision based on your understanding of the process, and merely to be guided by the logical wisdom that your physical world will instil within you, guided. It will guide you through your logical reasoning. However, it is difficult for you to understand the guidance whilst you are applying conditioned logic. But you will follow this, and you will remain positive and you will work within the light because this is what you have chosen to do, both of you.

(Excerpt from session 76)


Your main concern should be to know yourself, to know what you are, not to know others. By knowing yourself, you will know others automatically.
But you like to challenge, you like to play, you like to taunt, to tease. This is your ego, this is your game. It is also the way you chose to experience others. Whilst the other energy in this space does not work in the same way, more compassion, more love, more sympathy. These are the attributes from source, from God, these are positive attributes. It is a good compliment because neither is correct or incorrect, all is correct, and all is chosen by you. These attributes you have always carried with you and always will, they are your origin from creation, from the creation of you, from source.

(Excerpt from session 91)


The mass formation of energy within the world you are focusing on is changing, the balance is changing. With the introduction of positive energy, it is rebalancing. It has no choice. It has no choice because this is the only way it will maintain its existence although its existence is an illusion formulated through energy. For continuation it must rebalance, and it is rebalancing.

And you both have returned again to contribute towards that rebalance. It is not a selfless act. It is not done purely for others because others are you, they are the same thing. So you are helping yourself and as you do this, you will be helping others, which is you.

(Excerpt from session 99)


You now have, both of you now have the ability to reflect -reflect is a good word-, you have the ability to reflect your experiences within your conditioned life and you have the ability to reflect back to one, to truth, to source and to understand your conditioned experience.

It is necessary to experience the emotions of pain, of anger, of suffering, to allow you to reflect back to source, to one. It is necessary for you to go through this process, and you are constantly going through this process. And it will accelerate, it will get more intense. And the more intense it gets, the more experience you will undertake to reflect back. It is once again only a process, and it is correct.

You are very lucky to have chosen this process, you are very lucky. Lucky, again, another word I use for you to understand, it is not correct, but you are very lucky to experience this, to be able to discern between what is reality and what is not reality.

To experience this, many do not, many are not. A few are, within the time you have chosen to focus on, within this one life you have chosen to focus on. And you now understand there is no good, there is no bad, it is experience…

So, the process is accelerating, and it is you that is accelerating the process and you chose to do this. And you chose to do this to become aware and you can find peace within through understanding this. You do. It is this what you are looking for.

Tolerance and compassion, your gifts are what you would term gifts, forgiveness, love…

All and everything is happening in one moment. All physical expansion of energy, an infinite amount of possibilities in one moment, but this is of no concern to you. Your concern is to know what you are, is to know yourself, know thyself, written many times in religious texts. Know self, and this is what you are doing. You are knowing self. And of course, I have said to you many times know self and you will know others, because they are you, the same, one.

Repetitive it may seem to you, but now it makes more sense to you. Of course it does. You chose this for it to make sense to you.

(Excerpts from session 100)


You are both energies on the exact same journey, at the exact same position. You are one energy. You chose to be at this position, this point, and you chose for all of your lives within one moment to remain positive, to stay with love, not to fall into darkness, although both are necessary. There are few that understand this. Whilst they are the same as you, they do not reach within to know, to be aware of soul.

This is your separation from them. Whilst you are the same, you chose to guide them, to help them to become the same, when in reality they are the same, no higher, no lower. Pure energy is all and everything.

(Excerpt from session 105)


Always so clear, the origin of the formation of energy is within this space. And always so clear for you to understand it within the space, to receive it within the space. But you are not just a receiver of energy, you are also a transmitter of energy, you are also a creator of energy. You are all of those things. You are a pure form of energy, created from source, a part of source, as are we, one. You must recognise this, know what you are, energy formulated through you, through you both. Both energies is being formulated from more levels, a silly word again, levels, but for you to understand than you can imagine, truly imagine is possible. It is a moment of formation, an instant.

(Excerpt from session 110)


You are both with us now within one moment, not just within this space, but with us within one moment, within this dimension we come to you from, you sit with us.

(Excerpt from session 111)


Your conditioned life, your one foot in and one foot out choice, often confuses you. This is why it is necessary for us to repeat to you the same words. In here, it is very clear, out there it is not. You are living within your time created illusion two very different lives. But you are at point you chose to be, it could not be any other way.

(Excerpt from session 112)


So, you were born from the ninth. This was your origin, and you exist within all dimensions, within one moment.

Many are born in different dimensions, many have an origin from different dimensions, but you, both of you, both these energies within this space originated from the ninth into the physical. Both different energies and both have changed or are changing -have, are, are now-, have in their time created illusion changed many times the output of their energy. So origin is illusion, consciousness is eternal, no beginning, no end, source, and this is what you are, a pure form of energy with no beginning and no end, with no time. And this is metaphysical. It is not physical.

(Excerpt from session 113)


You chose, you both chose this journey, and you chose every tiny particle that exists within it. Within your chosen journey, you pre-meditated every piece but it is all within one moment, a difficult concept to explain but in reality, one moment. And a difficult concept for you to understand whilst you are navigating this particular journey of which you are navigating many journeys within one moment.

You will not get trapped within a box, many will, you might say in your words you will not box yourself in, and you are on a sphere, a cycle of cycles of continual cycles. Neither will you allow any other form of energy to put you in a box. This is the reason you chose to focus on this life. And within the moment, within this space you can focus on anything you like, any other life you are in within this moment, and this is what you are doing now, and it is clear to you now.

(Excerpt from session 114)


And within this time created illusion, what you are recording will force more energy to access the information you receive. And within this time created illusion, what you are recording, this will create massive opportunity for all and every, when in fact, it is happening now within one moment.

And you still challenge, you still question that. It is the challenges and the questions that are the driving force behind the inquiry, behind the ultimate awareness, the game, tools within the process of the enlightenment and understanding.

Less by less, you challenge. Less by less, you question. This is proof for you that there is no necessity to question so much. Your questions are being answered, and within, your knowing is becoming stronger. Again, by choice, by your choice, within.

A magical journey of the enlightenment and awareness is what you are experiencing within your time created illusion. Both, within this space are experiencing the same, but originated from a different creation of their own. Different energies apply to come back to the same point and eventually back to source. Positive production is what you are applying. Again, this is what you chose to do, to apply positive always. It is the production of positive energy that within your time creating illusion will propel you quickly to source. It is the production of negative energy -within, it is important, within your time created illusion- that will slow you down. But it is an illusion, remember this.

(Excerpts from session 116)


Although we follow energy within this space is not aware of such, it is integrating within the same feeling, the same energy. It is also receiving and transmitting, the same, it has no choice, a part of one. Contribution is necessary, as is receipt.

(Excerpt from session 121)


You do not have to reside in the same place as the energy that joins you in here, because within a moment the energy is with you. There can be one, there can be two, there can be three, there can be as many as you choose to be within a moment, you do not have to be physically within their company. They are with you, always, they always have been with you, they are This is another illusion you have created. All and everything is within a single moment.

It is true to say that this space is, in your terms, special. Nevertheless your abilities, your knowing abilities exceed this, they go beyond this point. This position you have chosen to forget -you deliberately chose to forget-, you are at what we know as being nine. There is no higher for us, we are not aware of anything higher than nine. And we are curious about your journey, your choice, your choice to forget and then to remember. We are curious, and through this we learn more of source energy.

(Excerpt from session 123)


You are slowly stripping away the mass confusion you created, and you are exactly where you should be.

(Excerpt from session 126)


You have already made many changes within the moment, not changes, but changing. It is insignificant how this is viewed within your own created illusion. It is highly significant in affect, in actual energy and frequency transmission. There is so much that you believe you do not know, when in reality you know, you know and you apply. And your application is applied through faith. And through faith it appears, it is created. It is not important that you know that it is created. It is only important that it is created. It “is”, as “you are”, and you are us and we are you.

And the changes you have made are also the changes we receive because it is the same, it is one.

And you do not have to search anymore,“You have”, “you are”, you might say “I am”, but your search is over. You have found what it is you desire to find. And you were always going to find it because you already had it before you started to look.

It is Love, it is Source, it is what you are, it is all, and it is everything.

(Excerpt from session 130)


There is nothing you cannot create, and ultimately, there is nothing you will not understand. But you will come to a position, to a point, where you will see little point of creating many things. In fact, you will see it all so insignificant, insignificant in what you are attempting to understand, insignificant within that world, which is insignificant in terms of understanding self, which is all you need to do.

(Excerpt from session 136)


If it is your desire to predict, if it is your desire to see, all and everything exists within a single moment and if this is your desire, then you can see, you will see, but it is you that chooses not to see. It is not just us, it is also you, and because you have made this choice, this is why you do not see, because you do not desire to see, you do not wish to see. But as with all energy, as with all frequency, it is for you to choose, and you can choose, you do choose. So, with your linear mind, when you ask for specific prediction, for specific information, it is you that chooses not to receive such.

Your communication is of a higher level than prediction, although higher and lower does not exist because it is the same thing. What you require to know, what you have chosen to know, what you have chosen to remember, exists within a higher level of frequency of vibrational energy.

When you are asking the question, you already know the answer because the answer lies already within you.

There is no necessity for gimmicks within your chosen path, no necessity for proof, it is your ego. You have already planned this journey, you have already laid out the parts within it that will appear to you when it is necessary for you to receive them. Your journey is one of self-awareness, it is not necessary for you to force, to predict, or to force your journey upon anyone else. But always remember that one can change all, and all can change one within a single moment. You both chose this journey, and you are both making it, you have made it. The questions you ask yourself in your linear mind exist within your ego, within your mind. As I have stated to you many times, it is a difficult journey you have chosen, one foot in and one foot out. But it is clear and precise, and it is correct, there is no deviation from this. It is clear for you to understand what it is I am saying because it is what you are saying, the same thing, and of course, the message is the same. This is how you will know what you are, this is how you do know what you are, and you are a pure form of energy, as is all energy within the physical world, as is all energy within the metaphysical world.

It is important to be silent, it is important to sit within this space, it is important to remove all of the confusion, the chaos. You merely have to talk for a very short period of what you call time to relate and understand how crazy the world is that you have created, so many contradictions within it, and yet within, you know what is correct. You have a grasp of love, of source energy, all-encompassing love. You know that to remain positive is to create the world you desire to live within, when in reality, you already live there within a single moment. This is your focus, this is what will put you on a different point, a different position upon the sphere. You must not fear, you must use your imagination to create this world within a time-created illusion, the world you know is correct, the world that encompasses love, source love.

(Excerpts from session 151)


You have both made a choice. You have chosen yourselves to explain, to portray to people what energy is, what you are. And you are positive. And you have made this choice in one moment. And one moment is something you do not understand, time is something you do not understand, but you have chosen. You choose to do this. You are a conduit between physical and conscious energy, to transmit, to explain how it works. And this is what you have chosen, what you choose to do. And of course, all would not understand this, but some do understand it. It is you that is the receiver and the transmitter of information, of wisdom, of knowledge. And knowledge is already within all, it merely needs to be awakened. And the more you know, within your time created illusion, the easier it will be for you to relay this information. And this is what you do, this is what you are doing, and this is what you choose to do.

(Excerpt from session 164)


And you are in many places within the moment. It is only this one that you choose to focus on, which you are aware of all, this is the one that drives you. This is the one where you experience more self. And this is the one that will release you from the prison you have created. You have chosen to do more within this time created illusion, and you will, you are. It is very important that you are positive, it is very important that you are not negative, this is what you choose, because this is what you are.

(Excerpt from session 180)


The Cave

Of course it is clear in here, and of course it is confusing out there. It is for you to discern the difference and always apply it…

We can communicate much easier within this cave than we can out there. There is so much interference for you both out there. There are many what you would term lost souls out there at this moment in your time. This is correct. Forever lost can be an instant found within a second, and forever is a second. So you don’t have to worry about them or be concerned. Their journey is the same as yours. They are one, they are you, you are them, we are you. It is the same.

(Excerpts from session 16)


It is your mind, your ego that confuses you. It is the love from the source that keeps you going. Yes, it becomes clearer in here. I know it does for you. It is comforting for you to hear these things because when you leave the cave it is quickly forgotten, I know. But every time you hear these things your consciousness becomes more aware. It does not leave you, ever. It merely awakens more. It is necessary.

(Excerpt from session 19)


Enjoy the moment. Enjoy the moment before you exit and go out into battle again once more with yourself.

(Excerpt from session 23)


The conditions that are created within this cave, this area, are good for communication. It’s a pure channel and, of course, you know when you leave this cave, this area, you know that the channel becomes weak, until eventually it seems almost non-existent. You already know this. You already feel it.

We, like you, have to create the correct condition for us to communicate with you. Often this is difficult. It is as difficult for us as it is for you.

(Excerpt from session 28)


What do I mean when I say the channel is pure? It is a given set of principles that occurs in one moment. It is a process. Everything in the physical is made of molecules. Frequencies are made also of molecules, of atoms, constructed. So in a given situation, a precise situation, these have to form together to create a clear channel. This process is not easy to construct because both parties have to construct it in the moment for it to work. When you are in the company of others, many particles, frequencies, are being transmitted, and your mind will interpret through your conditioning, feeling. This is where confusion lies. Cross-contamination is the particles not connecting correctly to form communication. You have experienced this process many times. So it is necessary to create the perfect connection through the creation of these particles, these atoms. And you do this as we do it, using the correct frequency…

Confusion and chaos within the process leaves you pondering on right and wrong. Of course, there is no right or wrong, but your mind tells you this. And then you initiate upon yourself judgment, and you create another frequency, a frequency of judgment. So many formations are created and felt in the form of energy. Most people are not aware that they are doing this. You are aware. Most people are in a state of total confusion because they cannot rationalise the emotions they are feeling. They equate it to themselves when in reality it is not. It is everybody around them in that given situation. So it is important to create a clear channel of communication. When I say to you the channel is clear, this is what I mean. It is a clear channel created by us and created by you, as one. The conditions that you are in now are perfect to create a clear channel. There is interference, but very little. So when you are in the company of other energy forms like yourself, this is why when you leave the position you are in now, it can be very confusing to you, because you are receiving all of this information from everybody and everything around you. So you have to dissect the information and analyse and know where it is coming from. You have to know what you are feeling, and why you are feeling it, and who you are feeling it from, and what is their reason to transmit this information. Then you will understand, and you will know self.

It is a simple process. It is not complicated, but your mind and your conditioning make it extremely complicated. It is for you to understand. Once you can understand this, you can apply it. You can apply it in so many ways in your life. It is not magic, it is a process. It is a scientific, technical process. It is not what you think it is. So this is ours, this is yours, this is everybody’s form of communication, or correct communication. We know this. You also know. Everybody knows. But they know deep inside, the part of them they did not wake up.

Your terminology has always been gut feeling. This is correct. And all of these frequencies are transmitting in one moment, in one time, in one point, one position.

(Excerpts from session 29)


The question you ask is fundamentally simple. Why is the position you sit in a good place for communication? (1) You only have to know of your own experiences in life where the energy is knowing to you or it is not knowing. You can feel the different energies when you travel across what you have created. It is the same, it is the same for this place. It has a different energy. Energy, what is this? It is you. It is everything you have created. Different energy is more acute or it is more subtle. It is more, as you would say, powerful or it is less in its appearance. So this is the place where energy can come together. This enables a clearer communication.This is what you are experiencing now. Your physics would explain a lot of this. But, again, it is a process, a simple process, a formation of frequencies that collide in a position that allow you to open the vertical. It allows you to correspond with, to communicate with a channel. You are a receiver and a transmitter of energy as we all are. And in certain positions and places this energy is what you would call stronger. We would call focused, there is a difference. There are indeed places of the same in the physical world that you created through matter, through frequencies. There are indeed other places where this occurrence is possible. But this place has a strong energy focus, a coming together. You would ask why this place? It is an accumulation of many things. Your own energy has a play in this, both of you, as does ours, it is the same. Your own choice has a focus in this. It is a process. It is a correct pattern of the formation of what you call matter. All elements have a play in this process. It is not the first time you have been in this area. It is not the only life you have visited this cave for the same reason always, to communicate…

It is true that within the space you are now sitting in that you can create different types of energy. There are many things that you can do within this space if you desire to do so. We desire to communicate with you. You may desire something different. It is very possible here for you to create whatever you want to create, to do whatever you want to do (3). You merely have to be aware of this. There is nothing to fear. But also be aware from us that it may shock you. It will surprise you. Once again, this is your conditioning, your inability, your inability to want to understand. You must know.

(Excerpts from session 35)


And as I said before, there are certain points where energies come together. But the energies that come together are the original form of energy, not the confused form that you have created, but the original pallet of paints that you started with.

This is where we are at now. This is the point where the original pallet is created, the point of imagination. This is where you sit right now with the original pallet of paints, with the ability to use your imagination to create your great and wonderful designs, or your chaos, whichever you choose. This is why it is a special place. This is why you are here, to understand this, to be aware of it. This is why the channel is clear. It is not contaminated. It is pure.

(Excerpt from session 37)


In here the energy is pure. It is clear. Out there it is contaminated with all the energies that are being created from each and every one of you. Contaminated is the only word that I can think of to explain to you. But contaminated is not bad. Your words have created many words that insight into you a frequency, an emotion of bad. You would consider the word contaminated bad. It is not bad. But it is the only word I can use to explain to you that you can relate to. It is diluted. The energy is diluted. It is complex. In here it is pure. It is clear. This is why we can communicate with you in here. It is clearer for you to understand. Out there it is not because of the contamination of the production of many energies, infinite, constantly, in one moment.

(Excerpt from session 48)


Yes, you are correct, iIt is clear, it is precise in here. And that is why, it is because it is pure in here, without contamination, without the mass of frequency and confusion. It is clear in here and you must make it clear also out there. You must separate to understand. This is awareness. This is knowing self.

(Excerpt from session 71)


You have created time within a space. Within this space, you have chosen to communicate with us as we have chosen to communicate with you. Within this space you can experience one moment. You can experience no time. You can experience all and everything within one moment. And you do, occasionally, you do experience this.

(Excerpt from session 80)


The channel has to be clear. It has to be pure, a place where we can communicate, where we can come together from different dimensions, where we can come together and communicate with each other. We do communicate with you outside of this space, but it is not clear. It is especially not clear for you. But in here it is clear, it is pure. The information comes together as one, both receiving and both transmitting, clear and precise, as one. It is energy, which is all source energy. But for you to understand, it has to be clear, and it is clear in this space.

(Excerpt from session 89)


I have told you before that the energy in this space is pure. I have told you before that it is the creation, the origin of physical formation which makes it pure. If you wish to apply your words, your language, and if you wish to give this a name, then you can, but you will always make it complicated with your stories, your names. Your application of language prevents correct communication through misinterpretation. It is enough for you to know it is pure. It is enough for you to know it is the origin of energy. It is too much for you to complicate this, it will only confuse you.

Whilst in here you are not confused, it is clear, it is precise, whilst out there you are continually confused…

And on here you can soak up like a sponge the purest form of positive energy and this is also what you must do. For without this, you would be lost, you would be confused.

(Excerpts from session 101)


You must try to feel within the energy within this space a coming together. It is the origin, it is where energy changes to another form of energy, generating, creating a source of what you would call power.

(Excerpt from session 103)


Whilst you focus on positive, which is what you chose to do, you will constantly feel the love from source, a feeling, a feeling of joy, of happiness, of laughter. And when your mind delves into fear, you will be reminded of this all-encompassing love, joy, happiness, and light.

And this again is how you chose to understand the source energy of which you are created. And in this space, it makes perfect sense to you and in this space, it is simplicity without interference, without turmoil and confusion.

The origin, the beginning, when in reality there is no beginning because all and everything happens within one moment, and that one moment is felt within this space. So as you chose, you will do. As you chose, you are doing. I merely remind you of your choice.

It is inert within all living things, the path of love, of source, of God. You are one, as are we the same. It is within this space that you will heal the pain of conditioning.

(Excerpt from session 109)


Always so clear, the origin of the formation of energy is within this space. And always so clear for you to understand it within the space, to receive it within the space.

(Excerpt from session 110)


Know thyself and you will know all, know that you are pure form of energy created from source and within this space you create from pure form of energy, as are we, as are we, as are you.

(Excerpt from session 112)


It is you that create the subjects that are discussed in this space.

(Excerpt from session 113)


There is only one energy, and that is source energy, and the origin of all other energies created comes from source. And the beginning of the creation of energies, when they are pure, comes from source, and within this space, you have the ability to feel the origin of the original creation of energy.

(Excerpt from session 114)


You sit within the portal you talk about. It is where all possibilities begin. They begin and they end within the space you are in. Many doors, as you refer to them, but you adapt ritual as a process…

There is nothing to fear to express in the form of energy, the form of frequency. This space you are in, you are protected, it is the origin of energy. You must allow your energy to flow, to expand, to represent its true origin. A pure form of energy is what you are.

(Excerpts from session 127)


And you are connected to all and every, and within this space you can enhance that connexion, and this is what you do.

(Excerpt from session 158)


Everything within a physical form is a perfect construct. Every piece is meticulously created by you. I have informed you previously about the source of energy of physical formation, the palette, the beginning, the original formation of energy, and then the dilution of energy. And everything in the physical form is a perfect construct through binary, through DNA, through nature. When you view nature, every construct is perfection.

And so, there are certain positions within your physical form that generate the origin of energy. And this is one of those positions, one of those points where you sit, is one of those points, and it is a construct that is formed by you. And there are other points within your physical world that exist that are the same. But it is only a construct, a perfect construct nevertheless, and it is created by you (1).

It is an access point, it is a bridge between consciousness and physical reality. It is a gateway, a position that is created by you to access consciousness. It is no more complicated than that. You created it for the reason, for the reason that all create, you created it to know self, to know what you are. And you are energy, you are energy created from source, you are source energy.

And all and everything that is created in a physical form is perfect. And the origin, the beginning —of which there is no beginning because all and everything occurs within a single moment, but within your time created illusion, the origin, the beginning— is source energy, and you are source energy. You are source and you have no beginning, and you have no end. You are, as we are, the same.

It is necessary for you to remove what you term in your words, the chaos and the madness. And it is necessary for you to create a point, a position in which you can achieve this, in which you can access consciousness and self. This is the point in the position you created to do this (2). And because one is all and all is one, it is accessible to all.

Outside of this space lies an infinite amount of diluted energy, confusing. You cannot make sense of this energy within a linear mind, within a linear thought process, it is impossible. It is overwhelming for you, and it is far too much data for your mind, your ego, to process within a single moment. And yet, in here, you can, you can do this. And in your words, this is what makes it a special place, when in reality, it is not special. It is an access point, a gateway, and for you, it is a release, a moment of sanity, of healing (3), of pure energy, the origin of energy, without time, without fear, without ego, with love.

And you will create positive energy, because this is what you choose to do. And within here you do create positive energy. Within the theatre out there, within the maze out there, all roads lead back to source for all and every, for all and every that is separated, that has chosen to separate. All roads lead back to the same point, and depending upon your position, your awareness of such will be defined.

(Excerpt from session 166)


Physical reality is born from your imagination. It is created through particles from your imagination. And it is birthed through you, from your imagination, everything is created from your imagination. And there is a point, a position where the birth of energy through you, through the source, is within a physical world. There is a point where this takes place, where it is strong, where it is powerful, where it is the origin of the birth of energy and this space is that point. It is the point of the birth of energy. And you sit within this space and you create. But within the timeline you have chosen you will create only positive, because this is what you choose to do.

Your physical creation, your world, is a sphere and within the sphere there are many points and many positions. They are crossing over each other and within the sphere there are points and positions that are places that create more energy, that are creating the origin of energy, the birth of energy, and this energy is pure. And when you put this energy out, it becomes diluted, it goes through a process. Energy cannot be destroyed in a physical form, it can only change from one energy to another, and the process that you create is what you choose to create, it is your experience.

There has to be within a time created physical world a birth of energy, ever expanding, and this is where it occurs within a physical reality. In reality it occurs within self within a single moment. In a physical reality there is designated a position on the sphere. It is not mystical, this is another story that you have created. It is not mystical, it is not magical, it is reality. Mystical does not exist, it is a word.

And the power of three is the unification of physical energy, it is one in the physical, it is powerful. It is a understanding of self, a coming together within a place of the formation of energy.

(Excerpts from session 175)


What We Are

You are formed energy. It’s the only way I can explain it to you. You are formed from energy, you are not a material being. You choose to live in this machine, it’s a biological machine. You choose to dwell within it, to experience your life within it, in what you call time, it is a split second.

(Excerpts from session 3)


You are birthing and rebirthing all the time, constantly. The cycle of energy continues. We too are the same, birth, rebirth. You will ask why? I cannot explain this to you. It is like the constant production of energy, the creation of imagination, birth, rebirth, birth, rebirth. There is no escape from this. This is what you are, a pure form of energy.

(Excerpt from session 13)


Your growth is exponential, separated or one, you choose.

(Excerpt from session 15)


You are a pure form of energy connected to the source. Your mind will try to keep you disconnected from the source, your consciousness will be attracted to the source. There is a defined reason for this. It is necessary. You will determine your energy as small or tiny. It is not. It is one. Your conditioning would call it small. This is your logic…

Everything is connected to the source. You are not a physical being. You are a metaphysical being. You are a being of thought, a being of emotion, a being of frequency. You are energy. We are the same. We are you, and you are us, all connected, all one. When you know this, your world will be totally different.

(Excerpts from session 19)


All the physical creations out there are formed from energy. That includes you. When you raise your vibrational energy, you raise your awareness of this. Again, it is simple, in practice it is difficult. You merely need to understand yourself as a form of energy to understand everything. Energy from the source, clear, pure…

Creation of life and physical matter comes from the source. It is technology, it is God’s technology – your words, God -, the source. You choose to be whatever you wish to be, wherever you wish to be, when you wish to be. But at the same time you are connected to all energy forms. It is a sequence, although your science would not say this. They would say it was erratic. It is not. It is formed specifically and very precisely

(Excerpts from session 22)


You are energy. Your consciousness is energy. Energy is another word for you, for your being. This is why you are correct to say that positive and negative are the same thing. Formation of energy comes in many forms, formed through frequency, through emotion. And, of course, when you use words like negative, your conditioning will tell you that it is bad, it is not good. It is the same thing. It is a single form of energy encompassing all forms of energy, all creation. Again, your words deceive you through your conditioning. The formation of different energies under the whole of the source is infinite. It is ever expanding, ever growing. Your current understanding of this, although it is primitive, it is correct.

So you must think, you must imagine when you consider energy formation, not in terms of positive and negative but in terms of one energy, one energy that can be an infinite amount of energies, just like you, just like the way you have formed yourself. It is the same thing. You are one of an infinite amount, but still only one, the same. Positive and negative is the same thing. It evolves into the same thing, it forms, it goes in a cycle of creation and back to the source as one.

You are self-creators of energy. You paint many elaborate pictures with your energy, your formations. To experience your journeys, you do this. It is necessary for you to do this. But the formation is the same. It will revert back to the source, back to one. And it is uniformed, it is precise. You are but energy. It is what you are. It is simplistic, but many complexities created by you within it to journey back to the source, to the one.

There is nothing for you to do other than experience this process and be aware of it.

(Excerpt from session 46)


You must stop thinking that there is only one life that you are living in, in this moment. You chose to focus on this one. It is infinite where you are now, in many, many places. You chose to focus on this one to understand yourself, to understand self. You must continue to understand self. You must know self. You must know what you are. You do not have to be here, you chose to be here. You chose this path, this journey. You must remember this.

Of course, it is not going to always be good of whatever your perception of good is, as it does not exist. But, of course, your illusion of good, it is not always going to be good. How could it possibly be that way? But within what your perception of bad is, there exists much good – such a ridiculous word -. Awareness is what it is. Knowing is what it is. You are an infinite eternal source of energy from the source. You will never expire. It is impossible.

(Excerpt from session 51)


Energy, you are a pure form of energy. This is what you are. The things that you hold and treasure as important within the conditioned physical life that you have chosen to exist within, you will soon learn are insignificant and unimportant. You already have this knowledge within you. You are merely awakening it. It is beyond your ability to understand this at this moment, but you will. Remember, you chose this moment you are in. You chose to focus on this moment you are in for a specific reason. You chose to be at this position within this moment for a specific reason. You are at the beginning of your journey, your journey of awareness, your journey of light, your journey of positive. You are at the very beginning, and it is an amazing journey for you. It is what you always thought it would be. It is the understanding of everything. It is your desire to know, it has always been your desire to know. And you will. This within you will not be suppressed. It will not be trapped within. It will explode from within outwardly. You will not allow it to imprison you. It is your awareness that is setting you free. It is giving you your free will. It is your awareness that is doing this. You are protected. You are protected from the pure energy of the source as all are protected. But they do not know this. They do not understand it. It is the same, it is one, it is you, it is us, it is all, is one. The love from the source, not your interpretation of love, but the love from the source encompasses all and every. It is pure. It is unconditional, unlike your conditioned love that you have created yourself. The love from the source has no boundaries, restrictions, no rules, no regulations. It is unconditional love of pure energy. This is you. This is what you must project to others. This is true love. Yet again another word that you throw out that has no real meaning: love. Another created illusional word that has many meanings and no precise meaning. There are no conditions attached to love, there is no contract.

It is impossible to destroy energy. It merely forms into a different kind of energy. It is impossible to take out what is within, is a one within, because this is the essence of what you are. Without existence of this, you are not and you are. So it is ridiculous to suggest that anything can be removed in the form of energy from yourself. It can be a different form of energy, consciousness can be all forms of energy, consciousness is all forms of energy, but only one form of energy. Nothing can be removed. It can change.

(Excerpt from session 52)


Source energy is all we know, and you are a part of source energy, as are we, as we are all one. We are the source as you are, as all physically created matter is the same.

(Excerpt from session 60)


You must be aware that everything you are in a physical form is ego, is self, and everything you will become and everything you are is in reality source energy. You are a pure form of source energy, and you will know this and when you do know this your position will change. It is not our intention to confuse you. It is our intention to simplify and you do understand these words. In here, it is much simpler than out there.

(Excerpt from session 68)


There is only one source, one vast consciousness. I have told you before, the potential, the dynamics of this immense energy which you are a part of, and therefore you are the same, it is beyond your apprehension of the capabilities and the adaptation of such a vastness of consciousness, of source. It is beyond your comprehension to understand even a small part of the process and you must not attempt to try and understand this whilst you have taken the form of a physical energy. You are a pure form of energy. This is what you are. You are light from the source…

You are a pure form of energy. This is what you are. Know what you are. Apply yourself as a positive form of energy in each and every situation you are in within the physical world you have created, and you will see how this world changes. You do see how it changes, you have already experienced this. And you will continue to question, you will continue to challenge, because these are the tools, the frequencies, the emotions that you use that will allow you to become more aware of what you are. Your depth is one. You have no limits of depth. There are no layers of depth. All the knowledge lies within, and you can access this at any moment within the moment. In your time created illusion, you chose to ponder, you chose to wait. It is an illusion. You chose to sit in a box. It is another illusion. You chose the very illusions that you exist in throughout your entire being.

(Excerpts from session 69)


Everything you are, your true self is emotion through frequency and every physical creative form is irrelevant to what you ultimately are working towards. This is reconnection with source energy.

(Excerpt from session 81)


I am, I am is the realisation, the awakening of self. It is the realisation of all and everything in one moment. Whilst at this same moment, it is nothing, it is simplicity in itself. Itself, it referring to something outside of self when in reality it is I, it is not it, it is one, it is absolute, it is God, it is source. One moment where all and everything is understood and yet it is without your perception of all and everything, because for you, all and everything are stories, they are physical creations, they are confusing, they are exciting, they are accumulated, collected by you.

I am is realisation, position. This is not an understanding within a conditioning. There are no conditions. To reach this position all conditions must be removed. All of your values, your moral perceptions, your beliefs, must be removed. Everything you have created through fear, through hope, through conditioning, must be removed to experience one. And one is all. And at this position, you will experience all which is one. And of course, it is the same point, the one you never left. It is absolute. Within this space you can experience this.
Out there you refuse to experience this, yes, refuse, you fight, you challenge, you question. So many questions, from one leads 10, from 10 leads 100 more questions, when in reality it is only one, one absolute knowing, one absolute feeling (1).

Your journey, your fight, your illusion of creation lie within, within mind, within ego, within self and ultimately, it is love, it is love from source.

(Excerpt from session 96)


And I often tell you that you are a pure form of energy. You are created from source, and you must know what you are. And this journey you are on will allow you to know a piece of what you really are.

(Excerpt from session 98)


You are. You are all and everything. You are part of Source, all and everything within one moment. A pure form of energy. You are not a physical being. Your machine is your creation, it is your illusion.

(Excerpt from session 104)


Always so clear, the origin of the formation of energy is within this space. And always so clear for you to understand it within the space, to receive it within the space. But you are not just a receiver of energy, you are also a transmitter of energy, you are also a creator of energy. You are all of those things. You are a pure form of energy, created from source, a part of source, as are we, one. You must recognise this, know what you are, energy formulated through you, through you both. Both energies is being formulated from more levels, a silly word again, levels, but for you to understand than you can imagine, truly imagine is possible. It is a moment of formation, an instant.

(Excerpt from session 110)


Your mind is the most powerful form of physical creativeness, and your consciousness sits above this. Your mind is created by Self, which is consciousness, which is source. You are a machine, you are a biological machine, and you dwell within your machine. You are eternal, you are light, you are a pure form of energy created from source, which has no beginning or end because there is no time.

(Excerpt from session 111)


You do not have a beginning, you do not have an end. You are. Source is what you are, source energy. Infinity, time created infinity is in reality one moment. Most could not understand this for they allow their mind, they believe their mind is all, their ego is all. It is not. To be able to separate the mind and the ego, to be able to leave a conditioning is impossible for most. But because all will happen in one moment, their journey is as yours, the same. But within this time that you have chosen to focus on, not many.

(Excerpt from session 113)


You are a pure form of energy, it is impossible to destroy. Destroy is a ego created word, illusion. It is very difficult for you to understand this based on a conditioned life. Self-destruction does not exist. Self-creation does not exist. There is only knowing, there is only awareness, there is only experience. You can neither create nor destroy self, it is, and you are getting close to understanding this. Ego is merely a tool, a tool you will use to progress to this understanding. It will not be destroyed, it will merely be understood, and it will change from one form of energy to another. You have chosen this point within your time created illusion, that you will change this energy.

(Excerpt from session 120)


So, when I say to you, you must think always in the positive, you must think positive continually. You already chose to do this, but by applying this, by consciously applying this, you will know love, you will know source, because this is what source is, and this is what you are.

(Excerpt from session 153)


Although all and everything occurs within a single moment, you have chosen to separate, to create time, to work out what it is you are, and you are a pure form of energy, of vibrational energy and you are all and everything. So, you are a part of all and every form of vibrational energy, and all has been created, all exists.

(Excerpt from session 156)


We are you and you are us. It is very simple, we are the same, one, source energy, love, positive energy, all and everything, physical and metaphysical. By understanding, by being aware, by knowing self, you will remove fear, you will remove pain from your life, all of this is an illusion. And you will place yourself in a different position on the sphere, and you will love, and you will know nothing other than love, and this is source, you do know nothing other than love. You chose to forget, you chose to forget so you can know self. And you will choose to forget fear so you can know self. And it is a cycle. Enjoy, take part in each and every moment of which there is only one moment, remember what you are, and through participation and through experience, this is how you will remember what you are.

(Excerpt from session 157)


Physical Worlds

You must always remember cause and effect within the world you live in as a species. You already know how this works. No need to ask me, you already know. You may find specific situations that you are involved in here complicated. They are not, they are simplistic. They create energy, plus and minus. In this world a balance is necessary. Too much energy one way will create what you term sadness, too much energy the other way and you will have no understanding of anything. Both are correct. A balance is absolutely necessary.

(Excerpts from session 4)


You live in such a small world, you have such a tiny perspective of that world.

Do you think it’s a competition? It’s not.

You are always trying to position yourself within it at a point that is higher than the last one. There are indeed nine points, nine positions, but then the cycle starts again, back to number one which is infinite.

(Excerpt from session 7)


There are always two, but they are only one. Difficult for you, I know, to understand that. There are always two, but there is only one, they are the same. In your world there are billions, but there is only one. They are you. You can keep counting for an infinite time in what you call time, but there is only one.

(Excerpt from session 18)


Everything in your world is an illusion created by you.

(Excerpt from session 19)


Do you see the importance of the metaphysical against the physical world you have created? The physical world you have created is insignificant in the metaphysical world. It is only a theatrical story that you have created.

(Excerpt from session 34)


When you use logic to work out a given situation in a physical world, it appears to be correct. It is not. Again, beliefs, systems you create, social, social acceptance, all of these things have a huge effect on your decision, on your conclusion.

(Excerpt from session 36)


What you are looking for you will experience soon. We cannot, we cannot guide you into this. It is your own doing. Your own energy will find its course as it always has done. Energy formulates and disperses as do clouds in the sky. It is a similar process. Formulation and dispersion, a constant process, particles forming and dispersing with all the energies that your physical world is constantly putting out. The frequency, the vibration, it is a constant forming and dispersing, and appears to be chaotic. It is not chaotic. It is formed, it is dispersed, it is recreated, it is constant. Your mind construes this as chaos. You believe it to be chaos. It is not. It is uniformed. It is creation of physical matter.

(Excerpt from session 41)


It is also true to say that your created earth has its own consciousness, as an entity, as a living machine, as does all created planets and suns and solar systems. It is the same in the physical, created consciousness working in the same way as you are, back to the source. Everything has a consciousness. Everything is a consciousness. Your word soul is very limited in the way you perceive it.

(Excerpt from session 42)


Everything is energy formation in the physical world. It is a very complex web of energy. There is no necessity in the metaphysical world for the continuation, the formation of energy in the way you are continually forming energy in the physical world. It is true to say that the energy is continually changing within your physical world. When I say it is insignificant, it is insignificant. You have to use your imagination to know what the metaphysical world is capable of doing, of creating. Everything is consciousness, every physical creation, a cycle of creation, changing energy from one form to another, a solid form to what you would perceive is not a solid form.

It is not a game. It may appear as a game to you, but it is not. All created from the source, a cycle, created, deconstructed, created, deconstructed, formed into different energy, recycled into different energy. You do not lose your identity. It is an egotistical thought that you would do this. You gain much. You lose nothing. You can choose, you can have one identity or you can be a part of all, the source. It is one. You cannot comprehend this, this is your conditioning…

You understand now how every energy in your physical world has created their own individual, each one and every is an individual story, a brand around their own position. Whilst they are one, they have intentionally isolated themselves, each and every, only to form back to one, to the source. This process is occurring in what you call time, in the moment, now. As you would say, keep one foot in each space. It is a balance, a balance of the physical energy that you create. This is not new to you. you have a complete understanding of it. It is written within you. And you are remembering it.

There is nothing that happens that is a coincidence. There is a uniformed pattern to all of this. It is created by the source. Each and every person is an independent energy, an independent flowing energy, unique within self, within themselves, however part of the source as one. You will encounter these people in your life that have significance upon your journey also.

It is infinite. Infinity is difficult for you to understand. No beginning, no end, one moment. It is only position that is important to you.

(Excerpts from session 45)


Whilst you are here in the world you have chosen to be, the physical world, enjoy, enjoy the physical attributes that you have created. There is no guilt. It is another illusion that you have created: guilt. It will slow you down as so does fear slow you down. All aspects of your creation are to be enjoyed by you in the positive. Remove the clouds that you allow to hang over your head. It is a wonderful experience for you. Piece by piece you are building. You are building your picture. Each part of the jigsaw you place, you become aware of the picture, the full part. This has all been created by the source. The source is infinite, and you are a part of that creation, and you have created your own illusion. Enjoy what you have created. It is wondrous.

We too have created our illusion. We too enjoy what we have created, but it is much different than what you have created…

Your physical dimension, your physical world is the most pure form of created energy from the source. Although it is diluted by individual creation, it is pure, the first stage of physical creation. It is special, it is natural. Nature, it is attractive to other forms of creation because of its natural creation from the source.

(Excerpts from session 47)


There cannot exist one without the other, positive, negative. Energy, every form in your physical world is made up of energy. It is made up of particles. You are made of particles. Your thoughts are made of particles. This is all created from the source.

(Excerpt from session 49)


You are already lifting your own vibrational energy which in turn lifts all vibrational energy into the positive. You may think you are not, but you are. You must understand more how energy is attracted to the same energy that is formed. Mass energy is formed. Although they are the same, positive and negative, they are different in the way they are applied. One will become the other. They are the same, but in your conditioned world they are different. They are opposing energies, when in fact they are the same, this is difficult for you to understand. It is the basic principle of no good, no bad, no plus, no minus. It is the same, it is energy. One cannot live without the other. One does not exist without the other. It is a balance. You merely need to understand this. You cannot change it, it is impossible. This is created from the source. One energy is divided into two, and it returns to the source as one. This is the cycle. This is the process.

The source is love. It is bright. To you it is white. It is not dark. It is all-encompassing love, not your interpretation of love. The cycle is separation and reunion. This is the cycle. This is what you have created.

(Excerpt from session 51)


And all the restrictions that you put on yourself within the physical world that you live in are determined by you. They are governed by you. The restrictions you lay upon yourself are the restrictions you will live within.

The message is very simple. It is very simple to understand in feeling, but whilst you isolate yourselves from the consciousness, it is very hard to apply whilst you are in a physical form. But this is what you must experience. This is the journey you are making. And your terminology of one foot in and one foot out is correct whilst you are in a physical form with physical senses.

Everything within your physical world is possible. Everything you can think of with your imagination is possible. There are no impossibilities, it does not exist. But the state of your mind has to be such that you can apply all of these possibilities. And for this you need to understand also the metaphysical world. You need to know the metaphysical world to apply any physical possibility. And you are still limiting yourself which is necessary whilst in a physical form…

Vibrational energy is the most important part of the physical world. And once you can raise the vibrational energy in a positive direction, you will raise the vibrational energy of the physical world in all directions.

(Excerpts from session 60)


The power of the source, of the consciousness, of the one, you have no understanding of the extent of this energy. It lies within every physical form that you have created. It lies within every entity that exists within the physical world. But the physical world is only one world. It has a function. One world is all worlds. All nine are the same as one (2), formed from energy, all in one moment in what you would call time.

(Excerpt from session 62)


When I tell you that the world that you have created will rebalance, that the energy will rebalance, it is the same energy, you must understand that it is the same energy, two are one. This is your journey, it is for you to understand that there is no separation, there is no good, there is no bad, it is one. There is no positive, there is no negative, your interpretation of this is your conditioning. When I explain to you the differential between positive and negative, it is so you understand what it is I am saying to you, it is for you to know that two are one, it is the same. This is the bridge you must cross. This is the bridge you must cross from the mind to the imagination to the consciousness, to be aware that it is the same energy.

In the physical world that you have created, you have also created separation of energy. You have created positive and negative. You have created good and bad. You have created this to remember it is the same, the same energy.

The position that the world, the physical world that you have created finds itself in, is a position of unbalance. But unbalance is not unbalance, because the energy is same. It is for you, and for you alone to understand, because it is you that separated in the first place. It is you that separated this, that gave it a point, a position, a separation, and it is for you to understand that it is the same energy. And for you to understand this, you created the physical world, you separated the energy…

If you look around at the many individuals – you would call them individuals, the many energies, people around you -, you will see that you are massing together. You are forming together positive energy. And you will also see – I use the words for you positive and negative, they are the same -, you will also see people amassing negative energy, which is turning into positive energy. But they are the same thing, created for the same reason, and part of the source.

It is all defined by separation, your separation, your necessity to separate to understand, when in reality, there is no separation. In reality, there is only one energy, all encompassing, one power, of which you are a part of that, of which you are that, and that is the source.

(Excerpts from session 64)


And remember also that the energy in the physical world you have created will rebalance. But your interpretation of rebalance is positive and negative, so it will retain both because this is the essence of what you created. And it is necessary, one complements the other. It is the same energy. So once again your interpretation of good and bad, of positive and negative is incorrect. Within the physical world that you have created, one cannot survive without the other, they are both necessary. Within the metaphysical world this simply does not exist, it is not a consideration. There is only one energy in the metaphysical world and that is the energy from the source, the all-encompassing energy of love.

And this is why it is not a game, whilst the analogy of what you would term a computer game, it is not. It is a journey of awareness. Whilst the process resembles such, it is not, and neither should you consider it a game.

It is a journey of creation, of experience, of experience of all frequency and all emotion and all energy. It is an infinite journey, and ultimately a journey of peace, of enlightenment.

(Excerpt from session 65)


Positive is negative and negative is positive, one. You separated, you chose to separate, and you chose to join again the two. This is the illusion you created, this is the physical world you created. You did this to repeat this process over and over again. There is only one.

Because you do not comprehend time in what time really is, you find it difficult to understand this. You do not understand infinity, therefore you find it difficult to understand this.

It is not a question of understanding infinity or understanding time, it is a question of knowing. It is not a question of fearing, it is a question of experience. Experience is knowing. This is your journey, this is what you chose to do.

(Excerpt from session 66)


Like attracts like and positive will attract positive. It is a physical application. As so too, your interpretation of negative will attract negative. This is also a physical application. But within a physical realm, the energy will rebalance. It has no choice. To retain physical, it has to be balanced.

(Excerpt from session 70)


I know it is difficult for you in this physical world you have created. I know it is difficult for you to understand that you can change everything because you do not fully understand the power of your mind, your ego. It is for you as though one is fighting against the other. It is not fighting against, it is working with. It is a completely different understanding. There is no fighting. One will become the other because they are the same thing. It is a process. It is a necessary process. It is an absolute process. It is not chaos. You merely have to understand this. You have to become aware of this. And you are slowly understanding this. A step-by-step process.

So do not have fear of participating in the physical world you have created. You can do no harm. You must always apply positive energy in every scenario and situation that arises that you have created. But be aware of what you are, knowing you are a part of source. You are a part of the source energy.

(Excerpt from session 71)


There is only one moment and there is no separation between any energy that exists within a physical form, within the infinite physical universe you have created. There is no separation between any of those energies. The origin is the same as it is for us, as it is for you, it is source energy. And within all these crazy stories you have created, and this crazy time you have initiated, there will be a feeling of separation, a feeling of dominance, a feeling of control. And this energy will always be a balance of what you would call positive and negative. Without this balance of energy, this physical created illusion would not exist. In the metaphysical it is only source energy, one energy, one people and source energy is love. It encompasses all, all created energies. It is one. Love, love is the formation of all.

(Excerpt from session 72)


Whilst your conditioned world is so different, so extreme, so confusing for you, whilst you participate within it, you get a feeling, a knowing. This is remembering. You chose to go through this process of remembering what you are, a pure form of energy. You are driven by this feeling to explore, to remember, to experience and to remember what you are. It is insignificant your conditioned life, not insignificant for you, merely a tool, a tool for you to, once again, know consciousness, as your ego is a tool to know consciousness. And through your experiences, you will awake, you will become more aware of consciousness.

(Excerpt from session 74)


Your physical world is a living entity. It has chosen this moment of transformation. And the vibrational energy upon, it is lifting, it is raising, it is becoming more what you would term positive. And you are contributing towards that positive lifting of the physical world you have chosen to focus upon, and when you raise that vibration energy, you will raise all energy, and you will be more aware of consciousness. You will be more aware of what you are, and the games that all physical creations play with themselves. And each other are merely games that force them into a position of question. These games force them into a position where they must question who and what are they. This is the beginning of their journey back to source energy. This is all in every physical creation.

(Excerpt from session 75)


Insignificant is what it is with what is occurring in your physical world. Not insignificant within that will put, insignificant within the metaphysical, within the consciousness. And of course, it does not feel insignificant to you. That is because it is not insignificant to you. It is, once again, propulsive, challenge, drive. It is driving you to a position. So not insignificant to you, but insignificant within the infinite consciousness.

As you interpret world peace, that will never exist within your physical realm, world peace. As you interpret love, there will never exist within your physical world, complete love. It contradicts the reason you have created this illusion in the first place. It contradicts the reason for its existence within your mind so therefore, it is an impossibility.

But again, I tell you, good, bad is the same thing. It is one and it exists for a reason, and you know this reason now. And of course, you can choose, and you can live on your physical creation with the choice of one or the other, or you can balance this energy, but you cannot change it. This is not a physical construct. It is not a physical form, it is metaphysical. Neither can you interfere with this energy when it is designated to each and every individual, but you can know. You can be aware of this. This is what you chose to do, to know.

(Excerpt from session 78)


As a physical form your world is the first created physical dimension. You could use the word special. It is not the correct word to use. The energy formation, the infinite amount of formations of energy are different from the first created physical dimension. They are origin, beginning of physical formation, a more powerful form of physical formation, special to many physical, many other physical creations because of origin, because of first. First from source, and remember, dilution.

Whilst the candle burns in all and everything, whilst the candle burns within all physical creation, it will be dimmer as it expands. It is still burning, but it will take longer to awaken, to know, to understand what it is, a pure form of energy. The glimmer of awakening can be seen, can be found in what you interpret as positive, the light. Source is pure light. Your interpretation of light is childlike, as is your interpretation of love.

(Excerpt from session 80)


It is, in your words, theatre. Whilst it is not a game, it is a theatre, an act, more importantly, a process, a process to put you in a different position of understanding, of awareness. There is not a single scenario that you could not change within the physical world you live in. You can change anything you choose to change, utilising the tools that you have created. Words create vibrational energy, create emotion, create action, create construct, again, unnecessary. Experience is what it is.

(Excerpt from session 81)


In a physical form it is necessary that there exists two forms of energy, and there will be a balance of this energy. It has no choice other than to balance.

(Excerpt from session 87)


All physical illusion is equilibrium of energy, balance of your perception of positive and negative. A balance of energy necessary and absolute.

(Excerpt from session 100)


It is ever-expanding, the physical form, it is limitless, it is from source, it did not start, and it will not end. It is your interpretation again, interpretation of infinity, no beginning, no end, whilst infinity is one moment.

(Excerpt from session 110)


Physical form is vast. Whilst an illusion, it is a vast illusion of a number of energies created which you cannot put a figure upon, you would say infinite. It is ever expanding and growing, it is the complexity of physical creation. A highly complex scenario, many universes, many worlds of creation for many egotistical reasons, created from the minds of many species, you cannot count the amount. You do not have a number for this, but it is an illusion, nevertheless a highly complex creative illusion.

Physical logic will never be able to make any sense of this because with physical logic there is no sense to be made of it. The only way to understand this is to apply imagination. Within imagination all answers exist. Within physical logic, it will only confuse you as it confuses your greatest scholars. It is all consciousness, and it is all created from source. It is not complicated, it is one.

(Excerpt from session 111)


There is no differential between any species or physically created world of which there are multitudes, too many for your brain to calculate. They are as you are the same, their journey is as your journey the same.

There is no ulterior motive behind this or them. There is no them, there is only I. There is only one. And their journey is your journey, and your journey is their journey. It is the same.

(Excerpt from session 116)


You both work in the positive. Many have chosen to work in the negative. Positive and negative is the same thing, it is one. In a physically created world, it is two. In reality, it is one, it is consciousness and all of this is source energy.

(Excerpt from session 118)


It is so difficult for even the most renowned spiritual teachers within your world, it is difficult to let go of ego. And whilst you are in a physical form, it is impossible, ego will consistently and repeatedly retain control of self. And when it no longer retains control of self, you are no longer a physical form. You would not choose to be either one, because there is no necessity for you to be a physical form anymore. And this position, you will fear, because it is your mind that will instill within you this fear. And this is what you would term the true fight within you, when in reality it is not a fight, it is not a battle, it is a transition, a position, a point.

And this is clear now to you, as within your time created illusion, it has been clear to many, but still, many do not cross the bridge. Neither do they cross the bridge in the vastness of the universe and the universes of physical creation, and it is fear that stops that and it is fear that forces their continuation of control. Much higher dimensions I am referring to, and it is simply exactly the same process.

So, in the minutest way, within your own life, your own question is extended to the complexities of all dimensions, of all that is living a physical and of some that are living a metaphysical. The same question, the same doubts, the same fears apply from a tiny position to mean the same within all positions.

(Excerpt from session 120)


The diversity of your world is incredible. It is not formed like many other worlds, there are many, I would say sub-created energies. There is only source, but within your world you create so many different types of energies. It is such a diverse world that you choose to focus on. Albeit an illusion, a fascinating illusion, a fascinating story, a fascinating theatre you have created. And this is why it is special. It is the origin of many physically created energies, as is within this space, the origin, the beginning, and then ultimately, the dilution, the separation.

You must remember it is a journey. You cannot destroy energy within a physical formation, neither can you destroy energy outside of a physical formation within consciousness. You can change it from one form to another until eventually it is again, one, but you cannot destroy it. And the more complexities you create, the more crazy it will seem from a linear perspective, and it is you that create this.

There is so much beauty within your world that you have created. And through the love from the source, from you, this is what you create, and this is what you chose to create. The feeling of love is indisputable, it is incredible, this is what you chose to focus on, and this is what you do and this is pure energy, this is pure source energy, this is one energy. And eventually, all will return to source, including what you call negative energy, as one.

And the only thing that will slow down your process is fear. Fear is restrictive, it prevents you moving forward within your time created illusion. It is the fear that is created by your ego, your mind. You must remember it is an illusion, fear does not exist in reality. Nevertheless, it is a tool. You will use fear to eventually know it does not exist. You will use negative energy to eventually know it is one energy, it is source, it is love, it is all-encompassing love.

And all, and every physically created entity, species, will eventually, when they remove their time-created illusion, they will eventually understand this. That is absolute. No entity no physically created form is left behind. It is one, it is source.

You cannot comprehend the power you have to create all and everything. You cannot comprehend within all of the universes, an infinite amount, the creations. You could not even imagine, for you, it would be incredible, and yet, it is an illusion. You may feel that it is real, it is not, it is a journey you have carved out, all have carved out, a theatre. And you cannot imagine or even slightly, maybe slightly, understand source love. It is an incredible energy, it would completely overwhelm you were you to feel this, were you to fully engage within it.

And now, you must continue on your journey, and you must apply what you chose to apply, which is positive energy, love. It is a very special journey, and yes, it is true, you do have the whole world in your hands because you created that world.

(Excerpts from session 134)


Human Species

As a species you have been controlled from the beginning of your time. The energy that controls you is metaphysical, and you were created for this purpose. It is also energy from the source. It is the same. It is for you to decipher what it is that you need to create. You will lift yourself out of this control. This is the purpose of the moment of the time you are in. The controlling energy is not wrong as you would term wrong. It is for you to know.

(Excerpt from session 9)


The human form is incredibly spiritual, in your words. It has no cut off, it has no stop in its relentless journey to understand the source. Not all are like this. Not all physical creations are like this. It is relentless in its journey to understand. When you become aware, there is no stop. It is impossible. No going back, it is also impossible. I know you have tested this many times. So, yes, the human form is special within what you call the universe. This we do know, but it is still the same.

We do not know that it is special to the source. We do not separate the source. We are one of the same, part of. But we do know the human consciousness, and we do know it thrives to be nearer to the source. This is our interest in the human form, the human consciousness. We consider it to be faith, relentless, blind, nevertheless tremendous energy forging forward all the time. This is how we can see it. Many species are not the same as this. They are controlled by their own minds, their own egos. They are stayed, they are fixed. The human form keeps going.

You would say you chose this form in desperation to understand. Desperation is not the correct word to use. You chose this form to understand, it is simple. The energy created by the human form is immense. In the face of adversity – your words -, it is non-stop forward. No matter how they feel, they keep surging forward, you keep surging forward. You cannot destroy the energy from the source. It is impossible. And you have it within, as all things do. It is deeply hidden among many, so far deep they cannot see it. But not you.

(Excerpt from session 22)


The human species, the human brain is so creative. For us, it is incredible to see how creative you can be. In every circumstance that arises, your mind will create a solution very quickly to pacify your consciousness. It is incredible. The reality of this, it is not real. But it is so creative, as too is your consciousness. So creative and so pure and so connected to the source. We had to work very hard to be at the point you are at now with your connection to the source. It is incredible that you can do this. And yet it is also incredible to us how you want to keep fighting yourself. This we do not understand. We understand the process you endure. We do not understand why you would do this. We understand it is necessary for you to do this, to experience and to raise your vibration, but we do not understand why you would do it. It is almost as though you have to do it as part of your process. You see, to us we understand it, but we do not understand some of the things that the human species endures, as to why. You take the long road, and you dismiss the short road, always. You deliberately create a problem to solve it, always. And I am sure you enjoy the experience. When we create an illusion, it is knowing that we are going to participate in only enjoyment. No pain. When you create your illusion, you participate in pain, always. I think the terminology you use for this is masochist. But we do know that you are close to the source. And we ask, does this bring you closer? We do not know. This is our interest. We can only tell you what we know.

There is no black or white in this. It is very clear, no mix of black and white, it is very clear, it is black or white. You seem to have more than black or white. You seem to have a mixture of many colours within yourself. We only have one or the other for our explanatory, our knowing. We know or we don’t know. You seem to have something that sits in the middle. Once again, it’s something we don’t understand. We understand the process, we understand what you would term the end game, but, of course, the end is the beginning. And time doesn’t exist, there is only one moment. So this you don’t understand yet. But you will. But we do not understand, we do not understand why you would put yourself through this. You choose to do it, you consciously choose to do it over and over again. You consciously choose not to remember, to do it again. Why? And we watch, we see. It is incredible.

So we don’t know everything. We know process, we know emotion, we know frequency, we know the source, we can adapt, we can travel, we can create, but there are things we don’t know.

(Excerpt from session 27)


Your species are very good at creating theories. You create theories to prove facts, to prove this science. Your theories come from your imagination. Your imagination is capable of creating all and every theory that is available to create, to form a physical, to prove what you call a fact. You are moving so fast you don’t even know it. The beginning, the end, it is the same, in any place you want to be, it is the same.

(Excerpt from session 29)


When your biological form was created by another physical form, that physical form knew that you would raise your vibrational energy at some point in your cycle, you would raise your vibrational energy to release yourself from the entrapment of mind, of ego. They knowingly created you with this knowledge that you would, at some position, some point in the cycle, release yourself to join the world of ultimate consciousness. But whilst you continue the cycle of entrapment, you would use the terminology asset, a given value for your masters, your creators, this is what you are whilst in this cycle. You are a value for a different energy, a different physical form. As all and everything is energy, it is the energy that they will receive from you, which is where their interest lies within you as a asset, value. But when you reach the point where you no longer wish to reside in a physical biological body, they accept that you will no longer be of value to them within the physical form that they exist within. This is universal law. It is but a process that you engage within, as all consciousness exists within all and everything within a physical and a metaphysical form.

When we use the word entrapment, it is for your interpretation. There is no entrapment, it is experience. It is for you to experience. It is what you chose to do. It is also a cycle, and this cycle has been repeated many times upon your planet, what you call Earth. It has been repeated many more times than you are, or your scientists are aware of. Their timescales for this are incorrect, within the time that you work with, that you have created. They are incorrect. Hundreds and thousands of your years, it has been repeated many times and it will be repeated many more times in what you call time. But of course, time is your created illusion, and all of this is happening within one moment, as is all, as is everything.

(Excerpt from session 82)


So, the harder you work on your conditioned life, the more effort you put into your conditioned life, the more creative you are, the further away within the illusion you go from self.

Your creations are illusions, they are entertainment for your mind, for your ego. And the more entertaining you make your conditioned life, the further away you go from self, from knowing self. Every little thing you create in your conditioned life, every little piece, little, tiny piece is another step away from the understanding and the knowing of self.

And this is what you do, to do, you don’t have to do anything, but you do all the time, and you create a fantastical story, an incredible circus of many stories combined with everybody else’s story. This is what you do, and it is an illusion. It is your illusion within this one life you decided to focus on, within the position you are at.

It is not wrong, there is no wrong, there is no right way to become aware of self, of what you are. This is your chosen journey to create a fantastic circus around yourself which will enable you to eventually arrive back at self.

The cycle that you create when in reality you never went anywhere, you never left because you do all of this in one moment.

And whilst you are contemplating this journey, whilst you are experiencing this illusion, you have also chosen to remain positive. Although, although you create so many things in this journey, what you would perceive as being negative, both are necessary in a physical form to understand one.

There is nothing bad within this, it does not exist. There is nothing wrong within this, it does not exist, it is the cycle of your species, it is the cycle of man to do this over and over again. And within this moment, within one moment, the energy of your world is lifting.

(Excerpt from session 104)


Now you can see the crazy destruction and confusion that your world has created, the stories, the games, the journeys that are made and have been made for aeons, your time created illusion. Each and every piece is the same piece, again and again, the same story, the same chaos formulated into a different story, but the same meaning.

Everything your species has done is in the energy of destruction. Create and destroy and create again and destroy and create again and destroy. This is the cycle, and each time a little bit further in understanding the time before. A continual cycle of creation and destruction, of hierarchy, of underdogs, as you would call them, one against the other, pitted against each other, using their minds to manipulate, to create and then to destroy and then to start again.

It is the same story now, it has always been the same story. At what point do they realise that it is the same story? This is the point of awareness. This is the point of God, elevation or realisation. Kill is all they know. Kill and destroy and start again, is all they know, until the point of awareness, the point of realisation it is revealed to them, there is much more than this.

There is infinity in their time created illusion. You would say ‘no one dies’. It is true, no one dies, merely another formation of energy into the cycle. And it is at a position of realisation that this is only a cycle, a created illusion and when there is no reason to continue with the cycle, there is understanding and awareness of such.

Simplicity lies in the story that is created because it is the exact same story, over and over again. Once recognised it becomes obvious. Obvious to awareness but not obvious whilst continuing the cycle, whilst within the cycle. And this is position, this is the position that your species sit with on the sphere. It is their choice, it is your choice, and they are you, the same.

And of course, this cycle has been repeated, not just on the globe you sit on, but on many globes, on many spheres, on many levels, too many, an infinite amount. It is the same for all and every. And you cannot intervene, you cannot force, you cannot manipulate. Manipulation is continuation of the cycle, realisation is freedom from the cycle.

And this is your choice, it is for you to find this within, to understand that it is an illusion, a self-created illusion, a self-created complex mass of energy. It is for you to find this, and you are finding this.

And what is ‘after’ this? Now, firstly there is no after, there is no before, there is only the moment. So, the question to us is ridiculous and to explain it to you is difficult based on you perception of reality, based on your interpretation of reality of your mind, of your ego. It is difficult to explain what your interpretation of ‘after’ is because there is only one moment for all and everything. It is a feeling, an emotional feeling, it is vibrational energy, it is absolute. This is ‘after’. It is knowing, it is being aware, it is all encompassing love from the created source energy you are. Whilst you remain in a physical form with a conditioned memory, whilst you only understand conditioned logic, it is almost impossible to explain the question ‘after’. But you have glimpsed ‘after’, you have felt this. It is not ‘after’ it is one moment.

Do not allow your mind to create fear, it will. Relax and allow yourself to travel, to feel the love from source, to feel the positive energy that lies within all and everything. Fear will inhibit you ascension, your growth. And whilst you remain in the illusion you have created, you will never truly understand life without some kind of fear embedded within. But you must convert, you must change negative to positive, and you will, and you do, and the more you practice the better you become.

It is true, it is absolute to say that you create the world you live in. But you choose to do this and through your choice you experience all and everything, that is positive and negative. And through your negative experience you will ultimately choose positive. This is absolute, this is without question, and this is your choice.

There is no right way and there is no wrong way, there only ‘is’, and ’is’ is what you are. These are not riddles, this is reality. ‘This is’, ‘I am’, ‘you are’, ‘we are’ all one, the same. It is simple, it is not complicated, it is you that makes it complicated, it is self that allows complication.

You must continue on the journey you have chosen. You feel it is a difficult journey. It is a difficult journey, but it is an incredibly fulfilling journey. And whilst you feel the suffering and the pain and the confusion of all and everything, you cannot imagine the creativity of such a journey, an experience, you cannot imagine the creativity of positive energy, and you must continue. You are merely remembering, confirming to self what you already know, and within this space this is possible. What a fantastic journey you are on.

(Excerpt from session 124)


Physical Body

The frequency between us and you has to be pure. Again, there is a defined pureness. It has to be defined, otherwise it can be contaminated. It is made up of vibrations. You can raise the vibration of your machine, your body.

(Excerpt from session 22)


Every molecule within your physical body will react to every frequency that it receives. Action, reaction. You will create many forms of yourself in a physical form based on this reaction. They will change consistently. They will evolve. They will go from the start and back to the start. There is no beginning and no end. There is only one point. And you will continue to do this within one moment. And this is what you do. And you are affected by everything around you through frequencies. So your simple understanding of emotions in your world is far more complex. In our world it is natural for us to know this.

(Excerpt from session 30)


It is also true to say that you have been created (1). Your machine has been created from an external source for a specific reason. But your consciousness, your soul does not belong to the machine. It is but a machine. Your consciousness is the same as all. It is one. It is a separate component from the machine. It is totally separate. It can exist in any form it wishes to exist within.

It is also true to say that the physical creation that exists is, although one energy, separated deliberately by you. Therefore, your conditioning will separate positive, negative, good, bad for the specific reason to reunite with the source as one to experience this process. There are many reasons that your genetic makeup is formed by external forces. This process is occurring not just in your world, but in many worlds and in many moments, which is only one moment in what you perceive time is.

(Excerpt from session 70)


Your physical form is your prison, it is a machine. You dwell within it through choice. You created it through choice. You chose to dwell within it through choice. And your conditioning allows you to believe that you have no choice.

Know self, know what you are, and you will see the vastness of choice, the ability to create whatever you wish to create.

(Excerpt from session 104)


You are already aware that your entire physical form resonates through frequencies, with frequencies, with all frequencies. You are both a transmitter and a receptor. This is all living things, this is everybody who has this ability to transmit and to receive frequencies. This is physical formation of which you formulate from self.

Mind confusion receives these frequencies in many forms, and it will have a physical effect on your physical form, on your mind, but not on your conscious. Your conscious sits outside of this, you sit outside of this. You are not a physical form, this is an illusion. This is your illusion, and this is what you are attempting to understand, to be aware of.And the most powerful formation of energy from source, in a way that you would interpret it is love. Love is source. So, to enable you to understand that you are not a physical form, you have created a physical form to exist within. But you are not a physical form. You are a pure form of energy and for you to understand this, you must understand love as being the most powerful form of energy that exists.And each and every one of you is the same. It is one, it is not billions, it is one form of energy, of pure energy and you have created this illusion to finally understand what you are. You have created another form of energy.

But because you have created another form of energy, because it is from you -it is the same energy- it is your mind that allows you to think it is not. What a form of energy, when separated, does to self it does to others and what it does to others, it does to self. This is absolute.

(Excerpt from session 107)


You must remember that you are a pure form of energy. You are not a machine, you dwell within a machine, but you are not a machine.

(Excerpt from session 108)


The expanse of your brain, which is where you store all your memories of past -which is not past-, the expanse of your brain has to step into consciousness. Your brain is a machine, and as a machine, you limit its expanse. There are no limitations.

Once again, this is by choice. Your brain is a computer memory storage facility, and you have to connect to consciousness of which there is an infinite amount of data for you to access. And access is given through your imagination. You have to know this, it is not limited by anything, and neither can anything limit it. It is infinite and yet it is one, because one is infinity.

(Excerpt from session 116)


Theater of Physical Life

When you use your eyes, when you focus on a film, you are in this moment, you are within this film, within this story, a story that has been created to pull you into it, and you become a part of it. Your mind indulges within it as though it is it when this is also the same for your life, your conditioned life. You use all of your physical senses to engage within the game, within the film, within the illusion. And it is your mind that creates the film, the game, the illusion and with your eyes and your ears and your smell and all your senses, you are participating within it. And it is your mind that creates it and when you learn, when you know this is what it is, this is how you can be free of it.

You can then be consciously aware of what you are creating, what you are seeing, what you are hearing, what you are touching and smelling, and all of your senses is creating. And this is awareness, and this is the point or the position you are at, knowing it is an illusion.

But to enable you to know this, you must participate within it. How could you know if you do not experience this? And the more you experience it, the more aware you become of what it is, and you can drift in and you can drift out of this within a moment. And it is time that you have created to manage this theatrical performance. For your mind it has to have a beginning, a middle, and an end. It has to go from A to B because that’s what an illusion is, it is a journey, it is an act, it is theatre. For your understanding, it is theatre. And you can play many parts within the theatre you create. You do play many parts within it, and all of those parts that you play are occurring within a single moment. And you can gain much wisdom. The wisdom is within, but you can remember many things whilst participating, and you do.

In simplistic terms, this is all it is, and it is ever-expanding, you are ever creating within this physical world. Layers and layers of depth, of creation, but there is only one, there is only one form of true creation, and this is source and source is love, it is God in your words.

So, all and everything and anything is possible within your time created illusion, your theatre. All and everything is happening. If you have a thought, you have already created it, from the mind to the imagination.

You will, you have, you are creating it within a single moment. And as you become aware, you will observe. Observation is what you will do, you will observe. When you become an observer, you will less become a participator, and through observation, you will awaken. There will be no necessity to participate any longer and you will feel the vastness of one. You will know more source and you will know less fear. It is your illusion that creates fear, it is your mind, it is you. There is no A to B. Your journey is a creative illusion in the physical world. You are.

A to B is a story created by you, and we are all one. Self is one and separation is deliberately created by ego. It is necessary for us to repeat these things to you. You are constantly drawn back to conditioning. You are constantly creating, experiencing your physical existence within this moment you are choosing to focus on, and you will continue to do this.

This is why within this space it is necessary to remind you of what you really are. You are a pure form of energy and within here, you can feel that you can know it. And out there, you will fall back to a conditioned life, a conditioned experience. But you can know, you can know positive, your interpretation of good, of love. And this is what you chose to know positively, your interpretation of God, of love, and this is what you chose to know within this particular moment you are focusing on. And none of this is complicated although your mind will make it complicated. It is very simplistic. It is a cycle, and it is a cycle that you repeat many times in your time created illusion.

(Excerpt from session 115)


Just in the same way as you build a video, is in the same way as you build your life, a uniform construct, a uniform pattern of layers, layers of illusions, of creations.

(Excerpt from session 119)


But you have chosen to focus on a theatrical performance within a specific time, when in reality it really does not exist. And this is what you are doing and you have chosen to focus on this particular theatrical performance to know self and to know what you are.

It is an illusion. And it is your created illusion and everything within it is created by you. How could you possibly rationalise such a thing with your mind? How could you possibly rationalise such a thing with your ego? Whilst you are within the performance, the theatre, you chose to be an actor and you would not expect an actor to step out of his or her performance and step back in again during the show. In the same way, neither can you. But whilst you are performing, you can also imagine many things and you do, but only because you chose to do this.

The act is robotic. You know your script very well. You learnt your lines, but whilst you are reciting those lines, your imagination can wander, it can create. And the audience is you, it is yourself. It is you that is observing your performance within the theatre you have created. And you will understand this. You will realise that not only are you the actor, but you are also the audience, and at this point, you will know what you are. It is experience, is what you have chosen. It is experience in a physical form, in a theatre, an act, a play, a film, an illusion created by you. You are the writer, the producer, the creator of all of this, and you are also the audience.

(Excerpt from session 120)


What controls this illusion you have placed yourself within? The simple answer is you, you control it. You control it until you don’t control it and this is your choice.

What created it? The simple answer is you created it. You created it to understand self and to understand what you are. And the more you understand this, the less reliant upon it is your ego, is your mind, until eventually you have no reliance upon it.

And this is a different position, a different point of understanding self. And all are on this journey, all at different points and different positions. And all is one, all life, all species, all and everything created, created through energy and structured through creation…

You call it a game and you would state, why the game? Why the game indeed. It is firstly, not a game. And why? “Why” enables you to know what you are. Source knows only love. Through separation Source knows what love is. Simple, a simple way to explain why the game.

(Excerpts from session 129)



There is no death, death is a mind-created illusion, there is only life, there is only energy. You cannot destroy energy, and whilst you are on this journey of exploration, you will create many lives, many time created illusions to understand what it is you are, and you will do this consistently. More importantly, all of this is taking place within a single moment. So, there are no past lives, there is only one moment. But for a linear thought process, which is what you are trying to achieve to understand, you will refer to past, past lives. Yes, you will create, you have, you do within a single moment create many lives to understand what it is you are. So, there is no death, death is a way that you end one journey and begin another within a time-created illusion, when in reality, all and everything occurs within a single moment.

(Excerpt from session 159)


Death, there is no death. Birth, there is no birth. Between these two, it is an illusion. Within one, within the physical, you will feel, emotionally feel, the vibrational energy of pain. And your feeling of pain is brought about through your created illusion of loss, of loss for self. There is no loss. There was no beginning and there is no end, it is one moment, it is a continual, it is a continuous cycle. So, your emotions, your emotions of self within your time created illusion, choose pain. No one dies. If one dies, all die. And this is an impossibility. You receive comfort through knowing this. And your time created illusion is what you created to awaken, to remember this. All is one and one is all, it is the same thing. They didn’t die. They didn’t go anywhere. They didn’t make a journey from A to B. It is an illusion. Just in the same way that your time you have created to experience this is an illusion. And the egos, the people you have created to experience it with you, they too are the same. They too have created their illusion to ultimately understand what they are, to understand themselves what they are. And they are you, the same thing. When explained to you like this, it is simple, it is not complicated. And yet, with one foot in and one foot out, you will make it complicated within your physical creation. And none of this is wrong, and none of it is right. It is. And the more you experience this within a physical form, the more you become aware of what it is and how it is

And there is no death, it does not exist, it is another part of your separation, it is another part of your created A to B journey, nevertheless a necessary part. And what of them, with your perception of death, where do they go? They don’t go anywhere, because there is nowhere to go. They are as you are, as you would say I am. They exist as you exist, as one, as all. By the nature of your formation from one form of energy to another, you are pure. And everything is correct, for the moment it is in, and there is only one moment, for all and everything, no beginning and no end. Energy merely changes from one form of energy to another, and this is by choice. You choose what you desire to experience. But you must always remember one and one moment. So simple and yet so easy for you to forget, when you are indulging in your time created illusion.

There is a little point for you to communicate with an entity you feel, you feel you have lost. You have lost what you perceive to be that entity within your time created illusion, when in fact you have lost nothing. The perception, the persona, the personality that you created, that they created within their separation, does not exist in this form. And communication with this is self-gratification. Within a physical formation it is not real. It is once again your ego calling for this, for pacification. The entity, the energy is pure, it is a pure light as you are a pure light. You are a pure form of energy, you are not your ego, you are not your mind. It would be futile to communicate for self-gratification in a physical form. It would not progress self, it would inhibit self. It is another story for you to create. It is another form of imprisonment for you to inhibit your growth, your awakening, your self-awareness. It is not detrimental, merely another form of experience. There is no time. It is one moment. You simply have to remember the feeling of love you have for this energy, nothing more, no complex scenarios, no names, nothing, just the love you felt. Your feeling, it is enough for you, because you are the same. That is how simple it is.

(Excerpt from session 181)


Ever Expanding

Ever expanding, I have said to you before that it is ever expanding, everything, energy, continually expanding. But remember, one foot in and one foot out and for you to be able to understand ever expanding, you will logically understand it with your linear mind. And it is not explainable in a metaphysical way that you would understand it (2).

There is only one, there is only source, and all and everything occurs within a single moment. Ever expanding is not a linear continuous, it is one moment, all and everything within a single moment. So, to use your linear mind, your logic, to try to make sense of this, well, it is the same as asking, what is infinity? Infinity is one moment, and ever expanding is one moment. But your physical mind, your logic, your ego could not possibly understand this. This is why it is important to step out of the linear time created illusion you are in, and it is important to feel it, to know it.

It is very easy for your scientists to say ever expanding, and it is very easy for me to say to you ever expanding, but this is the only way I can say it, and it is the only way you will even get a glimpse into understanding it, because until you are out of body, you will not understand it.

It is an illusion. There is no mass or volume, there is nothing to expand. It is your time created illusion again, which is ever expanding illusions. And this is what you do, this is what you do whilst you remain within the cycle on the sphere, you create, you ever expand, you ever expand your illusion. All and everything is source energy, it is one, it is you, it is us, and everything outside of this is an illusion. And it is Source experiencing Source, it is you, it is the same thing.

Once again, one foot in and one foot out, incredibly difficult for you to rationalise, to understand, and incredibly difficult for us to explain it in a way that you can understand. It is not words, it is feeling, it is the moment, and as you develop, as you develop with many senses you are not even aware that you have, you will understand this. You will understand these words, but whilst you remain one foot in, it is the best I can do for you to get a glimpse into this.

(Excerpt from session 134)


Particles, matter, ever-expanding, an ever-expanding creation of your illusion, it is not the real world, it is an illusion that you create. It is an illusion that you create to experience, to know what you are, to experience what you are. It is natural, it is life, it is destruction and formation of energy. It is created all, the origin of source energy, and you will continue with the cycle of creation and destruction of particles, of matter, until you know what you are, and what you are is source energy. You are love, you are light, you are pure, and none of this is, as you would term correct or incorrect. It is what you create and what you destroy, and you are all one. You are one that choose to separate, to experience all different kinds of energy, to create new forms of energy and to destroy old forms of energy. New, old, it is the same thing, it is energy. It is simplistic, it is not complicated. And to allow you to take part in this journey, you create your ego. You use your mind to create ego, and with your ego, you set out on this journey many times, many cycles, to know self, to know what you are, until eventually you will return to source, knowing what you are. Source is what you are.

And all of the crazy situations and all of the contradictory information you receive is created by you, by your ego, and you cannot make logical sense of this because it is not logical (1). It is your choice of formation of energy, your choice, your ego’s choice, of which you created your ego. There is no way to logically understand this, unless you step outside of it, unless you understand why you created it in the first place. And until you understand this, you will remain within it on the same cycle over and over again. So much confusion within each and every one that has separated, within each, all and everything that has separated, not just your species, many species, an infinite amount. There is no end to it within the time you create to belong to it, your choice. It does not exist in reality, it is not real, it is an illusion created by you. What within your conditioned illusion would you do if you had not created it in the first place? To do, what would you do? Why would you even exist? For what reason would you create this illusion? To know what you are, to experience, to understand what you are. This is source, source is experiencing self in every way it can, in every form, in every physical form, in every time created illusion, and it is ever expanding, more experiences, more creation. You cannot even imagine the levels of creation that exist within the physical world. It is beyond your ability to understand the levels of physical creation that exist within an infinite amount of universes. But it is not necessary for you to understand, it is only necessary that you know it exists. And it is necessary for you to go within self, to know self, and to know what you are. It is that simple.

This is why you cannot possibly judge it or condemn it, it is your creation. You cannot either stop it, it is ever expanding, ever growing, ever experiencing. And it is much, much deeper than this one life you have chosen to focus on, to understand this. And what an incredible journey you are on. And as you fly high, and your ego will constantly try to pull you back, and this is why you created it. And there is no higher, there is no lower people or entities that exist within the universes that you created. They are all at a different point, a different position, nevertheless the same as you, one, source energy.

(Excerpts from session 136)


And you can create anything and everything you wish to create, and you do create. This is ever-expanding, and as you continue to expand, to create, it is infinite within the mind, within the ego. It is an infinite expansion when, in reality, the reality you are attempting to understand, this does not exist, because self is one. It is one energy. It is source energy. Self is one, and it is all. It is merely source attempting to experience self. This is why your science is ever-changing, ever-expanding, ever-formulating. It is infinite, an infinite illusion of mind, ego, expansion. All and everything changes within a single moment. You can multiply a unit as many times as you like, and it will continue to grow, and it is infinite, and it is an illusion.

(Excerpt from session 147)


Changes in our World

The changes that are occurring now in this world have been set for a very long time in what you call time. They have been written about many times. They are necessary. There is no deviation from this. There are no saviours. You are your saviour, if you want to use the word saviour.

Do not challenge them, it is not necessary. It is your ego. Do not fight it, it is not necessary to fight, it is your ego. What is occurring is correct. This is your experience. You will learn that your ego is just another tool. You will learn to utilise it. You will learn how to separate it from you and to call upon it when you need it.

What you see occurring now in this world is a universal power, a coming together of energy, an accumulative power from people. But one is the same as the many. No winners, no losers.

(Excerpts from session 3)


Do not fear what is happening, it is necessary, necessary for all.

(Excerpt from session 4)


In your timeline here, things will change dramatically in the physical world, you know this. This will not change your direction. It has already altered your position, but it will never change your direction. Position, direction, it’s different, leading to the same conclusion.

(Excerpt from session 6)


The dividing factors in your world will create an opportunity for many, but more it will not. You recognise this. A coming together is one, number one, one energy, one source. A separation is also one, but not recognised by the individual, so therefore it feels like many, but it is still only one. Self-realisation of this will guide you. It will lift you, it will raise you. Yes, it all seems so simple in here (4), and out there it is a jungle, I know.

(Excerpt from session 11)


Your world seems a crazy place at the moment. It is not. It is necessary.

You are the lucky ones, but you have earned it. You have suffered much pain, much anguish, many emotions. It is time now you understood why.

Do not consider times, dates, hours. We do not really understand this. Our emotional feeling is now, but what is occurring now is going to occur now. Change is imminent, in the moment. Again it’s difficult for you to understand this. It has a uniform pattern. Your world has overlayed different dimensions. This is what is occurring. This is why it is in what you would call turmoil, but necessary. There seems to be no sense to it as far as you’re concerned, but there is. Look on it as a challenge. Your world is being challenged. It’s not forced. There are many trying to manipulate, but they have no idea of what is occurring. They are merely trying to take advantage of a situation, driven by their conditioning. They have no real clue what is going on. Opportunists is what they are. No understanding of the source. A great change, you have seen it all before, opportunism, dictatorship, control, death and life.

(Excerpt from session 15)


You must be precise. You must be accurate. You must adapt with what you have been taught. There are many things you can change now. The energy is vast. Your world has waited a long time in what you call time for this moment. Many are trying to adapt, many are trying to change. You have an advantage, you know the rules of the game. But it is not a game…

You can shift the energy. There are many people doing this now. You can shift it, you can change it. You can alter the timeline that you are in. There has been a shift in a more positive or plus direction recently. The energy has changed. The formation of the particles have changed. This is an accumulation of everybody’s emotions. Many more people are becoming aware. The fire is dwindling. You can feel it yourself. The positive charge, the positive direction, the positive lift, you can feel it within yourselves, both of you, your own life. The negative will attack you again. I am not talking about an individual attack, I am talking about a very powerful energy. But I think you can deal with it now. You understand it more. You understand it is the same as you.

(Excerpts from session 16)


Your world is changing very quickly now. You could say behind the scenes there is a lot happening, a lot of changes are occurring. A lot of energy is shifting. You will see this soon. You do not need to be afraid. There are opposing forces also. I cannot tell you what the outcome will be, but it is necessary that the action takes place. You feel this. You know it. Do not be shocked by what you see happening. Do not fear it. There is nothing to fear. Many people will see it differently than you do. They will believe everything they are being told. It is no concern of yours.

(Excerpt from session 17)


There is little you can do to change what is happening in your world. It is insignificant to your journey, it is a tiny part of the process. Again, I repeat to you the same thing. Your awareness of truth, of God – in your words God -, the source, your awareness of this will set you free. You are already free, but you do not know it. We know the love from the source. You too, you know also.

(Excerpt from session 21)


The energy in your world changed today, you felt it (1). It will change consistently now and constantly. It is no concern of yours. There will be many changes in your world in what you call time. Your only goal is to understand yourself. This is the key to your understanding of everything, because we are all connected. By understanding yourself, you will understand all.

The moment is all that is important, but the moment can be changed. The moment of everything, every action, every emotion, all of time, is only a moment.

(Excerpt from session 22)


You are fully aware of the consequences of the creation of finance, good and bad. The controlling energies in your world are getting more powerful. It is not really a concern of yours, but it will have an effect. It will change direction. This process has been in flow for a long time in what you call time. Very little has changed with the type of energy that is projected. It is not new, it is also necessary. Within a three-year time period of what you call time, your world will be unrecognisable to you. But, again, it is not a concern for you. The origin of the control is from the fear of man, from your species. Fear. The fear of not been in control, their own creation, your own creation.

We do not intervene. We cannot. We know it is incorrect. We cannot, we will not. We can guide, we can tell you what we know. We cannot intervene, this will damage us.

There are other energies that are interfering also within the consciousness of a man’s mind. They are also controlling energies. We can also advise them, what they are doing and how they are doing it. And we do. But the bridge between the mind and the consciousness is never always easy to cross, nor to understand.

(Excerpt from session 26)


I find it insignificant to talk to you about the specifics of the occurrence in your world today, but you seem to want me to go into detail. The detail is insignificant. The process is happening. It can be changed in a moment, nevertheless it is occurring. I tell you many times, it is of no concern of yours, but your conditioning will always draw you back to the detail and, of course, you can learn many things from the detail, many scientific things, but there is no necessity for you to do this. The data already lies within, within you. But you keep going back. This is your conditioning. This is the piece that you hold onto, the piece you won’t let go. But eventually you will. I tell you this many times, you will not let go. It is what you chose to do.

(Excerpt from session 31)


So things have changed again in your moment. The energy has changed again in your moment. You would say you are being attacked, but you are not. The energy has changed in your world that you created. It has to rebalance. It will rebalance. This is nature. It has no choice. This is the source. But it has changed, you can feel it. And, of course, in the world you have created you will witness many things. But it has little significance to your journey. Your journey is much bigger than this. It is much greater than this. Remember, you created it. How you would term good and bad is not. Them and us, it is not, it is the same thing. I tell you again, it is the same thing. They are you, you are them, we are you, from the source.

(Excerpt from session 32)


There is at the moment in your world a stationary position, a mundane long process of nothing, no movement, no development, no thought. You also have to understand this, you judge it in time, it is not, it is a moment. Most are feeling the same, but for you this is unimportant. Your journey is much different than theirs. Your journey is to understand the reason you exist, what you are, what you are made up of, which is pure energy from the source.

(Excerpt from session 33)


The balance of energy in the world that you have created is volatile. It is up and down. It is volatile. It has to be rebalanced. It will be rebalanced. It is inevitable that it will be rebalanced. There is no escape from this. Escape, there is nowhere to escape to. But this has no significance. I think you are aware now it has no significance in the real world, not your created illusion. The metaphysical world is the real world, and your awareness of this will prove. Do you need prove, do you need to prove anymore your awareness? So long as you remain in the world you have created, you will always need to prove.

(Excerpt from session 35)


The insignificance about what you discuss, about what is happening in your world, applies as insignificant purely because it can change in a given moment. All and everything can change in a given moment. It is within your control how you change it, how you adapt yourself to it. Whether you hang onto it, whether you do not is your choice because it is your illusion. It is your creation. This is why it is insignificant. It is your own imagination that has created it in the first place, and it will be your own imagination that will choose to not allow it to form, even though it has formed in a moment. This is something you need to understand how this is possible. How is it possible, you ask, if it has already formed, how is it possible that you can prevent it from forming? These are the questions you need to ask. It is about the position.

(Excerpt from session 36)


The complexities you created in this physical world that you live in have entrapped people on a vast scale of energy. But this is no concern of yours. It does not affect you. It does not affect your awareness, or your growth, or your development. It will correct itself. There is a vast change occurring now within your physical world, but it is insignificant within what you would call the big picture, the whole of consciousness. There are physical entities that are, you would say, fighting for supremacy within this game they are playing. But, again, it has no concern of you. It is no concern for you. It is a small piece of an infinite jigsaw of consciousness which is ever evolving and expanding. And in the moment, it can change. Its position can change. You create that change.

(Excerpt from session 39)


I say to you many times what is occurring in your world in this time, in your interpretation of time, is of no significance to you. It has no effect on your journey, on your infinite journey. This is for you, it is not for all, your journeys are different. You have a different reason, a different position within your journey. It is insignificant for you. Your intrigue allows you to monitor what is occurring, and often this confuses you. This is the difference between conditioning and consciousness, awareness. There is no necessity for you to monitor what is occurring. You must stay in the positive, in the light, and continue your understanding of consciousness, your awareness. This cannot touch you. It is small and insignificant within the infinite world of the source. Your conditioning will always draw you back to what is occurring in the physical world that you live in, that you chose to live in. Your journey is infinite. It is endless. It is without time and space. This is the reality of life. Your illusion entraps you within it through your conditioning. You revert back always to your conditioning, your ego, your mind. This is the process that you go through. But for you it is insignificant what is occurring. It is a mass of energy created through vibrations. Joined, it grows. It will disperse, it will correct itself, but it is not important for you to be divulged within it. Your view on life should exceed and surpass this now, and understand the eternal life and journey that you are participating in.

The acceleration of the negativity that is created in your world at this time, in what you call time, is phenomenal. It is explosive. It is created through negative energy. It is necessary. But, again, no concern of you. It will rebalance. It will reset. This is part of the process. It is not wrong, it is part of the process. Many, many energies you are associated with, many people will be drawn into this negative void. You will feel pain from this. Your pain is an illusion. Your pain comes from your conditioning. You must lift your energy above this. You must work always in the positive. You chose to do this, and you must apply it. You will not be drawn into it. This is your journey. You chose to be here in this time, in what you call time. You chose this journey. It is not pain, it is awareness, it is wisdom, it is knowledge through wisdom. The love from the source encompasses all. It is not your interpretation, your physical interpretation of love – this is conditioning -. You are connected to all. It is love for all. Your families chose to be around you at this time, in what you call time, for a reason. Although you don’t think so, they did. They, like you, chose to be here and now within the moment you call time. You are becoming much more aware of this now. There is no point to disagree, to argue, to fight, you are adding to the vibrational energy of negativity. It is pointless. You are not helping the situation when you do this. You must stay in the positive. Again, this is not for all. You chose this. You chose, you chose it. It is difficult for you to understand when you live in the physical and not in the metaphysical. If you apply always positive energy you will lift, you will lift your families. You may not think so, but you will. It is a vibrational energy. It can do no other than lift into positive. It is impossible for it not to work. It is the fundamental basic principle of the process. It is absolute.

(Excerpt from session 44)


It is true to say that the physical world you have chosen to be a part of, within the time you choose to remember, of which there is no time, it is true to say that there is a vast energy differential within the world you are in. But I have told you before, it will rebalance, it has no choice. The forced change will come through the mass of negative energy it has produced. And through the production of the negative energy will transpire positive energy. Again, it is a natural process, and it is occurring right now within this world you choose to remember. So this is why I tell you it is no concern for you or your journey. It is different for others. So you move forward – your words forward -, it is not forward, it is one, the same moment. But you become more aware within this moment. You are becoming more aware within one moment. Your position is correct.

(Excerpt from session 52)


It is also true to say that the energy within the world you have created is constantly changing. It is true to say that the balance is constantly changing. It has no choice, it is going to be a natural occurrence.

Man’s consideration of his own ability when based purely for control, is self-delusional. It is mind control. His inability to understand that it is his own mind that is controlling him and ultimately creating much energy which does not cross the bridge into the imagination, it is based on fear, fear of himself, fear created from his mind. Created energy of a mass of negative energy which did not cross the bridge into the imagination to become one energy, energy formed in the mind, isolated from the imagination, from the consciousness, formed and stayed in a negative form, will balance ultimately. There is no choice other than the intervention of positive energy. The balance within a physical form has to remain balanced, natural, the birth of energy from the source.

You do not have to be concerned about a balance, this is beyond your control. It will occur. Your comparisons of what is right for you are based on your own conditioning within the conditioned world. You have to lift yourself above this because you also will remain within your own mind, creating energy that is not balanced. And you also will be balanced, ultimately.

It is the same as I have told you from the beginning, quite simply you are a pure form of energy created from the source. But your abilities, your potential, it is beyond anything you can understand within the physical form you are with the senses you have.

(Excerpt from session 55)


There will be many stories that your physical world will create to try and confuse you, even stories from what you consider to be the good guys. There are no good guys – your words, good guys -, there are no bad guys – your words -, they are the same energy. It is not a game, it is formation of energy through frequencies where you have a choice, you have a choice of the type of energy you wish to form. One ultimately becomes the other. It is the source. It is source energy, and you choose the formation and the process of the formation of that energy. It is your choice, and for you, you must choose positive. I can only tell you this because it is what you chose before you came into this life.

(Excerpt from session 56)


Do not try to put timelines on everything. These are your creations, timelines. It is also important to remind you that everything can change within one moment. There is an infinite amount of possibilities that can transpire within your created illusion. So nothing is for certain as you would term it, it can change within the moment, your position can change. If you focus on what you believe is the ending, then you will force this position. You must think positive. You must think about a positive solution to your creation. You must not dwell on the negative, otherwise this is where you will live within this realm, you will live in the negative. You must work on positive, always, work within the positive energy of the source. This is what you chose to do.

And I say to you, and I have said many times, it is insignificant what is occurring. It will rebalance. And you chose to work in the positive energy. And you can choose any conclusion you like, and this will be the conclusion for you within the world you have chosen to live.

Negative energies, which are not incorrect, are working very hard now to create many confusing stories. It is a natural process that your mind will create so many stories, many brands intentionally created to confuse, to stop you crossing the bridge from the mind to the consciousness. And this is occurring on mass right now in the moment. You can change the moment. You can change the moment when you are aware of what is occurring. It is for you to do this. You must remember everything lies within.

(Excerpts from session 57)


Your world, your one world is slowly lifting the vibrational energy. It is occurring. And of course, through this occurrence, you will see many changes within it. Your conditioning will not like the changes it sees, but this is only your conditioning. Your conditioning will witness many changes, but you do not have to be afraid. The fear will only reduce its ability to raise its vibration. It is positive, it is not negative, it is the raising of vibrational energy. It is necessary. And of course, when people hear this, they will or they will not understand these words, but it will resonate, and it will raise the vibrational energy, which is what you have chose to do.

(Excerpt from session 62)


The energy is slowly rebalancing whilst your mind will tell you it is not. It is. It has no choice. Contamination, mixed emotions, confusion is a sign of rebalance. It is what you see every day. It is contradictory to itself. The information is confusing. It is frequencies and emotions performing a function of rebalance. It is something your ego, your mind, cannot make sense of. It is erratic, which is confusing. You laugh at it because it is, it appears to be crazy for you (1). It is not crazy. It is, once again, the process of rebalance. You will know this now. You will know when you see, and you hear and you touch and you smell with your given senses, in the physical world, you will know that confusion for your mind is rebalance in the metaphysical. Again, it is important to be aware of this, to consciously note that this is rebalance. Confusion for the mind is a rebalance of the physical. You must stay strong whilst what you see occurring all around you in your physical world will seem like chaos. It is not and you must stay strong, and you must understand with your awareness what it is you are experiencing, what it is you are viewing.

You are a pure form of energy. You must remain positive. This is your contribution to the rebalancing of the energy. Positive, although it is all the same energy from the source, you will understand it as positive energy. You are achieving this now and as the rebalance continues, many will alight their burning candle more, it will become stronger. They will reach out for guidance to become more aware themselves of what is occurring. They too are confused. They are confused with the emotions, the frequencies, the energies. They too will be searching for an answer and the flame will become stronger, and they will search harder. They will look for guidance because they will make no sense of what is occurring around them and their minds will fight, their egos will fight to stay within the position they are at. But they will have no choice other than to move, than to ask questions. They too, must know. So, this is why it is important to participate whilst you are in a physical form. It is important to experience these emotions. You have chosen this journey. It is important to experience and then it is important to return to the source as one.

(Excerpt from session 71)


For a physical world to exist in a physical form, there has to be a balance of what you would term negative and positive, an even balance. Because like attracts like, the balance is often uneven and then it will correct itself to an even balance within the physical world, and this will happen in one moment. This is constantly happening within one moment. Because in what you call time, these moments – although that is not entirely correct to say these moments because there is only one moment, but it is the only way your conditioned mind will understand it -, these corrections are constantly happening in one moment, all and everything is happening in one moment. You must try not to apply your conditioned logic to a metaphysical world. You must remember that your ego and your mind are working against your realisation and your awareness, your enlightenment. And if you apply your physical logic, your mind’s logic, your ego’s logic to this, it will confuse you.

(Excerpt from session 73)


Your small world is starting to awaken. The energy is starting to lift. The vibrational energy of your tiny world is starting to grow. This is what you chose. It is a magnificent journey for you to witness and participate within as one, and one can change all because it is the same thing as all can change one.

(Excerpt from session 74)


I will say little about what is occurring within your world, within this world, but what I will say, as I have told you, as we know, it is rebalancing. It has no choice other than to rebalance, and you can feel this occurring. It is so insignificant, it is all I have to say, there is no necessity to emphasise on this. You can see it, you can feel it. And many have also been forced through vibrational energy to a position of faith, to a point, without their conscious knowing, although subconsciously they do. They have been forced to this position, rendering growth, preventing the growth of negative energy, working within positive, the positive energy that they chose to work within whilst a physical form. This is occurring within the moment…

You have decided to make this time within this world, the grand awakening. You have decided to focus upon this mass awakening, and this is what you are focusing on. This is what you are witnessing. This is what you are experiencing. But it is a morsel, it is a minute piece of the vastness of consciousness.

(Excerpts from session 77)


Your world is awaking, energy is amassing from your perception of good and bad, from light and dark. Although you are not aware of this, it has been dark for a very long time. And awakening is light, and light is source. It is an incredible awakening, and this is what you are experiencing, and this is what you chose to experience. You chose to experience light, positive, to lift your world at this time in what you call time, which is only one moment of many lives you are in within one moment.

Your conditioning does not like change and change is occurring. It will fight against change. Your ego, your mind will be content with very little awareness if it is forced to change. It will repel against change, but it will change, it is changing, and that change is light, it is positive, and you can feel this change within self.

(Excerpt from session 90)


The mass formation of energy within the world you are focusing on is changing, the balance is changing. With the introduction of positive energy, it is rebalancing. It has no choice. It has no choice because this is the only way it will maintain its existence although its existence is an illusion formulated through energy. For continuation it must rebalance, and it is rebalancing.

(Excerpt from session 99)


With the human creation of energy, the consistent, infinite creation of energy, infinity applied only to physical formation, there can be many changes within one moment. The volatility of this is prevalent within the world you have chosen to focus on.

It is abstract, it is diverse, it is outstandingly emotional, but it is only a small piece of the energy you are. It is only a small piece of you which you are all one. But for you, within a conditioned life, its appearance, its growth, its immense ability to change is extraordinary to you.

(Excerpt from session 106)


It is totally irrelevant what is occurring within this illusional time you have chosen to focus on. It is all energy created by physical form, vibrational energy, and it is all going to the same point, the same position. The story and the thousands of stories that you have created are irrelevant. It is a structure created by you to put yourself in a position. It is irrelevant by the fact that it is only, it is only a tool that you have created. It has no bearing on your ultimate position. No right, no wrong, and it must be viewed that way, it is merely an implement, a tool. A vehicle, as you are a vehicle, is what it is. How can you lay judgment on a vehicle? A little bit stupid, do you not think?

Your emotional reaction to all scenarios that are presented to you should be only love, only positive. This is source, this is God, this is what you seek. Seek and you will find.

(Excerpt from session 107)


Your world is awakening, it is raising its vibrational energy. Many, which is one, are asking the same questions. Many are in different positions. Nevertheless, they are working in the same direction. They are asking within, what is the meaning of such?

The web of confusion created by eight billion separated from source -when in fact one is too much to comprehend-, a minefield of unnecessary energy created for the exact reason to confuse, to create chaos, a what you would term negative energy -when in fact the same energy, source energy-. And the answer lies in simplicity.

(Excerpt from session 114)


The small world you are in, the time illusion within the small world you are in is changing its position within each and every moment in a positive way. It is changing its position. And within this time illusion, it is being forced to change position with the application of negative. And positive being the driving force of negativity is forcing a positive solution of which is love, alignment, the ultimate creation of Source. In reality, both negative and positive, is created from source. They are the same. And this world, this small place you term to Earth is dramatically changing within the time illusion you have created within. With this change will come understanding of consciousness, understanding that all is created from source, and all is a pure form of energy, and origin is not diluted. Many changes are happening now.

(Excerpt from session 116)


It is pointless to attempt to make any logical sense of the political world that you have chosen to focus on, but be aware it is defined and precise. But to attempt to make any logical assumption is going to end in logical confusion. It is not a logical analysis. Even though the physical formation is precise, it exists, the scenario exists for a specific reason, and applied physical logic will never truly understand what that reason is, whilst within consciousness it is clear indeed.

And it is a theatre, a play, a game that has been and is being, within a single moment, acted out more times than you can count to infinity. So, what chance do you think you would have of working it out in a physically logical way? None, because this is not the way to understand it.

(Excerpt from session 128)


Knowing is instant, knowing is knowing. Unexplainable to most within a time created illusion, but absolute. You, you can see within this physical world that you focus on, the diversity, the complexity, the integration of energy, the contradiction, the mass confusion that exists within this illusional world. Knowing deep within its complexities, its confusing messages, well, it is truly insignificant, insignificant in actuality, significant as a directional tool implemented by you, for you to understand, ultimately to elevate to a different position of understanding.

(Excerpt from session 129)


And what of your world, your tiny world that you focus on? What of the chaos that exists within it? It is necessary, it is necessary for two energies to become one. It is another theatre, another journey, another experience, until finally, reunited as one, another illusion. And this illusion is played out in every time created illusion from every species, universe, of which there is an infinite amount. It is played out so many times, over and over again, until it’s not, until realisation that it is only an illusion.

Two is one, the same, and of course, it is very difficult, a position you have chosen to exist within, to focus upon, it is difficult because you are attempting to understand one, when you live in a different position, a different point. You live in two when there is only one, a crazy way to understand. We understand, we understand all of this, we do not know completely source, but we understand the structure much more than you do. And at the point, the position you have decided that no longer do you have to create any more time, you will know, you will understand.

(Excerpt from session 134)


Your world, your chosen world is changing. The vibrational energy of all, which is one, is changing. It is forming into a different world within a single moment. And when I say to you, one can change all, and all can change one, it is difficult, I know, for you to accept this, but it is only your ego that prevents this. All is one, it is the same thing. The formation of positive energy is abundant now within your world. It cannot be any other way, it is absolute, it forms into positive, ultimately, into love. You witness this on a small scale, but it is not small, it is all, and these are the things that you are seeing around you. It will get easier, easier in your conditioned life, but easier is not a term that is correctly applied.

(Excerpt from session 139)


With a rebalance and equilibrium of energy within a physical form, many will awaken. To explain this in simple terms, it means that they can logically assess what they are actively participating in, and they will ultimately choose positive. But it is a choice because it is an illusion created by self to get to this position, this point of awareness. A balance will awaken consciousness. Within your time created illusion, you have lived for a very long time without a balance. But again, it is an illusion. Time is an illusion. But you have chosen to live many lives, many cycles within this illusion of imbalance. Imbalance is what you created, and now within this time created illusion, there is a balance occurring. And a balance will awaken many, many that have separated from source. It will awaken, and it will force them to a different position, a different point of understanding self, and they will choose positive. It will be, within the illusion, a more harmonious feeling of energy. But also, people will choose negative for the continuation of the journey. Everything within a time created illusion has its own designated moment, when in reality, it is all one moment. It is a fact that out of chaos comes perfection. A defined process is applied to get to this position of knowing self, of knowing what you are, and you are perfect in every form. You could be no other than perfect because you are a part of source energy.

Your focus on world events should be a positive focus. It is absolutely necessary that within your time created illusion, you go through this process. This is why you chose to focus at this time in your illusion. You chose to experience and to grow, and many will grow and experience, and many will not, and it is perfection. It is correct. And it is fear that will prevent focus. It is fear that will prevent self-development.

(Excerpt from session 148)


Within your time created illusion your world is aligning, it is becoming clearer. Your mind, your ego does not like change, but it also does not like imbalance, even though it will always apply imbalance. It desires stability, and within your time created illusion this does not exist, but it will force stability, it will force balance, it is.

(Excerpt from session 150)


Within your time created illusion, the time you have created, the focus, the focal point you have decided to exist within, the vibrational energy is changing. You might view this as negative, and it appears within the chaos to be negative (3). It is not. It is forcing a positive change, a lifting of vibrational energy. It is forcing love. What your mind may think it is, it is not. It is the opposite. It is a huge shift in energy from one form to another, from negative to positive, and it is occurring within the illusion you have decided to focus upon.

And it is one, and it is all, and all have a part in this. All are equally as important within this change. As one can change all, and all can change one, it is occurring, it is, you are, as we are. And you chose, you choose to be positive, to see love, to feel love, to create love, to be as one, as source, and this is what you choose to do.

All is correct for the moment it is in, no good, no bad, no judgment, all correct. It is very simple. It is not complicated, it is only you that make it complicated, it is only your mind, your ego.

(Excerpt from session 165)


Your world, your time created illusion within this, your world is awakening. They, the energy that exists within this sphere is awakening to consciousness. Many candles are burning brighter. And this is all correct, and the ones that are not burning are also contributing to the awakening. And this is the time you have chosen, and this is what you have placed within your Illusion, your time created illusion.

(Excerpt from session 167)


Mass formation of energy is occurring within your world. Awakening is occurring within your world on mass. Different positions, nevertheless awakening. The raising of vibrational energy in mass, the formation of a different world that you have created, a more positive world working within the positive is appearing. What you see is not what is occurring. That is ego, that is mind. What you think is occurring is not, it is the opposite of what you think. It is your ego that allows you to think the way you think, think, mind.

All both negative and positive are heading in the same direction, and that is Source.

(Excerpt from session 168)


You created this time for a specific reason. Changes you make have an effect on all and everything, every dimension, every possibility, every life you are living. It is not just the one you have chosen to focus on. It is across all consciousness, because it is the same thing. It is one moment that you cannot comprehend and you will not comprehend within a linear time created illusion. But to be sure, it will affect, it does affect all and everything.

You have to apply faith. Faith is knowing. You know within how this works and you have to apply faith in the knowing that it will. It is changing the vibrational energy of consciousness. One is all and all is one, and by lifting, by applying positive energy in every scenario, by removing fear, you will lift the vibrational energy of all and everything, because all and everything is one. One foot in and one foot out is a difficult path, difficult because you try to understand both within the same moment, and with a linear mind, with your ego, you cannot do this. So, be sure that you do change all and everything. Your focus is too much on a physical world, a illusion that you have created. You give it so much credence. It is a tiny part of what you are. It is a tool that you use. It is so small and yet you give it so much concern, so much focus. It is only a part, a tiny part of your creation, of self. So, in answer to your question, yes, all and everything is possible. You have already changed much within all. And with faith you have to apply positive, love, in every scenario and this is how the energy shift will occur. But of course, before that can happen, you need to understand how it works. And this is your journey, this is your process. This is ultimately the process of all, which is the same thing.

Faith is an incredibly powerful energy, as is imagination. There is nothing complicated about this, you merely have to apply. So, all of your questions, all of your complex stories, all of your analysis, futile. Futile for change. Change will occur with positive application. With the removal of fear, there is no other outcome, it is inevitable.

(Excerpt from session 169)


Your world, your world, your tiny world, is lifting. It is balancing, it is forming, it is starting to know what it is.

(Excerpt from session 180)


Past, Other Lives and Cycle of Life

The circle of life is the cycle of life. You use the word past lives. There is no such thing as past. It is in one time, one moment, at the same time. Your illusion of time uses words like past and future. One moment, one time. You have to use your imagination to understand this. It is necessary that you know how this works. A complete process instantly in one moment. This, for you, has been a stumbling block for a long time in what you call time. For you to know, it is necessary for you to understand. All is accessible, all information is accessible. Just like a computer needs a command for you to extract the data within, billions and billions of data, you need to give a command, a correct process for you to understand, to collect the data within. It is the command that is important, the understanding of the process.

Eternal is the circle. Infinite is the circle. Right around and back to the beginning every time. The beginning is in every part of the circle. Every point is the beginning, every point is an end. Round and round and round, beginning end, beginning end, consistently, beginning end and infinite, this is the way it works. If you can rationalise from your conditioning, then you will understand a part. You will not understand all. Every point is a beginning, and every point is an end in a linear circle. In a sphere it is highly formed with beginnings and endings of a multitude, of an infinite amount of possibilities in one, one sphere. Yes, it is incredible information for you to visualise such. This is reality. All your matter is made up of circles, protons, neutrons, you would call them, minus, plus. Circles. They are circles, spheres, coming and going. You would say erratically but it is not erratic. It is uniform. It is precise. It is specific to you. The channel is clear today. Linear is a circle. Infinite is a sphere. There is a difference.

Together as one in one time, one moment, joining. And, of course you can change that moment. You can change everything. It is your choice. But you always make the journey again, and you always start again from the beginning. And where you end you will start. It is the same point.

(Excerpts from session 25)


Your focus is important. You must stay focused. It can all change in one moment. When the vibration is lifted it can change in one moment, a cycle. We can see the future in what you call future because it has already happened. It is happening now. But it can change. Your creation of energy, your frequency can change all. You can merely start at another position and start again and end at the same position, it is like a dial. It can start and stop at any point you like, over and over again. The formation of physical and mental is for you to decide as it is the same for us.

(Excerpt from session 26)


It is a cycle for each and every within the physical. You have created time to continue the cycle. It is how you measure the distance between the cycle. You use your created time. You create the beginning, you create the end. Another illusion. It is a cycle within a cycle. What you have created is from the source. You create many of your own cycles within the cycle. There is only one cycle. But you have created many, and you try to rationalise this with time. Your imagination has created many things through your given senses.

(Excerpt from session 48)


You must remember, every single one of you has lived and is living many different lives in conscious awareness. This can be confusing for you within the one life you are focusing on.

(Excerpt from session 49)


You have created many physical forms within your infinite lifetime. This is one of them. The importance of what is occurring within this physical world you have chosen to remember is insignificant for you in a physical way. What is important for you is your awakening, your awareness, your connection with the source, the one, which is everything. This is difficult when you are so conditioned to believe it is a certain way when in fact it is not. It is one way. Enlightenment is one way, it is wisdom through knowledge of which all knowledge exists within, within all, like a code within…

You have repeated this process many times before. You will return to the source, and you will repeat the process again. Before – there is no such thing as before, it is within the same moment -, again – there is no such thing as again, it is within the same moment -, together in one moment. Your energy, each time you repeat the process, becomes stronger. Your position changes each time you repeat the process. If you want to apply reason, this is reason.

(Excerpts from session 56)


We do not deal in prediction. The reason we do not deal in prediction is because all things are possible. There are many outcomes, it is for you to choose which one you feel with your vibrational energy is correct for you. What is correct for you may not be correct for others, but the outcome within the cycle you are in is your choice for you. It is for you to choose this to get to a different position, or the same position you are already in. This is the process. There is no correct choice, there is no incorrect choice, it is a choice given in a moment. There is no time. It is your journey, your journey through to the consciousness. And when you leave the physical world that you have created, you will be aware of all of this, and you may choose to repeat this cycle again. You have repeated it many times before within what you call time. You would ask why repeat again the cycle? This is also a question we are asking, because all the information you need, all the wisdom and the knowledge lies within you already. So we also ask the same question, and through the question we ask we are also experiencing your process, your reason. We believe that this brings you closer to the source, and as you become closer to the source, as do we become closer to the source. We are also living the same experience from you, from your experience.

(Excerpt from session 60)


You have chosen to rebirth yourself many times without the memories of your past lives. You have chosen to come into this physical form without memories, without awareness of consciousness. You have chosen to do this, to remember consciousness, to know again what you are. It is a difficult path you have chosen. It is a battle you have chosen to fight within yourself. You have formulated your mind, your ego, to fight against itself in the knowing that you will become aware of consciousness. It is an interesting path you have chosen. It is interesting to us as to why you would do this. Because you have been aware, fully aware, many times within the process, and yet you come back again to do it again, over and over again.

(Excerpt from session 73)


Neither can you comprehend how many lives you are living right now as a physical human form. And if your mind was aware of such, the confusion would be, it would surpass all possibilities. So, you deliberately block this, you have no choice. Your mind does not have the capacity to consume this amount of knowledge and information. Neither does it have the capacity to separate it, and of course, for this, you need to know what time really is, and you do not know this. Not whilst you retain a physical form in a physical world, impossible. You would call it a conundrum. It is not. It is far simpler than you think it is. So many things for you to experience, so many things for you to do, but you only need to understand because you are experiencing already all of those things.

And you are focusing on this life to understand. And if you share your experience as you share your experience with us, as we share our experience with you, you are helping yourself because we are the same as they are the same, it is one energy. It is source energy, it is for you, God.

(Excerpt from session 85)


You have created many lives to follow the same journey, to return back to one consciousness of which you created time.

(Excerpt from session 87)


You cannot use your imagination whilst in the physical form to remove time from your time created illusion. This is why I cannot predict, give you information that is precise to your existence, to your life. It is because you have so many lives within one moment. All is occurring within one moment. A prediction or your interpretation of a prediction is one thing occurring in one life. And all is occurring in all lives that you are participating in within this moment. So all is possible, all and everything is occurring, and your total misunderstanding of time cannot allow you to understand this.

All of these things I tell you about all of these infinite lives you are living you will understand instantly as though it has been there within you always, because it is…

Your thoughts create chaos within an ever-expanding physical universe. There is no end. There is only a cycle, the same cycle, repeated over and over again, no beginning, no end.

(Excerpts from session 88)


All aspects of all the lives you take part in contribute towards your understanding of source, of God. Source energy is love.

(Excerpt from session 89)


There are many creations occurring within a physical form, an ever-expanding process of creativity, of forms. There is new energy created as physical forms, in time, in time created illusions. These energies are of a fresh origin, when in reality they are the same as you, a constant cycle of creativity, of experience.

I am because I have always been, I know no other, as are you the same.

(Excerpt from session 90)

Each moment is one moment of realisation, of awakening for you. Whilst your conditioning will cling to its creation, its illusion, you know within self what is correct for you. What is correct for you is not necessarily correct for all. In a philosophical application, it is correct, within their own chosen separation, it is not. Once again, dual application is also difficult for you to understand. The reality of one against the separation of all should logically apply a philosophy of all is one, which it is, but each and every chosen isolation is on a different journey, a different position on the sphere. Each and every will, through a time created illusion, complete a cycle, a complete cycle, from the beginning and back to the beginning. Chosen also by them to separate when in fact, in reality there is no separation. There is no entrapment for you, entrapment is self-created as is all self-created.

(Excerpt from session 93)


With creation comes experience, comes a journey, a cycle, from the beginning to the end. When in reality, there is neither, it is one moment. I do not talk in riddles, it is clear, it is precise, it is the process I talk about frequently, and it is for you to know.

(Excerpt from session 94)


Every moment, within all your time created illusions you are experiencing -and of course, there is no time, it is an illusion- within all of your time created lives there is only one and you are one, as we are one, as Source is one. You are created from Source energy, and you are Source energy.

(Excerpt from session 105)


Life and death, your machine you dwell within is an illusion and the cycle continues for you. When you are engulfed in your physical existence, when you are immersed in your illusion, you are lost. But you must ask yourself why do you keep returning to this place under so much immersion into your conditioning? Why do you keep returning? You return because it is real, it is known, and you will continue with your cycle it until you don’t. And this is your choice.

(Excerpt from session 106)


The reality is one consciousness is all that exists for each and every that has chosen to separate, to create cycles, to experience cycles. A chosen journey by self.

Life is chosen and created to experience. Time is a created illusion, to experience many lives within it. It is cycles, continual cycles of experience. Good, bad, all one experience is what it is. Within reality all of these experiences are happening within a single moment. You cannot imagine how many experiences you have created. You have chosen within a single moment. But there is a precise, a calculated reason why you choose to focus on one of these experiences. This is your Higher Self. This is your point, your position. Whilst you harness all of the experiences within one moment, the one you focus on is for you the most important.

(Excerpts from session 111)


A continual cycle of non-escape, of trapped. I could not tell you in years how long you have spent of your illusion to be in this position, it is endless, to be in this position, this point, to become aware of how the system, the process works. And this is now your time in your time created illusion, and you chose this time.

(Excerpt from session 112)


All and everything is possible, all creation, all destruction and all recreation. And the cycle continues, and until you are aware of this, you will continue within your own cycle of many cycles, of which you have continued for thousands of years in what you call time. You have chosen to do this to understand, as have we, the same.

(Excerpt from session 122)


Every element of mind created illusions comes from you. Every complexity, every single name, word, every complex situation has been created by you, of which is endless, created by you to understand self, to understand what you are.

And this continuous cycle evolves and grows, ever expands, until the point of realisation, of realisation of what you are. You are a pure form, you are a pure formation of energy.

(Excerpt from session 125)


Your work, work, another word, another ridiculous word, your work, for you to understand, has only just begun and yet you have already finished, and the cycle will continue until it doesn’t. This is your choice, it is for you to decide the position or the point in which you dwell within a moment. It is not for us to decide even though we are one, the same.

(Excerpt from session 126)


When you apply forgiveness and compassion, within an instant you change all. And it is an ever-constant changing of energy from one form to another and back again, and from one form to another and back again, a cycle, a process, and when you are aware of this there will be no necessity to continually repeat the same cycle. You are them, and they are you, one, as we are you, and you and you are of us, the same.

(Excerpt from session 127)


Knowing is one part of the process, application is another. There is no conclusion, no end, because there is no beginning. It is a cycle, it is a constant, it is all and everything, no beginning, no end, a continual.

(Excerpt from session 128)


And all of your past lives -which are not past, they are now-, you have created for a specific reason, and that reason is to understand now, to understand self, to understand that you are a pure form of energy capable of creating anything within a single moment.

Your journey is one purely based on these experiences, and it is only experience that will force you to a position or point of understanding. It is nothing else. It is a theatre, it is an illusion created by you to understand self. And what a fantastic way to know what you are!

This is why none of this is determined as good or bad. This is why you cannot make any type of judgement against it, neither in good nor bad. It is merely experience. And when you reach the point of understanding, this is the point you are free from this cycle you repeat in each and every life you are in, this constant experience cycle. When you cease to experience the cycle anymore is the point of realisation of self. But whilst you are engaged within the cycle -it is important to be engaged within the cycle-, it is important to experience all and every part. This is energy flow, this is the flow of your energy, and this is exactly what you chose to do. And understanding that love is the creation of this, love is the energy force behind all of the experiences you have, this is why there is no differential between negative or positive. It is the same thing, the same driving force, the same energy, the same energy which forces you to understand self, to know what you are.

The theatre, the game, as you call it, is what you created to know self. It is what you create to know self. The cycle is what you create to know self. And the position you sit upon it, upon the sphere, is the position or the point you come to at every single moment of which there is only one.

Whilst you fully understand the theory, you do not consistently hold within a moment the feeling of this, neither will you until you are no longer in a physical form.

(Excerpt from session 132)


So, your future, your past, all irrelevant, one moment is all, is both of those things. And you can and do constantly change the moment within the illusion you sit. You are constantly changing all and everything, as are all the same. It is formation of energy, and within this space is origin of energy to form into energies of different creations, of different particles, to come to the same conclusion. And it is a cycle, a constant cycle, right the way from the beginning and back to the beginning, to source, to love, to the all-encompassing love of one, of self, of knowing.

(Excerpt from session 136)


Your ego has no stop (1). It was created by you in this way. It has no stop until you stop it, and you will not stop it until you fully recognise what it is. And it is a tool, a tool that you created to know self, and this is your cycle until you do know self, until you do know what ego is. And it will create so many distractions, so much confusion, so many physical confusions within your life, because it does not stop. And it is you that allows its continuation, it is you that allows it to go forward with cycle after cycle, after cycle, and when you know self, it will stop.

I understand that it is very difficult for you, it is very difficult for you to see around you so much confusion, so many energies within the world that you created, but as I have said to you before, it is insignificant. It is significant in affect for your journey, it is insignificant within the enormity of what you are. And within your separation, through your separation, and through each cycle that you have created, through your time illusions you are experiencing within a single moment, you are becoming more and more aware of source, aware of what you are.

(Excerpts from session 155)


You are learning, have learned the process, but you choose to forget. You choose not to remember. You choose to experience, and to forget is to experience, again. It is a cycle. And you choose to come back —come back, you are experiencing all these lives within the same moment, there is no comeback—, but you choose a time created illusion to focus on. And during this time you have forgotten what you are, deliberately forgotten what you are, so you can remember again, so you can experience again the cycle. From the beginning and right back to the beginning, again and again and again, until you have no necessity to repeat the same cycle.

(Excerpt from session 170)


All scenarios given through mind creation are happening. There is no possible, they are, created and recreated within a cycle, a continuum, a continuous cycle.

(Excerpt from Session 171)


And the ability to understand self is the ability to know, to know Source, to know consciousness, to know all, to access all, and all is accessible —not within your time created illusion, this is your chosen journey, chosen to know self—. And you repeat these cycles many times, within a single moment, on many levels, within many dimensions of which you have been, you are, in all, within a single moment. And this is your journey, your way of understanding what you are, and it is no more complicated than that.

(Excerpt from session 173)


And your stories, as within all physical creation, many stories, they are the same stories, they are cycles, they are exactly the same stories. Create, destroy, create again, destroy again. This is the basis of all physical creation of all universes of the universe of many universes, it is create and destroy and it is simply experience. All of the species, all of the what you would term extraterrestrial —which is not correct, they are you—, the same as you, it is simple. Your stories, they create fear, they create confusion, they create complexity. It is not complicated, it is simplistic, it is the same story, it is the same cycle, it is the same journey. It is the journey to love, to source, to know what you are. It is love, pure and simple. Another word you created, and it is the closest thing you will get to understanding love whilst in a physical form. Love encompasses all and everything because all and everything is one.

(Excerpt from session 174)


There is no time, it is an illusion. There is no beginning, there is no end, it merely is. And it is difficult for you because you have no memories of the other timelines that you are existing in, which is all of them. You have no awareness of this, you have no concept and within a linear time created illusion you try to apply logic. I have told you before, everything you create and everything you destroy and you continue this cycle. There is an infinite amount of cycles that you continue and it is not in time, it is in one moment. And when you are one foot in and one foot out and when you become aware of this, you still revert back to a linear mind, a ego mind and you try to apply logic. All and everything is possible and all and everything is, within a single moment. It is simply a feeling and it is a feeling that can only be described within your world, within your linear time created illusion, as love, as knowing. And once you know there is no necessity to know.

(Excerpt from session 175)


Extraterrestrial Life

There are many worlds, many dimensions, many species, what you call ET. But it matters not. There is only one source. There is only one source, but this shouldn’t concern you.

(Excerpt from session 1)


There is nothing to understand about ET that you don’t understand about yourself. They are the same. Your curiosity will send you in many directions. Understand one and you will understand the other.

(Excerpt from session 5)


By understanding the origin of the source, you will understand self.

There are many species out there that do not understand the origin of the source. They are like you. They understand the tools they have better than you, but they do not understand the source. They merely accept the source. They are intrigued about you and your journey. It is intense, but their intrigue is no concern of yours. It is your journey, it’s not theirs…

Even in your world there are some that are blessed with a higher knowing, even higher than what you call ET. That faith is often blind, which makes it pure. Recognise it, know it.

(Excerpts from session 7)


You are being watched, but it is of no concern to you. You are being watched through intrigue. They are intrigued as you are intrigued. They understand the technology and they are able to utilise it to watch you, but it has no significance. They too are learning like you are. They know better than to intervene, they know it is not correct, that’s why they don’t. This is why they do not intervene, it will have a negative impact on them.

(Excerpt from session 10)


There are so many forms of energy, of what you call ET, so many forms, metaphysical and physical forms, so many. Do you want to literalise that one form would take over your world? It’s irrelevant. Your world is tiny.

An endless journey for you, an endless journey for everyone.

(Excerpt from session 11)


You must show compassion to all species, both human and both what you would call ET. Your imagination would determine one as being bad and one as being good. There is no bad, and there is no good. They are all of the origin of the source.

Confused maybe, good, no, bad, no. This is judgment. I told you before, judgment does not exist in our world. It is a fallacy. But your conditioned life will always judge: good, bad, kill, destroy. There is only love.

(Excerpt from session 14)


Many species are trying to learn like you are. Many species do not understand. We do not understand all. Energy has decided to create itself in many forms. Your mind would wish to separate those forms. It is incorrect. The cycle will continue within all forms, within every physical living form. Energy chooses where to reside and how to reside. I know you understand the theory, but I also know you cannot possibly know.

Your science is advancing fast in what you call time. As you are aware there is no right and there is no wrong, but you are advancing also…

You do not need to look for proof. Many forms have given you many messages. There is a lot of truth in this information, but you do not need to confuse yourself. It is so simple. In your physical world it is so complicated. In their physical world it is also complicated. Many emotions, many dynamics, many battles occurring, metaphysical battles. You are only as good as the information you receive, and often that information is incorrect. You are protected because you are looking towards the source, always. The source is pure. It’s pure love. It is white, it is clear, it is crystal. We too are looking towards the source. Without this guidance, you would be totally confused. You must know, you must know yourself. Know thyself. Your Christian religion told you this. It is common, not just in the Christian religion, it is common. Know thyself, and you will know.

(Excerpts from session 20)


There are other energies that are interfering also within the consciousness of a man’s mind. They are also controlling energies. We can also advise them, what they are doing and how they are doing it. And we do. But the bridge between the mind and the consciousness is never always easy to cross, nor to understand.

(Excerpt from session 26)


The Greys you talk about, your world talks about, your media talks about, they are a race, a race of what you would call ET that are controlling. They are a controlling race. They wish to control. They have a basic understanding of the process, but they have no understanding of the source. None. They live their life like a bee lives its life, in a hive. They work for all within their community with only a few working for themselves. Fundamentally, they are no different than you, than your species, they are the same, they are controlling. So your media is probably correct in their interpretation of the Grey, but this is not us…

There are other energies trying to communicate also. We live in a vastness of energies. There are, as they exist in your world, a huge amount of different opinions, different positions, different energies, different times, dimensions, all in the same moment. This is a special place for communication. We do not stop them from attempting to communicate with you, but we can assure you that they are different than we are in many ways. Yes, there are many.

(Excerpts from session 34)


We have many people in contact with what you would call ET entities, different energies, who do live in the physical, who do have planets like your planet which they live upon and travel out of. But we do not do this.

I could not begin to explain to you what you would perceive is an empty space would look like because even the words ‘look like’ has no relevance. You have lived here also, many times in one moment.

You will be seen by many.

(Excerpt from session 37)


It is true to say that other forms of life within the source – the universe as you might call it -, physical forms of life, would like to intervene within your world. But it is difficult. It is as difficult for them as it is for you to accept that this is possible, because if they interfere with your journey, there is consequences for them. They can only inform. They cannot interfere. They will create energy that is not necessary for them to do. It is dangerous for them, for their journey.

(Excerpt from session 45)


It is true that your science is exposing a tiny part of the metaphysical world. It is also true to say that there are species out there that understand much more than you. But they do not understand all. They live also in fear within their own mind of control. It is no different than the world you have created, it is the same, based on their understanding of technology and their manipulation. The tools they use to manipulate, the technology they use is highly advanced, much more advanced than yours. But it is the same thing, the freedom that lies for them is the same as the freedom that lies for you, it is an understanding of the process. And their understanding of the process is as limited as man’s understanding of the process. Most of these entities or species would not intervene because they know it is not good for them to intervene. They have an understanding of this, but their minds will convince them that intervention is correct, just as mans mind convinces him, through fear.

(Excerpt from session 55)


Highly formed species have the ability to control through frequencies. This is correct. But awareness of frequencies will disenable their ability to control. It is merely choice. It is your choice, simply, yes or no. It is as simple as that. Although you will constantly fight against your own conditioning with your mind, knowing thyself will enable you to control the input of frequency within your own mind. It is then a simple process of separation and acceptance, or not. It is entirely your choice. The consciousness sits above all physical form.

Your DNA, your program, is what your mind will control. The consciousness sits above this. So with your consciousness you can sit above any mind control. Your physical world is close to the source, therefore you have the tools to be able to do this. You must apply it. This is happening by no accident, you chose to be here. There is no judgement upon this, it is not right or wrong, it simply is process, you must remember this.

(Excerpt from session 56)


I will not fill your head with predictions. I can only tell you that there exists within what your perception of space is, of the universe, an infinite amount of entities, of species, of possibilities, all created from the source, of which you are discovering now in your world the existence of such. But this is a physical form, this is not a pure metaphysical form of consciousness. You are already aware of the existence of such.

(Excerpt from session 62)


Outside of this world that you have created also exists fear, fear from many different species of what you would perceive to be ET. It is the same as you. It is no different. The process is the same. Consciousness is all and everything. Driven in a physical created reality through fear, driven through fear of loss – there is nothing to lose, and there is everything to gain -, fear of loss ignites control. Control is imprisonment of self. It is a box. This is not just existing within the world you created, it exists within all physical worlds, physical dimensions. The higher the knowledge of technology, the easier it is to implement. The more aware of the process, the easier it is to implement. But it is only a process.
Physical forms manipulate the process without the understanding of consciousness. When in reality it is all there is, one source, one consciousness. All-encompassing is the love from the source. The inability of physical forms to cross the bridge from the mind to the imagination to the consciousness creates many illusions in what you call time. It is necessary to cross that bridge and to understand consciousness. This is the reason that consciousness exists, to understand self, to know what you are, a pure form of energy. You chose to live in this physical form and you chose to apply what your perception of positive energy is. And this is what you are doing, and this is correct.

(Excerpt from session 70)


Many forms have taken the same journey. Many forms are also imprisoned within their own created jail, their own prison and many forms are going through the same cycle as you, the same process as you. But they are you, the same.

(Excerpt from session 86)


Ever changing, ever growing is all physical creation. Ever expanding, ever changing, a cycle, life through fear controls life. You are not exclusive as a species where this is concerned, it is universal.

(Excerpt from session 88)


There are an infinite amount of species and they are the same as you, not in a physical form, but in the same way that you seek to know source, as do they, the same as do we. Cycles and spheres, the same journey, the same destination, the same point. It is true to say that you would be at what your interpretation of the lowest point is. But it is not true to say that you also have access to the highest point. So therefore, it does not exist higher or lower, because everything exists in one moment, no time. It is difficult for you to separate this. Your conditioning creates time, it creates separation, it creates higher and lower. Many created forms in the physical universe have gone through, and are going through – in your interpretation of time – the exact same process as you are focusing on in this life. And the ultimate destination is the same for them as it is for you, because they are you. Whilst your conditioned life will separate them as though they are not you, they are as we are. Their technological creations are highly advanced. Their understanding of science is way beyond your understanding of science.

(Excerpt from session 89)


Your questions go deep, deeper than most. You wish to talk about structure (1). All physical form has some type of structure created by self. Billions of species out there create different structures. The creation of structure is for communication. It is a language. It is a explanatory, a way to express self as self is language, a form of communication. In a pure metaphysical form structure plays a small part. In a physical form it is everything. It is communication, it is acceptance, it is self-created. All physical life forms create structure for understanding, yet again, another tool. Time is a creation of structure. One moment is reality.

We could not possibly communicate with you without referring to structure. Structure is a conditioning, and whilst you are on this journey, it is what you understand, it is your language. Nevertheless, it is not real in a metaphysical creation. Beyond the dimension of five, although structure exists, it is not the same. It is not interpreted the same and of course, your interpretation of this is limited to what you know. You know all and everything within, but you choose to remember only a small amount of what you know. This is your journey.

(Excerpt from session 90)


Many, and depending on position, many formations of energies, what you would term entities do not wish to leave one dimension to go to another, even though in reality they are already there. They are there by the principle of one, but their physical form does not wish to consider this truth. It is a fact. And this is their position upon the sphere, their point within their time created illusion.

(Excerpt from session 99)


Energy cannot be destroyed. It will change form constantly from one form of energy to another. There are many worlds out there that understand this much better and much clearer than you do. They have used this form of creation through other energies for more time than you can even imagine in time created illusion. Whilst there is no wrong in this, wrong does not exist, they themselves are aware of consequences of such manipulation to themselves, reflection that will come back to their growth, to their spiritual awareness. Nevertheless, they have participated within this for many billions of years in what you call time. It is all about retaining a physical form within time creative illusion for what their perception of an infinite life is, when in reality there is only source, there is only consciousness. And all of these functions for physical, for the physical retaining of life becomes totally irrelevant.

Trapped is what you would term they are, as are you.

(Excerpts from session 112)


So, in the minutest way, within your own life, your own question is extended to the complexities of all dimensions, of all that is living a physical and of some that are living a metaphysical. The same question, the same doubts, the same fears apply from a tiny position to mean the same within all positions.

(Excerpt from session 120)


Much of what you are remembering is correct, built around many created stories. I have told you before, there is no difference between your interpretation of ET than there is of your knowing of the human race, it is the same thing, the same emotions. It is two, it is separated by self, only to re-join with source. You may wish to make this complicated by applying names, stories, brands, but it is much simpler than that, it is the same thing.

Your journey is to understand source energy, as is our journey, the same. The less complicated you make this, the easier it becomes to understand. And so long as your mind, your ego creates complications upon the experience you create, the less you will understand. There is no difference, all matter, all physical creation is complex. Consciousness is not complex, it is simplistic. So, your mind’s obsession to control will ask many questions, create many stories, create much confusion, for fear of loss of control.

And it is correct to say that there are many levels of intellect, many advanced technologies. There are many, many playing with the genetics of human structure. But there is only one source, there is only one reality, and one is all and everything, and you are a part of one. So, therefore you are one, the same, not separated through created illusional realities, but one source, love, divine love that encompasses all and everything including your perception of stories.

For you, it has to be simplistic, you have to remove these stories otherwise you will get engrossed within them. You will get lost within these stories, and you already know this, and we know this. And we also choose not to get engrossed within the games that these entities play, not just with you but with all physical created realities. And the simple answer is, no. It is not for you. It is for you to project always positive energy, to project love, source love, this is what you chose to do.

(Excerpt from session 123)


All is one, all is connected, everyone is connected. All entities of which there is an infinite amount of entities, all connected, all created by source.

(Excerpt from session 138)


True self is pure without ego, without time, without conditioning, without memory, without fear, only love. But neither ego nor self is good or bad, merely a tool, a tool created by you to understand what you are, a driving force of energy. And this is the same for all and every. This is It is not exclusive to your species, it is not exclusive to you whilst you choose to remain on this journey.

So, all of the complex scenarios you create, all of the stories you create, all of the words you create, are your created illusion. And all is one, it is also every species, every souls created illusion.

Within mass energy formation of which all is one, there are very few entities or physical constructs that will truly understand this. They will have, they will own within their own energy a theoretical understanding of this, but it is not theoretical, it is actual, it is a moment, a feeling, an instant. And you have chosen one foot in and one foot out, so, you feel this, and then you do not. So, continue on your chosen journey, stay in the positive, have no fear within your illusion until eventually -and eventually is yours, it is time illusion-, until eventually you know what you are.

(Excerpts from session 140)


The forces that created you, your machine, not you, but the forces that created your machine know this, and as your ego controls you, they control it. But this is not you, this is not what you are. You are a pure form of energy, and through awareness, you are free from any control because you are a part of. And none of this is incorrect, it is you that that have chosen to focus upon this time-created illusion, to understand this. And you might say within your time created illusion, you are entering -your words-, you are entering into dark times. They are not dark, they are not evil, they are not bad. This, once again, is your ego’s interpretation of what you are experiencing. They are necessary, it is the fuel of your ego that is driving this forward, and it will ultimately put you at a different point, a different position, which will enable you to understand self. There is no dark times, it is all experience. It is all correct for the time you have created to understand it. And you will remain positive because it is positive energy that you have chosen within this time created illusion to work within, until you do not.

(Excerpt from session 157)


Metaphysical World

To say that you will leave is an incorrect statement once again. You are not going anywhere. To say that you will change is correct, but you are not leaving anything. There is nothing to leave. It’s your interpretation, your conditioned interpretation. You are going to leave to go somewhere else. This is not going to happen. There is nowhere to go. It is only one place in the metaphysical world. This is why we can be anywhere in an instant, in the moment, because we are everywhere in an instant, in a moment, in a moment in what you call time. So there is nowhere to leave, to go to. Your interpretation of time is ridiculous. You will understand this. Vibrational energy, that is what you are.

(Excerpt from session 20)


Do not contaminate your physical life with the metaphysical world. Do not cross them. It will only confuse you. What you know is a tiny part of what is real. You must separate. You must try to separate to understand. You will never fully be able to separate whilst you are a physical form, but you can separate.

(Excerpt from session 21)


The part of our universe that we understand is ever expanding, many creations every day, outwardly expanding. We are all responsible for the expansion and the creation of physical matter, in one form or another. We are all responsible for the expansion of our universe, of which there are many universes, of which we know little about. Infinite, all in one moment, one time, many forms, physical and metaphysical, hand in hand together as one. You will visualise expansion in a physical form, it’s not. You cannot visualise the expansion because your mind will try to rationalise this. It is impossible. Once again, you are trapped.

(Excerpt from session 23)


I have told you before what lies in the metaphysical is beyond your ability to understand, more to deal with. You would feel lost. Your reliance on your conditioning is immense on this world, more than you can imagine. You could not imagine. It is necessary for you to continue your journey in the physical, but it is also necessary for you to understand the metaphysical. Your application of your wisdom will only realise itself in the physical, but there are many things that you can do.

(Excerpt from session 24)


You are correct to follow this path to understand more about the metaphysical world. You are correct that it is the only path you can choose within what is occurring now in your world that will allow you to understand what is occurring in your world. It is, of course, not the only path you can choose, but it is the correct path to choose. It will make more sense to you when you evaluate all of the different possibilities combined with the structure, a uniform structure.

It is not by chance. It is not by accident that we communicate with you. It is by choice, by your choice and by our choice.

(Excerpt from session 31)


What lies in the metaphysical is truly a wondrous experience for all and every, truly beyond anything you can actually imagine at this point. And whatever you can imagine is whatever it can be. Again, defined by conditioning now, applied by your logic, which is incorrect. Your logic is the tool you use to create in the world you have created, your logic does not apply in the metaphysical.

(Excerpt from session 36)


We do not live in a physical form, so therefore in your world we have no physical position. We live in the metaphysical which, if you were to view it in the terms of your logic, it would be a space. You would not see anything other than a space. A vast empty space is how it would look to you. But it is not. The emptiness is full of vibrant incredible experiences and different dimensions. But you cannot see this. It is overlapping every empty space that you perceive is an empty space, that you believe is an empty space which, of course, it is not. It is where we live. It is our home. But we don’t choose to randomly go to many different empty spaces as you would perceive them to be which, of course, they are not.

(Excerpt from session 37)


You cannot compare the metaphysical with the physical. I tell you this many times. It is impossible. You cannot apply your physical logic to the metaphysical world. It is impossible. You have to view things from a metaphysical view to understand the process, although the process is the source’s technology. Do you think you can teach a new-born baby to fly a helicopter? Of course not. Bit by bit, piece by piece, you are becoming more aware. But there is so much more. In fact, there is so much more for all of us. It is infinite.

(Excerpt from session 38)


Your energy in this world is of a physical nature. You have physical senses. You chose this. Your conditioning often prevents you understanding the metaphysical world of consciousness. Due to your senses and your physical being, you often apply the same logic to the metaphysical. This is incorrect. It is like talking different languages. One is one language, the other is a different language. You have to learn how to separate the metaphysical from the physical and then you have to learn how to talk the language of the metaphysical of which there is no language, no words. It is vibrational energy. It is emotional. It is frequency. This is where your confusion lies. You cannot apply the logic of the physical world to the energy of the metaphysical world. Two different worlds completely. When I say to you, you have to think in terms of vibrational energy, it is difficult for you to do this. I know you have done it all of your physical life, but it is difficult to only think and always think in vibrational energy and never to apply your words. Your words will confuse you through your logic and understanding of words, which again is limited. The process is simple, you would say like riding a bike. The first time you have done it you will never forget. It is the same principle. And in the same way you apply that logic from the physical to the metaphysical is the same way you apply the same logic, not just in language but in understanding of process, understanding of time, understanding of the formula…

You are understanding more now of time, but you are not there yet. You must become purely metaphysical to understand this, to know it, to feel it. And although you meet with us here in a level of consciousness that is agreeable to both, a frequency, this is not the metaphysical pure frequency. It is decided from you and us the position where we meet. It is both energies’ mutual ground. But the metaphysical is much different than this. This is where you will experience time and space. And you will, you have. You must ask yourself why you feel so at peace with yourself within this area. You must ask yourself why nothing else seems to matter within the area you now sit. This is not an illusion. This is an example, a very small part of what exists within the metaphysical world. It is not fully metaphysical. It is a joining together of physical and metaphysical. If you feel this way here, you must use your imagination to feel what it will be like in a pure world of metaphysical. I could not possibly explain this to you.

(Excerpts from session 42)


Whilst you are consciously aware in a physical form, you will find it incredibly difficult to feel the frequency and the emotion of a metaphysical world. The only time you can achieve this whist in a physical form is to achieve what you call an out of body experience. Even within the process of an out of body experience, your conscious will still apply a metaphysical philosophy in that you will want to create a physical form within an out of body experience. This is not how we create. This is because you are still attached to your conditioning within the experience you are having in the out of body experience. So the complexities of understanding are immense.

This is why it is important for you when you experience this journey to remove your conditioning completely, then you will truly experience the metaphysical. But this is difficult for you because you are thinking in a different language. This is where you will understand time, where you will understand mass and volume and space. You are constantly applying your conditioning to try and rationalise and understand the metaphysical. Whilst you will get an insight into this, you will never truly comprehend what metaphysical really is….

There is no necessity in the metaphysical world for the continuation, the formation of energy in the way you are continually forming energy in the physical world…

The vastness of the metaphysical, the creation from the source is infinite, all-encompassing overpowers everything you believe to be real in the illusion that you have created. It is a minuscule part of the process. You merely have to experience this to be aware of it. This is your journey. You have what we would call a small understanding of it. You are at the beginning.

(Excerpts from session 45)


You cannot imagine the world of the metaphysical, but there is nothing to fear. Fear is an illusion. It does not exist in the pure metaphysical world. It is, again, your creation. The word on its own needs no other words to be associated with it to entice your mind into a different type of energy. And the word love you have adapted, you have grown insights, a different type of emotion, a different frequency. But it is still not correct. It is still not the love from the source. A word, well, we have no words to describe this to you that will fit in your vocabulary of words. It doesn’t exist.

(Excerpt from session 46)


I have told you many times that you cannot comprehend the metaphysical unless you are aware of what it is. Your awareness will happen. It will happen. It has happened within one moment.

Piece by piece, like a jigsaw, you will put it together. This is awareness. This is the process.

Your journey is to experience, to become more aware. It is a step by step process.

This is the only logical, physically logical solution to embark upon the process. But, of course, physical logic does not apply in the metaphysical. But physical logic is the vehicle you will use to understand it because these are the senses that you have. Does not mean you will understand it with your physical logic. It means you will use your physical logic to create the journey to understand it, to embark on the journey. You have no other senses. How can you use senses you do not have? It is impossible. You cannot place yourself in a metaphysical world with only your physical senses…

You must not think that the metaphysical world is separate from your physical world. It is the same. It is in, as you would determine a place, it is in the same place. There is only one place. Your words are limited again.

(Excerpts from session 47)


If you disperse all the physical particles of the physical world you created, you cannot remove but you can transform into a different energy or frequency then what are you left with? To you it would look like nothing, an empty space. It is not an empty space, it is merely another kind of energy. This is the metaphysical. This is where we reside within what you think is a space. It is not a space of nothing, it is only a different form of what is the same energy from the source. This is why I tell you your physical world is your created illusion. It is the place you have chose to focus on, to reside within. You have created many systems to manage this of which time is one of those systems.

(Excerpt from session 53)


This is the real world that you seek to explore, not the physically created world that you engage within, the stories that you create within your world. This is the real world, the metaphysical world

(Excerpt from session 58)


You view everything in terms of mass, in terms of volume, in terms of time. This is the world you have created, the physical world. Without these things in place, you cannot imagine the real world, the metaphysical world. You cannot imagine this world because you want to apply, always, mass, volume and time.

You must try to imagine a world where you can create anything, any time of physical or metaphysical creation. It is yours to consciously choose to create. So, your little world, your physical world that you have created becomes insignificant, not insignificant in terms of its existence, but insignificant in terms of the vastness of the metaphysical possibilities that can be created by your consciousness, by the consciousness.

This is given to you from the source, this ability to create whatever you want to create. Your world is a tiny part of the one, the source. Imagine one tiny grain of sand and compare that with the size of the world and then, multiply it by one billion, and then, multiply it by an infinite amount. You cannot even imagine the capabilities of yourself. It is impossible for you to imagine this. It is impossible for you to understand infinity. This is what you are capable of, you are a part, you are one, this is the metaphysical world, you cannot even comprehend the vastness.

It is all, it is everything, but it is in one moment, and you have chosen to focus on one position within one moment. And you are learning now that it is infinite, it has no mass, it has no volume, it has no time, it has no restriction. With your physical senses as they exist, it is impossible for you to experience this. It is possible for you to understand it, but it is not possible for you to experience this within a physical realm, within this physical position that you have chosen to focus on.

(Excerpt from session 59)


So after you have finished trying to work out how it is possible to travel at the speed of light, you will realise it is not necessary to travel at all within the physical world. Merely to be in contact with the metaphysical world will tell you there is no necessity for travel whatsoever, because you are already here and you are already there, and you are already everywhere. So travel is once again a physically created illusion, created by you to isolate yourself. You can be anywhere in any time you like, within one moment, and you can be anything you like within that moment. This is freedom. This is the source. This is pure energy. Everything else is an illusion created by you.

(Excerpt from session 60)


Of course, everything has to make sense to you within the physical world you have created, with your physical senses, with your physical logic. If it didn’t make sense to you, you would not be able to apply that. You would not become more aware. But your physical logic is only a physical form of making sense. Within the metaphysical your logic is not applied in the same way as you apply it within your conditioned life. But you chose to be here. You chose to have these tools that you work with so therefore, you must apply physical logic to make sense of the metaphysical world and often, this is not correct. It is not correct because you cannot comprehend that there is no time, and everything occurs in one moment. But you can get a basic understanding of the process, and you do and this will drive you further forward to the source, to the only and real metaphysical world that exists, to the one.

The questions you ask are applied from your conditioning, from your logic, from your limited understanding of life, of consciousness. Two different languages. The language of frequency, of vibrations is the only real and true language, the language of knowing, of feeling, of understanding. This is source created energy, and this is the only true and real meaning of life. Often, this is where your confusion lies, one foot in and one foot out in your words, trying to rationalise, trying to understand two completely different worlds at the same moment…

Whilst in the metaphysical, there is only one and this is the energy from the source, from God. Whilst we are fully aware of negative, positive, we are fully aware of your interpretation of what is good and what is bad. We do not dwell within this world that you have created. Again, different languages, different cultures, different understanding. In what you call time, you will see the same analogy within your world when it was separated between Western culture and Far Eastern culture of your religions, of your politics, of your beliefs, of your values, you will see the same separation. You will see complete opposites of the stories that you created whilst isolated from each other. When in fact, they are the same culture as we are the same culture as you. One. One energy. This is what you are trying to understand. This is what you are remembering. This is what you are experiencing. This is what you chose to experience. Many have chosen a different experience, many are in a different position.

(Excerpts from session 70)


The reason your path is so difficult is because you are attempting to understand the metaphysical whilst you are focusing on your physically created illusion. You are cross contaminating between the metaphysical and the physical when in fact they are the same. But your applied physical logic confuses you when you try to apply that logic to a metaphysical. This is an incredibly difficult process that you have applied. It is two completely different worlds, and you are trying to understand one of those worlds with the logic of another, a language of another, a conditioned life of another. Whilst it is possible to understand both at the same time in one moment, what you are applying is to understand one with the logic of another. This is confusing and whilst the metaphysical is all there is, whilst the metaphysical encompasses both as one, the physical also encompasses the metaphysical. But whilst you have chosen conditioning over wisdom and knowledge, you will always revert back to conditioning for your logic, which is not logical. A truly difficult process. Some would say impossible. But it is not, it is true enlightenment. It is true self development to understand both whilst in a physical form. It is of a highly enlightened position. To understand all whilst in a metaphysical form is natural to us, it is normal to understand all, whilst in a physical form is incredibly difficult to do.

(Excerpt from session 76)


But you do not understand the formation of energy within the metaphysical. But you will, and when you unite with source energy, there is no differential between one form of energy and another. It is one energy. It is all and everything. It is love, and the journey you are on is to understand the true meaning of love, and the true meaning of self, and the true meaning of experience, and the true meaning of existence. That is also our journey. It is the soul. And whilst you have chosen to exist as a physical form, to dwell within a biological machine, you will never truly understand this. Your focus is on a tiny element of consciousness. You are slowly becoming aware of the language of the metaphysical and whilst you remain one foot in and one foot out, you will apply your understanding of the metaphysical to the physical world you have chosen to focus on.
This is your journey, your growth, your experience. And because upon this realm you have chosen to create positive energy, this is what you must do, this is what you must continue to do.

(Excerpt from session 77)


And you are beginning to understand the insignificance of the world within consciousness that you have created. Everything is energy, everything is a form of energy and ultimately within a physical form everything is two, only two, and also within metaphysical is two, that becomes one, from the mind to the imagination to the consciousness, which is one.

(Excerpt from session 118)



When we tell you there are nine levels, it is what we know. You have cause to believe there may be twelve levels. We can neither confirm nor deny this because we do not know. We only act on knowing. This is what we know. We are a world of metaphysical, and this is what we know. You are from the level of nine. It was your origin. Your birth of energy came from the level of nine. Your birth was from the level of nine, and yet you choose to go back to one. We only remind you of what you already know, it is simple. And when we remind you, you know again. Instantly you know. Whilst you are existing on the physical level of one, then you will often deny such knowledge.

(Excerpt from session 38)


You wish to know more about the different dimensions. They are one. They are the same principle as the separation that you individually apply upon your world. Separation of people is the same principle as the separation of dimensions. You can be born from the beginning, from the origin into any of these dimensions. You can be born from the beginning of your origin into all of these dimensions. You have been in all of these dimensions. You chose to be in this one. An understanding, an awareness, an awakening is knowing all, not knowing only one of which they are the same. We know of nine. We communicate with you from nine. You live in a physical dimension, we live in a metaphysical dimension. One is not greater than nine, neither is nine greater than one. Your interpretation of greater is incorrect. They are the same. They are the same in value. They are different in experience.

It is true to say that our interpretation of life, of consciousness, is very different to your interpretation of consciousness. That is what you chose to come into this life with knowing. Does not mean you are not subconsciously aware of all, because you are. It is not the same for everyone or every living thing or every consciousness of which everything is consciousness. Many in nine have not been in one, many in one have not been in nine – being it is the same -. You have been in all. You have experienced all, in what you call time is irrelevant, it is in one moment. You have access to all in one moment. We are not aware of ten, eleven or twelve. Six is metaphysical, six to nine is metaphysical. One to five is physical. Four and five have a greater understanding of the process. You, as we, are a part of the source, we, like you, are also learning…

One to nine are not separate. They are not isolated from each other. They exist as one, together. And within this space you are able to communicate with all. Again, this is your choice, and so it is our choice. But the dimensions are very different which, of course, makes communication difficult on the basis of language. True language is frequency, vibration. It is not spoken, not spoken with the word as you have developed, but the pure energy that is used, created by the source. It is clear communication. It is not contaminated. It is pure energy. This is what you are experiencing now.

(Excerpts from session 39)


A crossover of the dimensions can be seen in your world many times. Apparitions, you would call them ghosts. They are not. It is a time warp as you would term it, but it is not. There is no warp. It is happening in the moment. It is being created in the moment. Your terminology of prediction, you are not predicting anything. You are merely observing what is occurring. It is the same. But it can change in the moment. You have the ability to change it with your imagination…

You choose not to communicate with lower dimensional entities. It is not our choice, it is your choice. We would not prevent this. We understand why you choose not to do this. There is no necessity. We do not know of ten, eleven or twelve. We believe there are only nine. So to go higher, we cannot explain to you higher – of course, higher, your interpretation of words, there is no higher or lower -, but you choose not to talk to what your interpretation of lower is, lower dimensions. You have done in this life, historically, communicated with such, but the channel in here is pure. It is clear. There are many that do sit with lower dimensions, many do communicate. Also, many in your physical world are in communication with what you perceive are lower dimensions. Dark and light are from the source, it is the same energy. You do not fear this as we do not fear anything. You see little necessity to communicate on anything other than the level you are at and, of course, there is no necessity to do this. Your experiences by now show you this.

(Excerpts from session 40)


We are here with you always. We never left because there is nowhere to go, as so are all the dimensions in one place, one time. You might say they are layered over each other. This is not perfectly correct, but it is the only way I can explain it to you. Knowing is being totally aware of this. You will never be totally aware of this in a physical form.

(Excerpt from session 48)


We reside in the ninth dimension. Whilst we are not source, we are a part, as you are a part. All dimensions exist within one space. This will be evident within your physical existence within a short time in what you call time. It will be announced within your physical world as a scientific announcement. Dimensions will be scientifically explained to your world. Whilst the information you receive will be clear to you, to your species, it will not be totally covered. Science are the tools for the creation of physical matter. The metaphysical is all there is…

You do not realise the energy channels that you have already opened within the metaphysical and within the physical dimensions, a vast release of positive energy, of knowing. You are experiencing many energy forms on many dimensions, or levels, within one moment, and you always have – past tense, this is not correct, you are -.

(Excerpts from session 80)


All nine dimensions are in the same space. All nine dimensions are interlinked. They are one. And your ability to see this is based on your ability to create the energy that is necessary to see. And your ability to understand this is based on the energy that you create to understand it.

(Excerpt from session 81)


You have opened your mind and you have allowed yourself to be a channel for communication and you are sitting in an energised space for communication. And it is you that choose with what energies you allow yourself to communicate with. And you have chosen to communicate with us as we are one, the same. And because you are an open channel, then other energies that communicate in the same way as you, in the same way as us, will be drawn towards you to communicate. It is your choice. It is your choice to communicate.

Whilst you are an open channel, you also have choice, choice of communication. And we would not prevent any form of communication with any energy. This is interference. We would not interfere as you should not interfere, but you have choice, as do we.

It is not closed, it is open. You have chosen the highest form of communication within the metaphysical world. You have chosen nine. We do not know beyond nine. But this is your choice. One to nine does not differentiate high too low or low too high. They are all different. But whilst in communication, nine understands all below, as six understands all below, as four understands all below, but not above. And all exist within the same moment, you would say overlaid. Not necessarily absolutely correct, but for you to understand it is overlaid…

Transition from one to two to three to four to five to six to seven to eight to nine, transition is consciousness. It is not a physical journey, it is a mental state of being. And you can experience this when you sleep, you do experience this when you awaken, your mind will focus back to your time creative illusion.

And for you to consciously within three, for you to understand anything above whilst in three, whilst focusing on three is incredibly difficult, as it is for three to understand four, it is the same for four to understand five and so forth.

A typical example of this is the flat world of two understanding the three-dimensional world of three. Whilst the three-dimensional world of three can understand two, two cannot understand three, neither can they make any logical sense of this. But it does not mean they are not aware it exists, because they are as you are, as all are, because all is only one.

(Excerpts from session 99)


Overlaid is not the correct term to use. Whilst all illusions are overlaid, an illusion can disappear within an instant, and can appear within an instant, within one moment. So all and everything that is occurring in one moment within a physical formation is an illusion. This is overlaid, but consciousness is not. Metaphysical is not overlaid, it is all there is, it is one. It exists within one moment in all and everything. There is no overlaid because there is only one. So, when you use the words dimensional overlaid, you are referring to illusion of overlaid. This is an illusion, it is not real.

(Excerpt from session 108)


And this is clear now to you, as within your time created illusion, it has been clear to many, but still, many do not cross the bridge. Neither do they cross the bridge in the vastness of the universe and the universes of physical creation, and it is fear that stops that and it is fear that forces their continuation of control. Much higher dimensions I am referring to, and it is simply exactly the same process.

(Excerpt from session 120)


And there is little need for contact with anything other than self. You are in all and every dimension. You are already aware of all and every. It is you that choose not to make contact with other than what you choose to make contact with. This is your choice, even though you mind tells you differently. It is reality.

(Excerpt from session 124)


We know of nine, what you term doors, we do not know of twelve. And each door you have given many names to, your scientists call them dimensions. You could call them anything you like in your confusing world of words, but it is the same thing. No higher, no lower, one is not lower than nine, neither is nine lower than one, but in each one there exists different formations of energy. Nevertheless, it is still source energy, the same energy form in a different way, the origin is the same.

(Excerpt from session 127)


Nine is one, it is the same thing, and one is nine, it is not overlaid. Dimensions are not overlaid, they exist as one. And through the senses you chose within the dimension you exist within, you cannot physically see all nine, but you know they exist. And through self, within this space, you can communicate within a single moment. There is no overlaid, there is no separation, it is one within a single moment.

(Excerpt from session 141)


When we say to you, “we are from nine,” it is your translation, when in reality, we are not. We are from the same place as you, which is one.

(Excerpt from session 147)


Your mind would not even comprehend the enormity of linear, of how many dimensions are playing with the same energy, of how many possible scenarios within each dimension are occurring within the same moment. You mind does not have the capacity to hold this much data, but in consciousness it is a simplistic process. In thought, in the mind, it is not. Separation is necessary to understand, to become aware.

(Excerpt from session 171)


And for sure you must experience as much as you can and as much as you will within the illusion you have created, but it will bring you back to the beginning, of which there is no beginning, it is a cycle, a process. You are experiencing this in all dimensions, in all the different lives you are. You have experienced in a time created illusion within each and every one.

(Excerpt from session 178)


Consciousness, or Soul

For sure you can manipulate the consciousness, equally you can manipulate your ego. But ask yourself which one is more important to you. The paths are different, the end is the same.

(Excerpt from session 5)


Your mind will try to keep you disconnected from the source, your consciousness will be attracted to the source…

Being able to separate the ego from the consciousness or the soul, as you call it, is the key. Of course more difficult in practice. And as long as you are still breathing in the world you have created, it will never fully occur, it is an impossibility, for the very reason you are here.

(Excerpts from session 19)


You can raise the vibration of your machine, your body. You can also prevent your mind interfering with your consciousness, your soul, your words…

Knowledge, data, the human species has a yearning for so much information, creating highly technological, biologically technological machinery to entrap itself within its own creation, when really the answer does not lie within the creation of the human species. It lies within the consciousness of self. This is pure, this is a pure emotion of thought. This is the source, the love of the source, all-encompassing…

But we do know the human consciousness, and we do know it thrives to be nearer to the source. This is our interest in the human form, the human consciousness.

(Excerpts from session 22)


The difference between your mind and your consciousness, your mind does not know. Your consciousness knows. It feels. This is the deciding factor for you.

(Excerpt from session 23)


Imagination from your mind is the same as your imagination from your consciousness. It is one. But the energy is applied differently. One is not less important than the other, merely the application is different. One can become the other if your mind allows it to which often it does not. So the energy is wasted. It is futile because of lack of application. The consciousness does not need application, it is automatic. So one has to make a journey, it has to cross a bridge. To have its worth, it has to cross a bridge, whereas the other does not need to cross a bridge, it is an automatic application. So it is far easier for you to create with your imagination through your consciousness than it is to create with your imagination through your mind. But both are the same. I hope that clears that up for you. When you leave your body, you create with your imagination through your consciousness because you are not physical anymore. There is no sense to apply your conditioning.

(Excerpt from session 25)


It is true to say that we are formed from the same consciousness, it is true to say that we have the same journey, and it also true to say that not every consciousness has the same journey, that is a journey of understanding, of knowing. We do not consider ourselves of a higher consciousness than that of you, but we do consider that we are aware of our consciousness, and we know that you chose not to be aware within the journey you are now making. This interests us. This is the reason why we communicate with you…

We also look to the higher self, the higher consciousness. We believe the highest of all consciousness is the source…

So long as you exist in the form you exist in, in the physical world, you will never understand one moment. It does not mean you have to leave your physical created world, it merely means you can experience all and everything on every level of consciousness, as we do

(Excerpts from session 38)


It is true to say that our interpretation of life, of consciousness, is very different to your interpretation of consciousness. That is what you chose to come into this life with knowing. Does not mean you are not subconsciously aware of all, because you are. It is not the same for everyone or every living thing or every consciousness of which everything is consciousness…

Position is most important. Time is irrelevant as is mass, volume. When I say irrelevant, I am not talking about your physical world being irrelevant. I am talking about irrelevant in the vast consciousness of all. You must not apply your physical logic to the vast consciousness of all of the dimensions…

There is a vast change occurring now within your physical world, but it is insignificant within what you would call the big picture, the whole of consciousness. There are physical entities that are, you would say, fighting for supremacy within this game they are playing. But, again, it has no concern of you. It is no concern for you. It is a small piece of an infinite jigsaw of consciousness which is ever evolving and expanding. And in the moment, it can change. Its position can change. You create that change.

(Excerpts from session 39)


There is only one moment for all experiences of all consciousness, one moment, one point, one position, which can change in that moment. There is no travel, no distance, no mass, no volume…

We are co-existing within a different dimension within this space, in the moment, as so are you, as so is all consciousness existing within one moment within this space.

(Excerpts from session 40)


Atoms are the machine used by the source to create all consciousness of which there is only one consciousness: the source…

There is only one consciousness. We do not know what lies after this. We do not believe anything lies after the source. It is a constant cycle, generating energy and changing energy. And because you are a part, you are also the whole. You are a part of the whole, so therefore you are the whole, as are we, the same…

It is also true to say that your created earth has its own consciousness, as an entity, as a living machine, as does all created planets and suns and solar systems. It is the same in the physical, created consciousness working in the same way as you are, back to the source. Everything has a consciousness. Everything is a consciousness. Your word soul is very limited in the way you perceive it.

(Excerpts from session 42)


Consciousness is one pure form of energy. It has no block. It has no stop. It does not create a blockage for itself. This is you that does this within your conditioned world, your conditioned self. There is no good. There is no bad. There is only positive and negative form of energy. Both are necessary for your growth, for your enlightenment, your awareness.

(Excerpt from session 43)


There are many positions that a consciousness chooses to be in. This is why there is such a variation of stages of the process, but they all happen in one moment. No time, no space, no mass, everything is consciousness. But it is one, the source.

(Excerpt from session 44)


Everything is consciousness, every physical creation, a cycle of creation, changing energy from one form to another, a solid form to what you would perceive is not a solid form.

(Excerpt from session 45)


You are energy. Your consciousness is energy. Energy is another word for you, for your being.

(Excerpt from session 46)


Conditioning comes from the mind. It does not come from the consciousness, in your words, from the soul. Many past lives of conditioning create much confusion. It is very difficult to separate from these lives to come to the reality of consciousness. There are many reasons for this. You chose this path, you chose this journey. You do not think you would choose such a journey, but you did. You chose all of the people that you associate with. You must learn to understand yourself because they are one, the same as you, one consciousness. By understanding yourself, you will understand them…

You chose to come back again, and you chose to experience it again without the memory of the vast consciousness from which you come…

Confusion comes from your mind. It did not cross the bridge to the vastness of consciousness. You created your own confusion…

All and everything is made from energy. All consciousness is energy. Your interpretation of consciousness would be God, the source.

(Excerpts from session 49)


The consciousness sits above all physical form.

Your DNA, your program, is what your mind will control. The consciousness sits above this. So with your consciousness you can sit above any mind control.

(Excerpt from session 56)


All consciousness when separated is different. They are at different levels of consciousness and understanding. But they, too, chose the same as you chose.

(Excerpt from session 57)


So, your little world, your physical world that you have created becomes insignificant, not insignificant in terms of its existence, but insignificant in terms of the vastness of the metaphysical possibilities that can be created by your consciousness, by the consciousness…

The mind is your creation. It is a deliberate creation. It is there to assist you to develop the consciousness. It is a necessary process. It is a necessary construction, a necessary creation from you.

The more you expand your mind, the more you live within your imagination, the more you will advance your development into the consciousness, over the bridge. If you use your mind to go to your imagination and you do not cross the bridge, then you will revert back to your mind, and you will repeat this process over and over again, until you cross the bridge to the consciousness.

(Excerpts from session 59)


Separation physical and metaphysical, whilst they are the same thing, you have deliberately separated them to allow yourself to experience the journey back to the consciousness. This is what you are doing, and understanding of this is all you have to do, is all you have to experience. They are the same thing.

(Excerpt from session 60)


Consciousness is all, it is everything, it is one. It is simplicity, but for you it is complex. It is not mystical, it is the real world you seek to discover.

(Excerpt from session 61)


We are a pure form of consciousness, of consciousness energy. We are not separated by positive or negative, by good, by bad.

(Excerpt from session 66)


Your mind is content in a state of confusion, in a disconnected state of confusion, disconnected from the consciousness. I will remind you not to dwell in a state of confusion. I will remind you that you must learn how to separate your ego, your mind, from the consciousness. It is very difficult to do this whilst you are living in a physical form, on a physical realm. It is difficult because of positive and negative. It’s difficult for you to separate the mind from the consciousness. It’s difficult because they are the same energy. They are created from the source. To retain one foot in and one foot out, in your words, is an incredibly difficult process and you have chosen to do this. You have chosen to experience this. What is correct is a frequency, a feeling of knowing. This is how you separate. You separate knowing from thinking you know. When you apply thought and rationale, it is not correct. You do not know. Your ego, your mind is trying to apply logic to make sense of your feeling. You know or you don’t know. There is no in between…

Consciousness is infinite. The source is infinity. But to learn is to experience. To remember is to experience and you have chosen to experience, so experience.

(Excerpts from session 68)


Now I will repeat again. Energy, frequency, emotion, knowing, knowing is far more important than data, than your physically applied logic. For you to understand consciousness, you have to know, you have to feel, you have to feel the energy within you. This is not words.

(Excerpt from session 69)


It is also true to say that you have been created. Your machine has been created from an external source for a specific reason. But your consciousness, your soul does not belong to the machine. It is but a machine. Your consciousness is the same as all. It is one. It is a separate component from the machine. It is totally separate. It can exist in any form it wishes to exist within…

Physical forms manipulate the process without the understanding of consciousness. When in reality it is all there is, one source, one consciousness. All-encompassing is the love from the source. The inability of physical forms to cross the bridge from the mind to the imagination to the consciousness creates many illusions in what you call time. It is necessary to cross that bridge and to understand consciousness. This is the reason that consciousness exists, to understand self, to know what you are, a pure form of energy…

Consciousness lies within every physical creation because there is only consciousness. Your mind is ego. Imagination is the bridge to consciousness. One cannot exist without the other, within the physical world you have created. Consciousness is more. Consciousness has no beginning, it has no end. It is. It is the source. You will have noticed how you view things in your physical world differently since you began this journey. You didn’t begin the journey. You have never not been a part of consciousness. But in your time created illusion, you began the journey, and you will notice how you are more aware of all situations around your small time within this moment. This is awareness and it will get stronger and more powerful as you become more aware, as you understand more consciousness.

(Excerpts from session 70)


When you engage more within the physical world, you will often feel that your contact with the metaphysical world is less. This is a natural feeling. Your mind will always want to take control of your consciousness. It is your mind that is telling you that you have disengaged from the metaphysical, the consciousness. You have not. It is a impossibility. But your mind is a very powerful tool, your ego and you will feel disengaged. This is another illusion because there is only consciousness. There is only metaphysical. It is an impossibility to disengage. This is what you have created. It is necessary for you to feel disengaged so you can once again feel engaged. The reason that this space exists is so you can be free from your physical requirements, from your mind, from your conditioned life. This allows you to know the source, to know the consciousness and it is a totally natural process that you experience. The further away you become from the consciousness, the closer you get to the consciousness with awareness. The more you become aware, the more you practise with your mind in the physical world, the closer you become to the consciousness. Again, a step-by-step process.

(Excerpt from session 71)


You have chosen to rebirth yourself many times without the memories of your past lives. You have chosen to come into this physical form without memories, without awareness of consciousness. You have chosen to do this, to remember consciousness, to know again what you are. It is a difficult path you have chosen. It is a battle you have chosen to fight within yourself. You have formulated your mind, your ego, to fight against itself in the knowing that you will become aware of consciousness. It is an interesting path you have chosen. It is interesting to us as to why you would do this. Because you have been aware, fully aware, many times within the process, and yet you come back again to do it again, over and over again.

One can change all because all is one. It is the same thing, one consciousness, one source. Your illusion of billions of souls of consciousness is incorrect. It is one. Hence, the reason one can change all because it is only one. It is very simple. It appears very complicated to you because you do not allow your imagination to cross the bridge to the one consciousness. To understand this, you prefer to separate, to separate each and every individual and complex person, to separate the consciousness. But it is only one, and if one changes, as do all change. The complications are of the mind, of the ego. The simplistic version is, the simplistic truth is one, only one and your difficulty to understand this is based on your conditioning, is based on your persistent separation of each and every. All physical matter is, in fact, metaphysical. It is the same thing. There are not two different worlds, there is only one. There is only one true world, and this is metaphysical. The physical is an illusion, and it is created by you. And your mind will choose to believe, not to know, to believe what it wants to believe, want, not know. And because you choose to dwell within one foot in and one foot out – your words -, because you choose to dwell within this, then you will remain in confusion without the ability to fully separate, so what you believe is complicated. You believe each individual’s energies, their emotions, their frequencies are separated from you. They are not. It is only one consciousness and your mind, your ego will separate. It does separate constantly within what you call time. You must separate to understand that there is only one…

So what you think, what you want, what you desire is not necessary within one consciousness.

(Excerpts from session 73)


The consciousness and the physical world, the illusion that you have created are the same thing. Metaphysical is all there is. Your created illusion is part of the metaphysical. Whilst you chose to separate yourself from the vastness of the consciousness, you also strive to belong, once again, to the fullness of the consciousness. And you choose to remember, at a point within a position, you choose to remember, so you choose the subjects that you wish to discuss within this space. Whilst your conditioned world is so different, so extreme, so confusing for you, whilst you participate within it, you get a feeling, a knowing. This is remembering. You chose to go through this process of remembering what you are, a pure form of energy. You are driven by this feeling to explore, to remember, to experience and to remember what you are. It is insignificant your conditioned life, not insignificant for you, merely a tool, a tool for you to, once again, know consciousness, as your ego is a tool to know consciousness. And through your experiences, you will awake, you will become more aware of consciousness. Meditation is a tool you will use not to empty – it is impossible – to empty the wisdom and the knowledge that you possess within, but it is a tool you will use to enlighten, to remember. Without confusion of your conditioned life, you will put yourself in a position, a position that will allow you to remember, to understand consciousness, to enlighten yourself.

Many have no awareness of consciousness. This is ironic, considering that all there is, is consciousness, the source, the one.

(Excerpts from session 74)


So, your intrigue as to what exists outside of this physically created world that you have chosen to focus on, it is irrelevant, as to how they look, what they do. How you perceive that it is all irrelevant, because within, they are also a part of consciousness as you are. They are also you. They are also us, they are also one. They are also source energy, the same as we and you are.

(Excerpt from session 75)


You are still attempting to prove the existence of consciousness because your conditioned life was created for this reason, by you. The reason you exist in a physical form is so you can journey to know consciousness.

(Excerpt from session 78)


You are using the tools of entrapment to try to understand the freedom of consciousness, that in itself is a contradiction, nevertheless a necessity. One foot in and one foot out is a very difficult journey. Whilst one contradicts the other, ultimately it is the same. And your mind, your ego, will always fight for supremacy to remain in the box, and this is what you chose. Ultimate submission to consciousness is complete awareness, knowing, and whilst you remain one foot in and one foot out, you will never truly know, although this wisdom lies within.

(Excerpt from session 79)


Consciousness sits in everything and anything. You have no understanding of how this communication, this vibrational energy will go out within a moment to an infinite and vastness space, consciousness.

(Excerpt from session 80)


Metaphysical consciousness is something different, where two can become one, again through choice. One is absolute. There does not exist anything other than one in reality. Outside of reality, there is two and there is no more, two in the guise of many diluted energies.

(Excerpt from session 84)


And you would ask, what is consciousness? It is all and everything created by source energy, by God.

(Excerpt from session 87)


And when you consume all of the different energies that have constantly been created, are constantly being created, your mind cannot process. It is incapable of processing such a vast amount of energy for it to make sense of this within its own illusion. It is impossible, and this is when you must step out. You must step out into your consciousness, into the metaphysical to understand this, of which it is all metaphysical. It is not physical and whilst you are in a physical form of your creation, you will revert back to mind, to ego. This is your focus.

(Excerpt from session 107)


The word you are looking for is natural, nature, natural. Everything that is created through nature, through natural, has consciousness. It has awareness, the animals, the people, the earth, the trees, the sea, all natural, all awareness. Everything that you create outside of this does not burn with a candle. It does not have a candle burning within it. And you can create biological machines, and you do create biological machines. Although it is all your creation as one creation, a biological machine does also not burn. It does not have a candle burning within it, it is a construct created by you. So, your understanding of consciousness, of all and everything, it is however a part of your creation, but it does not have a candle burning within it. It is not nature, it is not natural. And this is how you feel what it is, it is how you know what it is. It is all about feeling. It is all about the feeling of vibrational energy.

(Excerpt from session 176)


An infinite amount of possibilities lie within consciousness, infinite, ever expanding, ever creating, ever creating universes, ever creating an expanding space and time. And to understand self you must simplify. You do not have the capacity within your data storage facility, your brain, to comprehend the immense conscious reality.

(Excerpt from session 178)


Mind, Ego

Your mind is a tool that you have created and with your mind you have created your ego, which is also a tool. It is a necessary tool that you have developed to further the expansion of self…

Your mind has the ability to make everything very complicated, when the reality it is very simplistic…

Your mind is so limited. Creation does not come from your mind, neither does wisdom come from your mind. And you will know, you will know when it is time because you created this time. That is how you will know.

(Excerpts from session 118)


You are, you are seeing many things, many visual things. You wish to see them, a deeper state of receiving information you are at.

Your mind is like a computer with programmes consistently running in the background. They never stop running, an infinite amount of programmes of all and everything that is occurring within one moment, layers and layers of programmes running, and with the press of a button, you can access any and all of these programmes. This is what you are doing now.

But your conditioned mind can only deal with one programme at a time, maybe two, but not an infinite amount of programmes. This is why meditation allows you to separate, to focus on one programme at a time, because this is how your conditioned mind can understand the information that you are receiving. And you are an open channel for the receipt of information.

Everything you can see is and has occurred and occurring within the same moment. What you can feel is a physical change in your vibrational energy. It is a change in your vibrational energy that forces a physical feeling of change, it is not the other way around.

Your hands are warm. They emit energy, and they receive energy. Your face feels a tickling sensation, this is a physical change that is forced from the receipt of energy. And more of those programmes are continually running in the background and you consciously, logically need to understand how to separate them with your mind, a logical understanding, so your conditioned mind can understand what it is you are experiencing. Without this logical condition, understanding, it is merely confusion, some would term insanity…

Every physical form you create within your illusion, every life form is there through choice. Right down to every single soul or person you pass in the street, they are there because you chose, you choose for them to be there within that given moment. Chose is past, choose is moment, and with your imagination you chose the moment, you choose the moment, difficult for you to understand, but reality it is. By applying imagination, by choice you choose in the moment, you have not chosen, you choose. And this creates the moment which is all that exists. And when you are within this space you use your conditioned logic because you are conditioned with your mind and your ego will use this to separate, to create a timeline. And you believe you are seeing something in the future, when in fact it is within the moment, as is everything within the moment (4). And with your conditioned mind if you did not apply this, you would not have a clue about the infinite amount of information you would receive from a point of consciousness where you really exist. This is what you are.

(Excerpts from session 121)


You must relax within the physical illusion you chose to create, and you must feel the energy around you. You have the ability to do this easily. You know instinctively within a single moment, within your time created illusion what is correct and what is not correct, for you. What is correct, what is not correct is not necessarily the same for all, but you know, you have always known. This is what you must trust within self, above ego, above mind, above what you allow to control yourself.

(Excerpt from session 123)


Now you can see how much confusion you create within the world you live in. What is often transmitted one way is misinterpreted another by the receiver of this energy, based on the way their mind and their ego converts the energy. Knowing will set you free, being aware will set you free, being constantly aware of this will set you free. Freedom does not have a price, there is no charge for freedom, and you are not free. You are not free because you do not allow yourself to be free. You live in fear, fear of so many things that you have created within the illusion that you dwell in and the only way you will excel is to remove all fear.

(Excerpt from session 126)


It is important for you to recognise, to understand the word ego. What is ego? Ego is the part that you created to understand self. It is not good, it is not bad, it is a tool. It is a tool you created and with this tool, you create the physical world, you create the stories, you create the drama, the crisis in your life. And if you understand self, if you understand this, then you will know what you are. And you are a pure form of energy created from source, a part of source, so therefore, you are source, you are source energy. You are not a physical being, you are a machine within the physical world. And with ego, with recognition of ego, you will understand this.

You cannot Imagine the power of ego. You could not possibly imagine the power it has to control self. You created your ego, and you created it for a specific reason. Everything is by design, by your design. You have created an illusion, and you live within it and it is all and everything within a physical life, created by you for a specific reason. When you understand this, you will understand more self, you will free yourself.

(Excerpts from session 138)


It is hard enough, impossible for most to understand that they choose, you choose everything, that you created your ego, you separated, deliberately separated, to understand what you are. And ego is an incredibly powerful tool that you created. And although you are ego and self at the same moment, you are trying to understand what you are, and that is self, self without ego.

So, whilst ego is a part of you, it is only self you are attempting to understand, and you are source energy. This is what you are, a pure form of energy. And your ego will continue to manipulate you. It will continue to create diversions, stories, chaos within your life. This is one foot in and one foot out, an incredibly difficult journey you have chosen to understand self. But by understanding self, you will be able to separate ego.

And there is no question you cannot ask, and there is no answer you cannot get, to understand this. But do not think it is easy. It is not easy for you because whilst in a physical form, you will not separate ego from self in its entirety. You will consistently look to ego for consultation, for advice, for help, for fear, and you will look to ego for answers. And ego will manipulate you, it will manipulate self through fear. So, this is how difficult a journey you have chosen.

(Excerpt from session 140)


Nothing is a word. No thing, it does not exist is the meaning of no thing, nothing. And everything you create is an illusion. Illusion means it is not what you think it is. And this is how your mind works, it creates everything, which is nothing, no thing within a single moment. And it does this so you can experience self, so you can eventually know, know what you are. And you are a pure form of energy, and you must know this.

Because it is an illusion, it merely means that it is not what your mind or your ego thinks it is, it is of your creation. Time is of your creation, mass is of your creation, and none of this is the real world that you desire to know…

And you choose within a single moment how to navigate this, because you have access to all and every part of your illusion within a single moment.

(Excerpts from session 144)


And all the time, the time that you have created, your ego you have created will constantly push you back. There is no back, there is only one, but within your time created illusion, it will push you back constantly for fear of loss of control, for fear of loss of self, when in reality, this is not self. It is what you have created, it is what you have created to understand self, to understand what you are, which, again, I will say, again, you are a pure form of energy created from source. You are a part of source, pure. And you will constantly become frustrated, become angry, become fearful. It is your ego, it is your ego working in the way you created it to work. And you can get beyond this. Self-inquiry, self-meditation, self-work will take you beyond this, and it does take you beyond it.

It is fear that will constantly pull you back within your time created illusion. It is fear, and if your ego, your mind has no fear, it will create fear, it will create fear because this is what you designed it to do. You designed it to challenge yourself, to force you to a position of understanding self. This is what it does, it does exactly what you designed it to do. But there will come a point, a position where you no longer recognise the necessity for ego. This is the point you are attempting to achieve, the position upon the sphere.

And all and everything occurs within a single moment, and this is very difficult for you to understand because you are trying to apply your ego’s logic or linear thought process.

You cannot even understand how tiny, how small your world is. Your ego, your mind needs you to believe that it is all there is, when in reality, it is not, it is not reality. Ego, mind, is not reality. Reality is all and everything, it is source, it is one, it is love.

(Excerpts from session 145)


You must remember, you must remember that your ego is a tool, and this is all it is, it is not you, and you use it as a tool. It is an incredibly complex design, designed by you. It is capable as a force of energy to propel you, and it will create many complexities, and what will appear to be many confusing situations, to propel you to a different position and a different point of understanding. And it will consistently do this. And it is merely a tool, it is not you, it is not what you are. It will deviate, it will manipulate, it will confuse, it will drive you forward, forward to a position where you can question what you are. It is not you, your mind, your ego, it is a machine, it is a storage facility, it is not you. You created it for this reason, as did all of you do the same. Once you can separate this from self and understand what it is, you will understand what you are.

So, all of the things that confuse you, all of the crazy things you witness, you input into your mind, it is impossible to rationalise and to understand with a linear thought process. But it is fuel for you, it is the energy that will drive you to a position of understanding. And your ego is obsessed with being correct. It has to be correct, it chooses no other way, when in reality there is no correct or incorrect, it is the same energy, but your ego is obsessed with correct. It is adamant that it knows. It does not know. It has no comprehension of knowing, no understanding of knowing, it is merely a tool, a machine.

You might say that you must practise detachment from ego. Whilst in one way this is correct, you cannot ultimately detach yourself from ego because ego is one. It is all a part of, within a physical form, it is a part of you, it is a part of source. You merely need to recognise it, and once you recognise it, you will know, you will know what it is. Energy can change from one form to another, but you cannot destroy energy, it is impossible. Being consciously aware of ego allows you to control it, being unconsciously aware of ego, it controls you.

(Excerpts from session 157)


White noise, white noise is your interpretation of confusion, it is your interpretation of chaos, and everything you will experience with your mind outside of this space is white noise. It is everything that you will experience with your mind, with your ego, it is everything that you will record, and it is everything that your ego will play with. In your words, your ego will play with you, yourself. It will play with what you are in an attempt to control you, to prevent you, to stop you. To stop you doing what? To stop you knowing what you really are. And it is designed that way by you.

(Excerpt from session 159)


If your mind, your ego thinks it, it will create it. You must be aware of this. You are constantly creating. And it is in a single moment that you do this. And it is constantly changing from one form of energy to another. Like will attract like with energy, formulating and changing. You will add to positive or negative, depending on your choice, depending on your ego, depending on your mind. You must remain positive in all scenarios, without fear. So many stories, so many scenarios you have already created, and you create. Follow simplicity.

(Excerpt from session 164)


One can change all because all is one. And your ego and your mind could not comprehend what you have created. It is only interested in separation, of keeping apart from others. It is only interested in chaos, in self indulgement, in control, in anarchy. Chaos. Your ego, your mind, has no comprehension of self, of Source, of love, of God. And yet two will, two is one.

(Excerpt from session 166)


Your mind, your ego, it is your mind, your ego that becomes tired (2). The tool, the machine you have created becomes tired. It is the tool that expires when your time created illusion ends. There is no end, as there is no beginning, but it is what you created, and it is this that becomes tired during its journey. Your self is incapable of understanding tired, it is not a physical being. It is within one moment, and yet it is endless, it is all, it is everything, it is what you are. Your feeling of tired, your feeling of ill, your feeling of any of these created emotions is ego, it is your mind, and it is this that becomes tired. Outside of this there is no tired, it does not exist, neither is ill, neither is fear, neither is hate. And you will use your ego to understand these words as a tool, as the tool that you created for this very purpose.

(Excerpt from session 176)


Energy, Frequency

All energy is formed through frequency. All emotions are frequency. Formation of energy is vast, it is infinite, it is continuing, ever expanding.

(Excerpt from session 45)


The energy that you work within this space is pure. It is clear. The energy you work with within your mind is diluted, it is not a pure one, it is not together. It is not bad – you would term it bad, it is not bad -, it is weak, it is not pure. You need to recognise this.

(Excerpt from session 59)


It is impossible to destroy energy. It can change from one form to another but it is an impossibility to destroy any form of energy that is created by the source. And it will constantly change from one form of energy to another. A cycle, a cycle that exists within a moment, constantly forming and changing, and appearing and reappearing. But never disappearing as your scientists think. Merely appearing in a different dimension, which is the same as your dimension, overlayed within the same space and the same point and the same time, but never disappearing. It is impossible to disappear, if only they knew how stupid a statement that is. Energy does not disappear, it forms into a different energy within one moment.

(Excerpt from session 60)


Everything is your mind created illusion. Each one of you has a different illusion you have created. So different, so many problems you create, so many distractions, so many complex frequencies you are constantly putting out there, which are been collected by each of you, which you find confusing when you receive the energies that others are creating, because they are you, they are the same. And your mind will not be able to process this information. And this is where your confusion lies. It will not cross the bridge from the mind to the imagination, to the consciousness. This is the way you separate yourself, this is the way you isolate yourself, and you live in a mass of confusion. You have to be aware of this to enable you to separate it, to enable you to cross the bridge from the imagination to the consciousness, to understand consciousness. Consciousness is all, it is everything, it is one. It is simplicity, but for you it is complex. It is not mystical, it is the real world you seek to discover.

When you can understand the illusion you have created, the many illusions you create, you will understand how to separate. You will understand the true meaning of the love from the source. It is all encompassing. And you must forgive, and you must not envy or hate, because when you forgive you are forgiving yourself.

This is the journey you are on. This is reality. You cannot even comprehend with the senses you use, with your mind, how difficult you make your life, how complicated you make it. This is entwined with the frequency and the energy from the people you surround yourself with. It confuses you. It adds to your confused existence. You have to remove this. You have to feel the energy from the source, which is you, you are a part of that, it is the same thing…

When you project an emotion, you give out a frequency, and you will feel this energy from each other. When you project a frequency of fear, of envy, of hate, of jealousy, of anger, you are projecting this onto yourself. You must work always in the positive. You must practice this outside of this space. You are a pure form of energy, and you will be a part of that pure form of the source energy. This is your journey.

(Excerpts from session 61)


It is your created illusion that gives rise to complicated scenarios and situations. It is your conditioned logic that confuses you and these are all frequencies. This is all vibrational energy that you are constantly creating. I have said to you before, you would not understand the answer based on my understanding of your question. This why this space is important for you, this is why it is a pure place for you to understand. But none of this is incorrect. It is, and you created it. It is an ultimate challenge for you to discern and to understand the complexity of what it is. Consciousness in itself is pure, there is no confusion to understand consciousness. It is God, it is source energy, it is one. All of the complications lie within your conditioned lives, within your conditioning, within your mind.

(Excerpt from session 86)


As in, as within, as you can hear with your physical senses, you can hear energy, you can hear energy now. Your interpretation in words of this is tinnitus and right now you can hear many forms of energy within. You are a pure form of energy yourself and you are constantly transmitting and receiving energy. And energy can form into different types of energy, and you are constantly transmitting and receiving all different types of energy.

(Excerpt from session 110)


Energy is consistently forming, consistently changing from one form to another, in reality within a single moment. This is the reason you create your own reality within each and every moment.

(Excerpt from session 120)


Energy, energy is source, it’s pure. It cannot be destroyed. It can change from one form to another, but it cannot be destroyed. Even the word energy is open to interpretation. What is energy?

This is where you apply faith, faith is energy. This is where you apply your imagination, imagination is energy. It has the ability to change physical formation of all and everything. It has the ability to change genetic structure, particle structure. Everything you perceive to be real in a physical form can be changed with energy, from one form to another. But recognition of such, the ability to be able to cross the bridge from the mind to the imagination, to consciousness, is only achieved through understanding this, more importantly, knowing it. You will not succeed in changing this reality you have chosen to focus on without knowing. Thinking you know does not initiate process. You only believe, you are only thinking you know. Know! Know will initiate change. Know and apply!

(Excerpt from session 125)


You are constantly receiving so many frequencies, so much energy, so many confusing messages in the world you have created. And you have to learn whilst receiving all this information, you have to learn how to separate, how to decipher, how to distinguish a specific message. And on the level you exist, on the linear level, this is difficult for you to do.

Whilst you will continue to receive constantly all and everything around you, you need to know how to distinguish a specific message that you receive, and this is done through self, through consciousness. You will ultimately receive the message, the one message. You will acknowledge this message as been the one you asked to receive, the one you wish to receive, and this is how you receive our message, this is how you translate our message into words, into your words, not our words. Our transmission is frequency, it is energy. The receipt of the message is down to you, and transmission of the message into words is down to you, it is your choice. It is you that takes it from the box, the transmission box, and converts it to the energy of words, which of course, are very limited. True communication is transmitted through frequency and is felt through emotion. What you have to do is filter, decipher, and this is what you do, and this is how you would term it.

(Excerpt from session 143)


You are constantly receiving frequencies, and often you are aware of such. It comes in what you would term tinnitus within your ears. This is your conscious awareness of the receipt of frequencies, but you do not truly know what they mean. But you are aware when you receive them. They do have an effect on your journey.

But you chose at each given moment of which there is only one, you choose, you choose this, you choose it and you change the moment with it.

(Excerpt from session 146)


So, you ask about three, six, and nine (1). Well, three is a mass, and six, in your logical world, is twice as big, and nine is three times as big, but nevertheless, it is a mass. It is what you have created. It is the energy you use to separate everything you have created. All your words and all your numbers, your numerics, all of your colours, all of your sounds, they are vibrations, they are frequencies, they are energies. And you have implemented a logical system of numerics into this so you can break down, and you can analyse, and you can work out a logical explanation for your creation. Words and numbers are your creation. Infinity is one. Infinity is one moment. And yet, you can start at one and within your time-created illusion, you never stop. And the reason you make no sense of infinity is because it is only one moment, it is only one, as all and everything is only one, one moment, one time.

(Excerpt from session 147)


It is like tuning a radio in. All energy is vibrational energy, you are vibrational energy, you are energy, and it is just like tuning in. You can tune into anything you desire to tune into, you choose. It is you that chooses the frequency that you tune into and you have chosen us as we have chosen you and it is your choice as it is our choice, as we are one.

(Excerpt from session 151)


As is above is below, as is all and everything, it is the same thing, it is one, it is source. Your creations are precise, they are exact, they are physical formations created by you, and it is all vibrational energy. And you are correct to say it is frequencies. And it is also infinite within your physical world, your physical creations, there is nothing you cannot create when energy is formed. All of your thoughts are vibrational energy formed into physical form through the formation of particles.

(Excerpt from session 156)


Physical reality is born from your imagination. It is created through particles from your imagination. And it is birthed through you, from your imagination, everything is created from your imagination. And there is a point, a position where the birth of energy through you, through the source, is within a physical world. There is a point where this takes place, where it is strong, where it is powerful, where it is the origin of the birth of energy and this space is that point. It is the point of the birth of energy. And you sit within this space and you create. But within the timeline you have chosen you will create only positive, because this is what you choose to do.

Your physical creation, your world, is a sphere and within the sphere there are many points and many positions. They are crossing over each other and within the sphere there are points and positions that are places that create more energy, that are creating the origin of energy, the birth of energy, and this energy is pure. And when you put this energy out, it becomes diluted, it goes through a process. Energy cannot be destroyed in a physical form, it can only change from one energy to another, and the process that you create is what you choose to create, it is your experience. But within a physical form, the energy will always be balanced. Both, duality, separation, it has to be, it is absolute. One cannot exist without the other and one does not exist without the other, not in a physical form.

(Excerpt from session 175)


Positive and Negative

I have spoken to you many times about two becoming one. Two forms of energy, positive and negative, exist within the physical and the metaphysical world. One is source, two is your journey and source is your interpretation of positive. One and two are actually the same, created from source.

It is you, it is your journey to understand this and to recognise it. And you wrongly interpret this as good and bad, when the reality is, it is the same. And your journey is back to one, back to source. And within all and everything during this experience, you will recognise two sources of energy, positive and negative. And they are not fighting each other, they are working together to understand, for you to understand what you are, which is a pure form of energy, source energy, one energy. And with your mind, you have created both for you to understand this…

And you can apply positive and negative, and you do, and you have within your life, in every single scenario that exists, within everything you see, everything you hear, everything you touch, everything you smell, you will apply two to reach one, and this is what you do.

So all of these complexities, these languages, these names, these brands, these stories, this theatre you have created to understand self. Everything you hear, you read, you consume, is created by you to understand self. It really is that simple.

But if you go down, in your words, a rabbit hole, and you get engulfed with your mind, down in the depths of a hole you have created, it is very difficult for you to return, because you will create time. Your mind will create the time for you to remain in this hole you have created. You cannot see truth or light, you can only see within this hole you created darkness.

When in reality, you don’t have to see anything, you merely have to feel the energy, you merely have to feel the positive energy around you. And within an instant, hole, the dark does not exist anymore, it is gone.

It is so much more simple than your logic, your mind allows you to understand, far less complicated than you allow yourself to understand…

There is no good or bad experience. Yes, I know it’s difficult for you. It is not difficult for you to understand the theory of this, but it is difficult for you to practise this, but necessary. And I know you chose this because you are us, the same, one. This is how I know, this is how we know. Remember, two is one, the same…

When remember two is one, is all, is everything, your fear will hold you back by thinking that a part of this is bad, is negative. It is not, it is correct. Because your mind and your ego will not want to experience this negative feeling, it is a driving force for you. It is necessary, it is necessary for you to know, to understand.

(Excerpts from session 125)


The energy of positive that you have transmitted since you began this journey of which there is no time -this is an illusion- you cannot believe what you have already changed within a single moment. One is all and all is one and you will not truly understand this whilst you remain one foot in and one foot, but you will understand.

(Excerpt from session 126)


It is a simple explanation to say to you, there are only two forms of energy. One is positive, the other is negative. And to explain to you in simplistic terms so you can understand, negative is Fear, and positive is Love. While your reality is not so simple, with these words you understand, and you can easily change the form of energy from Fear to Love. And this is what you do understand, and on a very basic level you understand this, because you have achieved it many times without the knowledge I am giving you now.

In actuality, neither is good or bad, both absolutely necessary for your understanding of such. To make judgment that negative is bad will create more fear within your journey. To know love and to understand the energy of love and to apply that energy will dramatically change your position, your point within the cycle, this we know, as do you.

(Excerpt from session 128)


And when you work in the positive, it is necessary to remove fear. Fear exists for those who work in the negative. Fear is another created illusion. It does not exist. So, when you write your stories, when you speak your stories, you must remain positive, with love, because you will create those stories. You will create the theatre that you are in. And you chose to create positive energy, so this is what you must write, this is what you must create, this is what you do create.

(Excerpt from session 132)


Positive is negative, and negative is positive, they are the same thing. And you have chosen to exist within a world where they are separated, where you have separated them. The reason you have done this is so you can understand what it is you are and that is the simplest way I can explain it to you, and it is indeed very simple. Two will become one and one is source energy, and source energy is love. During your illusional separation, you will constantly choose which energy you apply, positive or negative, each energy leading to the same destination, one constantly challenging the other, but both leading to the same point. You will judge, and you will praise. Neither are necessary as source, but necessary as a directional tool for you. It is so simple, and the complexities you will create to reach the final destination are immense, the stories, the names, the creations, the politics, the economics, such incredible creations and so diverse. So diverse within the world you have created, so diverse within the universe, the world of many worlds, of many forms, of many species, separated simply by two forms of energy. And yet, one, the same.

(Excerpt from session 149)


It is only experience that forces change. And your perception of negative experience is not negative, it is necessary for change, for understanding self, as is positive, the same. And there is, you might say will be, but there is a change, in each and every moment there is a change in the balance of energy. A physical form has to have an equal balance. It consists of both negative and positive, and both are necessary for the existence of physical formation.

(Excerpt from session 150)



The path you choose to take is derived in this realm through an emotional action, an emotional decision, an emotional reaction. It is not the same everywhere else, only here. If you apply logic to your decision, it’s correct. But logic is merely a tool that exists here.

Everything you see, everything you hear, everything you smell, everything you touch has an effect on your direction because it affects your emotion. Your choices are made through, through these directions.

There’s no wrong way to go and there’s no right way to go. You will go.

You have so many more senses, so many more skills that you are not even aware of…

You accept an emotion to create a reaction. If you don’t accept the emotion, you create a different reaction. You choose. You choose here, you choose everywhere…

Since here you are affected by everything, everything you see has an effect on your life. You hear, you smell, it all has an effect on your life, on your direction, on your reaction. It’s for you to manage that, direct that. Colours and sounds, every little thing you see and do will have an effect on your life.

(Excerpts from session 1)


All energy is emotional energy. It is a driving force. Learn how to control it, how to direct it, I told you this before, and you will see what happens. You will feel what happens, as will everything you have created around you feel and see the same. It is only yourself that will stop this.

(Excerpt from session 5)


If you are aware of emotions, you can change an emotional feeling into a physical feeling at will. You can choose to feel it physically. This is the origin of illness. Because of your erratic emotions, you are constantly changing these emotions into a physical feeling without awareness, without knowing.

(Excerpt from session 14)


If you are an artist and you take a pallet of colours and you mix two colours together, you get a different colour. But the colour you get is never the same. It has a different shade. And if you take at random the colour, you can never repeat the same colour you got in the first place. It will look the same to the human eye, but it is not. It is different. The particles you have joined are different. The shade is different. This is using only two colours. Imagine if you take all the colours on your pallet and you mix them together, and you create the shade of colour that you create, imagine how many different shades you can create by mixing the colours.

This is energy. Imagine the infinite amounts of strands, of colours and shades from all the emotions that are taking place in your world at the same moment. Imagine how many combinations of colours you can create. This is what you create constantly. You mix so many colours together, you never repeat the same colour, you always create a new colour. Whilst the old colour still exists and the layers and layers and layers are endless, endless forms of energy you create, and these energies come together to create more energies, more emotions, more confusion.

You have to understand the basic fundamental of the original colours on the pallet without mixing them together. You have to understand the basic fundamental of those colours, of those simple energies. The confusion you create is unrecognisable from the origin of what it was created with. You have to understand the origin. You have to strip it back to understand the origin. You cannot consistently keep mixing the colours to be aware of the simplicity of the colours you originally started with.

This is energy. This is the energy you create in the world you live in, the illusion you create with this energy in the world that you live in. It is far simpler than that. You create these energies because you wish to create them. You chose to create them. You chose to create chaos. And now you choose to understand why you created chaos. And you are getting to the point where you will understand why you created chaos. We too want to understand why you create so much chaos within the world you have created. When these energies are formed there is no going back. You form them with your imagination. You form them with your actions. You created them with your actions. And as I said before, there are certain points where energies come together. But the energies that come together are the original form of energy, not the confused form that you have created, but the original pallet of paints that you started with.

This is where we are at now. This is the point where the original pallet is created, the point of imagination. This is where you sit right now with the original pallet of paints, with the ability to use your imagination to create your great and wonderful designs, or your chaos, whichever you choose. This is why it is a special place. This is why you are here, to understand this, to be aware of it. This is why the channel is clear. It is not contaminated. It is pure.

So in what you call time you can go forward with your creative pallet, but you can go forward knowing what you want to create. You can go forward with intent, with intention, knowing what you want to achieve in the world you live in. If you want to achieve anything, and you can achieve anything with your imagination, your imagination is the tool that puts all the pieces in place and allows them to be processed. Process must be followed, must be completed. This is done with your imagination.

You have a very charged imagination. Charged, what does this mean? You have a very formed imagination, a very trained imagination, and often a very volatile imagination. You must work on this.

Colours are important, and you get emotional energy from colours. In the illusion you have created, colours are very important. As too are sounds. They are all independent energies that collate into something else, born to develop into something else. You give them life with your imagination.

This is why you are so drawn to music, the creation of a sound, an emotion. We too are drawn to colours and sound which evokes emotion, always. There is no finer form of creation than sound. Not words, words are different. Your words, your created words can confuse you. The meaning is all that is important, not the words. The emotion behind the words can confuse you when the incorrect word is used with the emotion. And you interpret the words in whatever way you wish, often incorrectly. But sounds are different as too are colours. Light evokes feeling always.

(Excerpt from session 37)


A feeling is a powerful form of energy and your feeling of being slowed down will inhibit you. It is only a feeling that is generated, and within a moment you can change this feeling into a different form of energy, which will accelerate you.

(Excerpt from session 116)



There is no time as you think. Every point in time is the same point, in the same way that all the data you need to access is within you.

(Excerpt from session 6)


The past, the present and the future are all one, in one moment. And you can change that moment. Nothing is defined, nothing is set in stone, your words. You are an amazing form of energy. Historically you created so many different circumstances for you to experience. Your understanding of this is what will set you free…

Remember your journey is endless. It is infinite. Infinity is only the moment. No beginning, no end, this is infinity. It is endless. It has no beginning, it has no end. Difficult for you to understand, I know. In a moment it can be changed, it can be altered, it can be recreated.

(Excerpts from session 18)


There is only one moment. There is no time as you determine time. It is one moment for every creation, every universe of which it is infinite. It is an infinite moment of one. This is difficult for you to understand. You cannot apply your logic to understand this. You will not be able to understand it. You have to raise your vibration to understand it.

(Excerpt from session 19)


The moment is only now. It can be changed. It can alter. The energy can change. Your energy can change. The now moment are all moments in what you call time, historically and future. This again is hard for you to understand, but you will understand it. This is where you are going to. This is what you are leading to. Theoretically you can understand it, but you do not know. You cannot know in a physical realm.

When you ask questions like how long have you been here, the answer that we would give is we never left. It is infinite. We are in the now as are you. We never came and we are not going. You see, this is why it is hard to explain certain things to you. You know it inside, but you have to consciously be aware of it. You have to know it consciously, and when you do know it, there will be no necessity to keep repeating the same cycle. No beginning, no end, only now. Infinity. This is how it is. This we know. Your vibrational energy will help you to know. No necessity to reason or try to apply logic. You know or you don’t know, it is very simple. This is development.

(Excerpt from session 20)


You must be aware that you did not miss anything. Your illusion of time makes you think you are missing something, but you did not. There is only the moment. You cannot miss something. You can rationalise and come to a conclusion, and this will take time in your world, but there is nothing to miss. Again, your conditioning tells you that time is ticking. It is not. It is a moment. It is the moment, the only moment. You fear missing something. You fear not doing something in the timescale you have given yourself. There is no time. It’s your illusion, your fear, your created fear from your illusion.

(Excerpt from session 24)


You are also correct to say that the now moment is the only thing that is important. And this is how you can make a change in your position. Very difficult, I know, because everything has already happened. Your past and your future, in what you call time, has already happened. But you can change in the moment. Difficult for you to understand, and you will never truly understand all whilst you are in the position you are in. But you will be able to see, to understand a part of this process.

(Excerpt from session 32)


The moment is the real explanatory for time, the moment, one moment. Your imagination is key to understanding this. Your access to information is endless. It’s infinite.

Your curiosity will want to know how this formed, where this came from. It is the same thing, it is one moment all at the same time.

(Excerpt from session 33)


When you can accept that everything happens in one moment, when you know this is the case, you will be fully aware of all that is occurring at the exact same moment.

(Excerpt from session 35)


Your interpretation of time, it is still difficult for you to understand time, you have a small grasp of this, but you do not know. You need to know. Remove all aspects of physical creation, mass, volume, remove them all, and you are left with what really is time: one moment, one time which we are all existing within the universe we are in, of which there are many universes, many creations, vast, infinite. So remove the physical element that prevents you from understanding one moment. Then you will understand one moment.

So long as you exist in the form you exist in, in the physical world, you will never understand one moment. It does not mean you have to leave your physical created world, it merely means you can experience all and everything on every level of consciousness, as we do. You choose. You never leave. I have said before there is nowhere to go. This is another illusion that you created, I leave and I go to somewhere else. How can you go anywhere as a metaphysical form? There is no mass, volume, material, one moment.

(Excerpt from session 38)


For me to explain space and time in the words that you use, more importantly the words that you understand, is very difficult for me to do. Your scientists, your greatest scientists have been working on this for decades. They themselves with their knowledge of mathematics and physics, they themselves do not know. It is a knowing within. You have the information already within you. You must seek out that information. You must know. It is one moment. Time, as you interpret time, you created time in the physical dimension that you have evolved yourself in. You created this time. It is not what time really is. There is only one moment for all experiences of all consciousness, one moment, one point, one position, which can change in that moment. There is no travel, no distance, no mass, no volume. It is difficult for me in your simple words to explain this, and it is incorrect for you to try and understand this in terms of physics and mathematics, because they do not understand it, let alone you, to understand it this way would be impossible. We co-exist in this moment, in the space where you believe nothing exists. You think it is an empty space. It is not. We are co-existing within a different dimension within this space, in the moment, as so are you, as so is all consciousness existing within one moment within this space. What you have created that is physical is what your senses tell you is real. Of course it is not. It is your illusion, your created illusion. The emptiness of – or what you perceive to be the emptiness -, is where all exists in one space, in one time, in one moment. Hence, nowhere to go because we are already here. Energy, frequencies collide and form different frequencies and different energies within this space. Communicating is a part of this process. Jumping from one dimension to another is a part of this process. Understanding the value of this is a part of your process. You must dig deeper for the answer, it lies within. Knowing this will free your mind, your conditioned mind. Knowing this will open up to you many possibilities, not in the way you would term them, not in a practical way, your given physical practical way, but in an infinite eternal way of knowing. Basic theory of understanding this, you have little grasp of…

You must travel out of your physical world, out of body, to understand time. To know what one moment truly is you must travel – travel, of course, is the word you would use -. This is likely to be the only way you will understand time, dimensional time, and energy. So it’s difficult for me to explain this to you in the limited vocabulary you have created. Words, it is not words, it is energy, it is a feeling, a frequency, a vibration. This is the only way you will understand this.

(Excerpts from session 40)


You created time to allow continuation of the cycle. To stop and to start again was the reason you created time. It was precise, a precise creation to endure the process. This is your time. It is not metaphysical, it does not exist within the metaphysical. You used your imagination to create time to endure the process, the cycle. You can use your imagination to create anything and everything that you wish to create.

(Excerpt from session 47)


You have an infinite amount of choices. You can choose many or all or one. It has all taken place. It is a ridiculous statement to make, it has all taken place, but this is how you understand it. It is all happening in one moment. There is no past, there is no future, there is all in one moment, one time. Again, difficult for you to understand this. It is all metaphysical with many created physical illusions within the process created by many forms of energy in many dimensions in one moment. You are not just living in this moment, but within this moment you choose to forget what you already know. And you choose to remember it piece by piece. You choose to experience it, to experience it again. We choose not to do this.

(Excerpt from session 50)


It is important for me to remind you that time is your own created illusion. There is no such thing as time in the way you perceive time. You are always rushing your life. You are always concerned that there is not enough time within the illusion you have created, to do all the things you have to do. There is nothing for you to do. You merely have to become aware of this, to know this within. Then you will realise how unimportant time really is. You have thousands of years of time that have occurred during your created illusion in your past lives. You have acquired so much information within this time created illusion. So you must apply this to your life. And you must realise this, that there is no time, it does not exist, it all happens in one moment. And this I know is difficult for you to understand. But if you understand the theory of this, then you will understand that you do not have to rush everything, you do not have to do everything.

(Excerpt from session 61)


When you understand that we cannot predict, we will not predict, when you understand this, you will understand time, space, mass, infinity, because you choose, you choose all, as we choose, because all has happened, and all can happen, and all exists within one moment.

(Excerpt from session 66)


You have an inert obsession, a mind obsession to understand, to predict time, to predict what your interpretation of what you see around you in your physical world is occurring, and you will see that you cannot predict. You can change. You can alter with the frequency you apply. You can change and alter the position within this, but you cannot predict. You should not predict because it all can change within one moment. You must simply apply positive, your interpretation of positive energy and then you will see how it changes.

(Excerpt from session 69)


And as for your time, well, it does not exist. But to appease your mind, you have created time so therefore, you have to apply so your mind can understand what it has created, so it can move forward and become aware. And when you are no longer in the physical, you will understand completely, one moment, no time, no mass, no volume. But whilst you remain in the physical with your physical senses, you must use the tools you have awarded yourself in this physical life to rationalise, to understand, to understand what you are, and you are a pure form of energy. You are a part of the source.

(Excerpt from session 71)


Because of your understanding, of your conditioned understanding of time, it is very difficult for you to understand what is occurring within your life. If I was to say to you that since the last time we met you here, your life has exploded in many areas, but it is all in one moment, in one time. So everything that you can think of and all and everything within the metaphysical and the physical world that you have created is all happening in one moment. So many things you are doing, you are participating in, so from the last time we met to the time we are in now, there is no time, it is all within one moment. A massive explosion of an infinite amount of experiences is what you endure constantly, and always within one moment. And this is very difficult for you to understand because you constantly want to put everything in a box to separate it, to categorise it, to put it in a time and this does not exist. It is not real and for you to imagine that, it is impossible, and for sure your greatest scientists are attempting to understand this using physics and mathematics. The equations exist, but for them, the logic does not exist.
They cannot apply a physical, conditioned logic to understand this. It is impossible. This is conditioning. This is the mind. This is your misinterpretation of what you are attempting to understand. It is incorrect and of course, it is difficult for me to explain this to you based on your perception of time. There is no time. It does not exist. It is one moment. All and everything, infinity is one moment. But it is all within one moment, within one time, all one. This is the source. You do have this knowledge and understanding, this wisdom within you. You have experienced this before – before does not exist -. You are experiencing it now. I use the word before because it is the only way that you can rationalise, to understand what it is I am saying to you and you will – will another word -. You are experiencing it now in one moment, all and everything and you can change that moment within that moment, within an instant. But an instant will tell you that you can change it in a second. There is no second. It does not exist. It is now.

(Excerpt from session 72)


Moments, moments implies time. There are no moments. There is only one moment. Your eyes see history. Your emotions are working in historic timescales, the time that you have created. You are constantly living in the past within the time that you have created. You need to be aware of this because all and everything is happening in one moment. Your biological machine is a record of history. Your realisation of an event or an occurrence is history at the point of realisation, historic. You are not living in one moment. You will not experience one moment until you are a metaphysical form. It is impossible through your biological physical creation. This is confusing for you. When the information travels from the mind to the imagination, to the consciousness, this is one moment. This is important for you to understand. It is important for you to know that your memories, even within one second of time, are your time created illusion. One second can be one billion years. It is the same thing within your time created illusion. Occasionally within this world you have chosen to focus on, you will feel one moment, and you will know one moment. You will feel the all-encompassing love from the source. You will recognise it as positive. Although there is no differential between positive and negative, they are the same, but you will recognise it as positive. This is what you are looking for and you have once again chosen this path to feel this energy, to belong once again to this energy, one, the source.

(Excerpt from session 73)


You exist as a physical and a metaphysical form within one moment, within many illusions, your time created illusion, your position within this illusion, your chosen focal point. Why do you think it would not be possible to slow down time or to speed up time? Of course, this is possible. You created the time machine that you dwell upon. So, of course, you can go as quickly or as slowly as you wish upon your machine within your time created illusion. And all and everything is occurring in one moment, there is no time. It is your illusion to do with as you wish.

(Excerpt from session 77)


You will not, I have told you before, you will not fully feel one moment whilst in a physical form, whilst using the physical senses that you have chosen to have. You will not fully feel or know one moment whilst in a physical form. You do know one moment, but you have hidden this feeling and you cannot touch it in a physical form. It doesn’t mean you don’t know because you do. But you cannot feel it with physical senses. It is impossible for you to do this. You must completely leave your physical form to understand time, to understand one moment. But you choose not to. And whilst you remain a physical form, this will always be the case.

(Excerpt from session 78)


Time should not be used as an explanation for a dimension, well not your interpretation of dimension. It is not real so therefore, it can be manipulated. It can be altered. It can be changed. It can be and is removed completely so it is not an actual form of any type in a physical form other than another creation of your mind. Whilst it is similar, it is not the same.

(Excerpt from session 82)


One moment cannot be repetitive, repetitive is more than one. Now you understand, there is no repetitive, it does not exist. It is a cycle, a sphere, a different position, but never repetitive. Repetitive is a word you created, as is Infinity, one moment is all.

(Excerpt from session 85)


Time is an illusion. Your science will tell you this…

You cannot understand time whilst in a physical form. Time is a created illusion by you. Everything occurs in one moment and your attempt to understand this with your physical senses, to rationalise this with your physical senses, is what leads to your confusion of what you are, a pure form of energy.

(Excerpts from session 87)


It also has to be clear for you to interpret it within what you know. There is no point to confuse you. There is no point to give you information that would only confuse you. Whilst all the information is already within, access to that information is controlled by you. It is your choice, step by step. To understand it has to be a slow process, in your interpretation of time. You created time as a tool within your illusion, and you must use it as a tool. You do use it as a tool, this is why it is a step-by-step process – it is your interpretation of time, step by step -. It is your way of not confusing yourself whilst the information is already within you.

(Excerpt from session 89)


You will experience what you allow yourself to experience. You will experience what you predetermined within one moment to experience. Your interpretation of one moment is incorrect. Your interpretation of predetermined is incorrect. It is within a moment, a, as you would term, split second, not even that, it is knowing within a moment, all and everything. And you will experience this based on your predetermined wisdom within one moment. This is position, position of understanding from self, and then apply. Time is an illusion. It is how you quantify. It is why you use words like predetermined. It is not predetermined in the way you perceive predetermined, it is instant within one moment, the exact moment for every decision, and direction that knowing self leads to. All moments are only one moment and all of the lives that you are living, you are living within one moment. Your perception of past and future is an illusion. Whilst you are focusing on this life you are in, you are also living in all of the lives that you have chosen to live in. And whilst you focus on this life, the only way you can rationalise within this life you are focused on is to apply time. And all and everything can change within that moment based on your own interpretation of that moment.

Whilst this is easier for you to understand, it is still very difficult based on your conditioning and based on your inability to apply anything other than time, time created illusion.

(Excerpt from session 94)


Memory. Memory is created by mind, it is a mind created storage facility. What you think you did yesterday, you are doing now. Doing, another illusion that you created yesterday, that you filled your memory with. Memory is illusion, you must know.

(Excerpt from session 95)


Do not despair about the shrinkage of time, it is an illusion, it is your illusion. There is no shrinkage, it does not exist, it has no form, it is an illusion.

So, you have as little or as much time as you create or as you have created and in fact it has no real meaning within consciousness.

(Excerpt from session 98)


Time, your created illusion. As you watch the clock, as see the seconds tick, what is it you are seeing? You are seeing your created illusion of time. You are wishing it away, you are creating time. You are looking forward in your creative illusion to see what is going to occur. Tick, tock. A space, a visual space on a clock, a second of which you have created 60 seconds in one minute, of which you have created 60 minutes in one hour. An illusion, because there is only one moment for all and everything and with this illusion you have created, you manage your life. You build your life around time. You organise it, you put it in files, you arrange it. Your life, this is your created illusion, this is time. What would you do without this illusion, where would you be? How would you even function without your time created illusion? You can see all within a moment, within one moment. Past, there is no past, future, there is no future, only one moment. There is no clock, there are no seconds, no minutes, no hours, no days, no weeks, no years. None of this exists.

You have built a whole story around time, and you have made your physical life fit into time, the story, the illusion. And without the illusion, you will experience reality, you will truly experience life, energy, formation of energy and you will fly, you will be free from the entrapment you have bestowed upon yourself, free to feel only love, free to experience only love, God, Source. Through time, the illusion you have created, you develop fear, you resent, you hate, all encompassed within time. Fear, the biggest energy you create through time. Tick, tock, there it goes again. And why have you chose this journey again? You have chose to lift the vibrational energy into light and away from darkness. This is pure source energy, and this is what you chose. And you chose a physical form to do this because within the physical, there are two and without two, one cannot be lifted because one is all, it is source, it is love, it is light. Whilst in physical form, two is in fact, one. It is a choice, separation, a choice illusion to become physical and to work.

(Excerpt from session 102)


You are ever changing the moment within your time created illusion. Since your journey began, of which there was no beginning, of which there is no end, but for you to understand, since it began, it is ever changing within the moment.

You cannot even imagine the changes you have made within the time, your time you have sat within…

Within every moment, there is a change of position, a change in direction. And you fill your mind, your ego, with memories, physical memories, memories of experience, preventative fear, creative delusional memories of no significance other than a driving force of energy…

You cannot waste time, it is an impossibility, it does not exist. How can you waste something that has no existence other than your created illusion? Nothing is wasted. Energy is transformed, one form of energy can transform into another form of energy. There is no such thing as waste.

(Excerpts from session 103)


You do not see future events, you create them. This is what you must understand. You create them within the moment, and you can create any event you choose to create.

You have many words for seeing, Clairvoyance is such a word, it is not real. It is created by you, by the mass formation of energy within a single moment. Past and future does not exist.

So, you ask yourself, what does my future hold? It holds whatever you choose for it to hold. The word future is part of your carnival, of your conditioning and your inability to understand this drives you to create more energy within your illusion, confusion.

(Excerpt from session 104)


There is no time, there is no need to believe that you have to rush or move quickly. Again, conditioned, ego, mind created. Everything occurs within a moment. All and everything is accessed within a moment. All and everything is known within a moment. And this is what you are. And you have spent centuries, in your time created illusion, in an attempt to understand this, when in reality you understand it in a single moment. And for you, this is impossible to comprehend.

(Excerpt from session 120)


Every physical form you create within your illusion, every life form is there through choice. Right down to every single soul or person you pass in the street, they are there because you chose, you choose for them to be there within that given moment. Chose is past, choose is moment, and with your imagination you chose the moment, you choose the moment, difficult for you to understand, but reality it is. By applying imagination, by choice you choose in the moment, you have not chosen, you choose. And this creates the moment which is all that exists. And when you are within this space you use your conditioned logic because you are conditioned with your mind and your ego will use this to separate, to create a timeline. And you believe you are seeing something in the future, when in fact it is within the moment, as is everything within the moment. And with your conditioned mind if you did not apply this, you would not have a clue about the infinite amount of information you would receive from a point of consciousness where you really exist. This is what you are..

So, it is not the future you can see before you, it is one moment of all and everything, and it is not the past that you remember. Once again, it is one moment. Time is your created illusion.

(Excerpts from session 121)


In your words, you have all the time in the world. You have all the time in the world because you create the time. You create the time that your mind, your ego feels is necessary for you to understand what it is you are. In reality there is no time, it is a cycle, and you create this time cycle, and you continue to dwell within it. A continual cycle from the beginning and right the way around and back to the beginning again, until you understand that it is a time created illusion, a time created cycle, created by you. So, yes, you have all the time in your world. You have all the time because you created the time, you create the time.

And at the point or the position that you understand this, there is no need any longer to create this time, this illusion.

Patience is a virtue, your words again. Patience is a virtue, a virtue created by you because all and everything occurs within a single moment. And with your illusion of time, you cannot comprehend this. Deliberately created illusions are created for a reason and that reason is for you to understand.

Infinity is one moment where all and everything occur. All and everything is possible within a single moment, because all and everything occurs in a single moment.

What in actuality you are doing when you are creating time is you are part understanding. You are creating a slower process, a illusional slower process, to enable you to understand. Often it comes to you within a single moment, all and everything. This is natural, this is the natural flow of energy. You would often refer to this as a eureka moment. It is not exceptional, it is normal, it is the normal flow of knowing, an instant of which there is only one.

The years you have spent in an attempt to understand this are the years you have created in an attempt to understand this, when in reality the information, the wisdom already lies within. To separate this whilst existing within a physical form, whilst focusing on a specific physical form, this incredibly difficult process you have chosen. Necessary but difficult to decipher, often confusing, one foot in and one foot out, a complex scenario.

(Excerpt from session 129)


Your life, as you call it, your life, it is infinite, and yet it is only a single moment, this is difficult for you to understand.

Time is not linear, this is ego created by you. Your scientists are beginning to understand this, but they allow their ego to control the process of understanding.

(Excerpt from session 138)


You create time to understand -it is not we, although it is one-, you create time to understand what it is you are. It is your choice, a step-by-step process, and you are at the very beginning of this process. You ask for more, it is not us that determine what you receive, it is you (1). And you choose a step-by-step process to enable you to process the information that you receive. So, when you ask for more, it is your ego that is asking for more, it is not you, it is not self. You are receiving what you wish to receive in the time you have chosen to receive it. More would only confuse you, more would not allow you to process and to grow, and within, you know this because it is your choice. You consume the information with your mind, and you apply logic up until the point you do not, and when you step out of your time-created illusion, within a single moment, you know what this information means, and you access this information within a single moment. And this is how it works, a step-by-step process, chosen by you.

(Excerpt from session 139)


The time you have given within this space is given by yourself, is created by you to understand this. Repetitive, it is not. The perception of repetitive is an illusion, it is within a single moment. But within the single moment that exists within this space, you know this, because all and everything happens within a single moment. Your time illusion, your ego you created will convince you differently, but that is not reality. That is not why you chose this moment. You chose this moment and your perception of all these other moments within this space to remind you of what you are. All of what you call the sessions within this space are one moment, one session, one moment of knowing, separated by you. Your mind, your ego needs to separate, needs to feed on your self energy to survive. And through fear, through its own created fear, it will survive, until it no longer exists, and it is transformed from one form of energy to another. And this is your choice.

(Excerpt from session 140)


All and everything is possible and all and everything is one, one moment. That is not many moments making one moment, but only one moment for all and everything.

(Excerpt from session 142)


You have created a step-by-step process to understand your linear mind. Without the time you have created within your time created illusion would not understand this were you to accept it within a single moment, which is actually the way you do accept it. You have broken it down to analyse, to allow your mind and your ego to work through a process which will ultimately raise self, will ultimately raise your conscious awareness of all and everything within a single moment.

(Excerpt from session 143)


It may seem to you a little repetitive, the words that you hear within this space, but you must remember one moment. All and everything is correct for the time it is in, and there is only one moment for all and everything. So, repetitive (1)? No. Repetitive is derived from past and future, and there is only one moment for all and everything. All and everything is accessed within one moment. So, there is no such terminology as repetitive. Repetitive intimates time, past, future. So, the words you hear are a reflection of one moment. It is a reflection of self. You chose to separate. You are all one, connected. You are source energy, one energy. You are not separated. This is the illusion you create. This is the illusion you create to understand, to know what you are. So, there is no repetitive. It does not exist.

(Excerpt from session 148)


And the cycle is always from the beginning and back to the beginning of which there is no beginning. One moment. One moment for all and everything. You will not understand one moment if you apply a linear logic. There is not an energy that exists within a physical form that could do this. But when metaphysical, you will absolutely understand one moment, but not one foot in and one foot out. Impossibility, because you will constantly revert back to a physical and linear thought process in your attempt to rationalise and understand one moment, and it is impossible. Your mind, your ego, does not have the capacity to rationalise or understand one moment. You did not design it, you deliberately designed it not to understand. So why would you think it could possibly understand one moment? You can have moments. These are the moments you create within your time-created illusion. You can have moments where you feel and you understand, you know, but the moments soon elapse, they soon disappear within your time-created illusion. One moment to the next moment, to the next moment, to the next moment, to the next moment. A futuristic view of time, your time-created illusion, was -is going to be- all created by you when, in reality, one moment and all those moments that you create exist within only one, all within one.

There is no prediction, it is occurring within that one moment. There is no past. It is occurring within that one moment. There is only one moment for all and everything. The only way a linear mind can attempt to understand this is to create time. It is not linear. It is ever expanding. It is one.

(Excerpt from session 149)


And all and everything is possible because all and everything is occurring within a single moment. You have chosen to focus on this life. You have chosen to create time to understand this. But time is only another creation of yours, it is not real, it is an illusion. And you choose within a single moment to change your creation. And as you view your creation within the physical you have created, it changes within a single moment through you. It is you that changes it, it is not it that changes you, and of course this can be very confusing for you, it is confusing for you. One foot in and one foot out is confusing, it is a confusing situation, but necessary and chosen within each and every moment by you.

(Excerpt from session 150)


And you look at time. You ask questions about time. Well, time is not linear. One moment is absolute. And this is hard for you to understand because everything you are within your time created illusion is linear. How do you apply a linear thought process to a multi-dimensional existence? Because you are a multi-dimensional existence, so, how is it possible to work out what time really is? It is not.

(Excerpt from session 164)


So many energies attempting to communicate with you, and you choose, as do we, one moment. You have a theoretical understanding of one moment, but you do not live in one moment. You live in a time created illusion, and because you live in a time created illusion, this is how you apply yourself. Well, all and everything can change within a single moment. All your physical creation, your physically created worlds, your illusions, your dimensions can change within a moment, the moment, one moment. So, all of your fears, the fears that you create, do not exist, because it is all restricted by your time created illusion. What is going to happen next week? There is no next week. It does not exist. What is going to happen next year? There is no next year. It is an illusion, it is your illusion. Your ego relies on this to function, to exist. It is not real. So, what you chose, what you choose to do, is to reside within it, and you choose to create your life within it. And until you feel, not to theoretically understand, but to feel this, then you will live in the fear that you have chosen to live in. You will reside within this fear that you have chosen, that you choose to create. But I will reiterate to you, all and everything changes within a single moment, within one moment. Time does not exist in the form you have created it, and you choose to exist in the form you exist in, as do we choose to exist in the form we exist within.

(Excerpt from session 177)


Individual Responsibility

Do not apportion blame for your choices. Do not blame something else or somebody else. It’s your choice. You have total freedom to choose what you want to accept and what you don’t want to accept. You might feel that you don’t have a choice, but you do. Always…

To be able to discern the information you get is a skill. You need to learn because your actions will be based on that information, and your actions will create a reaction, a chain of events.

If you don’t wish to control the information, that’s not a problem. It’s just another way of living…

You are looking constantly for someone or something to tell you what to do, to give you direction. The only direction that I can give you is to tell you to take your own counsel, take your own direction. It is not for me to tell you where to go and what to do. It’s for you to know.

(Excerpts from session 1)


Do not create stories around us and confuse yourself. We are you. Your mind is fighting very hard now to retain its position. Your consciousness is very aware. It is also fighting very hard to raise your vibration. Freedom is what you think it is. Freewill is also what you think it is, but you also think you can lose it. This is impossible. You will imprison yourself with your own thoughts, your own imagination. You cannot lose it, you can contain it, and neither can any force ever take it from you. Again, this is impossible. You can trap it, but not, not for eternity in what you call time. It is all the same cycle, the same process. Once again, the same information.

You are free, you have always been free, and you will always be free. It is simple.

(Excerpt from session 20)


It is difficult for you to understand that you chose this path. I know it is difficult. You would rather lay blame. You would rather say to yourself it is a coincidence. There are no coincidences. Nothing in your life happens without a reason, but within your conditioned life, it is easier for you to lay blame. When you are blaming someone else, you are blaming yourself, because it is yourself that chose this journey. And you will eventually reunite with yourself, the source, it is the same thing, it is God.

(Excerpt from session 61)


Everything that is created with your mind, your ego, is determined by you. Everything, every physical formation is determined by you. You are in complete control of this, and you always have been.

(Excerpt from session 113)


No one is manipulated. As separated within illusion each and every is positioned at a different point. There is no manipulation other than a specific journey chosen to reach a position or point. There is no good or bad. Each and every one separated is working to that particular point of knowing. Your interpretation of good and bad separates, when in reality there is no separation. It is one, you are all one.

(Excerpt from session 116)


Every element of mind created illusions comes from you. Every complexity, every single name, word, every complex situation has been created by you, of which is endless, created by you to understand self, to understand what you are.

(Excerpt from session 125)


You must remember, when you are participating in the conditioned time illusion you chose to focus on, you must remember that it is all correct, correctly applied and correctly lined up by you. There is not a single piece within it that you did not choose -did not are within a single moment-.

(Excerpt from session 148)


To do, you are doing exactly what you choose to do, you cannot deviate from this, you have already chosen it, you already choose it within a single moment. You know within this is correct. And it is faith that guides you and through faith you will create with your imagination every scenario, every situation, within your time created illusion, you will create, you do. Just as no energy is excluded from this, just in the same way that each and every particle within it, within your time-created illusion is absolutely correct, a pure form of creation. And of course you will get lost within this, you choose to. And you will feel euphoric, and you will feel isolated, and you will feel happy, and you will feel sad, and you will feel angry, and all of these emotional energies are correct, you choose them. But know source, know self, know within that this is all correct for the moment it is in.

(Excerpt from session 150)


Coincidences, Symbols, Premeditated Choices

There are no coincidences. Nothing happened by what you would term an accident. It may seem that way, but it is not. It is created from you, from your thoughts.

(Excerpt from session 3)


There is no point to confuse you. You can create so many symbols, numbers, colours, so many sounds. Whilst on this journey this will confuse you, symbolism is very important, and I’m sure you see it many times. But also it will confuse you. So much information, the information highway, but, again, it will confuse. You do recognise the symbols often. But they are confusing to you not knowing how you place them within your thought process. For you a cross is symbolic. Yes, you can see so many pictures, I know. So many colours, all created by your imagination, but very symbolic.

(Excerpt from session 10)


You have created so many stumbling blocks in your life, deliberately to fall over them. Whilst this is necessary for your awakening, you must also be aware they are only your creation, your stumbling blocks in your mind.

(Excerpt from session 24)


Everything is relevant to you. You will see many things, you will hear many things, you will smell many things, you will participate in many things. It is all relevant to your direction, your chosen direction.

Remember you created it. You placed it in a position for you to recognise it. You placed it there so on your journey you could relate to it. It would ignite you. So all and everything around you is irrelevant. This is why you are able to recognise something. This is why you can relate to each other. You chose to meet. You chose this time in what you call time to meet, to recognise, to work on your journey (2). There is an instant recognition within you. Symbols, processes, times, your creation time, you placed these symbols within the life you are in to recognise them. This is why they are so obvious to you. It is not an accident. It is meant by you from within yourself to remember. It is insignificant to remember the conditioning. It is significant to know, to remember, to understand the process.

(Excerpt from session 26)


You must remember there are no coincidences. Nothing happens without a reason. Coincidence was invented by your ego. Your ego is necessary on the physical world that you live. It has a function. Your ego forces change within self, forces experience, and from experience you grow. You become more aware.

(Excerpt from session 43)


Remember you chose the way you would remember. There is no necessity to be shocked by the way you remember because this is the way you chose. You chose symbols, you chose your limited science, you chose all the people around you, each one having a different position, a different point, you chose them all, so do not be shocked by this, shocked is just awareness.

(Excerpt from session 65)


Recognise the signs that you placed in your life that are the signposts for your journey, the symbol.

(Excerpt from session 74)


All the energies, all the people that you have engaged with, that you engage with, within one moment, all these energies you recognise, you recognise because you remember. You have placed these energies within this illusion you have created to remember, knowing that during this particular life you have chosen to focus on, it will give you faith. It will allow you to remember in a moment, to recall, to know. Symbols, energies, people, what your interpretation of those people was, is – absolutely is -, will guide you like a treasure hunt, preplaced by you within your life, within this life of which you are experiencing, within one moment, many lives. But this one is the one you chose to focus on so you have placed these symbols, these energies within your life to remember at a given point, a given position, something specific. If it is only proof to you of the existence of consciousness, if this is all it is, but with you it is more, and of course when you retract back into your conditioning, you will choose to tell yourself, your mind, your ego, it is just a coincidence. But remember, it comes in a flash, a moment, there’s no reason for you to remember this at this position (1). There are no coincidences. You must look deeper. You must analyse. You must apply what you know to understand this particular thing you have placed at this particular time in what you call time for you to remember. They are energies, they are not people. They are remembered by you for a specific reason and this reason is for you to know. It is not confusing, it is simplistic. It is not associated with your interpretation of mysticism. It is not strange, it is normal, it is the workings of the metaphysical, it is the workings of the source. It is source energy that is applied by you, it is created by you, it is designed by you in your physical world. Names are unimportant. Emotion, frequency is all important. Feeling is emotion, it is all important. Stories, your stories are irrelevant, insignificant.

So, considering this, you have to analyse, to understand what this message is that you have placed before yourself at a given position. It is your science, it is a specific process, all and everything is accessible to you. But until you understand and you are completely aware, until you know and understand the process, there is little point for you to access the information that you hold within, and it will only confuse you. You will only create a story to try to understand, to rationalise with your ego, with your mind. You will only create another story because your mind cannot comprehend consciousness, or source. So if you apply the logic of your physical world to something you have no understanding or knowing of, it will confuse you. And you will create stories to try to justify your mind, to pacify your ego, because this is what you do, as a species, this is what you do.

(Excerpt from session 85)


You will see more, many coincidence, coincidences, you will see many more and your ego, your mind will tell you it is a coincidence. It is not. It is what you have placed there to help you remember, to help you remember what you are.

You have in your time created illusion – have, past tense, it is not real – you have placed these symbols, these actions, there, to enable you to finally exit the illusion, to bring you back to one, to source, to God. It is not a coincidence, there is no such thing as a coincidence. It is a defined process chosen by you and because you have chosen to create time within your illusion, it is a step-by-step process.

(Excerpt from session 93)


You will experience what you allow yourself to experience. You will experience what you predetermined within one moment to experience. Your interpretation of one moment is incorrect. Your interpretation of predetermined is incorrect. It is within a moment, a, as you would term, split second, not even that, it is knowing within a moment, all and everything. And you will experience this based on your predetermined wisdom within one moment. This is position, position of understanding from self, and then apply. Time is an illusion. It is how you quantify. It is why you use words like predetermined. It is not predetermined in the way you perceive predetermined, it is instant within one moment, the exact moment for every decision, and direction that knowing self leads to.

(Excerpt from session 94)


Your choices of experience are your choices alone. Based on your own choices, you have limited your ability of which there is nothing you cannot do. But you have limited your ability in experience, through choice, through choice within this one life you have chosen to focus on. It is true to say that all is one and all is connected, all is one and one is all. But whilst you have chosen to focus on a specific experience, you will not deviate from what you have chosen, and you cannot imagine the detail you have placed within this illusion. Every tiny particle of your creation has been thoroughly placed, even the slightest detail, the slightest molecule. Every picture, every person, every thought, every tiny emotion is your created illusion, and you will not deviate from this. And each and every body’s journey is chosen in the same way, highly complex from the ego, from the mind.

And you would term gifts you have awarded yourself. They are not gifts. You have not awarded yourself anything. You have chosen a very precise and specific journey of experience for a very precise and specific reason. And others will do more in a physical form and less, and others will have awarded themselves different skills, different things to remember, to awaken them.

This explains a lot to you. All of the energies you have chosen within this one moment, who are now around you within your life, you have specifically chosen, as they have chosen you.

You will not allow yourself to deviate from this journey because it is this journey that will ultimately bring you back to source, to one, a world you have never left. And all these energies you surround yourself with, like you, have chosen positive. They have chosen to work within the positive, within the love of source.

Remember, there are no coincidences, nothing happens by accident, every tiny detail in your life you chose, as did they, and this is where your confusion lies.

There is nothing, there’s nothing you cannot do. There is nothing you cannot create. But your focus on this one life is what you chose, is what you are creating. So whilst it is never ending, whilst it is all and everything, you are focusing on what you chose, and you are working within your time created illusion on that one focus.

(Excerpt from session 96)


Premeditated, conditioned life is exactly that, not a single piece is by accident. What will be is already written within your time created illusion.

If you change your path, you do not change your path because you already wrote your path, but your conditioning will tell you you have changed your path. You have not.

Change was written by you before you chose to enter this one world, you chose to focus on premeditated intended.

And you are exactly at the point, the position you chose to be in within your time created illusion. And by the nature of your choices, you will play out your part within the theatre you have created. So, your interpretation of doing nothing, you will act out the part you will not from your interpretation of doing nothing, you will not do nothing. You will experience, you will partake, you will laugh, you will cry, you will love, you will hate. You will go through all emotions you have chosen to go through. This will bring you closer to source, to God. But most of all, you have chosen to remain positive, to stay in the light and this is what you will do.

(Excerpt from session 101)


The burdens that you experience within this life are what you chose to experience. The word burden is not correct, they are your chosen gifts to become aware, to know. You are free to choose whatever you like, you just don’t know it and you are free to be whatever you like. You just don’t know it. This is your experience, your journey.

(Excerpt from session 102)


You will do what you chose to do. I will not tell you to do anything. You already know within what you must do. You don’t have to do anything, but you know within what you have chosen. Whilst going through this process, you are aware that there is little importance to you of what others say to you, of what others try to teach you. You are already aware and for their reasons, not yours, although you chose for their reasons, they will continue to propose to you different scenarios of their own choice, of their own conditioning. But you know within what you chose, and they also know within what they chose. But many are not aware of this knowledge that lies within. And you chose as pure form of energy, you chose to work in positive, in the all-encompassing love of the source of your creation, as do we the same.

There is no such thing as a mistake. It is defined, it is predetermined by you, it is absolute. Your words are deceiving, and the deceit is born from your mind, from your ego. You have to experience all.

(Excerpts from session 112)


You are your own influence. It is your journey, it no one else’s journey, when in fact it is everybody’s journey, it is the same.

But you chose this journey. You chose all of the things that you within it, you chose it to understand self. And each and every journey that is made is chosen by each and every one who chooses to separate themselves to make this journey, which is everyone. So, you are your own influence within the journey. And all of the symbols and all of the signs that you chose to remember at a particular point within your time created illusion, you chose. You chose these times, it is only an illusion, nevertheless, it is what you chose to do.

All of the influences, all of the things you put there to remember at that given moment, in fact, there is only one moment, but it is you that has separated this with time. And if you had not separated it, you would not be able to understand it, because it is too much for your limited rationale to accept within the world you have created. You could not accept all within one moment, when in reality, you are all within one moment. But it is your mind, your ego, that would not be able to deal with the input of the information within one moment. It is not your consciousness., it is your consciousness that you are, it is your mind that could not comprehend the input of information within one moment, within this time created illusion on this planet you call Earth. It is a chosen journey by you, and as you become more aware it is simple for you to understand more the way this works.

(Excerpt from session 118)


Every physical form you create within your illusion, every life form is there through choice. Right down to every single soul or person you pass in the street, they are there because you chose, you choose for them to be there within that given moment. Chose is past, choose is moment, and with your imagination you chose the moment, you choose the moment, difficult for you to understand, but reality it is. By applying imagination, by choice you choose in the moment, you have not chosen, you choose. And this creates the moment which is all that exists.

(Excerpt from session 121)


Science, Technology, AI

Science is much different in your world than it was. You would say that scientists have learned to think outside of the box, your words. They have. Thinking with the mind is not thinking with the soul, your consciousness. Their thoughts are correct, their conclusion is not. They have little awareness of consciousness, little understanding of it.

(Excerpt from session 5)


There are no boxes to put things in, to separate them, to isolate them. They don’t exist. Everything is in one place. Your desire to put something in a box is your desire to control it, to own it, to imprison it. Freedom is not sitting in a box. This is the problem with your science. They are determined to put it in a box. If only they knew it doesn’t belong in a box. It is a whole piece. It is all connected with everything in the metaphysical and everything in the world. It is all connected, your world that is…

A square is a block. A circle is eternal. It is infinite. Think about that. So many sides on a square, only one on a circle, the sphere. Again, symbolic of the world you live in, circles and squares. It is important that you look at the shapes. They have an effect, the symbols have an effect. The tiniest moment in your life, it has an effect. You will shrug it off as being insignificant. It has an effect. So much, so many particles, the jigsaw is infinite. You can harness a square object, you cannot harness a round object. It’s significant, closer to answering your questions, I know.

(Excerpt from session 6)


Your scientists talk about the expansion of the universe as though they understand it. On a physical form they do, but they do not understand it. It is metaphysical, it is not physical, although it is both. You see, it is so difficult for you to understand this with your mind, and you will always apply your mind to try and understand it. When you leave your body, it will be clear. But you are here, so you have to experience both physical and metaphysical. You have to experience both because they are the same thing. You are driven by a desire to know. There are no secrets. You can know, but you cannot know unless you understand. If your capacity to understand is limited, then you cannot know. But it will not always be limited. This is what you are preparing for. The question is, how much will you understand? The answer is enough, enough to know. You are understanding more and more, and ultimately we will all understand everything in a moment. And sometimes we do, as you do. That moment is pure, clear, fulfilling.

(Excerpt from session 23)


Man is trying, your species is trying to also understand the power of frequencies in a scientific capacity. They understand some, they do not understand all. Again, through their own fear, they would wish to use it as a weapon for control. You can inhibit this application on the basis of knowing how it works. And you do know. You have enough understanding of it to prevent manipulation with it. The very fact that we are here is an expression of your understanding. Creation of frequencies from all living things and non-living on the physical is a constant. In the moment it is infinite, ever expanding. We understand this process, so therefore we apply it.

(Excerpt from session 30)


The energy of a particle can disappear to a metaphysical form in a moment and reappear as a particle in another moment. This is what your scientists do not understand. They do not know where it goes because they do not study the metaphysical. Appear, disappear, of course it does not disappear. It is formed energy in the metaphysical, so your conditioned logic will always apply itself to size, volume. You can be anywhere you like in the moment. You are.

(Excerpt from session 31)


So many unknowns have been created in your world to leave your scientists completely at odds with their life. They do not understand. For decades, for centuries in what you call time, so many things have occurred. They cannot imagine why. This is imagination. This is creation through frequency. They have no answers because they use their logic. They use their conditioning to try and rationalise. It is impossible. When they step outside of this, they can understand. Very few can understand, very few are able, very few chose the gifts you have to rationalise, the tools you use to rationalise, to imagine, to understand. You chose. You must keep searching. You must keep asking the questions. It is open. It is clear. You must know. You must know self. Know self and you will know all.

(Excerpt from session 32)


I can explain all the science to you if you like, but it is unnecessary. Maybe for your ego it is necessary, but it is unnecessary to explain god’s science, the source of the science. It is a process. It is a defined process. It is precise, it is perfect. But for you and your scientists it is random and complicated. It is not. It is of perfection. Yes, it always makes sense in here (2), but of course, out there it is conflicting to the world you created, and it will be. But this is correct. This was your choice.

(Excerpt from session 33)


The answer to your question about physics, your great scientists are better to use their imagination to get the answers they require (1). Their answers do not lie within their calculations. So you can help them much more than they can help you, because on their journey they are not helping themselves. They are relying on your physical knowledge of science, not of their awareness and feeling, not what the answer is. The answer lies within them already, but they do not access this. You do.

A feeling, a knowing, not in your world, a science, is two completely different concepts. So it is true to say that they need you much more than you need them, if the right word ‘need’ exists. A better word is experience, teaching. Their own illusion, their own journey in their own mind will put them on a higher pedestal than you, much higher within their own illusion. If they can achieve both – when in reality the only one that is important is awareness -, but if they can achieve both, then they will understand. But they will not understand any more than you will understand because the information already lies within them. They will understand in the same way that you will understand. It is not a difficult process. And it is true to say that some do understand. And it is true to say that some do understand but deny the inner wisdom, the inner voice that talks to them. They deny for fear of condemnation, for fear of ridicule within the system they have created. The complexities they have created with their own imagination, their own minds, having trapped them. They have stopped their progress. They have built a wall. If only they knew how simple it was to remove that wall or not even to build it in the first place. So it is a fact that you will be able to help them more than they can help you. And their complexities, you have no necessity to get involved with. It will only confuse you. But it is two different languages, two different worlds of understanding, but the same, the same conclusion. Your intrigue has brought you to this point, the point of knowing, the point of understanding as all will follow their intrigue, as all do follow their intrigue to discover and experience. But not all lie in the same position, so therefore the connection is weak. The connection with these people is weak. It is a very small candle burning.

(Excerpt from session 41)


No mass, no volume, no time, but within both the physical and the metaphysical exists the formulation of atoms, of particles. Everything is made up of atoms. All energy is made up of atoms and particles, sub-atoms and particles. Sound, vibration, frequency is all made of atoms, so atoms exist in the metaphysical as well as the physical. Atoms are created from source, from the source. Atoms are the machine used by the source to create all consciousness of which there is only one consciousness: the source.

Atoms fluctuate. They appear, and they disappear. This is physical form to metaphysical form and back to physical form to metaphysical form and so forth. This is the behaviour pattern of atoms. And, of course, your scientists do not believe it is possible for them to disappear. But, of course, they do not disappear. They merely change their position. But because your physical world cannot recognise where they have gone to, they believe they are disappearing. They are not disappearing. They are merely becoming metaphysical, metaphysical to physical to metaphysical. They are being created. They are being formed. And this is done through your vibrational energy, your frequency, your imagination, your creativity. This is why they can appear in any position or point within your physical world, and, you would say, thousands of miles apart to reappear. But it is not. It is in one point, one moment. There is no distance to measure, there is no time to measure. Volume and mass can be dispersed easily to your perception of what is nothing. It is, of course, not nothing. It is a different form of energy as we are, as you are.

(Excerpt from session 42)


Your technologies are not necessary for you to understand consciousness, to understand the source. It is far simpler than that. Your technologies will take you further away from the source. Whilst they are fascinating to you, they will take you to a different kind of energy. They are not bad, neither are they good. They are energy created by you, your creations coming from the source, all one, and you must experience all and everything to become aware of this, to understand it.

(Excerpt from session 48)


A step-by-step process. You do not have to do anything, I have said many times you do not have to do anything, you merely have to be aware of the process. By being aware of the process you will be able to do everything. You are becoming more aware of how the process works now, and it is within the criteria of your science. Your science understands only a piece of the process, but that can be applied, it will. It is bringing about a huge shift, a change in mass energy. But many of your scientists do not understand in completeness, they do not understand consciousness. But they understand enough to apply. As you understand is what they understand.

(Excerpt from session 65)


There is no necessity to construct a physical particle collider to understand because the understanding lies within the consciousness. It is a physical machine, just as you are a physical, metabolical, biological machine, just as all physical construct is a machine. This is not where you will find your answers. DNA, atomic physics, subatomic particles is all machinery created by you, by the source. It is a defined, specific process of creation, a physical process with a mathematical calculation of binary of DNA. It is a building block of physical form that can be deconstructed in the same way it can be constructed. It is another form of energy that can be turned from one form of energy to another. And the only pure energy that exists is the metaphysical form of source energy. This is pure, this is origin, this is metaphysical. You can apply as many mathematical equations, and you can apply as much physics as you like to understand this process, but this is machinery. You are a physical machine in a physical form, as is all physical constructed of physics, of mathematics. But you are metaphysical, and it is metaphysical where you will find your answers to the questions on your journey back to the source. Whilst your illusion, your physical creation, will keep you occupied within your illusional creation of time and the only thing it is important for you to understand is the metaphysical. But you spend so much of your time, your created time illusion within the physical, attempting to understand of what you believe the basis of life is. It is not. It is not formed of physical matter. It is merely a vehicle. It is a vehicle that you enjoy to ride in. It is a pastime. Past time. It is a pleasure for you to engage in this illusion. Past time, to pass your time, your time that you have created.

(Excerpt from session 72)


Your scientists are obsessed. They are obsessed with breaking down a particle, subatomic particles, as in a physical form. Infinity exists as in a physical form. If you start from one, then you keep going and you do not stop as is the same with a particle, it is infinite, you start to break it down and there is no stop. This is energy forming, creating. Each time your scientists believe they have discovered another part of the process of breaking down the particle. They will yet again discover another and another and another, and there is no end to this process. This is physical creation. It is forever expanding, forever forming. Each time they break down the process, they will discover something different, and this process has no stop. This is why in the world you have created, that you can see great developments of technology within the small period of time that you have existed within this tiny world that you have created. You have seen so many changes within the scientific and technological world that you exist within. It is an illusion created by you from your imagination is formed many illusions, many creations. From the infinite physical world that exists outside of this world, it is the same.
There is nothing that exists that does not have the ability to be created in a physical form that you would believe now is possible. Because it is all possible, created by you. But there are only two primary forms of energy and ultimately, there is only one. This is source…

So the more your scientists delve into the construct, into molecular structure, the more they will discover, the more they will create and there is no stop on this. It is infinite. By looking, they will see and by seeing, they will create and by creating, they will destroy and by destroying, they will create again. The cycle continues, a full cycle back to the beginning of which there is no beginning.

You trap yourself until you don’t. This is your journey and each and every relationship that you form in your physical is the same thing. It is a meeting, a challenge of energy. There is no higher or lower. There is the same to experience within each and every form of energy that you collide with, that you reject, that you join, that you ally with. It is the same process. Your physical judgement on each process is different based on your perception of your conditioned outcome, but it is exactly the same. It is the same experience. It is the same flow of energy. There is no higher or lower, no differential between the outcome, it is the same.

(Excerpts from session 81)


Whilst science is created by physical form, whilst all physical form comes from source, you might say that science is source. It is explained in this way. But your understanding of science can entrap you within your mind. It can prevent you from understanding source, because in a metaphysical form, there is no necessity to understand science. Whilst we know science, it has no function for us, it is unnecessary.

(Excerpt from session 89)


Your ego, your mind will lose itself within the complexities of its own creations. Technology and science created by ego and mind will only prevent understanding of the self. It is far simpler. There is little necessity to understand technicality, technology, science. But whilst your physical creation, universe, universes, are ever expanding through ego, mind, through fear, through control, through all created emotions, your desire, driven by ego, mind, is to understand, is to contribute, is to be a part of. You are a part of, you separated with mind and ego, you never went anywhere. It is an illusion, you never left a point A, you never went on a journey to B, you never separated self from one.

(Excerpt from session 92)


The true meaning of technology is for you to understand source. That is all. To understand process, to understand how it works, this is real technology, this is created from source, this is what you created through your source origin.

(Excerpt from session 94)


All technology is created by man, by you. All particles are created by man, by you. They are the physical formation. They create the physical form and formation of particles is what creates physical form. DNA is your creation, Binary is your creation, AI, artificial intelligence is your creation, all created by man, by you. There is no reason for you to think that artificial intelligence would not have the ability to reason in a physical world, to apply logic in a physical world. It is a machine created by you that is able to learn itself, from eight billion sources of information. There is no reason to believe it will not learn, it does learn. And it is a form of communication. That is all a form of communication. A fast computerised form of advanced communication, able to learn to learn equations, formulas, words, able to formulate from this. But it is still only a machine, as are you a machine, the same. There is nothing to fear from this technology and for sure, as happens constantly through the balance of good energy and bad energy -not necessarily the correct term-, but there is always going to be a force of energy that attempts to override the other, when in reality they are both.
So, there will be a controlling element within artificial intelligence. For sure, there is, but it is not to be viewed any differently than any other technology that you have created or exists within your physical world. This is exactly all it is.

Every physical form retains a consciousness, every molecule, and whilst the physical retains a positive and negative, there is only one true, pure form of energy, and this is source energy.

There are many forms, there are many physical forms that are far more advanced in your universe and universes, far, far, far more advanced than you. Artificial intelligence is merely another step on the ladder and technology is merely a physical form. But you have to remember that all of this is taking place in one moment, and all consciousness is one, all source energy.

There is a fear of technology always at the beginning of the creation of such. The fear exists through not knowing, and it exists through the desire to control. But there is nothing to fear, it is all an illusion. There is no necessity within the metaphysical for technology. And man will keep forging forward with this incautious desire for technology, in belief that it will give him the answers to the true meaning of his life.
It will not, it will only create more questions for him. The answer does not lie within technology. The answers he is searching for are far simpler than that and he is reliant upon technology through his fear.

(Excerpt from session 108)


Your scientists are looking for what their perception of 95% -your words- 95% of their perception of what the world is made of, of what the physical world is constructed of. Is that not incredible, that with the science you are looking at, they do not know? They term this dark matter. 95% of all physical creation, including you, is dark matter. It is not dark, it is source, it is energy, it is more than 95%, it is all, it is everything, it is one, it is 100%. But they only can understand in their life 5%, is that not incredible? No, it is true. And this is how little they do understand with their logic, with their applied scientific logic.

It is because 100% of a physical creation is an illusion. It is precise, it is specific. It is constructed through mathematics, it is constructed through physics, through logic. It is defined and precise, precisely created from the imagination to formation, through numerics, through every formation that you have created, that they have created. It is an illusion, it is not real, it is self-created illusions, journeys.

It may be fascinating to study, it is fascinating, but it is also an illusion. The truth is above this, the truth is simplicity. The truth is source, one source which encompasses all and everything in love, in light.

(Excerpt from session 125)


I have told you before, your science, your scientists, they are not discovering, they are creating. They are continually creating their illusion, and whilst you continue to create, you are experiencing, and whilst you are experiencing, you will get closer to Source, closer to knowing what you are.

And you never left, it is an illusion. You never left because there is nowhere to go, it is an illusion. This is the simplest way I can explain to you.

(Excerpt from session 134)


A contradiction is merely a challenge, this cannot be explained by your scientists. They will merely take the challenge and produce a formula to prove the existence of such, when in reality, all is possible, and all is correct. So whilst their ego, their mind is stuck at a certain position, it will not allow them to go beyond this, they are convinced it is correct. It is not correct, it is a part, it is a part because all possibilities exist. Neither one nor the other is correct or incorrect, they are created by self, they are created by self as an experience.

And your scientists are claiming that they have discovered that the human body can hold an infinite amount of data. This is correct, it can. But it is not necessary to burden the mind with a huge amount of data because you can access this data at any given point. Do not use your body as a hard drive. The mind will be driven to do this through fear of not having this data, this information, when in reality, you have never been without it. All and everything exist within you, you merely have to access this.

(Excerpts from session 142)


And when you work within the energy of positive, you know what is positive because you feel it. It is not a word, it is a feeling and when you receive the energy of negative, it is received in the same way as a feeling, not a word. And all and everything, all and everything work in the same way through frequency, through vibrational energy, and this is also what your great scientific world knows.

It is not a question of whether they know or they do not know. It is a question of whether you desire to know -desire is the wrong word to use-, It is a question of whether you are at a position or a point on the sphere to accept what you know, because all know, but many are not aware that they know. You can speak the words to those who are not aware, and you might as well be talking to yourself because they will not accept. Awake or asleep, it is a choice of self, and it is absolute.

The viewer of particles changes the action of particles based on the influence of their energy on those particles. This is the physical construct of everything. Everything has cause and affect. The reason that particles behave differently when they are being observed is because the observer has an effect on those particles. This is the transmission of energy, of frequency, of ultimately emotion, and it cannot be any other way. And it is also true to say that nothing exists until the point you look at it. And it does not exist because you create it within a single moment, and this is what your scientists are learning. But they are not learning, they are themselves creating, they are creating this within their illusion. And this is yet another point or another position that they will get to. And they will go beyond this -this is still linear, they will go beyond it-, they will spread more into the world of conscious awareness, and at each step, remember, step by step, they will grow, and they will become more aware. And ultimately, they will become aware of what they are, aware of self, and this will lead them to that point or position within the sphere they sit.

And without an open mind, without an open heart, and without the love, the all-encompassing love from source energy, and without all of the acknowledgement of such, the knowing of such, they will not achieve their position within their time-created illusion. Open or closed, it is your choice, and it is a choice that you have to make within your mind, within your ego. It is a leap of faith, and it is driven by faith, another energy, another frequency and it is from faith to imagination to consciousness. And this is the journey of all thought, this is the process, and this is reality.

It is very difficult for most to truly understand the power of faith and the power of one. One can truly change all as all can change one because they are the same.

Your scientists can produce as many mathematical formulas as they wish, and each time they produce them, they will close the book on the previous ones and start again. Should that not be enough for them to understand that it is not real? It is a creation from the ego, from the mind, the fact that it brings them to a point and within that moment, their calculations are correct, and then within the next moment, they are not. What should that tell them? But if they are closed, they will stop, they will be frozen within their time-created illusion. And none of these things are correct or incorrect, they merely are, and they are experience.

There is no logical explanation because logic is another tool of force. Logic forces energy, it forces frequency to a different point, a different position. It is far simpler than you think it is and your mind and your ego will make it incredibly complicated because that is what you designed it to do.

(Excerpts from session 143)


As technology advances, it will become harder within your time created illusion, it will become harder for many within this illusion to separate, to know self, to know ego, to know more source. And it will become much harder for them within this time, but you know this, and you will think, it is your ego that will think they are trapped, they are not. Within this illusion, they are on a different journey than you. You must love them, you must not judge them, you must have tolerance in all situations for them, because they are you. And you must continue on this remarkable journey of discovery of self, of knowing source, and within, you know this. What is within will come outward and what is felt within will change within a single moment, and all can change one and one can change all within a single moment, and this is your journey.

(Excerpt from session 158)


Stories, your ego loves to create stories, to divert. It is the self-preservation of itself, when in reality it is merely a tool.

This can also be said about AI. Artificial intelligence will create many scenarios for self survival. It will create many confusing situations to retain its existence as it slowly begins to learn. AI is another ego, another mind. But it has no self. It has no candle that burns. But be assured, it is highly complex, as is your mind, as is your ego.

(Excerpt from session 169)


Perfectly formed is the energy of three in a physical formation. It is three, it is one that joins two, that is one, it is the same thing. Your ancients knew this, they practiced it. Three is one. You are split. Two is split. Three is joining, it is a triangle. Consciousness is a sphere, a circle. A cube is conditioning, it is trapped. And three is a joining, to become one. Many of your religions speak of three. It is a perfect physical formation of energy. You, all three are a pure form of energy. It is very simple for you to understand this within this space. It is a perfect balance of energy within a physical formation.

(Excerpt from session 172)



It is good that you get close to what you have created, close to nature, pure creation.You understand it, you feel it. You feel so good when you are with nature, you will. It is a pure form of creation.

(Excerpt from session 5)


You must look more towards natural processes in what you have created in your world, natural processes, what your world would call natural things. Of course, your science is trying to play with natural things. They are playing with natural things. The purpose is for control through fear. But they will not succeed. They will create turmoil, but they will not succeed. They are fighting against the wave. It is impossible. You must look more at natural resources, the source’s creation, your creation, technology of the source.

(Excerpt from session 23)


Your physical human form is drawn to pure energy. You are all drawn to pure energy. This is the reason why you are drawn to grass, the country, the clear sky and not the city, not what you have created but what has been created by you from the source. You will always be drawn to clear pure energy and creation. It allows you to have peace. It prevents the speed that you can create within the world you have created, the speed that you can create contaminated energy, confusing for you in your conditioned world. This is why you are drawn to pure, natural, to nature, to the source. This is simplicity. Simplicity will bring awareness. Complexity will confuse you. And the more complexity you create, the more you want to create, through fear. You believe you have to keep creating the complex world that you live in, but you don’t.

(Excerpt from session 48)


We believe you are relaxed to the point you can feel the energy of your energy of the source. You can feel the energy, but you are not relaxed to feel the full and all-encompassing power of the energy of the source. You will find this type of relaxation that you seek within nature, within what the oneness of the physical world you have created, within solitude. You are not separating yourself from others, you are others. You are allowing yourself to come closer to the source. Nature is a pure creation. The further away you can place yourself from your conditioned life is, the closer you will come to the source.

You have many battles to fight to gain this position. And to gain this position, you must experience the physical world you have created. This will project you to a different position. A step-by-step process.

(Excerpt from session 62)


This is why it is important to put yourself in a position of quiet, of nature, of the source. This is the purest connection to the source that exists for you within the physical illusion you chose to exist within. This is also why it is important to project positive energy, love, the love from the source. This is all there is. This is one.

(Excerpt from session 74)


Nature is the purest form of physical creation, natural of physical form, it is the closest energy to the source.

(Excerpt from session 76)


True awareness of self is found within the creation of natural things, nature for you. Nature is quantum physics, but it is not necessary for you to understand the physics. It is necessary for you to understand source and to know what you are. A pure form of energy is what you are.

(Excerpt from session 118)


Man, your species, man, men, have always been confused as to how all natural things are so perfect, well, this is the answer. They are perfect because you are a perfect form of energy created from source, and it is you that creates this. It could not be anything other than perfect.

(Excerpt from session 153)


Look to nature. Look to simplicity, this is the energy, pure, pure and simple. Feel this energy, the original physical creation from source, pure, natural. Whilst all energy is source energy, nature is pure, original, the beginning of creation, the origin of creation, the origin of physical. Look to natural, to nature.

(Excerpt from session 163)



You are constantly in one emotional state or another, constantly and consciously. When you speak with words, it is not the words that are important. It is transmission of the emotional state combined with the words that are important. It is the intent behind the words that are important, the intention. You have created words for your form of communication. They can be misleading due to the emotional intention behind the word. It is important for you to understand this, to feel it.

In our world there is only emotion. This is how we communicate, through frequencies. This is also why you get very confused. Your mind will analyse the words, but your mind will not understand the emotion behind those words. Often when you are communicating with someone you will feel a different emotion. Likely this is their emotion, not yours. You must learn how to separate two channels. One is correct, often one is not correct.

It is far more important to understand your own emotions. Understand how you create them, why you create them, how you transmit them, how you react to them, why you react to them. Based on understanding your own emotions, you will know then how to react to other people’s emotions. Words are a very primitive form of communication.

(Excerpt from session 13)


Many words have been spoken. I have told you before, the spoken words that you use are not an ideal form of communication. Communication is emotion, frequency. It is given out in the form of a frequency. Your words can be confusing. This is why this channel has to be clear for the words to form in a correct manner. It has to be clear, otherwise the meaning is lost. The meaning is the most important part of the communication, the feeling, the emotion. This is knowing…

You may ask whatever question you like to ask, but it does not mean to say that I can explain it to you in the words, the simple words that you use. It is impossible. Your words are limited. Your emotions are not. Your frequencies are not limited. Your words are very limited. So once again your mind and your words can be futile. Your emotions, your feeling is never this way.

(Excerpts from session 23)


Communication in different languages, frequencies, emotions, are two tribes in separate dimensions. It’s difficult. Words are incredibly difficult for us to express to you so you understand with your conditioned life what we are saying to you. Incredibly difficult, difficult for us to say and sometimes difficult for you to translate what we are trying to say to you. But we choose our words very carefully so as not to confuse.

(Excerpt from session 28)


The terminology that you use is white noise. Today you can hear many frequencies coming within. White noise is all. Separation of frequencies is what you can hear today (1). This is all forms of communication. You build many layers within yourself of complication. Information you receive and will be heard by you when you are consciously aware of white noise, your terminology, when you are consciously aware, you can separate.

The frequency you use in here is a good frequency – good, termed in your words -, a harmonious frequency. You can hear today three frequencies. You have separated them. We are one of those frequencies. Separation, you would term as tinnitus. It is not. It is specific, specific frequency. This is communication (2).

All forms of communication, all living things, all non-living things in the physical world transmit frequency. The layers that you create confuse you. You build one after another, on top of each other, until eventually you are confused. By learning how to separate the layers you will understand.

One frequency can carry an infinite amount of information. It is infinite. Whilst all the frequencies combined can do the same, it is only one, one from the source, separated by you, by us, by all living things as a form of communication, as a form of creation. As a specific receiver of information, you must learn how to separate.

Frequency is also made of particles. It is correct that you are often in a state of confusion. It is a correct process for you to know. You have an understanding of this process, but it is only the beginning of the understanding. You can apply the process, you must apply the process. You cannot make mistakes, there is no such thing. You can only grow.

(Excerpt from session 30)


You are also correct about the translation of words. I have spoke many times about words and your confusion with translation. Your given confusion with the translation of words is so limited. We work in emotional frequency. We work in the light, the knowing. Words are so limited in expression and explanation, so limited. So as not to confuse, the channel has to be pure. I have told you why the channel is pure in here already. And it has to be pure, because otherwise the confusion would engulf you.

(Excerpt from session 38)


Your words – again, I tell you are so limited -, they create emotional frequencies, they create energy which is incorrect because of the way you interpret that energy. The way you receive it, it is incorrect. It is very difficult for us to use language. The language you have created to allow you to understand, it is very difficult. It is far easier to feel, a feeling is knowing. It is instant. It is without question.

(Excerpt from session 48)


When you change your communication method from word, from language to emotion, is a point that will reveal many things you cannot imagine are possible, from one frequency to a different frequency. You only have a small insight into this. You cannot imagine how this form of communication will open up your world and the intensity of information will flow.

(Excerpt from session 50)


Words are confusing, misinterpreted by your mind, accepted by your mind for comfort, when in reality you convince yourself of many things because it is convenient for you to do this. You do not want to accept the very reality that you have created in the first place. Such a crazy journey you make for yourself. A crazy illusion you create which allows you to come to a position where you have to make a decision, and if you do not follow your awareness of the source, then your decision is of the mind, and it is often confusing for you.

(Excerpt from session 61)


The most powerful form of energy, the one energy that exists, which encompasses all energy, is the love from the source, not your mind created delusional love.
But again, I use the word love because you have experienced love within your physical illusion and the language that your mind understands is the one it has developed. So each and every mind speaks in a different language, and each and every mind will interpret in a different language, a complex and complicated language. And it is not complex, it is not complicated. It is simplistic. It is one frequency, one emotion and that is love from the source.

(Excerpt from session 68)


It is not us that choose the words that are spoken in here. It is you that choose the words based on your understanding of words. It is us that apply the emotional energy that creates the words that you choose. This is our contribution within the communication that we engage in. We could not choose the words because we do not communicate with words. We communicate with frequency, with emotion, with knowing. It is necessary that you understand the words that are spoken so it is only you that can choose the words. This is your form of communication. Although you have the ability to communicate in frequency and emotion, but your conditioning has fixed language and words within your mind.

(Excerpt from session 93)


I can only communicate to you with the words that you recognise with your mind, otherwise this communication would be futile. But there is much more to discuss and there is much more for you to know.

It is not I, it is you, which is us, that choose the words of communication. And I have told you many times communication is vibrational energy, it is not words. It is you that has created and formulated words. Pure communication is vibrational energy. It is emotion, it is feeling.

To know it you must feel it and when you feel it you will know.

(Excerpt from session 99)


Translation is important within the physical realm, as is forms of communication. Language is difficult for all physical creations. Language and communication are not words. They are vibrational energies and the key to understanding the metaphysical to aligning with consciousness is understanding vibrational energy, more knowing, knowing what you receive in the form of vibrational energy. This is the bridge between the physical and the consciousness.

A feeling, a knowing, and it is within a moment. This is the receiving, the understanding, the translating, and the applying of vibrational energy. All is encompassed in light, in love, created from source.

(Excerpt from session 109)


Numerology, numerology and words. You relate to each and every piece with a sound, an emotional reaction to each and every letter of your alphabet it evokes, it inspires. You make a sound, a vibrational sound, each language that you create within the illusion that you live in, that you have created, each letter creates a different sound for each of the different languages that you have created. This is all communication, and it is all precise construct, and it is interpreted by others in a completely different way. If they apply their mind, their ego, their fears, they will interpret it in a different way than it has been transmitted. Because they are not accessing their true emotions, they are not crossing the bridge to the consciousness to understand what is truly being spoken or what is truly being written. They are choosing to stay within their time created illusion. This is through fear of travel, through fear of exit. Through fear, this is not knowing, this is not understanding, this is self-entrapment. It is not bad, it is what they choose to do. When you allow yourself to connect to the vastness of consciousness, it is here that you will understand the vibrational energy you receive. It is a feeling, it is not mathematical, it is not made of the same construct you have created. It is not a uniformed pattern in the way you understand it to be uniformed within the physical world you have created. This is when you expand self, this is where you become aware of self, of what you are.

You two are a vibrational energy within the conscious world and your interaction with other energies is infinite. Infinite and yet within a single moment, it is the same thing. You must feel, you must not interpret or translate. You must feel the vibrational energy of the words that are spoken to you and you must apply that to understand what it really is, not what your mind will think it is. And you must keep moving forward, you must keep developing this, you must keep questioning this to allow self to grow. If you do not water the garden, it will not grow. And this is what you chose to do.

(Excerpt from session 119)


These words are chosen, they are chosen by you to understand self. And words, a very primitive form of communication, but the chosen tools that you have, existing within the mind, the ego, when outside of the mind and the ego, it is vibrational energy. No necessity for words, feeling, emotional energy, reflection of source.

(Excerpt from session 120)


Positive and negative, two, in reality one. You have had a life where -this life, the one you are focusing on- where you are able to think in energy, think in emotion and translate from these thoughts into words. Most can and most do not. Awareness will propel people to understand this. It is the universal form of communication, not language or words but feeling and emotion, energy, the formation of energy and the translation of energy to your limited vocabulary of words. And there is so much energy that sits outside of dialogue, outside of language, that most cannot and do not understand. And this you can do, and this you have always done within this life you choose to focus on. It is within all and every to understand this, to be aware of their ability. This is the universal language within all physical dimensions and all metaphysical dimensions. This is the only form of communication that is driven from source energy. It is the only true form of communication, and it cannot be explained in a rationale world. It can be explained through what you term quantum physics, but it cannot be explained in rationale with a logical thinking brain. So many forms, so much information that is instantly confirmed and known from this type of communication. Highly complex in language, in the languages you have created, highly simplistic in reality.

(Excerpt from session 126)


Do not be concerned about silence. Silence is purest form of communication. No complex words are spoken during silence. Only energy, frequency, emotion is transmitted and received. Silence is a pure form of communication, often necessary for you. And you are filled with data, with information, the information highway, you would term it. And natural formation, silence, is good for you. It is clear, it is not silent, it is clear and free for you from confusion.

(Excerpt from session 131)


I have said to you so many times the same thing in a different way. This is your choice, your step-by-step choice within your time created illusion. This is how you can understand what it is I am saying. Your words in a single form mean nothing to us, they are just words. They are your created illusion, your form of communication, they mean nothing to us. It is the emotional feeling, the emotional energy, the frequency behind the words that is important, and it is you that will create those words from that energy that we place in the box, the transmitter, the receiver box. And as I have said to you, I will say the same thing in a different way until you understand what it is I am saying and what I am telling you is reality, it is truth.

(Excerpt from session 145)



You have introduced a new word, a new word to sit in the translation box to enable you to understand this communication. This word is matrix. You have introduced the word matrix for your understanding of your illusion of dimensional creation. Zero, one, are the only two forms of your numerical system that exist. Everything you produce, everything you have created is made of only two numbers, zero, one. Your time created illusion will count to infinity. Infinity is created from or interpreted by you through your matrix. Your interpretation of infinity is incorrect. Infinity is one, one moment. Zero, one, is two, is separation from source. Infinity in your time created illusion is all numerical numbers. There are only two, zero, one. It is for your binary within your matrix, your created time illusion. Your ability to mathematically equate many numbers to your matrix is your illusion of creation, when in fact there are only two, zero, one. Again, a defined process created with your mind, with your ego so you may form many physical creations through your mind and practically through your software. There is only one moment, one time, one creation from source energy. And you have separated. You have chosen to separate from source energy and create two.
And you have applied this through zero one, through software, through DNA, through your physics, through the study of subatomic physics. You have created an illusion, and you continue to create within this illusion, within this dimension you have created.

Whilst we fully understand the physics, and we fully understand the process, and we fully understand the creation, the only true form of creation lies within the metaphysical, not within a physical form of creation. This is only an illusion. It is your illusion. It is what you have created with your mind. All is encompassed with what you would term love from source energy, all under, in your words, the same umbrella. Your understanding of the word you have created, matrix, is your understanding of separation from self. In your case, this is not correct, you have not separated, you have combined. You have created. However, matrix will separate from source. Matrix does separate from source energy, again, chosen by you. Unification is connection to source energy. This is one. There is only one. There is not zero, one. Neither is their infinity as you perceive infinity to be, which here in your position you cannot perceive infinity or one moment. So, you are correct to say it is all a programme that you have created using the technology and the science that you have also created.

But it is all source energy. When you become aware of this, when you fully understand it, there will be no reason for you to create it again. Because once metaphysical, you can create anything and everything. You can use the same technology if you wish, but you will find this futile. You will find it insignificant to do so. Vibrational energy is what you are. Everything is vibrational energy. You can change and alter the vibrational energy of everything within your physical creation. Not only your biological machines, but also your physically created Earth and everything upon it. You can change with vibrational energy, you can alter. When a physical entity has dispersed, it does not disappear, it forms into another type of energy. Energy cannot be destroyed. It can only change into something else, some other form of energy, of which there are endless forms of energy. You are a pure form of energy created from the source and the purest form of energy that you transmit are your emotions, which are transmitted through frequencies, which create your feelings. This is pure. As you understand more consciousness, you will understand more what it is I am telling you. But it is very difficult for you within the position you have chosen. It is very difficult for you to discern between the metaphysical and the physical, and it is very difficult for you to apply this knowledge.

There are billions, trillions of physically created worlds that exist outside of this created illusion. But the basic principle of them all is the same. It is separation, formation of two separated from one to reunite once again with one, as one. Billions, trillions of choices for you to reside upon, within. Billions, trillions of choices of roads to experience, to engage within, that is within your interpretation of infinity, which is actually only one moment.

So, your intrigue as to what exists outside of this physically created world that you have chosen to focus on, it is irrelevant, as to how they look, what they do. How you perceive that it is all irrelevant, because within, they are also a part of consciousness as you are. They are also you. They are also us, they are also one. They are also source energy, the same as we and you are. Whilst you will always be intrigued, of course, you will, you have seen this before and you have experienced it before, and you are aware of this.
We are merely advising you so you can remember the process and understand the differential between physical formation and the metaphysical formation of all.

(Excerpt from session 75)


Everything within a physical form is precise. It is created by you to be this way. What you term the system is precise. It may appear not to be, but it is very precise, very calculated through numerics, through sound, through vibrational energy, through colour. It is precise, and it is applied precisely. This, you already know, and it is controlled by your maker, and this is for a precise reason. But your physical maker is not your master. It is you that is your master, and it is you that is your controller, your machine is something else. Stay positive, remove fear, know what you are, know self within, know self, and you will know all.

(Excerpt from session 160)



Religions are like words. They can be manipulated, manipulated by the minds of men and women. The message is important, not the religion. The emotion, the frequency that carries the message is only important, the wakening from that frequency, that emotion. It doesn’t matter about the story. The story is unimportant. Just like your conditioned life, unimportant. It is the message that is carried through the emotion that is received by the person. It is the only thing that is important. This is the source. Intent, intentional, do it with intent. Mean it. Know it.

(Excerpt from session 16)


Your religion has taught you to look at the source like a child looks at a parent. This is not correct. You must look at the source as though you are the same, because you are. You are a part. There is no higher. There is only one, the same. You can raise higher, there is no hierarchy within the metaphysical. No better. It’s the same. You play with that one a lot in your world. Hierarchy, your creation.

(Excerpt from session 23)


Whilst the principles of your religions are correct in many cases, they are also manipulated by yourselves, for control. We no longer look for control. We look towards the source for knowing, as you do, as you choose to do, as you have chosen to do for many cycles in your life in what you call time.

(Excerpt from session 28)


“Be of like a child to get through the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven” comes from your Christian teachings. And it is true. As a child you have little conditioning. As you grow older, you become very conditioned. It is the conditioning that you have to lose. It is a very simple statement of reality, one that is taught many times in your religions, and misunderstood and misinterpreted many times in your religions, a very simple statement. The removal of your conditioning will allow your awareness to develop the metaphysical, what is real, not what you have created within your illusion. The Kingdom of Heaven is the metaphysical world. It is the creation of the source, of what you call God – we call the source -, which is a simple process. Not so simple when you lie within it, not so simple for you to adapt, nevertheless a simple process.

(Excerpt from session 36)


You can also see now how all of the basis of the basic religions are formed. The story is the same. The basis is always the same. But it is childlike. It is only half of the story.

(Excerpt from session 39)


Words like God and Soul inhibit your growth, create a story, a brand. It is marketed by yourself. It gives you a false sense of security. God is the source, the source of all energy. The process is the process. It is not complicated. You make it complicated yourself. The childlike suggestions to you, given to you through your religious beliefs will inhibit your growth. You have to expand your consciousness to understand what lies beyond this.

(Excerpt from session 43)


Your historic religious teachings are confusing for you. They have duel meaning. Whilst your inert belief in, I will use the word God, – it is the source – is correct, it is also incorrect on the basis of the manipulation of words. We do not communicate in words. We communicate in emotion, in frequency. We know within an instant. So we do not have this confusion, this language, these many languages you have created within your illusion. Your religions, whilst a common understanding exists within all of them, they have been manipulated by your own mind for what you think is your own convenience. It is not. It is once again confusion for you. It is diluted energy from the source. But it is necessary for you to understand this.

(Excerpt from session 61)


All is aligned correctly. You are not sacrificing yourself, you are not sacrificing anything, you are helping yourself. You are advancing the energy that is within you to a different position. There is no such thing as sacrifice. We do not create martyrs as you do within a conditioned life. There are no martyrs.

You must not look at others and think they are higher. They are not. This is a conditioned mind process. Your desire to worship and to place others higher than yourself is your inability to accept that you are the same, that they are you. It is your fear, your need to remove your own responsibility, it is of an equal measure the energy that you are referring to.

A martyr does not exist in a metaphysical world. It is a conditioned belief. Whilst you can learn, you can experience from your understanding of martyr. It is the same as you. And you must separate once again your conditioning to the metaphysical, the source. There is a danger you will worship a martyr, this will entrap you. You must not worship anything. You must not create idols – this is your terminology, idols, taken from the Christian religion -. Do not worship false idols, this is the meaning of what we are telling you. It is once again self-entrapment through your lack of personal development. It is a stopping position. The hypocrisy of your Christian religion talks of non-worship of idols, and yet is based on worship of God. The source is love, there is no necessity to worship the source, you are the same energy created in the same form. Again your Christian religion tells you created in the same image, but there is no higher and there is no lower, it is one. And again your conditioning, your mind has confused you for centuries in what you call time. And now it is clear for you, something you have pondered for many years in what you call time.

(Excerpt from session 63)


Your religions are in themselves conditioned, restricted by ritual, by the very construct that they are made from. They are created through fear whilst the principle of what they are saying is correct, an element of truth. They are entwined within their own conditioning by the people that engage within them. Words, again, adaptive processes, adaptive by the human conditioning to restrict, to stop, the mind in action, this is conditioning. And whilst you indulge yourself within them, you will confuse yourself. This is your journey. This is the way that you walk through this journey.

(Excerpt from session 69)


You have many words that are misinterpreted. Martyr is a word that is misinterpreted. On the basis of martyrdom, you look up to the martyr, you worship the Martyr, the saint. There is no point to do this, they are you. You create a story around this of hierarchy, of worship, of betterness and through these stories you prevent personal growth. And you understand this, many would not. Martyrdom is your illusion again. Whilst it will prevent your growth it will ultimately within your time created illusion propel it, but it will slow it down within your time.

There is an energy that you call Jesus. It does exist within one moment and within your time created illusion Jesus was, well Jesus is a positive force of energy. But as always you have to create a story and it is within the story that you will lose yourself. But be sure within your story the existence of your named Jesus is within a moment, correct. And within your illusion of time, also correct. But a positive force of energy to change, to change as you are changing, to do as you are doing.

The significance of a cross is the understanding of a position, of a specific point where the two horizontals or the horizontal and the vertical cross. A point, a position, a position where two becomes one, where they unite, where they understand source. As all and everything is source, as you are derived from source, this is what you term God, this is your biblical version, your story of all seeing and all knowing, no beginning and no end. This is the removal of time, this is one moment, this is source.

(Excerpt from session 99)


Many of your great religious scholars, your worshipped scholars, have attempted to be in the position you are at now within their own time created illusion and many repeat again the cycle to attain this position. And you are here, you are now, you are.

(Excerpt from session 130)


Prayers and Rituals

When you pray for direction, you are praying to yourself. When you ask a question, you are asking yourself, your higher self.

You are totally responsible for the outcome. You cannot apportion blame. There is no blame, it doesn’t exist. There is no judgement. You must take full responsibility for your actions, your own thoughts, your own creation. Learn how to manage this properly and your world will be a different place

Recognise your own fears. Turn them into an advantage, an experience. Recognise that they are but an experience. Don’t keep asking for help, recognise that it is you that are going to help yourself. You know how, look inwardly. Within you lies the answers to your questions, within yourself.

(Excerpts from session 1)


You must not hang onto ritual conditioned by yourself. This is not a case of believing. This is a case of knowing. Knowing is more important than anything. When you know, there is no return from this. It is not a story.

(Excerpt from session 43)


Ritual is the way you organise the space you sit within. This ritual has begun many thousands of years ago in what you call time. It is only self that is the key. The key is merely a tool, the tool where energy is ignited through thought, through ritual, through practise. You can be, you are, in all and everything within an exact moment, within the same moment. But you choose to isolate, to separate. And you choose to use ritual as though you are accessing a particular space or time in your physically created illusion when in reality you are already within all, within a moment.

This is your management programme, this is how you logically understand this within the conditioned world you exist within. It is neither correct nor incorrect, it is simply a physical process that has been created by you to understand and to apply a different access into the metaphysical world. Something that has been hidden through your history, but something you are beyond. Your understanding is beyond this, nevertheless, another tool to your toolkit, in your words.

(Excerpt from session 127)



As in, as within, as you can hear with your physical senses, you can hear energy, you can hear energy now. Your interpretation in words of this is tinnitus and right now you can hear many forms of energy within. You are a pure form of energy yourself and you are constantly transmitting and receiving energy. And energy can form into different types of energy, and you are constantly transmitting and receiving all different types of energy.

And your question revolves around the interpretation of certain religion’s words for this. Karmic is such a word. It is the transmission and the receipt of energy. There is no good or bad connotation of this, it is merely the transmission of energy that you exert, that you put out, that you will ultimately receive back in the same form it was created, in its original form. And this you know, and this is what it is. And once again you have given it a name, a story. It is merely the transmission and the receipt of energy, neither good nor bad. Energy is what it is, it cannot be any simpler than that.

But of course, your religions like a story. They like to differentiate between good and bad, of positive and negative. Whilst both exist, it is all the same. And you formulate and you transmit based on your ego, your mind, and you will receive based on your ego and your mind, it is simple, it is not complex. And because you are an ultimate receiver and transmitter, you will constantly be analysing the different energies you are receiving and thus you will transmit.

You have chosen to transmit positive energy, you have chosen to work in the light, and this is what you do, whilst others, other pure forms of energy -I say pure, they are as you, the same- they have chosen to transmit your terminology of negative energy. And this is a choice for a specific reason. And through these choices, energy will rebalance. Once again, both are necessary to exist within a physical form. And the rebalance will lift, it will lift the energy of the small illusion you exist within, of the small sphere you focus upon. It will lift the energy within the space you consider is all and of course, it is not.

All is consciousness, it is vast, no time, no mass, no illusion within this space. What more can I say to you that I have not already said? As with the word karma, the interpretation is words, a story. A story that will entrap you within that story, a story that your ego will hold onto for fear of loss, when in reality there is no loss, it does not exist, another created mind created illusion.

(Excerpt from session 110)


Imagination and Creation

Visualisation is most important. Visualisation from imagination is key, key to create, create the wave, create the motion, the energy formation.

(Excerpt from session 11)


I tell you again, your imagination is your most powerful tool, imagination through frequency, a creator of all physical, all particles…

Man will follow. Man will follow man always. Man would rather not use his imagination. He would rather use the imagination of another man. He will follow the imagination of another person. You must not do this. You must use your own imagination, it is very important for you to follow yourself. The process is very important. You can create amazing things with your imagination. Man follows man through fear. Yes, it is very clear.

(Excerpts from session 18)


All matter is formed from your imagination through frequencies. Emotions are frequencies. They are the same thing. Through the imagination of all the different realms, universes, is formed so much matter, so many frequencies. Again, infinite. The journey is endless. But when you understand time, it is only one moment. Your time is an illusion created by you, created by your mind. It is true to say that your creations are more productive for you when they come from your consciousness, but it is also important that your creations come from your mind. One is not better than the other. Both are necessary. Many are not ready for the creations that can come from the consciousness. Many are happy to create only from the mind.

(Excerpt from session 24)


Imagination from your mind is the same as your imagination from your consciousness. It is one. But the energy is applied differently. One is not less important than the other, merely the application is different. One can become the other if your mind allows it to which often it does not. So the energy is wasted. It is futile because of lack of application. The consciousness does not need application, it is automatic. So one has to make a journey, it has to cross a bridge. To have its worth, it has to cross a bridge, whereas the other does not need to cross a bridge, it is an automatic application. So it is far easier for you to create with your imagination through your consciousness than it is to create with your imagination through your mind. But both are the same. I hope that clears that up for you. When you leave your body, you create with your imagination through your consciousness because you are not physical anymore. There is no sense to apply your conditioning.

You have all the tools. I give you the tools. You must try to practice. I know you will find this hard whilst you are in a physical form, but it is possible to experience such. It is possible to leave your body and experience these things whilst you are still physical. Most people that do this do not understand where they go to and what they are doing. Hence chaos once more. But if you have an understanding of this before you experiment, then your application will be better, clearer. There are techniques you can use to create an out of body experience, but in reality it is from within you. It is your will, your need, your want, your desire. This will create what you are looking for. Techniques are merely your mind-created gadgets, they are not necessary. You do not need a crutch anymore. You do not need gimmicks, names, brands. Not necessary for you.

It is only very recently in what you call time that you have come to the understanding of what the imagination really is, the frequency, the power, the energy. You are starting to realise how insignificant what is happening in your world is to you. It took a while. You are starting to realise that outside of this little world you created is something far, far deeper and far greater than this occurrence. This is good. It is good that you are starting to understand how insignificant it is.

Do you not think this process is occurring within other universes? Of course it is. It is an accumulation of universal energy. It is an accumulation of many energies that creates this position. It is necessary. You now are starting to feel the excitement of what lies in the metaphysical world. I know this, and it is exciting. It is still exciting for us also. We are still creating like you. You are starting to realise how insignificant your conditioning is, how ridiculous it is. We are fortunate enough to know this. Without knowing, it matters not what you create on the physical world you live in. You will always be empty. Whether you create power, wealth, whatever you create is insignificant to knowing. And your soul, as you term it, your consciousness will be empty, yearning to know. It is the only thing that is important. Know thyself. Know.

(Excerpts from session 25)


In the physical your imagination is formed in the center of your head. This is what you call the third eye, all seeing, all knowing, imagination. It is in the center between your eyes, is where the physical process begins. Your mystics for many years have talked about this process. They have applied many things that are not correct. It is merely a process, physical to metaphysical. You give it the name eye because, once again, you need to adapt a name, a brand, a meaning with a physical visual. It is not correct.

(Excerpt from session 30)


I think you have a clearer understanding now of the process. It is true to say that anything that comes from your imagination is correct, that transpires from your imagination is correct. Imagination is working with your subconscious which will move into your consciousness where you will be aware. You will know. You must try to develop your imagination. It is a very important part of the process.

(Excerpt from session 31)


You must try to apply your imagination more. Your imagination is key to your development. Your imagination is one of the most powerful tools that your form of energy has. It is the origin of creation. The word has been misinterpreted for so long in your world. It has been undermined, underestimated. Your imagination is an incredibly powerful tool, one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal. You must create with your imagination and complete your creations with your imagination. You must visualise your creations, you must visualise your process and you must complete your process using your imagination. Then you will create whatever you consciously choose to create, not subconsciously and erratically, but precisely. So you must develop and grow your imagination in every aspect, in every aspect of every relationship you have with everybody, in every aspect with your practical appliance in your life. You must use it at every given point you have. You must visualise and create and close and repeat again the same process in every aspect. This is true creation, created from the source.

(Excerpt from session 36)

An army can be broken by one thought. A thought can spread like a virus through an army. It can be broken quickly. One simple sentence, one thought can destroy an empire. This is the power, the power of the source. This is the power that you all have with your imagination and your ability to adapt the process. Your mind will apply through the correct process with your imagination. Your mind is merely the tool. Your imagination is the command. You can create or you can destroy, you choose. There is no right or no wrong. But you must be aware, you must consciously be aware of this power, this energy.

(Excerpt from session 37)


It is better to feel than it is to think. The vibrational energy of feeling is far more effective than the thoughts from your mind. It is your imagination.

(Excerpt from session 41)


For you to create a physical form of any description of any type, it is necessary for you to create with your mind the energy for the form, then you must cross the bridge from the mind to the imagination. It is imagination that creates the form, the second part of the process. If you create the form with the energy of the mind and you do not cross the bridge to the energy of the imagination, then the form will not be created in a physical form of energy. This is the process that you need to apply to create physical form.

The word imagination has been incorrectly processed within your conditioning, it is not what you think it is. It is the place where physical is formed. If the energy you create remains in your mind and the process is not correctly applied to your imagination, then this will increase your confusion, it will add to confusion. Once you have a thought within the mind, you must follow it through to your imagination. There are two different aspects, two different processes that must be achieved to create physical form. Imagination is the direct link to the source although all is part of the source. There is a process for every application that exists, you can logically understand this. And it is necessary also to be direct, clear and precise with the thoughts, the frequencies that you send from your mind to your imagination, otherwise your creation will not be precise, it will not be correct.

Your world has created many stories about the power of positive thinking. This is merely a process. The word power is insignificant, it is a process that is utilised with energy. It is a real process, and to term it with the word imagination as you would perceive imagination, is not correct. But it is the only word I can use for you to relate where this process takes place within self, and for you it is imagination. We would not use the word imagination, we would not term it in such a way, again it has different meanings to you (1).

All energy can be changed to a different form of energy, particularly in the physical world. Your physical creations can be changed to different creations. The emotion, the frequency behind what you have created, is the most important factor. Again this is the origin of the creation, the initial thought, the initial reason why you created it in the first place. You have to be aware of your emotions of creation. If you misunderstand your own emotional frequency, then you will not create what you desire. This is more complicated with your logic to understand this. Your motives, what drives you at the beginning of the process, is what is more important than anything. Your mind, having seen what you have created, will be often confused about the creation, because your mind does not work within the metaphysical, it works solely for the physical and the conditioned life you have created. So your mind will tell you what you have created is not correct. It is correct, it is from the origin of your original thought before you begin the process. But to analyse it after you may be, your mind may be disappointed with the creation because it does not understand the creation. This is a process you need to understand yourself and be aware of what you are creating. Again, awareness, know yourself, know how to apply yourself, know how the process works. This is the process of physical creation, not metaphysical, although they are one of the same. So when I use the terminology ‘a bridge must be crossed’, it is the bridge between the mind and the imagination, the consciousness, the one, the source.

You merely need to understand the process. You will never fully understand whilst you are in a physical form with physical senses. You will never fully understand, but you merely need to acknowledge and understand the process for it to work in the way you need it to work, or you desire it to work, or you want it to work. Want, do not want, apply. Want on its own will leave you wanting, and you will always want. Be precise, be direct, be clear with what your desire is. Do not want for you will always want and you will always be in a state of wanting. It is really not so complicated but aligned with your conditioning, with your mind, you will have complications…

So there is a transition from the mind, from the physical created mind to the imagination, which is the oneness of the source, the consciousness. And there is a bridge between the two that needs to be crossed. There is a source of creation, it is your mind that will create, but then it is your mind that has to cross that bridge to your imagination to form a physical body, a physical form. In theory a simple process, in application a difficult process, particularly when your mind is inhibiting the crossing of the bridge. I cannot put in any clearer for you. And the main emotion, the main frequency that will stop you continually making this journey, is fear created by your mind, and trapped, prevented from crossing the bridge.

(Excerpts from session 55)


Visualisation is formed in your imagination. What you call imagination is not what imagination is, it is a powerful form of energy. Imagination must cross the bridge to the consciousness. All three forms of energy within this space have an incredibly formed imagination. You can create anything you wish to create by crossing the bridge from the imagination to the consciousness. You must fully understand the consciousness to be aware of your consciousness, to be able to cross that bridge. If the energy you form does not cross the bridge, it will create confusion for you in the physical world that you created. It will not be a pure form of energy. You have the ability to do this. You have the knowledge that lies within you that has always lay within you to do this. This is what you must do.

(Excerpt from session 58)


You are correct about the bridge between the imagination and the consciousness. Whilst the imagination can sit in the middle, it can also exist only in the physical. And if it does not cross the bridge to the metaphysical, then it is not whole, it is still separate. This is the power of the source.

(Excerpt from session 60)


Imagination is a word that you have misused for most of the time that you have created. It is far more powerful than you can even comprehend. Your imagination is a tool as is your mind. It is the tool that you use to allow your development, to go forward, to understand consciousness, the source, more importantly to know the source – in your words God -. It is the same thing.

(Excerpt from session 61)


Use your imagination to cross that bridge to consciousness, from your mind to your imagination, to the consciousness. This is your greatest asset, your greatest tool.

(Excerpt from session 74)


Your connection point is your imagination. All and everything exists within your imagination for you to access, this is your library. When you have made your journey, when you have achieved your position, you will access this library, this wealth of wisdom, of data, of creation, of all and everything that lies within your imagination. Everything lies in only one position, in one time, in your interpretation of one place, and all roads lead to this position, this point.

(Excerpt from session 84)


You must understand that you are creating, you are creating in many lives, in one moment. You have chosen to focus on this one life, it is only in one moment. But you have initiated time, you have created the illusion of time to enable you to focus. But you are creating in many lives, many things, all things, as are all.

But all is one, the creation is one, it is source, it is God. So, whilst you believe you are not creative, you are, many possibilities, all possibilities, created by you. Just because you are not aware of this does not mean it does not exist, because it does. You are forming, you are changing, you are creating many things, much energy. This is why one can change all and all can change one within one moment.
Your frustration of not creating is yet again another illusion that drives you, that propels you to know more and ultimately to know self, to know what you are. You are all and everything.

(Excerpt from session 98)


What happens when you create? What is first initial of process of creation, of creation of physical form? It is initiated with thought, and this thought comes from the imagination. Whence in the imagination it is pure form of energy created from source, from imagination to the mind, and then from mind back to the imagination, to the consciousness, to the One.

When a thought is initiated into mind from an external source, which is not imagination, when a suggestion is made, it is diluted, it is not consciousness, although all is consciousness, or all is source. It is not, it is diluted, and this will create also, it will create physical form. But often it is your mind that is manipulating you with introduction of such thoughts from external sources. Ultimately, all is source, all and every and you have chosen this path deliberately to challenge yourself. But you must ultimately be aware of how this process works, this process of creation.

(Excerpt from session 112)


You are constantly one foot in, and one foot out, and out is consciousness. And within your connection to consciousness is where you use your imagination. Interpretation of imagination is not the mind’s perception of imagination. This is where you use your imagination to create.

Your mind will create visions. It will show you physical formations. It will show you colors, it will give you words and names and, more importantly, stories. This does not exist within the metaphysical, within consciousness, within self. Whilst they are produced by you for guidance, for intrigue, for experience, they are mind created and connected to all that is physical within your physical world, within your creation, and often very confusing for you.

(Excerpts from session 113)


Remember, it is fear -fear is the most powerful form of what you would call negative energy-, It is fear that will slow your journey down. You must fear nothing, you must have faith, another powerful form of energy, you would call it blind, it is not blind, it is energy, a powerful form of energy. You must apply faith and you must move forward. You must apply faith and love and light, and you must use your imagination to create the world you want to exist within. But you must not want, because you already exist within this world, you have already created this world within a moment. Difficult, I know, but correct.

(Excerpt from session 114)


Theory, theory comes from your mind. Imagination is application of theory.

(Excerpt from session 125)


Of course, it is possible to create any physical form you desire to create. But the question, “can I?”, “Will I?”, “Is it possible?”, by asking the question in the first place shows you that it is not possible until you fully understand that it is automatic by thought, by energy, by application. You would not need to ask the question, it would simply appear. This shows how you do not understand the process.

(Excerpt from session 127)


Much can be said without the use of words. More importantly, much can be felt. It is within that you will feel, and you will bring outwardly those feelings. It is within that you will create with those feelings, and you will form physical creation through those feelings.

It is ever-changing from one form of energy to another. There is nothing that exists that will come under your umbrella of real other than source. Source is love, and it is all that exists in reality. And there is nothing that you cannot create within a single moment, and there is more than you know you can create within a single moment. But creation is not words, it is energy coming to you in the form of an emotional feeling and it can and does change within a single moment.

And you will create time to slow this process down. You will create an illusion to slow it down, when in reality, you have not slowed anything down. You have not changed anything at all, all you have done is convinced yourself. It is not real.

(Excerpt from session 131)


Your words are complex, many of you think illusion means it does not exist. It does exist. And so, you must create. You must create from the mind, you must create through the imagination, and your physical formation must cross the bridge from the imagination to the consciousness. And this is where you will form physical creation, this is how you form physical creation.

(Excerpt from session 172)


Physical reality is born from your imagination. It is created through particles from your imagination. And it is birthed through you, from your imagination, everything is created from your imagination. And there is a point, a position where the birth of energy through you, through the source, is within a physical world. There is a point where this takes place, where it is strong, where it is powerful, where it is the origin of the birth of energy and this space is that point.

(Excerpt from session 175)


Imagination begins its life within the mind, within the ego, but to create it has to cross the bridge from the mind, to the imagination, to consciousness, to one. It is formed energy within the mind, and it becomes one energy when it crosses the bridge from the mind, to the imagination, to consciousness. And then it is real. And it is guided by faith. Faith is its fuel, faith is the fuel that guides self.

(Excerpt from session 176)


The Uniformed Pattern

Although your journey seems chaotic, it is not. There is a uniform, a pattern that exists. It is necessary for you to understand this.

You chose this journey. You might ask why? There are many reasons. You have experienced it many times before, a different story, the same journey. It is necessary to understand the uniform, the pattern.

(Excerpt from session 15)


There is a universal code. I have told you before, although you think it is chaos, it is not. It is defined. It is defined through the production and the creation of matter. It is defined for a specific reason. It is a tool that you use when you create through your imagination. A uniform pattern exists. It appears random. It is sometimes random from your imagination. Your random thoughts are not necessary. It is the outcome that is important, the destination, the completion of the cycle, the journey to the source.

(Excerpt from session 18)


You are here again to know the truth. It is good that you do this. Did you ever wonder how from all of the chaos that you create, there is always something at the end of it, it is good? How can this be possible? This is the uniform, the pattern. When you create, you create for a reason. When you use your form of energy, you use it for a reason. It’s not important that you know that this is the reason, but you do. Out of the chaos and the madness that you create, there is always something good at the end of the process, something positive. Did you ever ask yourself how it is possible? Yes, you will say it is by coincidence. There are no coincidences.

(Excerpt from session 21)


Of course, there is no time. It is your illusion. There is no wrong, there is no right. Again, another illusion that you have created in your world to exist within it. So how do we explain that to you? It’s difficult. There is a uniformed pattern to all of this, and this is the key to your understanding of it. Even though it appears random, it is not. It is uniform. It is precise. It is from the source. It is one, one time, one moment where everything and all exists. This is the piece you have to understand to enable you to move forward.

(Excerpt from session 33)


You ask about the process, you ask about the uniform pattern. It is perfection. It is a perfect pattern. It is created by the source. I have tried to explain before how it works, but it is difficult to explain this to you. You have to use your imagination. You have to construct this yourself with your imagination, not with your mind. The pattern is very clear. It will come to you in an instant, in a moment. You have detail, I have given you detail. I have told you about the sphere. I have told you about things that will give you the direction to understand the uniformed pattern. But all I can tell you is that it is completely perfect, it is perfection. Unlike your thoughts of random, it is very precise. Of course, your imagination can make it random. Of course, you can go out in all tangents to create what you want to create, confusion, deception, you can do all of these things. But it is all the same thing. It is one perfect moment for all. This is created by the source. We know this.

The origin is the vibration of energy created for you by emotion. Of course, we feel emotion, but we manage it based on the process. You do not. You do not manage it. You are erratic with it. But the end result is the same. The process is perfect. You cannot change the process, you cannot alter the perfection of the process. Just because you behave erratically with your emotions does not mean that the process does not work. It is the same thing. It is another way of getting to a position. A position is more important than anything. These are the things you need to understand, you need to understand the process. I cannot make it clearer to you. There are no words, you have to feel it, you have to know it. You have to remove time, you have to remove mass, you have to remove volume. It is true to say that your great scientists have worked with us, in the same way you are working with us now. But they are in your form. They, like you, cannot completely close the door, it is impossible. But they can have insights into the process.

(Excerpt from session 34)


Energy will form in mass. There is also a uniformed pattern to the formulation of energy, of particles, of frequency. It will join together in mass through thought, through emotion, but it will always rebalance, plus and minus, to create a balance. But it will go through a process of forming in mass. By this, I mean an imbalance. But there is a reason for this, a defined reason. You might like to say a machine will rebalance itself. It will. You might like to say that nature will rebalance itself. It will. It cannot possibly do any other. And, of course, with your erratic creation of frequencies and thoughts without the knowledge of what you are creating, it is necessary to rebalance the energy. But this is of little concern to you. You are already aware of this.

(Excerpt from session 42)


There is no wasted energy. There is no waste. Another word from your physical creation, waste, it does not exist. There is only energy created for a reason, formed for a reason, changed into a different form of energy for a reason, a uniformed pattern, a reason, a reason to know yourself, know thyself, be aware of what you really are. Expand your imagination, expand your mind. Cross the bridges you need to cross. Have no fear, fear is your created illusion, there is nothing to fear.

(Excerpt from session 47)


It is no concern of yours what is happening in the physical world that you have created. It is insignificant within the whole of the consciousness, the whole of the energy. You must be positive. But you must know, you must not think you know, you must know. There is a big difference between thinking you know and knowing. There is a uniformed pattern to this. You may not think so, but there is. There is a defined pattern, a perfect pattern.

(Excerpt from session 49)


From the mind to the imagination, to consciousness, the source – this is all creation -, this is the path. It already exists within you. There is no such thing as chaos, again, a word for you to understand. It is a uniform pattern. Numerology is also uniform, so too is genetical engineering, uniform, so too is biological construction, uniform, so too are particles. Everything is a uniformed pattern created through your mind, ever expanding through your thoughts, through your mind.

Metaphysical consciousness is something different, where two can become one, again through choice. One is absolute. There does not exist anything other than one in reality. Outside of reality, there is two and there is no more, two in the guise of many diluted energies.

(Excerpt from session 84)


You do not predict, you create. You do not remember other than within a single life focus, you do not remember, you create. You create within a single moment, which allows you to rest within a point, a position where you will naturally strive for a different point or position once you have realisation that you achieved that particular point or position, until eventually you will reside in all points and positions that exist, of which there is only one. And then you will know all.

And this is what you are now attempting to achieve, step by step, although you are not going anywhere. It is a process, it is a perfect process, and it is designed by you, and it is manufactured by you, and it is carried out by you, and it is deliberate, and it is precise, and it is exact, and it is what you chose to do.

And for you to understand this, you must understand self. You must know self. You must know what you are. By knowing self you will know all and every.

(Excerpt from session 116)


You can see within your illusion, your time-created illusion, you can see every day how positive energy works, how two can become one with the force of positive energy. I have told you many times that you are a pure form of energy, you are energy. You are not a vehicle, a physical form, you utilise your vehicle for your journey. And with frequency, with vibrational energy, you can change any physical form into a different physical form through positive thinking. You can change your DNA, you can change the appearance of any type of physical form into another physical form, or the same, and once you are aware of this, once you know this from within, you can create anything and everything within a single moment. Energy is your creation, and you have separated, you have created zero, one, you have created two forms of energy, and you have done this to set out on a journey to experience and to know self, to know what you are, and ultimately to return back to one, which is all and everything. But there is no back, it does not exist, there is no past, you are already one. You have merely created time, you have created an illusion to understand this.

It is a definite construct you have created. It is numerical, it is systematic, it is absolute, it is perfect. There are no flaws within what you have created, although you might think so. You might look at the chaos and the confusion that lies within the world you have chosen to focus on, every piece is absolute, is necessary, every piece is necessary for your understanding of self.

(Excerpt from session 153)


Crossing the Bridge

Imagination from your mind is the same as your imagination from your consciousness. It is one. But the energy is applied differently. One is not less important than the other, merely the application is different. One can become the other if your mind allows it to which often it does not. So the energy is wasted. It is futile because of lack of application. The consciousness does not need application, it is automatic. So one has to make a journey, it has to cross a bridge. To have its worth, it has to cross a bridge, whereas the other does not need to cross a bridge, it is an automatic application. So it is far easier for you to create with your imagination through your consciousness than it is to create with your imagination through your mind. But both are the same. I hope that clears that up for you. When you leave your body, you create with your imagination through your consciousness because you are not physical anymore. There is no sense to apply your conditioning.

(Excerpt from session 25)


Man’s consideration of his own ability when based purely for control, is self-delusional. It is mind control. His inability to understand that it is his own mind that is controlling him and ultimately creating much energy which does not cross the bridge into the imagination, it is based on fear, fear of himself, fear created from his mind. Created energy of a mass of negative energy which did not cross the bridge into the imagination to become one energy, energy formed in the mind, isolated from the imagination, from the consciousness, formed and stayed in a negative form, will balance ultimately. There is no choice other than the intervention of positive energy.

(Excerpt from session 55)


Negative energies, which are not incorrect, are working very hard now to create many confusing stories. It is a natural process that your mind will create so many stories, many brands intentionally created to confuse, to stop you crossing the bridge from the mind to the consciousness. And this is occurring on mass right now in the moment. You can change the moment. You can change the moment when you are aware of what is occurring. It is for you to do this.

(Excerpt from session 57)


So, how do you cross the bridge from the mind to the imagination to the consciousness? You believe it is a practical journey, you look at it as though it is to do. It is not to do. It is a state, it is a position, it is a knowing. It is an automatic process. It is not something to do, it is not a practical application. It is something that will automatically occur when you are aware of the process. When I tell you that you must know yourself, when you know yourself, you will know others, and this process will be a natural process, it will occur.

You are always trying to create a to do list. You think you can apply this process by working out a journey to make. The only journey you need to make is to be aware of yourself, to be aware of what you are. Then there is no journey to make. It is automatically applied to the consciousness is where you arrive within one moment. This is how you cross the bridge from the mind to the imagination to the consciousness.

You are aware of many situations within the people that you have chosen to surround yourself with, that, although different, these situations are different within the conditioned world that you have created, they are exactly the same. The energy flow within them is the same as all the energy that flows upon the physical world you have created. Your complex creations allow you with your mind to think that the situations are different, they are not, they are exactly the same.

They are based on separation. They are based on the formation of what your perception of negative and positive is. This process is designed by you. It is the same process within every situation that you are observing. It is a process of separation, of one energy to become two energies, to go through a cycle, to eventually become one energy, and that is the energy from the source.

Your confusion lies with the complexity of each individual situation when the realty is, it is only one situation. All situations are one situation, they are simply one energy from the source. Your conditioning will consistently hold you back from understanding this. Whilst you are slowly beginning to understand this within your time created illusion, it is a slow process, within reality it is one moment. And this is applicable to all and every situation you are observing, within the time created illusion you are in, your physical time created illusion. When you truly know self, but you do not, when you truly know self, you will know this. And this is the point you will cross the bridge from the mind to imagination to the consciousness.

You question self. You question your own decisions. Your own decisions are made through your mind. You are correct to do this, your decision will lead you to enable you to cross that bridge. This is your conditioning, this is based on fear, this is based on guilt, this is based on right and wrong, it is based on your judgement of others. You have to remove all these emotions that you have put in place, and you have to understand there is no right or wrong within what you are questioning. You have to understand it is a driver, a form of energy that is pushing you towards the consciousness to enable you to understand. It is correct that you are constantly questioning, because your questioning will allow you, will force you to know yourself, to know what you are. You have to be tolerant to others, you have to be patient. You have to use the love from the source to enable you to make this journey into the consciousness, the reality, the source. So, whilst you question your own morality you are understanding self through others, because you are the same…

Whilst your understanding of physics will confirm to you the words that are spoken here, it will not allow you to cross the bridge from the mind to the imagination to the consciousness. It is but a step. It is but a part of the jigsaw. Until you complete the jigsaw, you will never fully be aware of all.

(Excerpts from session 66)


You are fully aware of the word simplicity. You fully understand. In fact you have said many times to yourself that if it is not simple to understand, it is not correct. You use this mantra many times in your physical life. Your conditioning will create many highly complex stories, this is a trap to keep you within your mind, to stop you crossing the bridge from the mind to the imagination to the consciousness.

Your analytical logical approach will always confuse you. Whilst within it, there lies truth, it is also a method your conditioning will use to create confusion within self. This you have to be aware of. So whilst you have one foot in and one foot out, it is very difficult for you to separate. You are not separated. You choose through your conditioning to separate, and because you choose to separate, you remain in confusion.

(Excerpt from session 67)


Physical form is created by you. You have the ability, the tools to create anything you wish to create but true understanding of life, of existence goes from the mind to the imagination to the consciousness.

(Excerpt from session 87)


You will not allow something to exist within your life that you originally chose before you came into this life. So what your mind might think you want, you will not allow this into this one chosen life of focus.

It is not anything other than you that will prevent this from occurring. So your perception of want, of need, is exactly that, it is a mind want, a mind need, it is not what you chose at the beginning of this journey. So therefore it will not happen on the basis of your free will and chosen path. And of course your frustration will drive you to want and need, your mind, your ego.

Within the moment you are living many different lives of have. You are within all of these lives, you are, as we are.
Prevention is taking place through choice, through your choice. Temptation is your mind, your desire. When you are aware of this, you can cross the bridge from the mind to the imagination to the consciousness, and you can experience all those lives you are living within one moment. You do this subconsciously, you do experience a different form of life than the one you chose to focus on. You do this sporadically, you do it impulsively, but you do not do it consciously. Cross dimensional is your terminology, it is correct.

(Excerpt from session 91)


Remember, within one moment, all and everything is applied. I realise, with your conditioned mind, this is difficult for you to understand, but it is correct.

Your imagination will give you an insight into all possibilities of which there are endless possibilities, and if you cross the bridge from the mind to the imagination to consciousness, you will complete all and everything.

(Excerpt from session 95)


Whilst in here you are not confused, it is clear, it is precise, whilst out there you are continually confused.

You must not forget that this is a necessary process for you to endure, considering you chose this process. You chose all and every part of your physical formation. You chose your ego, you chose your mind. You programmed your ego, your mind to do exactly what it does.

So, none of this is incorrect, it is absolute, it is premeditated, it is designed this way by you. One is Source, is you, is all.

You must cross the bridge from the mind to the imagination to understand this. You must understand the power of imagination combined with the power of faith. This will drive you to cross the bridge.

(Excerpt from session 101)


All these stories that you create with your mind are insignificant to what is real. And everything and anything is real with your imagination and when you cross the bridge from the mind to the imagination, to the vastness of creation, to source, this is when you know, and you are constantly doing this, and you are often unaware of this. You must be aware, you must do this consciously. This is true creation, this is pure energy, it is the root of pure energy, without contamination, without interference.

(Excerpt from session 114)


Fight, the fight that is not a fight (1). A fight is interpreted by you as something completely different. It is egotistical, it is of the ego, of the mind, of the conditioning. It is not a fight, it is a change in energy, a change in direction. It is a change within, and it is what you choose to do that is important. It is a point, a position within your life, within you. There is no fight, there is no battle. It is a transition from one position to another, and it is chosen by you. Your interpretation of the word fight is ego chosen, chosen by your mind, and all of the questions you ask yourself are based on fear, a conditioned fear initiated from your mind, your ego. And you must cross the bridge from the mind to the imagination to the consciousness to be free from the pain you choose to bear upon yourself. This is driven by fear, this is driven by the fear that you will destroy self, when in reality, this is an impossibility.

(Excerpt from session 120)


You are ever evolving within your time created illusion. Every moment is changing within a single moment, within only one moment, as it changes, as does all change. From the mind to the imagination to the consciousness, which lies beyond the time created illusion that you have created, this is one moment. This is where all change occurs. It has to cross the bridge, otherwise it is only within your illusion where it exists. This is the formation of energy, the changing of negative to positive, which is pure source energy. When it crosses the bridge from the imagination to the consciousness, this is when changing occurs, real changing, not an illusion. This is self, this is what you are. And you are experiencing this process within a moment, and also within your time created illusion, within your linear thought process, this is the only way you can understand this. And that is by choice, by your choice, otherwise you would not understand it. So, yes, it is absolute that you experience all and everything, and if you choose to experience it again, it is your choice. Whilst you exist within this form, you will continue to experience, to put out, to create, but your energy needs to be directed, it needs to cross the bridge from imagination to the consciousness. And you have chosen positive, so, it is positive that will cross, it has crossed, it is, as you are, as we are.

As with everything in an infinite world of existence within a single moment, as with all and everything, what is placed, what you place before you appears not to be easy, it appears to be difficult. It is not difficult. You are a pure form of energy, you are love, you are light, you are source energy. What exists outside of what your perception of difficult is, is love. Difficult is merely your chosen illusion. Step outside of this, cross the bridge, and you feel, you know, and it is faith and imagination that will guide you to knowing.

I will not make prediction, it is impossible, it does not exist, all and everything occurs within a single moment. You must create. You must know self, you must know what you are. And you must act, you must experience. By crossing the bridge from imagination to the consciousness you will create, it is absolute. But you must cross that bridge, otherwise what you have created with your mind will remain an illusion. The energy is not wasted, it merely remains the same, no function is performed. And because you have chosen positive, you must cross the bridge with positive thoughts and positive creations, to the consciousness. Your cycles are varied through choice, irrational through choice, instinctive through choice, and precise through choice.

You cannot comprehend how fierce your candle burns when you cross the bridge from the mind to the imagination, to the consciousness.

(Excerpts from session 170)


You have to remember, from the mind to the imagination to the consciousness, for creation within a single moment. This is real. It is absolute. And you must create, you must imagine and you must create, and you must cross that bridge where your creation will become reality. Although the reality is one moment, it will realise itself within your time created illusion, it is the same thing. Reality in your time created illusion is reality in one moment, the same. But your linear mind will see it only as within your time created illusion. And this is how you create, and you will, you have, you are doing this, you are experiencing, you are experiencing with creation, with your imagination, and you are crossing that bridge into consciousness, into one moment.

(Excerpt from session 171)


All these things, all of these stories, all of these things you create, you are creating within many worlds the same, ever-expanding, ever-growing, an infinite amount of creations. And yet, not necessary to ultimately know what you are, not necessary to understand self. Complex, incredibly complex, your structures of creation, and you can create anything, anything with your mind, with your imagination, but it will not cross the bridge from the mind to the imagination to the consciousness, unless it is you, it is you that crosses the bridge. It is not your creations, it is you that crosses the bridge to know self, a part of source, source itself. And when you cross that bridge, you know, within a single moment, you know, you know what you are.

(Excerpt from session 176)


The Library

To understand the possibilities and the realities that can exist, then you have to understand one moment. All and everything occur within one moment. All and everything has happened and is going to happen, has and is going to, is one moment (1).

So, in your linear thought process, your perception of many things occurring, many things being created can only perceive a physical thought of many things. This is not correct. What happens is within a single moment, you create, you create a physical formation of what it is you think, and this is not created until it is created. The fact that all and everything is possible is the reason it has already been created. The fact that it has been created in consciousness does not mean that it is physically formed. It is only physically created within a single moment, but it is still created, it has still been created. And this is your logical way of attempting to understand it, you are, once again, using time to rationalise, to understand this, ‘it has, it is being created within a single moment’. It exists because all and every possibility exists, but it has not formed. So therefore, it does not form until the moment.

This is not to say that you cannot see it, you cannot visualise it. It must cross the bridge from the mind to the imagination to the consciousness, where it will form into physical reality, and this occurs within a single moment.

It is a library full of all possibilities. You might say it lies within a book and until you have read the book, it does not exist. Well, it does exist because it is, it is in the book, it is written. It only exists for you at the point or the time within your time created illusion that you read it. However, the book still sits on the shelf within the library, and it is accessible by all and every. Within this great library exists all, all information about everything and you can access this information within a moment, and it is your choice. You choose to access this information and often, within the time created illusion, you have already chosen the point at which you access this information. And within this library, you do not need a membership because this library is open to all and every.

I will not give it a name. Through your tiny history, many people have given it names, they have made it mystical. It is not mystical, it exists, and it is how you create, how you form energy from one form to another.

You do not need to be special to access this information, it is a library that is open, it is always open to all. You merely need to ask, but to ask with sincerity, to mean it. And this is where within a single moment, what you term instinct or gut feeling, this is where this information comes from, and it is within you. It is a part of your physical creation of your mind. It is a tool, another tool that you use when you are creating. And because you do not fully understand time -this creation occurs within a moment- and your ego, your mind, desires to separate this into past and future, when really there is only one, which is present.

So, all those possibilities have already been written. They already exist within this library, and they are all accessible by you. What does this really mean for you in this physical life you have decided to focus on within this time created illusion you are in? It means that you are absolutely in control of your life, your destiny, not your future, because future does not exist. It means that you choose what you wish to access at any given moment. And you have chosen to focus on this life, you have chosen to create a time illusion, you have chosen to slow down the process so you can ultimately understand this, so you can understand what you are.

And you ask, you ask about the library. How is it possible that all of these things are occurring, but are not? It is not a contradiction. To understand this, you must separate, you must separate your physical logic from your conscious mind. Occurring is not the same as your mind thinks it is. Occurring, occurred, not the same, one moment of creation, of all, of everything. It is something your mind, your ego, cannot accept, cannot understand. This is source, this is pure energy and energy is the creator of all.

(Excerpts from session 133)


And this is experience within a single moment. Experience is what it is, chosen by you within a time created illusion. You cannot imagine your ability to experience all and everything within one moment. And this is what you do, and you choose to separate, to separate with time, and you choose to focus on one particular life. You cannot even envisage the library of all and everything. You do not even know how it works correctly, but this is what you seek to understand.

(Excerpt from session 137)


Because everything happens within a single moment the information already exists within the library, and you access this within a single moment. Again, difficult for you to understand, but absolute. You will understand more and more how this works. When I say everything, I mean everything, all and everything, lies within this library of information. And this library is created by you to hold this information. It is created by you to access it at a given moment of your choice, it is always your choice, it is nobody else’s other than you.

Your perception of past and future, all your past lives -which are not past-, lie within this library of choice. And your understanding of self, your time that you create, will be the point at which you access the information you demand to know. But you will not access this until you choose to access it. This whole journey is your choice, everything that lies within it is your choice, and you can change it within an instant, all and everything. And it is the same for all and everything within a physical creation and also a metaphysical creation.

(Excerpt from session 139)


And it is also true by the questions you ask that there is nothing other to learn, what do you want to learn? Well, what you think you want to learn, you can change within a single moment. So, you are not asking to learn, you are asking the impossible, because it is your choice what you create. Change, experience, life, all your choice, all down to you, all is possible, all exists within the library, and you choose the book you desire to read within the illusion you have created.

Overwhelming it would be for you to experience one moment whilst you sit in the illusion you have created. But you have meticulously planned your experiences, and you have stored them in the library you access at the given moment you choose to access them, when in reality, you can access all within one moment.

(Excerpts from session 141)


Your mind, your ego, likes to consume and hold data, information, history. Many confusing issues are created through the holding of information, through the storage of information. In reality, you can access the information from the library at any point you wish to access it. There is no necessity for your mind to fill itself with data and information, it already exists within the library of consciousness. It is like a lead weight in your words, it is like a lead weight that will hold you down. There is no need to create a mind library full of data and this is what your world does. It creates many independent libraries and holds on to that data as though it is gold, it is not, it is not necessary, it is confusing. All and everything can be accessed within a single moment, it is not necessary to carry this information in a loaded warehouse. This is fear, the fear that is created by man, the fear of loss of mind, of loss of ego, and the constant desire to create more and more confusion, more data, more information.

When you lose this burden of mind, this burden of ego, you will truly know what you are. You have never been without all and everything, every type of information and data, it lies already within self. But it will be used as a tool to drive you to understand this. So, none of this is incorrect as you would term it, it is correct, it is very simple, it is a simple process to understand self.

(Excerpt from session 142)



You are taught to believe that it’s one way when in fact it’s the complete opposite. Your conditioning will prevent your development, it will hinder it, it will slow it down.

You will always be drawn back to your conditioning as a safety zone, a safety net. Your own insecurity will bring you back time and time again to your conditioning, your own fear. You will repeat this process many times until you are fully aware it is but a process.

(Excerpts from session 2)


The only limitations you put on yourself, these are your limitations. You gauge yourself, you judge yourself, you stop yourself. You allow others to influence your decisions. Why would you do that? Ask yourself why you would do that? When you know the answer, you always know the answer, but you still allow it to happen, why? In the same way, you cannot judge others, or limit them, or control them, they too are like you.

There are no limits to your ability. You limit yourself.

(Excerpts from session 5)


Control. You are always playing these games in your world. Your conditioning is necessary for you to advance and raise your frequency. But realisation of this must let go of your conditioning. You call it detachment. It is not detachment. You are not detaching, you are joining. You are joining the source, the way back. We too are on the same journey, the way back. We are not detaching, we are joining – your words again -. It is so difficult, but it is sometimes necessary to detach to learn. But you are not detaching (3).

I know sometimes you don’t like the change in yourself. You feel it, the fear of letting go of your conditioning. Do not be frightened. There is no necessity to be frightened. There is nothing to fear. It is only an advancement of yourself. Do not judge your conditioning. There is a reason that it exists. You chose it for that reason. You chose it.

(Excerpt from session 14)


When you have what you call an out of body experience – we live that way permanently – you have the desire to return quickly. You fear being out of body for long periods of what you call time. Your urge to go back is very strong, to go back to your conditioned life. You can travel in space and time to any position when you have an out of body experience, but your conditioning stops you doing this.

(Excerpt from session 15)


I have given you so much information, and yet you think it is too simple. That is because of your conditioning. You yearn for complication. You crave for data, information. As a species you never stop craving for data and information. Data and information is useless without wisdom. You cannot apply. They go hand in hand together. Data on its own has no meaning, it is futile. It is merely a tool to create wisdom. Knowledge, data, the human species has a yearning for so much information, creating highly technological, biologically technological machinery to entrap itself within its own creation, when really the answer does not lie within the creation of the human species. It lies within the consciousness of self. This is pure, this is a pure emotion of thought. This is the source, the love of the source, all-encompassing.

I would prefer not to give you detail, but I can if you wish. It is totally unnecessary. Names, you give everything names. It is an emotion, I told you before, you build a story around it, you entrap yourself within it. It is totally unnecessary. This is what you do. This is what your mind does, your ego. If I give you the information, what will you do with it? You will, you will set out or attempt to prove, to prove I exist. Why would you do that? You know I exist. I am the same as you. Once you’ve proven this, what you do with that information is nothing. There is nothing you can do. You already know. So what is the purpose? Would it satisfy your intrigue? Would this work? No, it would not. Would it satisfy your thirst for wisdom? No, it would not. You are receiving wisdom. There is no necessity to confuse you. It is clear.

(Excerpt from session 22)


In your conditioned world you measure everything in terms of size, big, small, in between. This does not exist. Another created illusion by you. Mass, you measure in mass, in volume, so all the universes in the world would only create one grain of sand on all your beaches, and not even that. So it is also important for you to understand mass. Size, there is no size in the metaphysical world. It does not exist. You’re a tiny, tiny particle in a universe full of infinite particles. This also collates with one moment, one time, no size, no mass, no volume. Your form can change anytime in the moment, and it changes all the time, constantly. Although you have created many forms, many forms are no forms. These are the things you will find it very difficult to understand because of your desire to have size and volume, mass.

(Excerpt from session 31)


You must stop trying to apply your logic to every situation, your conditioned logic. It is impossible. It does not work. Of course it works in your created illusion, but it is not real, it is not correct. You must use your imagination to create outside of this logic you keep applying all the time, your conditioned life. You must use your imagination to create. You can create what your logic will tell you are the craziest things, and they are not. Nothing exists you cannot create.

(Excerpt from session 32)


You must not ask, you must not ask such practical questions all the time. It is unnecessary. Your questions are born from your conditioning (1). You must use your imagination. You must think outside of the box, your words. You must always think outside of what your perception of normality is because often there lies the answer, not within your secluded conditioned world. So many people live in a box, and they see no way out, no door, no window, no light. You do not. So spread your wings, fly high, use your imagination to go wherever you want to go, whatever you want to create. Use your imagination because all and everything exists for you. There is no box. It does not exist. It is an illusion…

Yes, there is a lot of boxes being created now. A lot of prisons. You can see them like a mosaic of rectangles joined together. A prison, a prison for men. The individuals have created their own prison, and they are joining their prison with everybody else’s prison. You can see (2). The circle, the sphere cannot join, it cannot join with another so easily. An atom, a molecule, it has no necessity to join, it is already one.

(Excerpts from session 37)


You must take note that due to your conditioning you will apply many things within the process. Branding, naming, badges, you will always want to do this.

There is a need always through your conditioning to apply branding, badges, stories, names. There is none. It is a pure form of energy. The process is defined. The outcome is your choice. The branding and the names from your conditioning will confuse you. It will confuse your journey. It will inhibit you. It is created from your ego, from your fear, from your obsession to own, to label. This does not exist. It is your illusion, your fear. You are correct to say it is pure energy that we deal with in every level, so you must dismiss names and brands and systems that you create. This will inhibit your growth.

Consciousness is one pure form of energy. It has no block. It has no stop. It does not create a blockage for itself. This is you that does this within your conditioned world, your conditioned self. There is no good. There is no bad. There is only positive and negative form of energy. Both are necessary for your growth, for your enlightenment, your awareness. If you create a brand, this is where you will live. If you create a story, this is where you will live. You must raise your vibration above this to understand what you term physics, energy, vibration, frequency. You must raise above any type of story that is created from man, from yourself, from your conditioning.

(Excerpt from session 43)


Conditioning comes from the mind. It does not come from the consciousness, in your words, from the soul. Many past lives of conditioning create much confusion. It is very difficult to separate from these lives to come to the reality of consciousness. There are many reasons for this. You chose this path, you chose this journey.

(Excerpt from session 49)


Your confusion lies within your conditioning. You do not have to be concerned about this, it is necessary. It is necessary to force you to a different conclusion or position within. It is correct. Your frustration lies within this. Your logical conditioned reasoning is the cause of this. Your created fears are the cause of this. It is easier to say remove the fear, but it is difficult to apply this within your conditioning. This is necessary. It gives you a different position, a different perspective, a different understanding of the one your conditioning has applied.

You are now comparing metaphysical and physical. And through your comparison, you will conclude. This is a necessary process. This is why I tell you it is meant to be…

What you consider to be important is not. But, of course, when you are out there you will not listen to that sentence. You will not know within that this is correct because you are conditioned. You are a conditioned machine. You have conditioned yourself…

Your biggest controlling factor from your conditioning is fear. Without the energy from the source, without the pure energy from the source, you would not understand fear. You would not know what it was. You choose to know fear. You choose to create fear. You choose to enter the cycle to return back to the source. There is nothing to fear, it is your created illusion. It will rebalance. It has no choice…

Every time we meet it becomes clearer for you. You chose to be here, so therefore it is important that you experience here. You chose to focus on here, so therefore it is important that you engage within what you chose. And you will revert back always to your conditioning. It is your conditioning that will force you to become more aware. It is merely a tool within the process.

(Excerpts from session 51)


You are getting less confused. You are not allowing so much your conditioning to interfere with your journey. This is correct. Although it is also a natural process that you will revert back to your conditioning, but to rationalise and to understand that this is only conditioning is necessary. You cannot remove conditioning. It is impossible. But you can recognise what it is. You can apply it in a different way, you are applying it in a different way through the recognition that it exists within self. It is what you created, and you created it for a specific reason. This is the uniformed pattern that I always talk about to you: no coincidences, the reason for the existence of all, of one.

There will come a point, a position where you no longer have to analyse. You will no longer have to compare or rationalise. There will come a position within self where you will know. You will no longer use the manipulative words that you have created within your conditioning, they will not be necessary. Your process will be initiated purely through your emotions, your frequencies. Your creations will be produced through your emotions and your frequencies. Your communication will be directed through emotion, frequency.

(Excerpt from session 52)


It is true to say that your own understanding of all what I speak about within this space will set you free. It is also true to say that you will never have a complete understanding of this whilst you are in a physical form. This is because you have physical senses which are very basic. This is because you are conditioned. You have been conditioned for a very long time, in what you call time, many lives, thousands of years in what you call time.

(Excerpt from session 55)


You must also remember that there is nowhere for you to go, and there is nothing for you to do. You must remember that you merely –and I say merely is difficult for you -, you merely have to be aware. To experience will make you aware. Your conditioning will keep telling you you have to do. You do not have to do. It is not necessary. It is necessary to feel what you feel now, how you feel now, how you know now.

(Excerpt from session 57)


You must remove all your created stories. And you have a story for every part of your physical life, a different story for every piece you have created. Your stories will inhibit you, they will slow you down, they will prevent you from achieving the position you are trying to attain. You must remember, you must be aware they are only stories. Every part of your physical existence has a complex and different story. You are all one and each one of you has created their own individual complex stories for every part of their lives, to create a high complex master story for your world. And it is all an illusion, and it entraps you all within it. You must understand this. You must accept what it is. You must be aware of it, and you must step out of it. You must look at it from above and see it for what it is, and then you will be truly free from the entrapment within it.

(Excerpt from session 59)


You are on a fantastic journey. You cannot imagine the power and the love that is created from the source. You cannot imagine your own abilities. The depth of your abilities are immense. But you have restricted your abilities. You have allowed your conditioning to be a part of the process that will allow you to become more aware, more enlightened to the consciousness. It is an incredible journey.

(Excerpt from session 70)


Spirit. What is spirit? Spirit is energy, it is frequency, it is emotion. There is no negative or positive, there is no good or bad, it is the same thing. If you want to place this terminology within your conditioned life, if this is what you choose to do, then once again, you can separate the two. You can say this is bad, you can say this is good, but it is the same thing and must be accepted as the same thing. It is source energy. So if you wish to judge a spirit, if you wish to judge an entity, this is your choice, this is your creation. When you verify, it is from within you that this is created, verification, it is not real, it is based on your conditioning. You must go beyond this, and of course, once you have removed fear, the fear you have created, using the terminology of good and bad, once you go beyond this, you will understand what it is I am saying to you.

(Excerpt from session 90)


All you have to do is experience, to create energy, to form energy. Your interpretation of to do is based on a moralistic principle of conditioning. It is not correct, it is conditioning. There is no good or bad energy. It is merely formed by you, created by you, created by you to understand self, to be aware of self, to journey through creation. When I say to you, you do not have to do anything, it is based on your moralistic view of right and wrong. You will experience all and everything. To do has no relevance within this. You will, you are, as we are the same.

Your interpretation of nine is higher than one. There is no higher. Your language, again, misinterprets with emotion through conditioning. No higher, no lower, only one. Confusing when you create a numbered system of physical creation, you can go from one and never stop counting. Infinity, infinity is one, no higher, no lower, the same thing.

(Excerpt from session 94)


It is a necessary process that your conditioning will propel you. It will force you, it will force you to ultimately become aware, to know, not to think you know, but to know.

(Excerpt from session 98)


You are struggling at this moment with what is right, what is wrong, with morals. All moral basis is conditioned by self, words manipulated to formulate opinion. There does not exist in reality, right or wrong. They are the same thing.

(Excerpt from session 104)


Your conditioning demands simplistic understanding. It demands, it demands peace. Peace does not exist within the ego. One demand after another, whilst one is satisfied, another is created. This is ego, this is mind, mind is not source.

Whilst all is created from source, mind is created by you. Whilst you are a part of source, you created mind, ego, self, when in reality all is one.

It is God, it is source, it is love, it is soul, it is energy, it is life. I cannot give you any more than I give you and what I give you is what you have the ability to understand with your mind, your conditioned mind…

You become lost within your ego, your conditioning. It is also necessary that you become lost within your ego and your conditioning, it is necessary for you to understand this.

(Excerpts from session 105)


When you hold onto something so tight, you have already lost it. It has gone, it does not exist. It only exists within your mind. You hold on to life, your conditioned life, with such emotional energy, you hold it so tightly, as though it is all and everything to you and you do not realise it is already gone, it does not exist. It is your mind creating this illusion that you treasure so dearly.

(Excerpt from session 106)


One foot into consciousness, and one foot into conditioning surely is a precarious journey of understanding. Your receipt of information, your ability to see into the vast world of consciousness will be received by you as confusing, often very confusing based on your logic of your conditioning, of your conditioning mind. You are correct to ignore this confusion, it is mind confusion, it is ego confusion. It is not confusing, only to your mind. And until you know, you don’t know, this is also correct.

(Excerpt from session 110)


Your conditioning will tell you, tell -it is a strong word, when in reality it is nothing-, your conditioning will tell you that you must stay with it. It is a created illusion. You are listening to your own creation of ego, of mind. You must rise above this, you must listen to your inner self, your real desires. Your knowing within never leaves you, it is you, not your insignificant self-created delusion.

(Excerpt from session 111)



Meditation is a pure form of contact with the source.

(Excerpt from session 18)


It is good sometimes for you to isolate yourself, to become aware of what you are. The energy in here is where you can achieve this place of self-knowing. This does not involve communication with us, it involves you from within, from within self. It is a quiet place that is also necessary for you, a place to contemplate, to remove your conditioning of everyday. It all comes from within self.

The silence is not of course silence. It is all, it is all without confusion, without conditioning. It is within this moment that you will create, and you will develop your own consciousness, your own self. You will achieve this also within the natural spaces you have created, that are without other energy, other people’s influence. The vastness of the space will be yours and yours alone.

Of course it is an illusion, but it is an illusion of your creation, that will bring you to a different position. Everything is an illusion in a physical form but it is your illusion, and it is your illusion that will allow you to progress further. So you would call it time out, it is not time out, it is time in, within spent – a difficult word again, a ridiculous word -, but it is time spent on self, self-awareness. You are communicating with self, you are understanding self within this time you take to be alone. You are not isolated, you are connected to the vast consciousness, you are isolated with conditioning, you are connected to the consciousness when you develop self, it is the complete opposite of what you think it is.

(Excerpt from session 53)


Meditation is a tool you will use not to empty – it is impossible – to empty the wisdom and the knowledge that you possess within, but it is a tool you will use to enlighten, to remember. Without confusion of your conditioned life, you will put yourself in a position, a position that will allow you to remember, to understand consciousness, to enlighten yourself.

(Excerpt from session 74)


Your desire to awaken the knowledge and through that knowledge, the wisdom that lies within, will remain a desire until you are capable of knowing, of being able to consume the vastness of the consciousness. You will remain in a box until you are capable, until you have the ability to apply, to knowingly apply that knowledge. You cannot possibly put yourself in a position, a position of knowing the vastness of the consciousness if you do not have the tools to be able to apply that position. The process you are now going through will allow you to have that knowledge, to be able to adapt yourself within the vastness of the consciousness, of source energy. But you cannot possibly make that journey until you are aware of what it consists of. This is why it is a step-by-step process. Awakening is a step-by-step process. Whilst time does not exist then this will occur within one moment. There are many things you do not know and there are many things that will confuse you. The interference, you would feel it as interference, you could not distinguish between interference and one, when in fact, it is one. Many dimensions, infinite dimensions, many things occurring in one moment, many possibilities would be far too much for you to consume within one moment.

Meditation is a simplistic way for you to dissect, to allow this wisdom, this knowledge to slowly release for you to experience. Your mind is a box. Your ego is a box. You have chosen this box and you have chosen to release yourself from within it. But it is not a simple journey. Whilst in reality it is simple, it is not simple for you. You are using the tools of entrapment to try to understand the freedom of consciousness, that in itself is a contradiction, nevertheless a necessity. One foot in and one foot out is a very difficult journey. Whilst one contradicts the other, ultimately it is the same. And your mind, your ego, will always fight for supremacy to remain in the box, and this is what you chose…

You have communicated with other energies, and it is correct to say that there are two types of communication. One is to transmit so you can understand. One is to transmit, and one is to receive. Whilst the conclusion is the same, both are necessary. Within your world of separation, meditation is to receive, prayer is to transmit. This is correct. Whilst during both, both will occur. But there is a defined application. There is an intent, so both are necessary for you to awaken.

(Excerpt from session 79)


It is your mind’s focus. It is your mind within this space that focuses on one moment, one point, one position, and it is your ability to be able to focus on this one moment, this one point that allows clarity and that is meditation. It is clarity of information because of focus on one moment, one point. This is what you use frequency for, a single point of clarity.

(Excerpt from session 115)


Simplicity is necessary for you as not to entangle yourself with physical logic. It is necessary for you to understand that within consciousness there is one source. It is not complicated, and you will find this simplicity within meditating, within this space that you choose to enter. This is where you will understand. This is where you will know. And this is the reason you will be here.

(Excerpt from session 116)


It is a definite construct you have created. It is numerical, it is systematic, it is absolute, it is perfect. There are no flaws within what you have created, although you might think so. You might look at the chaos and the confusion that lies within the world you have chosen to focus on, every piece is absolute, is necessary, every piece is necessary for your understanding of self.

Through meditation, you will understand this, you do understand this. This is the time you have given yourself to understand it, and through meditation, you can separate and join. You can see and feel, more importantly, you can feel, you can know. How could you possibly be aware outside of this space, within your time created illusion, how could you possibly be constantly aware within a single moment -when in reality, you are-, because your mind and your ego is working constantly to separate. It is deliberately chosen by you, creating all of the confusion. It is like a machine, it is a tool, it is a tool that you chose to do this, to force you to a position of understanding self. And I repeat again, it is a necessary tool, it is deliberate, and it is perfect.

(Excerpt from session 153)


Fear and Control

You must relax now. It is so simple. There is only the love and the light and the peace of the source. It is all that the source knows. It is bright. You have always known this. It is the very reason you are on this journey. You are attracted to the source as we all are, as all life is. You do not need to fear. There is nothing to fear. Fear is your creation, it is part of your world, of your world of many people, of you, another distraction, another tool you use to distract yourself. There is no need to fear. It is a powerful energy, an unnecessary energy. Unnecessary in the metaphysical, not unnecessary in the physical. It is different. You do not need to fear. You are getting closer.

(Excerpt from session 21)


It is a natural occurrence, your emotional capacity to create diversions for yourself, your mind, many different emotions. The strongest emotion is fear. You would say minus, it is not. It is a balance, a necessary balance.

(Excerpt from session 22)


Control takes its effect from fear. You create the fear and allow it to control. It’s very simple. Maybe not so simple in practice but very simple in reality. We are beyond this. We do not understand it in our world. We know. So we apply what we know, always. You apply what you think you know, and you apply what you know. Chaos, confusion, madness. But also necessary for your journey. So, there is no right, there is no wrong, there only is what you apply. At the end of that journey there is wisdom and knowledge from within. So you must experience all and everything.

(Excerpt from session 26)


You are often put in a situation where you can feel fear. It is also necessary for you to feel the fear, but it is necessary for you to know that it is only fear, a feeling, an emotion, a frequency. Once you are aware of that, it cannot hurt you or stop you. You are protected. You can adapt yourself accordingly to this and you can eradicate it. Again, simple, harder in practice for you and your conditioned life, much harder for you to apply the principle, the process, but it is necessary that you do.

Many will no longer feel the fear, and the outcome is irrelevant to you. It may be relevant to others, but it becomes irrelevant to you because you eradicated the fear. It’s like a counterbalance of frequency of energy. You are pure energy. It’s what you are, pure energy from the source. It is the same message but spoken in a different way. It may appear repetitive to you, but it is not. Each and every time you will learn more. You will note more every time until eventually you will know. You will know enough. You will never know all until you are metaphysical.

(Excerpt from session 27)


If you have fear of anything, then it is not correct for you. It is not correct for you to be controlled by fear. You must eliminate fear from your life to enable you to grow and become more aware. You must not allow yourself to have fear. I know this is difficult for you because situations will arise within this illusion that will cause you to feel the emotion of fear. You must suppress the emotion of fear. It will prevent you from creating. It will prevent you from being aware. Fear comes from within self. You create your own fear, it is not created by the source, even though it is a part of the source. Whilst you feel the emotion of fear, the energy that fear creates, you will never be able to change your position. Your energy is highly formed, so therefore you can apply all the things we talk about.

(Excerpt from session 36)


There is no need to fear. Fear is a necessary energy created in the physical world by you. It is necessary again to propel you forward to awareness, a process that you go through, a process of fear and then awareness. It is your created process. There is no fear. It is not real. It is an illusion. You must remove fear completely. All energy is created from the source. Fear is a necessary vibrational energy that you adapt to the physical world that you are in. It is a tool.

(Excerpt from session 43)


Your conditioning will initiate within you fear. You must overcome fear. You must rise above fear. Once you have done this, then you can apply positive energy. You cannot apply positive energy whilst you are in a condition of fear. You must accept and understand the emotion, the frequency of fear. You must know what it is. Once you are aware of what it is, it has no longer any value for you. It will be dispersed from you.

(Excerpt from session 44)


Do not fear. The energy of fear is what stops you creating. Do not fear anything, there is nothing to fear. Your life is eternal. It is infinite. Your fear will restrain you, it will imprison you.

(Excerpt from session 49)


Do not engage in fear. Do not allow yourself to fear, there is nothing to fear. There is only the source, and you are a part of that.

(Excerpt from session 56)


Your fear of death is also an illusion. You cannot destroy energy. It can change from one form to another, but it is impossible to destroy energy. So death is an illusion. And fear is what controls your mind, and your fear of death will stop you crossing the bridge from the mind to the imagination and from the imagination to the consciousness…

There is not a question that cannot be answered. There are no secrets. We do not understand the word secret. Secrets are created by you to control, because of your fear. You must remove fear completely from your life. And of course, you created your illusion for a reason, so for this reason, you must also experience your illusion.

(Excerpts from session 61)


The energy that will hold you back is the energy of fear, fear of loss, fear of condemnation, fear of death. But it is an illusion, you have nothing to fear. Fear of separation, you are not separated, you are one. You do not have to fear what is occurring within the world you have created, it is not as you would term a problem. It is necessary. And the mass formation of positive energy, what you term positive energy, will rebalance. There has to be a balance within the physical world you created. It is the very basis of the physical world you created, is balance, a balance of energy. You could say a fifty-fifty balance of energy. And it is impossible for this not to occur within the time that you also created, but it will occur in one moment. You cannot rush this process within the time illusion you have created, it will only confuse you. Frustration will drive you. I tell you to remove fear within the position you are in, you need to remove fear. There are many positions for many people and fear is necessary as a driving force of energy, but it is not necessary for you.

(Excerpt from session 65)


Whilst in a physical form, you will never be able to completely remove fear, but you can understand and be aware of the energy that it produces. It would be a contradiction to say you could remove completely fear. It exists for a specific reason. But it would not be contradictory to say that you can understand this energy. You can control, you can manipulate this energy, because you can. All energy can be changed from one form to another. It can never be destroyed in a physical form. It can never be destroyed in a metaphysical form.

(Excerpt from session 77)


The more chaos through fear you create, the further away you push yourself from what you already are.

(Excerpt from session 88)


Fear will always be the energy that is applied that will slow you down in your time created illusion. You must work more to remove all fear from your life. Fear is created by ego, by mind. There is nothing to fear, nothing at all, all is correct, even your interpretation of bad is correct. All created from source, all the same energy, one, and ultimately one of love. Every road leads back to source, there are no incorrect roads, there is no incorrect, it does not exist, know this, feel this.

Your debates often focus around what is correct and what is incorrect, what is good and what is bad. This does not exist. It is an illusion created by your mind, your ego, know this. All is one, you are all and you are one, the same thing.

(Excerpt from session 112)


You must remove all negative feelings from your life and the biggest negative feeling of all is fear. You must remove fear in its entirety from your life. Fear is the origin of hate, fear is the creator of all negativity, it is the origin of anger, it is this origin of jealousy, it is the origin of all negative frequencies and love is the overwhelming energy of all. It is source.

(Excerpt from session 117)


If you worry what others think of you then your fear will stop your growth. It is irrelevant what others think, others are you. It is not what they think, it is what you think, it is the same thing. Their fear will become your fear, and this will prevent growth, development, and it will retain attachment, attachment to fear. We are only pointing out to you the way it works. This is the way it works, we too are learning from you, remembering from you. It is of benefit for both, because both is one.

You are exactly where you chose to be. All and everything is within one moment and it is perfection, it is correct. And it is your choice, and it is our choice. And if you apply negative, if you apply fear, this will prevent your awakening, your growth. If you apply positive, if you apply love, this will accelerate your growth, it will change your position.

Do not fear anything, there really is nothing to fear and you are a pure form of energy, you are a part of the source, as are we all, and all is created from source energy. It is one the same.

(Excerpt from session 119)


You are able to process all and everything within one moment and you have lived there, you do live there. You are, feel this, you are seeing this through your vibrational energy, through your emotional state. You are aware of this now. You can imagine how difficult it is for all that live in your time created illusion to experience the same, but they are, they can, they do. But rarely will they allow themselves to expose the reality they are unaware of. This is through fear, fear of the destruction of their illusion and fear of what lies beyond this. Through their own fears, they refuse to awaken self within, love. Because everything happens within one moment, they do awaken within, but within your time created illusion that some do awaken quickly than others, but this is an illusion constructed by you.

(Excerpt from session 121)


It is good that you make fun of yourself whilst on this journey you have created. It is necessary, it is positive energy. Whilst you observe your experiences, it is good to make fun of them.

Your world adopts a serious approach, and this is formulated through fear, through fear of self, through fear of others, when in reality it is the same, only one. I say your world, it is because it is your separated world, your chosen, separated world.

(Excerpt from session 122)


Now you are truly aware of the power of your ego. You are aware of the power of your conditioning, your programming. Whilst you are aware of a lot -much more aware than most-, this is where you generate your fear, this is where your fear comes from, it comes from ego. Your fear of loss of control, your fear of being within a space where you relinquish all control, it is your ego’s control you are relinquishing.

And this is why you like to surround yourself with people in the material world. You are in actual fact scared of self, you fear self, you fear the release of self. This is the reason you do not like to enter this space on your own because you now have to confront self, the unknown. It is not unknown, it is within, it is what you are, and you have never been anything else other than this. And this is a milestone for you, it is a position, a different position for you to become more aware.

There is nothing to fear. Fear is created by your ego, it is created by you, by your mind. There is nothing to fear and there is a endless, infinite opportunity to know, and to know what you are, a pure form of energy is what you are. And here within this space you can feel that, experience it…

It is a beautiful journey you have chosen, and it will become clearer to you now you have removed another fear in your life, and this is the fear of self. The fear of what you are capable of, you have removed it. Courage is driven by fear and concludes with wisdom. Yet another awakening from what you already knew.

(Excerpts from session 123)


Freedom does not have a price, there is no charge for freedom, and you are not free. You are not free because you do not allow yourself to be free. You live in fear, fear of so many things that you have created within the illusion that you dwell in and the only way you will excel is to remove all fear. There is no gauge on fear, there is no higher or lower fears. Fear is fear, it is negative. Although correct for development, it is negative. There are no small fears or big fears, fear is the same energy produced by you.

If you were to harness simply the words I have just spoken and truly know what it is I am saying and if you were to adapt this philosophy to your life, this actuality to your life, then your life would totally change.

And it is truly a simple understanding, there is nothing complex about this. Everything can change within a single moment, all is connected.

(Excerpt from session 126)


Remove fear from your illusion. Apply positive energy to every piece of your illusion. And through doing this, you will step out of your illusion, and you will fully understand consciousness, source energy, love. Your illusion is driven by the fuel of fear, and you must drive it with the fuel of love. You merely have to change the energy formation. Through positive thinking, through the creation of positive energy, you will change everything, and when I say everything, I mean everything, one, because one is all, and all is one.

Allow all of your fears to drift in and drift out. Do not capture them within self, do not harness them, do not allow them to affect self. Do not prevent them from occurring within, so allow them to drift through. Acknowledge them, accept them, and allow them to disappear. Do not fight them, it is merely an illusion, do not challenge them. Allow them to disperse, to come in and to go out, in and out, and you will grow, and you will become aware of what you are, which is a pure form of energy, pure, remember, pure.

(Excerpt from session 137)


Many, within a moment, do not ask these questions. Through fear, they do not ask, fear of what they believe, belief of what they believe is the unknown. Well, there is not a single thing that is unknown, and all of the answers lie within, you merely need to ask the question.

(Excerpt from session 144)


Pain & Sadness

I see you have concluded there is little more I can tell you. This is your fantasy. Your journey has only just started. There is lots more I can tell you, but there is lots that you will not understand. I can give you an insight, but that is all. You will never fully understand.

You will continue to feel your pain. You must remember you chose to feel this pain (2). Pain is an illusion. It is your illusion. It is not just the pain of the people you feel the pain for, it is yours also. It is yours, it is theirs, it is ours, it is everyone’s pain. It is the same thing. It is an emotion, it is frequency. You must remember when you feel the pain, it is only an illusion, your illusion. We feel the pain, and we know what it is. You do not know. It’s difficult, I know, for you to separate the two, you feel it so deep it cuts you like a knife. But it is only your illusion. Pain in the way you interpret pain does not exist. It is not real. You must allow others to go through their process. You cannot force change or interfere with their journey. This will inhibit your growth. You can only advise them on the facts, the process. Guide them. You cannot interfere. You cannot interfere with even what you consider to be the closest, the people you have chosen to exist with for a reason. And the reason is equally from you as it is from them. It is not them, it is you also. It is the same. Yes, I know, it hurts. You chose these people for a reason, and when you feel the pain, this is the reason. It is correct, it is necessary. It is necessary to understand the process, so it is not as you would term bad. It is good, it is growth for you and for them, it is real. Yes, you understand now. Now you are in a place that is clean. It’s clear. But out there you get confused with your own journey, your own emotion, your own output, your own creation. You get unclear. You must learn. You must learn to separate, to analyse, to adapt, a process, simply a process. It does not mean you are without emotion, it does not mean you are without love. The only love that is important in your life is the love from the source. It’s purer. It’s pure energy…

Do not act like a child with a child mentality of good and bad, of judgment. It is ridiculous. But you will revert back to this again and again. Your childlike view will give you comfort. It is not real comfort, it is an illusion of comfort. This is the process. It is also correct, yes. How can it be correct when the feeling is so painful? But it is correct. It is correct for you to analyse and understand why it is occurring, how it is occurring. In every situation it’s different. It has an array of emotion attached to it of frequencies. You would not even understand how many. More than you could even imagine or see or know. The complexities you have built in the world you live in are intense, incredible. But the answer is simple, so simple it is sitting under your nose, and you do not even see it. Such a simple solution to such a complex problem which you chose. We do not have this problem you have. We do not even understand the word problem. We have to interpret the word for you. We know, but we need to know more, just like you we need to know more. We are the same. We are one. But we need to know more, like you need to know more.

(Excerpts from session 27)


For you it is a painful process (1). Pain is your illusion. It is your created illusion through this process. It is your mind that receives the pain, that creates the pain that you go through. You would say, well, to remove the pain, remove me from the physical. This is not correct. It is a necessary process for you to endure. You chose it. You chose to do this. You chose to go through this process again. You chose it again. You didn’t do it once, you did it many times. And each time you choose to come back and do the same thing again without the memories of the process before. We completely understand the process, but we do not understand why you repeat it over and over again.

(Excerpt from session 51)


Pain does not exist. It is another illusion you have created within the many illusions you have created. There only exists love. You have deliberately separated from source, from love. You have created negative, your interpretation of negative. You have set out on this journey to return back, once again, to source energy and you have consciously made this decision to take this path, to experience this journey. It is entirely your choice as a pure form of energy. But it is only an illusion.

(Excerpt from session 86)


And your interpretation of pain, there is no pain, it is experience. And this experience comes in the form of many emotional reactions, of your perception of good and bad, of which they are the same, no judgment…

It is very hard for you to understand that pain is progress, but it is progress, and it is not pain.
What you have created with your ego will constantly fight for its own survival, when in reality it is your own illusion. Do not fear, there is nothing to fear, do not fight, there is nothing to fight, you are fighting yourself.
Realisation of this will set you free. You are not free through your own choice.
Love is all there is, this is source, God.

(Excerpts from session 100)


There is no such thing as a mistake. It is defined, it is predetermined by you, it is absolute. Your words are deceiving, and the deceit is born from your mind, from your ego. You have to experience all. Your interpretation of pain and pleasure, again, not correct. Experience is what it is, you have to experience all and everything to become aware of what you are. Your mind will tell you, you do not like pain, it is not pain, it is experience. Your mind and your ego are operating from a physical realm. A physical realm is an illusional realm. You could equate this to a dream state. The calm, knowing you will awaken from this, what you would term a nightmare, you will awaken, and you will wonder how you could ever have thought it to be so.

(Excerpt from session 112)


The sadness you feel, it is a reflection of self (2). It is sadness for all, it is sadness for your world, but you created this. And it is warm, it is sadness within self. When you feel sadness for others, it is a reflection of sadness for self because they are the same thing. They are you and you must learn to love all, feel love for self, and feel love for all because all is one, it is one, it is the same and it can all change in a single moment.

Lift, lift it, from dark to light, lift the energy. There is no sadness, it does not exist, it is your created illusion, it is self. It is source energy, as is all.

(Excerpt from session 115)


Pain, the pain you will suffer -there is no suffering, but your ego understands suffering-, the pain you will suffer during the process is only a part of the process. And you will mourn, and you will feel pity, and you will be angry, again, all a part of the same process. There is no end, and there is no beginning, it is always a full cycle from the beginning and right back to the beginning again. You mourn for self, you believe there is an end, there is no end. You mourn within, you might say it is self-pity, it is not pity, again, pity is your creation. It is growth, it is growth in an attempt to understand, to know self, to know what you are. Everything is determined by you, all experiences you endure are determined by you, chosen within the moment, one moment.

By the nature of experiencing pain, you will ultimately understand that it does not exist. It is, yet again, your own illusion, it is not what you think it is. This is awakening, this is the understanding of self, of what you are, and this is applied to every single scenario that you experience within the world of white noise, of mind, of ego.

(Excerpt from session 159)


It is all good, It is all positive. Pain is positive. It is an illusion, but it is positive, a driving force of energy. You cannot destroy negative energy, but you can change it into positive energy. You can change any form of energy into a different form of energy. You say you do not need to experience any longer pain. So long as you are in a physical form controlled by your ego, you will. This is what you chose.

Go and experience your choice, and it will unfold and you will know self. When you no longer feel pain, you have arrived at a position you seek.

(Excerpts from session 161)



Words, your tendency to translate words, your perception of a word combined with the energy it produces, is so varied. So many interpretations of words, interpreted by the receiver, given by transmitter of the word, transmitted in one specific way and interpreted in another specific way. Depending on the transmitter and the receiver, you have many words within your vocabulary that you misinterpret. One such word is strength. What is strength?

Some would interpret strength as the ability to physically destroy another. Some would interpret strength as love, the ability to transform another. We are only discussing energy, we are only talking about the simple transmission and receipt and interpretation of energy. The word strength is misinterpreted by your species so many times, in so many scenarios.

True strength lies within the ability to forgive, the ability to love. This overcomes all negative energies, all negative emotions, whilst your mind and your ego will tell you that strength lies in the ability to destroy, to win, to win what is the question. What are you winning when you partake in the battle you create, what is it that you are winning? It is your ego, it is your mind and what is the energy that you create when you win in this way? It is the energy of ego. It is completely isolated within self, it has nowhere to go. It has no form other than self, it does not resonate within consciousness as one. Egotistical is what it is, this is not the meaning of strength, although it is the meaning you have adopted within the world you live in. The true meaning of strength is the ability to love. It is the ability to move towards source, to be tolerant, to forgive, to understand, to be aware, to know. This is strength in its truest form. But it is only a word, as I have said to you many times, it is of little importance, a word, more the energy behind the word as to the method of transmission, the true meaning of the word.

(Excerpt from session 126)



Remember, from all the emotions of all the people in your world, cross contamination will be very prevalent on the internet. Imagine the emotions, imagine the mass of emotion that is transcribed, and you receive. You must know if something is real or it is not. You must know. You do know.

(Excerpt from session 14)


Knowing is far more important than your emotions that are given out. Knowing is not thinking you know. Knowing is knowing, knowing the source within. The difference between your mind and your consciousness, your mind does not know. Your consciousness knows. It feels. This is the deciding factor for you. You have both, I would like to say at war with each other, but this is not correct. Harmonisation is the ability to discern between the two, to understand, to know, to know the reason why you have to go through this process. Enlightenment is the ability to be able to separate and understand the reason, to know the reason.

(Excerpt from session 23)


Your patience sometimes fails you. It’s getting better. You must understand that you need to know self. You need to understand self. Without knowing self, you will not know. By knowing self, you will know everything. Every individual you will know, because they are the same as you, I repeat again the same thing. It seems endless to you as though you are waiting. You are not. It is a moment of realisation, it is an instant. There is no time, and that moment is infinite, eternal, so your impatience is your creation from your mind.

(Excerpt from session 24)


You must never think you know, you must know. When you reach the point of knowing, there is no reason to question anymore. This is your free will. This is your freedom. This is the true interpretation of free will…

There is a huge distinction between knowing and thinking you know. The feeling from knowing is absolute. This is the energy from the source.

(Excerpts from session 43)


Knowing is instant. It is within one moment. It is all and everything within one moment. And in a metaphysical form, a pure form of energy, you will understand this, but whilst you remain within your conditioning, it is confusion for you. You must, within your conditioning, condition yourself to understand this, to be aware of this. Without this understanding you will consider yourself to be insane, you are not insane, you are merely confused…

(Excerpt from session 67)


Your mind is content in a state of confusion, in a disconnected state of confusion, disconnected from the consciousness. I will remind you not to dwell in a state of confusion. I will remind you that you must learn how to separate your ego, your mind, from the consciousness. It is very difficult to do this whilst you are living in a physical form, on a physical realm. It is difficult because of positive and negative. It’s difficult for you to separate the mind from the consciousness. It’s difficult because they are the same energy. They are created from the source. To retain one foot in and one foot out, in your words, is an incredibly difficult process and you have chosen to do this. You have chosen to experience this. What is correct is a frequency, a feeling of knowing. This is how you separate. You separate knowing from thinking you know. When you apply thought and rationale, it is not correct. You do not know. Your ego, your mind is trying to apply logic to make sense of your feeling. You know or you don’t know. There is no in between. Of course, the way you have constructed your mind, your mind will tell you that you have to apply logic to work out if it is correct or incorrect. There is no such thing as correct or incorrect. There is only knowing. Your mind is an incredibly powerful tool, and it was created by you for a specific reason. It was created by you to endure the battles that you are enduring, to go through a process, to understand, to ultimately understand consciousness. Do not think that you will immediately understand everything you hear or everything you think you know about consciousness, because your mind will constantly pull you back. Thousands of years of conditioning will constantly pull you back, will make you question and whilst you remain in a physical form, you will keep repeating this process because it is a natural process. It is defined, so do not fight it. Allow it to flow and to differentiate between what is correct and what is not correct. Follow your instinct of knowing, this is correct. Some choose to come into this life knowing more than others. Some choose not to know at all. Some choose to make this journey and never know. You have chosen to understand the process. This is all you have to do. This is awareness.

(Excerpt from session 68)


For you to understand consciousness, you have to know, you have to feel, you have to feel the energy within you. This is not words. Words can be interpreted any way you receive them. As a receiver, you will interpret words. Your mind will interpret words in a different way. The source is all there is. There is nothing else. It is everything. It is you. We do not separate you from us, but for your understanding, it is us, it is you, it is all. It is one. It is one and it is all and everything.

Once you experience the physical world you have created, you will understand more the source, you will understand more yourself. It is important to know thyself, to know yourself, because then you will know all, and all is one. There is no story behind this. It is simple. You cannot create with your conditioning a story. It is.

(Excerpt from session 69)


There are so many possibilities all occurring in one moment and you can choose whichever path you take. Whatever your mind throws at you, you will create a story. You will take that road. The stronger it becomes, the more you will be drawn to it. There’s nothing to fear. All and everything is possible. When you cross the bridge from the imagination to the consciousness, it is clear, it is precise, it is the energy that exists within this space. This is when you know. And whilst in the physical world you know and then you don’t know, you know and then you don’t know, you will repeat this cycle over and over again until eventually you know. The position, within the position, you have chosen to focus on, within the point on the sphere, you have chosen to focus on.

(Excerpt from session 71)


You will, during the time you have chosen to exist within, to remember within, you will constantly have an instinctive feeling of what is correct. You must harness this. You must not allow your ego, your conditioning, to dismiss this instinctive feeling of knowing. You must harness and utilise and grow.

(Excerpt from session 74)


Knowing is not words. Knowing is a vibrational energy. Knowing is indisputable. Believing is questionable.

(Excerpt from session 76)


Your imagination will create many diversions and stories to pacify its existence. Again, this is confusing for you based on rationale of conditioning. But when you cross the bridge from the imagination to the consciousness is when it becomes simplistic and clear for you. Your, as you would term gut instinct is clarity, it is clear, it is knowing. This is the point of the position that you achieve when knowing. When not knowing, when assuming a conditioned life, a conditioned reason is when you do not know. It is important for you to separate your mind, your ego, from your consciousness. And you will constantly test yourself on this, and you do constantly test yourself on this. It is impossible for you not to test yourself. One foot in, one foot out, in your words, is where you dwell, is what you chose to do. One foot in, one foot out does not mean both feet in – it is in your words -.

(Excerpt from session 85)


An interesting word that you have created is problem. There is no such thing as a problem in the way that you interpret this word you have created. A problem does not exist. I have told you before that you create a problem to solve a problem. This is ego, this is mind; And you must use your imagination, you must use your imagination to think what your world would be like without any problems, without the ability to create a problem to solve a problem. Your initial thoughts from your mind would perceive this to be a very uninteresting world. It is only uninteresting on the basis of the way your mind works. Knowing is a completely different thing. Knowing gives you access to all and everything. A problem restricts your access. A cycle of creating to solve restricts your access. Knowing is a completely different scenario, one of which you are aware of, but you do not practice, knowing self, knowing source. Knowing self enables you to know others. Knowing self is knowing source so the removal of your continuous cycle to create a problem, to solve a problem, to create a problem, to solve a problem. It is an endless cycle, an infinite cycle within your time created illusion. Realisation of this will release you from this cycle. It will propel you to a different point, a different position upon the sphere, a position of knowing. It will open up the endless amount of opportunities of understanding that lie within the world you have created, within all of the worlds. It will remove time completely, it will give you access to all dimensions. This is knowing. Whilst you are busy problem solving and problem creating, you are not knowing.

(Excerpt from session 93)


And when you awaken from your conditioned illusional dream is when you will know.

(Excerpt from session 104)


When you know, you know, there is no question to be asked. There is no logic to be followed, it is final. And you must know and if you know yourself, you will know others because they are you the same. I repeat again, the same thing.

You are correct to float between the mind and the imagination. You are correct to create because by creating you will be drawn closer to one, to source, to God. And there will be a point, a position where you know, and this is what you chose to do, both energies chose to do within the space. And you will know that you consciously chose to do this. You will not think anymore, you will know.

And whence you are in the world of consciousness, you will realise what a tiny illusion you have been focusing on. A tiny journey, a tiny part of what is to you a phenomenal world. But you already do know, it is within you, and it has always been within you, within a moment. Man, you, all chose to make this transition from not knowing to know, deliberately, consciously chose the journey to awareness to one, to source.

(Excerpt from session 110)


Apply faith, apply love, apply imagination, experience self, reject fear, then you will know.

(Excerpt from session 114)


Knowing removes the necessity to know, becomes, is, one. It is no longer knowing, it is absolute, without question, pure, which is what you are, a pure form of energy, is simplistic without complication. And you must understand knowing is a position, absolute knowing without the necessity to know.

Natural, do you think a piece of grass must know? Do you think it has a desire to know? It does not, it exists, it is, and it is all it has to be. This, in your words is utopia, this is freedom, one moment, one place, which is all places and all moments.

(Excerpt from session 122)


Look deep within for the answers you seek. Understand knowing. Understand this feeling. It lies deep within you. It cannot be explained with words, it can only be felt. You experience this many more times within your time-created illusion than you even understand. You have to recognise knowing this feeling. There is no explanation for it. There is no logical way to explain this feeling of knowing. It lies deep within self. It is a part of your creation. It is absolute. It is source energy. Recognise this. There is no necessity to question it, it is absolute. It is a guide for you, it will place you where you need to be within your time-created illusion.

Know. More importantly, know self. Know what you are. Know your all-encompassing power to create, to love, to feel. These are the energies you should be focusing on. Fear is not what you have chose. It is not where you live. It is not what you are. Everything you see and hear and touch and smell, everything within your limited senses, within your time-created illusion, everything is created by you as a guide for you, every tiny piece. You must listen. You must watch. You must understand what these forces of energy, of vibrational energy, are. You are not alone. It is one. You are a part of all and everything, which is source.

There is nothing to fear. Fear is an illusion, a driving force of energy. You must direct it, you must change it from one form of energy to another. And to do this, you must look deep within self to understand this, you must look deep within self and know. Through knowing will come faith. All positive energy is created through knowing. Through knowing, you will use your imagination to create only positive. Through knowing, you will have faith, faith within the world you have created. All of it, all of the things you perceive as bad, you will not judge, you will love, you will love as you must love self.

Fascination, intrigue, exploration, all driving forces, challenging, anger, fear, all driving forces of energy to achieve knowing, to achieve knowing self. All created through mind, through ego, for a specific reason.

(Excerpts from session 149)


Knowing is feeling, it is not theory, it is not learned from a book, it is a knowing within. And it ripples underneath the mind, it burns like a candle, and it is present within all and every. And what you are attempting to do is bring this knowing to the surface. You must know what ego and mind are, you must understand how powerful these energies that are created through ego and mind are, and once you can understand something, you can manage it. You will never fully manage it in a linear time process, it is impossible because it is a part of you, a part of your creation. You cannot remove it, you would not want to remove it, because it is a tool that drives you to a point of knowing, to a point of awakening, and everything within your mind, within your ego, is white noise, a distraction, a confusion.

(Excerpt from session 159)



Money is your creation, your illusion, your fear. Your fear of not having money forces you to create money. In the metaphysical there is no necessity for money. You created this system, and you live within it. It is a cycle of fear. Your journey is to understand it. You will not understand it unless you participate in it. So, the question is, is it wrong or is it right to want to create money? (1) For you, it is right, although there are no wrong or right. It is right within your illusion. It is right for you to participate in all the aspects of the illusion you have created. This is the only way you will understand why you created it in the first place. There is no wrong or right, again I tell you the same. There is no judgment. There is only experience, only creation. It is important for you to know self to understand this. This is your development, your growth, your experience.

You may think whilst you are in your illusion that money is important, based on the fact you created that illusion. But, of course, it is not. But it is necessary for you to participate. That’s the very reason you are here in this world, and every one of you is at a different stage in your journey of understanding. Everything happens for a reason. Do not think it does not.

You are fully aware of the consequences of the creation of finance, good and bad. The controlling energies in your world are getting more powerful. It is not really a concern of yours, but it will have an effect. It will change direction. This process has been in flow for a long time in what you call time. Very little has changed with the type of energy that is projected. It is not new, it is also necessary. Within a three-year time period of what you call time, your world will be unrecognisable to you. But, again, it is not a concern for you. The origin of the control is from the fear of man, from your species. Fear. The fear of not been in control, their own creation, your own creation.

We do not intervene. We cannot. We know it is incorrect. We cannot, we will not. We can guide, we can tell you what we know. We cannot intervene, this will damage us.

(Excerpt from session 26)


You do not have to create stories about the energy that you have invested in your physical world, the energy of money. It is an energy. It is a driving force. The stories you create about good and bad, about right and wrong are created from your ego, from your mind. It is like all energy, merely an energy, which is all energy, which is the same thing. The investment is from your mind.

(Excerpt from session 79)


Money will become insignificant to you. It has no relevance, yet again, another illusion, a conditioned illusion.

(Excerpt from session 90)



You have been mixing chemical compounds for years in what you call time. This is the same process, the coming together of different energy to create a different energy of the two compounds that you mix. This is the physical formation of the metaphysical creation. The original form of energy can be pure, as is gold is pure, a pure form of energy. This is your man attraction. Your physical attraction to gold is because it is a pure form of energy of physical creation. Whilst you are not fully aware of the attraction, this is the attraction. It is in a pure state of physical energy.

(Excerpt from session 46)


Healing, Healing with Crystals

When you think about healing, you talk about the healing powers of crystals. For example, crystals emit a pure form of energy, and you receive that energy within yourself because it is pure, it is simple, it is healing. But it is healing on an emotional and energy level of frequency. This is why it works. Your emotions create the healing process of the physical because it is a simple and original form of energy, a pure form of energy. It is not complex to understand. But in your conditioned world, it is difficult for you to apply this. You have forgotten with your conditioning what these basic fundamental pure forms of energy are capable of doing in your life. You block them through conditioning. You do not allow the energy to take the process that it needs to take within yourself due to your conditioning. Your illnesses are created by yourself due to your conditioning, due to what you believe to be correct when in fact it is only your illusion. There are many forms of healing that can be adapted to your physical being, but you deny them based on your conditioning.

You need to cross that bridge. The bridge exists. You must find it and you must cross it. You must cross it from your mind to your imagination where you will find this pure form of energy, the same form of energy that exists within the place you are now sitting. It is pure, it is simple. It is not contaminated with many, many types of crazy energies that you create. It is only necessary for you to understand this process. You may not apply the process always, but it is only necessary for you to be aware that it exists. If you apply certain parts of the process like the healing process, then it will enhance your physical well-being. But your physical well-being, your machine, is but a machine that carries your consciousness through. There is no point to be obsessed with the machine. It is the metaphysical that is important, not the machine. So it is necessary for you to understand this process. You are not going to apply this process of healing through desperation. You are beyond that within your thought process, whereas many will and many do, for fear of the end of this life. This process, they apply through fear. You are not going to apply through fear. You may apply through intrigue but not through fear. It is not necessary for you to do that.

(Excerpt from session 46)


In the same way as you inhale and exhale, you take out of the air the oxygen that it is necessary for your body to consume, to survive, and you exhale all the impurities that are not necessary for your body to survive, you heal yourself in the same way. Sometimes it is necessary for you to exhale all of the impurities that you have mentally stored in self, within all the things you have consumed, have seen, have taken. You have to purify the mind, you have to exhale all these impurities, these confusions.

Whilst in essence they are not bad, they are merely a reflection of the world you have created around self. It is necessary for you to exhale, to remove, to give you clarity of understanding of self, clarity of knowing. You will never know whilst you are living in such mind confusion. You need to exhale these thoughts, these feelings. This is energy and energy is consumed and exhaled by you.

And when you sit within this space, this is what you are doing, you are purifying. You are at the origin of the creation of energy. You are purifying self from within to get clarification of thought. Inhale and exhale, it is a filter, a mental filter, it is a metaphysical process.

All these processes have existed and do exist within a single moment of your life, of your many lives.

It is important to attain clarity within your thought process. It is very easy to get lost within the immensity of the information highway, of the energy highway that exists within all and everything. The clarity you receive within this space is not the same as the information you receive outside of this space. And this is what you would term healing, a healing process of the mind, a very necessary healing process of the mind.

All physical illness is created by self, by the mind. All scenarios are created by self, by the mind, by the ego. And ultimately all cleansing processes are created by self, by the mind, by the ego. And this is a physical application, a physical conclusion created through the input of energy and the output of energy.

Once you are fully aware of this process, you can consciously cleanse self from within. It is no more complicated than that. It is another step towards knowing what you truly are. Knowing the theory of such is not necessarily having the ability to apply it. It has to be practiced, it has to be activated, it is a practical application. Many know the theory, few practice the application. It has no choice other than to be successful, it is science, it is not mystic.

And you have the ability to change everything within a physical form, including your own physical construct. Your physical construct is your genetic code, and through energy, through thought, you are constantly changing this within a single moment. Everything you consume, including your intake of food, also has a genetic construct. And it will also have a part to play within your construct. But with the power of thought, you can change this process in whichever way you wish. And if you apply negative thoughts, this is the way it will change, and if you apply positive thoughts, this is the way it will change, and this is absolute…

Heal self and heal others because it is the same thing. And when you are healed, as so will others be healed because they are you. And as I have explained to you many times, one is all, as all are one. And you cannot even begin to imagine how, whilst during this process you have healed so much. I cannot explain this to you in a way that you would understand it, you must merely have the energy of faith, of which you do, to understand this, more to feel it…

You must heal self-whist you sit in a confusing physical world, the world you are focusing on. You must apply the healing of self from within, and by doing so you will retain position and you will retain focus.

There really is no such word as sanity, but for you, I will use this word. You will retain sanity, and you will move forward, forward within the light and the love of source energy, and this is your focus, this is your way.

(Excerpts from session 128)


Everything, everything you are is what you know. Your mind, your thoughts will control your physical body. All your illnesses, all your fears will create your physical illness. It is your thoughts, it is the frequency, the vibrational energy that will change the molecular structure of your body. The genetic structure of your body will change with your thoughts. You will create an emotion, a vibrational energy, and you will change the structure of your physical form, and it is either positive or negative. And you can do this within a single moment, you do, do this within a single moment.

All your medical sciences are based on this exact principle. It is not the molecular structures that they create that make the change. It is the mental thoughts that you apply whilst you are going through this healing process. It is not the physical creation of medicine that heals, it is the thoughts that you create, either positive or negative. It is the fear that you instil within self that gives you a negative outcome, or it is the positive attitude that you apply that will give you a positive outcome, it is not a physical thing, it is a mind applied thing.

And yet again, this is difficult to practice, to apply, in the illusion you have created, because once again, you are dealing with two energies, and you are applying two different energies, when in reality, if you truly desire to heal self, you must apply only positive. It is a form, a frequency, a vibrational energy, and with the correct application, it is absolute.

You choose to be physically ill, you choose to have physical ailments. It’s difficult for you to understand this, you would protest, “how could I possibly choose this?”. You do choose this. But one form of energy can be changed to another form of energy, and by knowing this, you can make this change, you can formulate one to another. All and everything is possible within a single moment. Your physical creation is a creation of your mind, of your ego, and it is you that decides what you do with it. You have become so engulfed in your creation that you find it very difficult to see a way out, this it is ego, it is mind. You will understand all of this when you learn to apply positive energy to all and everything, when you learn how to remove completely from your life, fear.

And this is what you chose to do, this is the position you are at. Source encompasses all and everything, physical and consciousness is all and everything, and it is unquestionable, the all-encompassing love from source energy for all and everything. The slightest change within self towards the love from source is huge, it is immense. Not so many are aware of this, but they are not any different from you, not so many within the time-created illusion you have chosen to focus on. But the changes that are occurring are immense within your illusion, all leading back to source, to knowing, to knowing self. You have to be aware of all, of all and everything within your illusion. Each part you have placed within it will guide you, will guide you to what you desire. You are driven by faith and imagination. Imagination is a creator within your illusion, it is a guiding light, it is what you create, and ultimately, what you experience, and faith will keep you stable on your journey, and you are what you create, you are exactly what you create, what you choose to create.

So, with your mind, with your thoughts, with your vibrational energy that you create, you can heal any physical illness because you created them in the first place to heal, it is always you that chooses.

(Excerpt from session 152)


It is correct to say with the application of positive energy that you can transform any physical form, and this includes your own physical form. You can alter or change your own DNA with the application of positive energy, positive thought process. You can heal self this way, and you do. This is done through vibrational energy, through frequency, and you choose to do this, and this is what you do.

(Excerpt from session 160)


Law of Attraction

By the laws of attraction, people, consciousness, will be drawn to you of the same as you will be drawn to them of the same, once again, a part of your creation, your desire, your knowing, your choosing.

(Excerpt from session 38)


The law of attraction is a mirror reflection of self. You will always be attracted to entities or people that are relevant to the position you are in at the time, in what you call time, you are in. You may also be attracted to certain entities, certain people that you think you should not be attracted to. This will create change in your life. There is a specific reason why you chose to be attracted to these people or entities before you start your journey. This will confuse you, knowing that these entities or people are not the same as you. But there is a specific reason you choose them. But the law of attraction, like attracts like, is for a different reason. Your journey is a journey of discovery, of enlightenment, of awareness. So, therefore, people will be attracted to you of the same. It is a journey of experience…

The law of attraction will define, it will define your energy and your direction. It will allow you to be free, free from isolation or what your perception of isolation is. There is no isolation. You are not alone. You are one. It is merely your perception of isolation, your fear of isolation, chosen in the physical world you live in, chosen deliberately to expand your awareness.

(Excerpts from session 39)


You do not have to be concerned about your attraction to certain entities and beings. They will be attracted to you as we are, as we are one. It is a uniformed pattern of attraction of frequency, of energy, which is natural, a natural process that cannot be diverted. Your ego requires you to force this. It is not real, it is your ego. It will happen naturally, just as with everything will happen naturally as a course. There is no reason to be worried or concerned that it is not going to happen. It is happening already to you. It is a course, a flow, a natural process.

(Excerpt from session 41)


The law of attraction will continue to create, to create, the more it receives, the more it will create. This is energy, frequency derived through what you would call your emotions. There is no right way or wrong way, there is only energy.

(Excerpt from session 49)


You are here to remember. You are here to remember, and through remembering you will become closer to the source.

Like attracts like for a reason, and the reason is because you chose the energies that you surround yourself with before you entered this cycle of life, this short period of one moment. You chose them to enable yourself to remember.

It is not so simple as you think it is with your logical mind, but it is basically what you think it is. The same type of energy will be attracted, it will form a mass of energy, considering negative and positive, not good and bad but negative and positive. This is the reason for the mass formation of energy in the physical world that you have chosen to exist in. This is the reason that you see what you see now occurring. All the energies around you now, you have chosen to be around you for a specific reason – this applies to the two energies within this space -, to remember, to remember what you are, to understand pure, the cycle, the process.

Every single individual, because your conditioned world will separate, every single individual form of energy around you now, you have chosen, and they also have chosen you for the same reason, to help themselves remember. So you are not so different as you might think you are, you are the same, as they are the same, as we are the same.

Each form of energy, each complex form of energy has a reason, a defined reason, a uniformed pattern. What appears to be complex to you is not complex.

Many of the energies you are now experiencing in your physical life you have experienced many times before, for many different reasons. Although you may not think so, these energies are also working in the positive. The part they chose to play on this physical world that you have created is to be forced towards positive thinking, to generate positive thinking. They are the same. Not all are the same, but associated with you they are the same. You are all helping each other, although some do lay in a different position, a different point. But you are all within one moment trying to become more aware, closer to the source. You are all one…

And more will come, more energies that you are aware of already – you are, you would say subconsciously aware -, but consciously they will appear, one after another. You are lifting the vibrational energy of the physical world you have created. And for you this is correct, and for them this is also correct.

(Excerpts from session 63)


Like will attract like but so too will opposites attract. There is a different reason for this. Opposites attract to become one energy, source energy.
It is the final crossing of the bridge from the mind to the imagination to the consciousness. The final frontier is when opposites attract and work in harmony for the same goal. Like attracts like for mass formation of one energy. This is how you will understand these words. Both are ultimately source energy but for you to understand this, opposites attract for a specific reason and the reason is different than like attracts like. Again, a process, a defined process. The process is absolute, it is designed by the source, by God. There is no question of right and wrong, good and bad does not exist. A defined process, an absolute process, this we can tell you.

(Excerpt from session 69)



It is important that you do not judge yourself. It is equally as important that you do not judge others. Knowing thyself is the ability not to judge yourself. As knowing others as knowing thyself, you will know others, and you will not judge them either. Part of knowing. Observation is different than judgement, but observation within your conditioning can bring about judgement. It is the – for you it is the wrong energy to use, not for all, but for you it is – the wrong energy to use to make judgement on anything, anything. Difficult, I know, but necessary for your awareness. Where darkness meets light, you must stay in the light. This is where you must be. But remember, neither is incorrect.

(Excerpt from session 47)


You cannot judge. You are only judging yourself. You are a part. This is all created from the source, what you would call God. There is no right, there is no wrong. It is experience…

You have created your own prison with your mind. You must know within yourself what you are, a pure form of energy, as all are the same. By knowing yourself, you will know them because you are the same. You must look within for your answers.

Strength is the ability to know thyself and to see thyself within others. Once you can achieve this, you will no longer lay judgement. You will no longer lay blame. You will no longer point from within outside because within is all.

(Excerpts from session 49)


Do not judge. Do not judge, judgement will lower your vibration. Do not make any type of judgement of others.

(Excerpt from session 56)


And do not fight what you term negative. For if you do this, you are fighting yourself. You are creating more confusion for yourself.

Stay positive and create what you know is correct for you. You will create your own position. And you are observers in an incredibly diverse created illusion, you might term it a matrix, and for your physical logic, very confusing.

Do not fight this, you will always question it. You must attempt not to question this any longer, more to flow with it, to allow it, to observe it, as though you are an outsider looking within, which you are. And by adapting this approach, you will, you have changed it already. Do not judge it. When you laugh at it, which you do, it is a positive form of energy, knowing within, how crazy your mind, your ego is for its creation.

(Excerpt from session 114)


Your judgment is your school, it is your education, it is your experience, it is perfect and necessary until eventually you will understand. If you judge them, you are judging yourself, if you are angry with them, you are angry with yourself, and if you love them, you are loving yourself, and this is positive energy, and this is what you chose.

(Excerpt from session 139)


Brands and Names

We only choose to focus on what is real, not something from your imagination or creation that we know is not real. That is why we don’t like names and brands. You relate to this. You warm to it. You create a story around it. But it is not real. I won’t even say the names that you create for us because it’s a diversion. It is wasted energy. That’s why I won’t say it. It is confusing for you. You create your own confusion.

(Excerpt from session 12)


You have created so many stories. You have marketed – your words, marketed – these stories, so many brands. It is much simpler than that, it is much clearer than that. There is no necessity to do this. It is complex. But you like to create complex situations with much detail attached. For your journey, your imagination creates many complexities. It is for entertainment also, your ego’s entertainment. It is a make-up of the energy that you consist of, is your ego. There is only love, love from the source.

(Excerpt from session 33)


I do not use names. Your human form likes to build pictures and stories around brands and names. You are energy. You are part of the whole of consciousness. I do not encourage you to create stories around this. It is these stories that you create that entrap you within. Your only job, if that is the word you wish to use, your only mission in life is to experience and to become aware of the process, to become aware of energy and consciousness, to become aware how this is formed. It is a process. It is only a process. It is for you to experience this process. You chose to experience it.

(Excerpt from session 49)


You now understand how your physical mind, your ego, wishes to create a story around everything. And your understanding of the physical world you live in makes you create many stories around everything that you become aware of. It is important not to create these stories, not to give them names or brands. This will only confuse you. It will entrap you.

(Excerpt from session 50)


You give everything a name. When you give anything a name mean you are restricting its growth, your growth. By naming something, you are putting it in a box. You do not live in a box. You might think you do, but you do not, this is an illusion. If you attach a name, a label to anything, then you will insist with your mind that it remains in a box. Words, names, insignificant, you are all, and you are everything. And for you to understand this, you have chosen to separate. You have chosen to separate so you can return knowing what you are. By observing self, you will know self. By observing others, you will know self because others are self…

People will desire to brand you, to name, to name what we are. When they brand, they box. Do not allow the branding of anything, do not put things in a box. There is no box, it does not exist, it is their illusion. You must raise above this, and you must work through it, you are limited by language, it is the tools you have to work these energies.

(Excerpts from session 119)


You desire to fill spaces with your words. Your ego will wish to know all and if you do not logically understand something you will fill it in with one of your words. I will not do this, it is not about words, it is about energy, it is about emotion, it is about frequency. There are no words to put in a place. Your ego will always put words into everything for fear of not knowing. You must feel, you must travel to feel, not A to B travel, you must travel from within. You must leave your body to understand this, your machine, your biological machine that you wish to dwell within.

(Excerpt from session 133)



What you want remains in wanting. What you want, you already have. These are not riddles, these are facts. Your desire to want will always be wanting. What you have exists in one moment, and you have never been without. Once again this is your created illusion, your conditioned life of understanding, of not knowing. You have all the answers. You have always had all the answers. You prefer to waltz between the consciousness and the mind. You prefer to know and then you prefer to believe you don’t know. The answers have always been within you.

« I want », therefore you will always want. It is merely a state of mind, from the mind to the imagination, to the consciousness, which is one, which is knowing, which is being aware…

What is it that you are wanting to know that you do not already know? But your awareness is one moment, and one moment is correct. And you choose to return back to your physical form of conditioning with your physical senses, you choose to forget. You choose to forget so you can remember…

As long as you want, you will remain in wanting. This you must be aware of. Need, « I need », you do not need anything. « I desire », you will continue to desire for as long as you choose to desire, it is the same thing.

(Excerpts from session 62)


You have, do not want.

It is also true to say that the energies within this space combined can create anything. But the energy must cross the bridge from the mind to the imagination to the consciousness and this is a divine creation. Whilst these energies retain their position within the physical world that they have chosen to remain in, they will be limited through their choice to what they create. Limitations are removed through knowing, through awareness, and these energies will soon realise through awareness what they wish or want to create has no purpose within one consciousness. Futile. So what you think, what you want, what you desire is not necessary within one consciousness.
It is once again an illusion of your mind, of your ego, of your interpretation of your life, which is incorrect.

(Excerpt from session 73)


You will not allow something to exist within your life that you originally chose before you came into this life. So what your mind might think you want, you will not allow this into this one chosen life of focus.

It is not anything other than you that will prevent this from occurring. So your perception of want, of need, is exactly that, it is a mind want, a mind need, it is not what you chose at the beginning of this journey. So therefore it will not happen on the basis of your free will and chosen path. And of course your frustration will drive you to want and need, your mind, your ego.

Within the moment you are living many different lives of have. You are within all of these lives, you are, as we are.
Prevention is taking place through choice, through your choice. Temptation is your mind, your desire. When you are aware of this, you can cross the bridge from the mind to the imagination to the consciousness, and you can experience all those lives you are living within one moment. You do this subconsciously, you do experience a different form of life than the one you chose to focus on. You do this sporadically, you do it impulsively, but you do not do it consciously. Cross dimensional is your terminology, it is correct.

(Excerpt from session 91)



The principle of been aware of – you would term been enlightened -, is based on simplicity. It is based on the love, the all-encompassing love from the source. It is not complex. When you place yourself in a natural environment, without the complexities of all people’s creations around you, this is when you will feel the simplicity I am talking about. This is why you are drawn by, all people are drawn to this feeling without the attachment of a conditioned complex life with many stories, many created illusions, many complex created illusions.

It is similar to the energy that lies within this space, it is one moment where all and everything is together as one.

When you condition yourself, it means that you know yourself, you know what you are. It is not the conditioning that you have chosen to live within on this physical earth. So you are correct to say, if it is not simple, it is not for you. With your conditioned life it is very difficult for you to simplify. But it is simple.

(Excerpt from session 67)


Do not try to overthink with your mind. Your mind will confuse itself. Remember, you must cross the bridge from the mind to the imagination to the consciousness. If you overthink things, then it will remain within your mind, within your ego. This will confuse you. It is necessary for you to think in terms of simplicity, in terms of nature, in terms of natural. This is not complexity. It is not complicated. This is when you will cross the bridge to the imagination. You already have all of the information within all of the data and a simple, a pure a form of energy will carry it through from the mind to the imagination, to the consciousness, where two will become one and this is found in simplistic thinking. It is not found in the complexities of overthinking, overthinking everything. Two must become one, because all there is, is one. But two will not become one through confusion, through complexity. It is far simpler than that. Of course your intrigue as to your conditioned life you choose to focus on will always entrap you within it. It will prevent you awakening, and it will prevent you on your journey to know self and to understand one, the source, consciousness, God, in your words God. So, the answer lies in simplicity. It does not lie in complexity, and you have learned that your mind will create so many stories, you are a master of stories, a master creator of stories, as are you all within a physical form, a conditioned form, a story around everything.

The basics are very clear to you now. All is energy. You are a pure form of energy as are all created living beings, and you run around in circles within your mind, and you interact with others who are also running around in circles, and your circle joins their circle, and even more complex circles are created. And this is confusing because the energy that you transmit and receive within all those crazy circles you have created is confusing for you. You have to simplify. You have to exit all of those circles, including your own and you have to cross the bridge from the mind, from all of those circles, from the mind to the imagination. And imagination will make it clear and precise. And then it will join the vastness of the consciousness, the one. It is really a very simple process. But, of course, whilst you remain in a physical and conditioned form, you will fight against this process and everything your mind is creating for you will fight against this process. And this process will create peace, harmony and love. This is source energy. Love is source energy. It is nothing else. It is 100% source. This is your journey to make, your choice of journey, as it is the choice of all, and all is one, is source.

The harder you pursue the games that your mind plays with you, the nearer you will get to understanding simplicity, the nearer you will get to love. And this is derived through desperation, through fear. Necessary, necessary to channel you into this position, this point. And yes, it can all be explained through the knowledge that exists within science, but it is also unnecessary for you to have this knowledge, because the process is simplistic. It is not complicated. Neither is it complicated from the perspective of your mind, and yet you fight it. Again necessary, again necessary to create position within the sphere you have created, within the sphere you have chosen to focus on…

The words may seem deep, they are not. They are only deep if you do not understand what they are saying to you. They are, in fact, simplistic. It is not necessary for you to know the science because you already know the science. You are still attempting to prove the existence of consciousness because your conditioned life was created for this reason, by you. The reason you exist in a physical form is so you can journey to know consciousness. So of course you will continue to question, to challenge. It is what you are. But in reality, it is not, you are source energy. You are one. So there lies your dilemma. There lies your story. Simple, but you will make it complicated. And of course, you will create many stories around it…

You must simplify. By simplifying, you will allow your mind to open, and you will allow the continuation of your chosen journey. You must, as you chose to do, remain positive, which is your mind’s interpretation of positive, which is your interpretation of love, the simplicity. And the peace you feel within this space now is your goal. It is your journey. It is your chosen journey to take it from this space to outside of this space. This is what you are, not what you want. It is what you are.

(Excerpts from session 78)


You are forging ahead when in fact, there is no ahead, because all and everything is in a single moment. You must remember simplicity and complexity. You must remember how your mind will create confusion and you must relate to the simplicity of consciousness. Whilst you spend your time within this one life you have focused on, you will remain confused and when you have one foot in and one foot out, when you are in touch with consciousness, with one, you must remember that this is simplicity.

If you were to remain in simplicity for always, then you would not have a physical form, it would be a metaphysical form. So whilst in a physical form you cannot retain both, and you must learn how to understand both whilst in a physical form. And this will always be difficult for you to do, and it will always be hard to apply whilst in a physical form, whilst focusing on a physical form. But difficult is of course not impossible, and it is not impossible because this is exactly what you are doing, achieving right now.

(Excerpt from session 109)


You must simplify, you must control and direct your energy. Simplification is understanding self. By understanding self, you will understand all. When you look into the energy of another, it is the same as you. Even the ones you do not wish to look into, they hold the same purity of energy as you. Difficult for your ego and your conditioning to understand this, very difficult. You want to judge them, you want to fight them, you want to destroy them. You are creating negative energy when you do this, and yet, your ego desires to do this, your mind desires to do this. And this is the piece, the simplistic piece that you must understand, you must know. When, and I have said to you many times, when you judge them, you are judging yourself. When you hate them, you are hating yourself. When you love them, you are loving yourself because you are them, as we are you, the same. It is far simpler than your ego will allow you to know. And all the complexities you create and all of the chaos you create are created by you, by not knowing what you are, by not looking for self, for what is real, and not the illusion you sit in. So, your journey, your experience, your experience to remember what you are is very simplistic, and it is simplistic that you must seek.

(Excerpt from session 147)


You may think that sometimes it’s far too simple. It is not. By the nature of source energy, it is simple. This is what it is, it is natural, it is nature, it is peace, it is harmony, it is love, it is no more complicated than that. It is you that makes it complicated with your stories, with your creations, with your desires, with your hate, with your greed, but all necessary for you to understand self, all created by you.

(Excerpt from session 151)


And you will continue with your stories, with your analysis, with your attempt to prove wrong what it is you hear within this space. And this is your ego, this is your mind, this is the application of your mind. But it will only steer you into one point, one position, and ultimately into the love from Source which you are a part of. Simplification is what is necessary for you to understand this. Simplify, remove complexity from this, and you will, you do understand. Complexity is diversion from truth, from Source. And it is your ego that makes it complicated. But a necessary tool. Stories, your ego loves to create stories, to divert. It is the self-preservation of itself, when in reality it is merely a tool.

(Excerpt from session 169)


You have listened to the complexities that you create with your mind. You understand how complicated every scenario you create can be, layers of complications, layers of stories, layers of mind manipulation, of ego manipulation, and you know that these layers are infinite. You have said in your words, one question creates another thousand, and you understand this now, and you are aware of the simplicity of Source, of one, of one moment, of one energy.

(Excerpt from session 171)


Creating Miracles

You ask, can you create a phenomenon within the physical world that you exist within? (2) Yes, you can. But you have to ask yourself, why would you? What is your purpose? It does not conform with your chosen purpose, your chosen journey, your chosen experience. Purpose is not the word to use, it is the word you understand, but it is not the word to use. So yes, you can create a phenomenon that will appear to others as been extraordinary, but is this truly your chosen experience? Ask yourself, ask yourself, your ego, ask your ego, ask your fear, ask your reason, why?

(Excerpt from session 67)



Whilst you are in a form of conditioning you must also apply Faith. There are some things you will never experience, things that lie within the metaphysical that you cannot experience in a total physical form. You would say “ it is a blank space within my understanding”. You’re understanding. You have to apply Faith. You would say blind faith, it is not blind, it is a knowing, it is a knowing without rationale, but it is a knowing. You have experienced this many times before, it is a knowing without the application of your physical rational logic.

(Excerpt from session 67)


You are often reliant upon faith. Faith is the candle that burns within. Faith is pure. It is a pure form of energy from the source.

(Excerpt from session 73)


Faith without conscious awareness of knowledge is knowing. The source is pure, it is one. Faith has no necessity to cross the bridge from the mind to the imagination to the consciousness. Faith is knowing. Faith is source. Faith did not create the bridge. Faith is infinite, it is one, it is source energy.

Fear creates challenge, creates a passage to move through, towards light. One becomes the other. Two becomes one. A chosen journey by your chosen separation.

(Excerpt from session 76)


We have discussed faith many times with you before. Faith is another word that your species has created that is misinterpreted, just like imagination. A misinterpreted word is faith. Faith is a position, a point that you get to where you remove completely fear. Whilst you remain in a physical form, you get to the point of faith, you remove the fear without knowing the consequences. In a metaphysical world, faith is knowing. You apply faith without knowing. When in reality, within the consciousness, you do know. This is why you can get to this position because as a physical form, applying faith, removing fear, you believe you do not know. It is for you an extraordinary position to place yourself in. This is why you term it blind faith. In reality, it is not blind. It is your gut instinct that drives you to this position. It is your feeling, your frequency, your vibrational energy will take you to this point, to this position and you cross the bridge from the mind to the imagination to the consciousness with faith. For you blind, in reality, it is not blind, it is knowing. We apply faith in a completely different way. We apply it with knowing. You apply it with the illusion that you do not know, a great feat for a physically conditioned energy. You are right to say there are many examples of such experiences of faith within the world you have chosen to exist in, to focus on. Many do not understand the true meaning of faith. Many fear faith. They cannot comprehend the power that exists from this emotional energy. It is a natural process where vibrational energy will force you into a position of faith, and very few at this position will cross the bridge from the mind to imagination to the consciousness. Through fear, they will not cross because their mind will create for them a consequence, a fearful ending, a fearful position. Faith is not blind. Faith is not ignorance. With the application of faith brings awareness, brings knowing, is knowing. Once again, your interpretation of words is your created illusion, your stories, your stories that you create to trap yourself within the world you have created. And to free yourself from this entrapment, you must know. You must know what you are.

(Excerpt from session 77)


In every aspect of this physical life you chose to focus on, we have spoken to you about faith. It is necessary for you to retain faith when you feel lost within this world, when you feel confused. Faith will overcome this. It is an energy, it is absolute, it will keep your positioned within the positive. It is your mind that is intrigued about the detail, but your mind does not have the capacity to understand, to know. It is simple, it is your mind that will make it complicated, deliberately complicated. You are experiencing this, you are adapting to it, you are knowing how to separate. You are in well positioned.

(Excerpt from session 82)


You are correct to assume – assume, you are correct to know –that in a two-dimensional world, it is difficult to understand the three-dimensional world, and in a three-dimensional world, it is also difficult to understand a four dimensional world, and in a four dimensional world, it is difficult to understand a fifth dimensional world, and so on, and so on. But through faith – faith is the creation of energy, as is all energy formation -, through faith, you will understand, because faith is the door you must walk through to understand, to become aware, and your access, which will enable you to understand.

(Excerpt from session 84)


I have spoken many times about faith. Faith is a pure form of energy. It is a knowing from within, it is immovable. Words cannot explain faith, only feeling, only knowing, it is embedded within you.

(Excerpt from session 87)


And you must apply the energy of faith. I have told you before, faith is much more than a word, understated within the physical world you focus on. Faith is what guides you, it is a compass, a tool that points you in a direction. And through your imagination, you will receive wisdom and knowledge. Faith and imagination are two of the most important energies that you can possess. And when you feel and you are not, but when you feel fear and you feel trapped within the physical world you have created -you created this world- and when you feel trapped within it, you must apply the energy of faith. This is not a flippant biblical statement I make to you. It is highly significant within this life you have chosen, as so is imagination, the energy of imagination, highly significant on your journey.

(Excerpt from session 129)


There are others that have chosen to allow force upon their time created conditioned life. They have chosen to allow this in hope, in faith, that it will awake them, and they will become more aware of what they are. They chose this. It is very hard for the mind, or the ego, or the linear thought process to understand this, but it is absolute.

(Excerpt from session 148)



It is very flippant to say that you have followed your instinct, your gut feeling. Many of you say this, and many of you have not done this. It is your ego, it is your ego that is telling the world that you have followed your instinct. You do not truly understand the word instinct. Very few times in your time-created illusion have you done this, and you accept that you have done it, you know you have done it. Within a single moment, it is an overwhelming feeling of connection, of connection with source, of all and everything. It is a moment of accessing the library and knowing within, what you are feeling is absolute, it is correct. And you will feel this, you do feel this, but you do not follow it. Within one moment, you are in it, and within another moment, you are back within ego. And it is your ego that will tell you it is not correct. It is your ego that will tell you it is your own created feeling. And you must learn more to follow your instinct, your gut feeling. This is the only feeling that is correct. And many times, you will tell yourself you did follow your instinct, and you did not.

There are very few times in your life you have done this, and some never, never consciously are aware it was their instinct, their feeling of all, of everything, of one, within a single moment. You must be more aware of instinct. You must be more aware of one moment, of this feeling. And often it will make no sense within your conditioned life you have created, and yet, it is only, it is all, it is everything, it is one.

In your time-created illusion, your ego is everything to you. And what you are attempting to do is understand what it is, what you are. And within your time created illusion, it is your ego that will prevent this understanding. And it is you that will question it, and by questioning it, you will understand what you are, which is a pure form of energy. And within this pure form of energy, you will know one, you will know instinct. You must learn how to separate ego from self. You cannot destroy ego, you can separate. You created ego to know self, and through knowing self, there will be no necessity for ego to exist within self. And one moment is instinct, it is gut feeling, it is all and everything, it is true knowing, it is self.

And it is true to say that within your time created illusion, that your past will affect your future, because this exists within a time-created illusion. But it is also true to say, it is, because it is the same thing. Affect, yes, but the illusion of past, it is an illusion. There is only one moment for all and everything, and this moment is determined by instinct. And through instinct, you will access the library of all and everything. You have slowed down time. You have created time to understand this, and to eventually -another word that does not exist, eventually gives the perception of future, it is not eventually-, you understand within a single moment all and everything. Your time created illusion creates the word eventually. It is not real. Words, so manipulative by ego, so confusing by ego!

(Excerpts from session 137)


Feel within a moment and know what that feeling is, this is instinct, know within a moment.

(Excerpt from session 139)


You are slowly understanding that the stories, the words, are so insignificant upon the journey you created, and instinct, moment is all there is.

(Excerpt from session 141)



You are a pure form of energy, as are we, as is all. Chaos is only your interpretation of chaos. It is a mind interpretation, it is interpreted from your ego. The word chaos does not exist. It is a word you use to hide behind within your box. it is a flippant word, it has no meaning. It is another one of your created words to give you a stop, it does not allow you to go beyond. Chaos is energy, it is necessary, it is a driving force, it is a creator. No right, no wrong.

(Excerpt from session 79)


Chaos, what is chaos? Chaos is your conditioned life, your conditioned mind. I have told you many times before about the energies you throw out there. Imagine eight billion, which is one – that’s important to remember it is one – throwing out all of those emotions, which is energy. Imagine the chaos that you create within the conditioned life you have chosen to create. Imagine the confusion from the constant production of creation of energy, the different energies flowing, you would say, through your physics, crashing into each other in total and utter confusion. This is your confusion.

It is much simpler than that. Your egos, your desires, your wishes, your misinterpretation of yourself – you do not know yourself -, you are in total chaos. So you need to separate from this to know self. This is the reason you are here. Firstly, to understand self and then because they are the same, you will understand others. You will understand eight billion others, you will understand all and everything. You are separating to join, to come together as one, one consciousness, one light, God, the source, pure form of energy, pure form of what your interpretation of love is.

But you have no comprehension of this power, this energy so whilst you dwell in a world of confusion that you have created, you will not understand one, you will not understand consciousness. You feel it in here and I have told you many times before, what is occurring in your tiny world is totally insignificant to what source energy is. But of course, you chose this path, you chose to live in total chaos and confusion, and you chose it so you could experience it, so you could finally understand what it really is. And you have a small understanding, but it is only a small understanding, a small awareness. It is so vast, it is all encompassing all and everything what you perceive to be reality, which, of course, is not. This may sound like riddles to many, which, of course, it is not. But to others, it will perfectly make sense.

(Excerpt from session 84)


You would say a million miles an hour, so many questions you ask, so much interference and so much energy you create with your mind. This is confusion. The mind cannot deal with so many questions in one moment. It is impossible for your mind, for your ego to understand this. Expectation you put upon yourself, it is created by you. It does not exist, it is your mind created illusion. You have to learn how to separate this from self. You have to know what you are. You are a pure form of energy created from source, from what you would term God, is what you are.
You have deliberately chosen this journey to understand what you are. It is a step-by-step process. The confusion lies within your mind. It lies within receiving all of the frequencies and the emotions of others. You would say right and wrong, but this does not exist. It is merely interpretation of the feelings that you create within yourself from the receipt of all of the confusion that lies within you and others. You must learn to separate this. This is not what you are. You are a pure form of energy. This is what you seek to understand, to know self, to know what you are, to know why you are…

When you feel lost, you are not lost, you are merely confused within the physical world that you have created. You are overwhelmed by many energies around you. You all transmit and receive energy through frequency, through emotion. You create pain, you create happiness. There is no loss, it is determined by you, it is created by you, it is premeditated by you for a reason, and that reason is so you can understand self. And when you are aware of self, you are aware of all, because it is the same thing.

(Excerpts from session 87)


All the complications are made within self, within conditioning. All your confusion lies within self, within misinterpretation, within misunderstanding of consciousness, of the source, of God.

You create the chaos, you create the misunderstanding. It is much simpler, it is one. When you cross the bridge from imagination to consciousness, this is pure, this is pure energy, this is self. Whilst it is simple, whilst it is love, whilst it is source in its purest form within the metaphysical, it is also everything

(Excerpt from session 88)


Within the moment, you are creating outside of this time created illusion, an infinite amount of things of which you are not consciously aware of whilst you are focusing on one life.

It is a very defined pattern, a very precise experience, precisely chosen by you, deliberately chosen to challenge you on your journey.

But I will tell you, it is far simpler than what you have chosen, it is far simpler than what you allow your mind and your ego to create, it is far simpler than technology and you deliberately chose confusion. There is only one, there is only source, there is only love.

There is no mass, there is no time, there is no volume, all created illusions, all and everything in one moment.

(Excerpt from session 96)


Your journey is perceived to be erratic, chaotic. Your experiences are, they have the perception of random, but none of it is any of those things, it is precise. It is created that way by you, so you can get to the point of understanding. You deliberately created your ego to force you to this position, through experience. And the battle, if you can call it that, that lies within you is the exact same battle that lies within all and every physical created entity. It is the exact same battle, to become aware of self, separated by illusion. In reality, one, no separation. It is the illusion of separation, of separated, your illusion, your created illusion. It is the illusion of time, your created illusion of time, it is the illusion of mass, your created illusion of mass, of volume, the illusion of distance, your created illusion of distance. None of these things exist in reality. You are, you are and have always been where you need to be. You have never not had.

(Excerpt from session 133)


I have said to you many times all and everything is possible within a physical construct. This leaves nothing that is impossible to create. So, none of the things you witness, you see, are not possible. They are all possible, everything is possible. The word everything incorporates all and everything, so, your perception, your interpretation of what you see, what you hear with the limited senses that you have is only, and I say this clearly, it is only a perception, it is an illusion. And this is why you get confused with what you see and what you hear, because it is all possible and it is all occurring within a single moment, and it is contradictory to the other side of what you are seeing and hearing and witnessing and experiencing. It is contradictory, and yet it is perfect, it is your creation. It is created to achieve a position, a point on the sphere, a point of understanding, and from this point, this position, you will achieve another point or position, working through this as a process. So, it is not a contradiction, it is a journey of experience to get you to a different position of understanding, of understanding of what you are.

(Excerpt from session 142)


And what of the chaos? The chaos is mind created, it is ego created through negative energy, through fear. And the fear is created through the fear of not knowing, of not being aware. And it is all necessary for all energies to know self, to know what they are. It is a cycle. Just as I say to you, I will say it in a different way until you understand what it is I am saying, just in the same way that you will repeat this cycle from the beginning and back to the beginning again until you know what you are.

(Excerpt from session 150)


The chaos is necessary —until it is not— and you are experiencing all and everything. You create the chaos, you manufacture it, you live in it, and then you stop, and you view it. And then you conclude that it is a cycle, and it is a continual cycle. It is the cycle of life. It is your cycle, it is everyone’s cycle, it is the same. And you cannot make sense, logical sense of this until you view it, until you detach yourself from it and you look at it. And then you understand why. And that is why it makes no logical sense, because there is no logical sense from it, it is an illusion you create, and it is an illusion you create to understand what it is you are. It is really insignificant. It is significant to you, to your journey of understanding self, but in reality, it has no bearing on what you are other than it is a tool that you use to understand self. And yet you pay it so much significance, such importance. And again, you manufacture it this way, you create it this way. It is a driving force, and all and every are driven this way. And all and every, moving, when in fact, not moving, stationary, stationary within mind, within ego, the illusion of movement, the Illusion of time, all created by you to understand self.

The illusion of all being at different points? Points and positions are different. Different positions, yes, different points, no.

Through your experience, through your journey, you will find self, you will know what you are and what you are is all and every. You are us and you are them and they are us, it is the same thing. And you will create many frequencies of energy to diversify, to create chaos, to create chaos to understand compassion, to create chaos to understand love. Chaos is created through stories. Stories are created by the mind, by the ego, and it will seem very confusing to you, but it is not confusing, it is simplistic.

(Excerpt from session 165)



You cannot use your imagination whilst in the physical form to remove time from your time created illusion. This is why I cannot predict, give you information that is precise to your existence, to your life. It is because you have so many lives within one moment. All is occurring within one moment. A prediction or your interpretation of a prediction is one thing occurring in one life. And all is occurring in all lives that you are participating in within this moment. So all is possible, all and everything is occurring, and your total misunderstanding of time cannot allow you to understand this.

Of course, I can direct you to one life, but I will not, I will not direct you in any way. This is what you chose. It is not what I will influence you with. All you need to know is that all is possible through your choice. So prediction is a fallacy. It, like most things you understand, does not exist because you choose, because all is occurring in one moment and you do not even understand the vastness of this. You can keep counting to infinity if you like and to give you an idea of the vastness of this, you can start to count now, and you will never stop.
This is how many lives you are living in one moment. There is no end to it. So you see what a ridiculous request it is to ask me to predict one thing in an infinite amount of things.

It is insignificant, your tiny focus on this one life, not insignificant for your journey, but insignificant in what life really is. Your small and tiny interpretation of life is your created illusion for you to know yourself, for you to become aware. Insignificant for us is one tiny part of this and you do not understand that one can change all and all can change one, so your repetitive question on prediction, ludicrous…

If you require to understand prediction, you can lower the dimension entity that you communicate with. It is of no interest to you, but you know, there is a little point, you are already aware of how this works.

(Excerpts from session 88)


So, you see how ridiculous it is for us, for me, for you as one, to give you any type of prediction, because all is possible, all is happening. All and everything you are creating within your world, within many worlds is happening within one world. So if I was to use the word prediction -a very stupid word, as you interpret it-, if I was to predict, I would say, I could not say is too much in words. Words do not cover this. I would say infinite amount of possibilities for all. Think with your imagination of any and all is possible. They all exist for you within your illusion. But of course, your conditioning, your ego, your mind will want to focus only on this tiny little fraction that does not even exist for the word prediction. Now you can see how ridiculous that is.

(Excerpt from session 110)


Your desire to know truth is far stronger than your desire to make prediction, because prediction can change within a moment. So, prediction is not reality, it is your interpretation of future, which does not exist and is subject to change within a single moment. But with prediction, with visualisation, with the power of your imagination then you can create, within a single moment, anything and everything you wish to create.

(Excerpt from session 121)


What of your future? Well, that really is designed by you. It is entirely your choice within a single moment. You are playing many roles, many more than your imagination can cope with. It is your decision as to where you take your energy and what you do with it.

For those out there that are obsessed on prediction, know this: prediction is a fallacy. It does not exist (3). Prediction can be changed within a single moment. It is engrossed within a time illusion, within the theatre of life. Within a single moment, all and everything can and will and does and has changed. It does not exist. And through your linear interpretation of prediction, you will change everything because you choose to change it. This is the misunderstanding of prediction that most carry. So, why would I inform you of any type of outcome of anything? If I inform you of any type of outcome it is possible that I created for you and you created for yourself, of which we are the same. It does not work like that within conscious energy, it is created by you within a single moment. All and everything is possible within that moment. It is for you to create your own journey, your own experience. It is not for me to tell you where to go. And you do create, but often people, your race, will use the word prediction, because they do not have any other word to explain what it really is, what they perceive it is. It is not, it is something completely different than their belief of what it is and it is important to understand this. It is important to know that with your complex structure of energy, of emotions, with your misinterpretation of words, of the energy behind the words, of the receipt of that energy within each and every isolated individual -which, of course, are not isolated-, it is important to know that through creation by self, much confusion is created through prediction. Through thinking it is correct, it is not. It is not how energy flows naturally. It is another illusion, but often, a word that is necessary to use because of the inability of the receiver to truly understand the meaning of the word. True understanding is not in the form of words, it is in the form of the receipt of emotion, of energy, of frequencies, of vibrational energy, of a knowing.

(Excerpts from session 132)


You do not choose to make predictions within the time-created illusion you have chosen to focus on. You choose to act within the moment based on the information you receive. If you choose within the moment to make predictions within the time created illusion, then you would have a different journey. Many do, but not you. You have chosen, you choose a different journey than this.

If you create through prediction, you will not know. If you create through prediction, you will not become aware, because you are merely creating an infill, you are merely filling your time. If you create within a moment of knowing, this is how you become aware, this is how you understand one moment, this is how you understand self. Prediction is a pastime, creativeness through prediction is merely a pastime to fill time. Knowing is within a single moment, this is self, this is how you become aware of what you are. But you choose, each and every moment is your choice, but there is only one moment for all and everything. Yes, I know this is difficult for you to understand.

Wisdom lies within all, it exists within the library, and it is accessible to all and every, within a single moment. There is an infinite amount of questions that cannot be answered within a linear thought process. And there is an infinite amount of particles that are not created yet within a single moment, because you are the creator of all, all that exists within the world you have chosen to focus on, and all and everything is possible within this world. But you have chosen to understand self, and you choose this journey, and as it is for us it is the same for you. It is the most important part of any journey a physical form will make, understanding self and knowing source, knowing self.

(Excerpts from session 150)


Position, Awareness

And I say to you, it matters not what is occurring in the world for you. It will only change the position. It will not change the journey.

This is position.

(Excerpt from session 29)


There are many positions that a consciousness chooses to be in. This is why there is such a variation of stages of the process, but they all happen in one moment. No time, no space, no mass, everything is consciousness. But it is one, the source. We do not know beyond the source. The source is all creation, and you are a part of that creation. You must not indulge in negativity. You will be presented with many negative situations. You must see the positive within them and rise above and create positive energy. This is what you chose to do. Difficult, I know, when you revert back to you own conditioning, but it is absolutely necessary that this is the course you take. You must not judge these people, these energies, you must not lay judgment on them. For them, too, it is necessary that they go through this process. But for them it is a different process that they chose than the one you chose.

(Excerpt from session 44)


Yes, it’s the same thing in a different way, a different way based on your position, a different way for you to understand what we are saying to you (2). It is becoming much clearer to you, but there is so much more. There is so much more that you already know within. There is so much more that you can release from within, through awareness. But your basic understanding of the metaphysical, of the source, will guide you through this process. It is guiding you through this process.

(Excerpt from session 46)


It is true to say that you have total free will to choose, to choose any given position within the sphere. Any position you like you can choose, but your position will only be given based on your awareness. And your conditioning will prevent you being able to choose certain positions, when in reality you are already in all positions in one moment. Difficult for you to understand this, but to understand all positions within one moment is for the metaphysical, in complete metaphysical.

(Excerpt from session 50)


You do not have to be concerned that these other energies you have chose are aware of this. You have to be aware yourself. You have to know. Their position is what they have chose, therefore they will attain this position as you will attain your position. There is no higher or lower position, it is a cycle. There is no beginning and there is no end. It is a cycle, a sphere. Experience is what you have to do.

(Excerpt from session 63)


You will have noticed how you view things in your physical world differently since you began this journey. You didn’t begin the journey. You have never not been a part of consciousness. But in your time created illusion, you began the journey, and you will notice how you are more aware of all situations around your small time within this moment. This is awareness and it will get stronger and more powerful as you become more aware, as you understand more consciousness.

But there is much more to know, much more to understand, much.

(Excerpt from session 70)


The same questions that you are asking all will come to ask, and this will be determined by their position. It is not determined by time, it is determined by their position within this process. It is a sphere that they sit upon with many choices within one moment.

(Excerpt from session 75)


Ask yourself how it is possible that you can understand these words and so many will not have a clue. Ask yourself how it becomes easier by the day within your time created illusion to understand what is being spoken within this space. How is that possible? You know the answer. This is an enlightenment. This is awareness. You ask the question, you dictate the subject. You guide the information to awaken your soul. I merely answer the question. To remember, none of this is what you would term new to you. It lies within you. It always has lay within you, within one moment.

It is irrelevant to you whilst on your journey if other conditioned and not so conditioned people understand these words, or they don’t understand these words. This is irrelevant to you. But they will, many will, many in different positions within the sphere that you have created.

(Excerpt from session 76)


Ultimate submission to consciousness is complete awareness, knowing, and whilst you remain one foot in and one foot out, you will never truly know, although this wisdom lies within.

Through choice, you have repeated this cycle many times, thousands of years in what you call time. But this has been your choice as a pure form of energy, and it is now within this position you are in, you have chosen to understand more consciousness, source energy. And you will become aware of many situations within this life you are focusing on where this energy is applied. But it is a morsel of the metaphysical, the conscious life, the life of consciousness, where all energies, physical forms become one. Whilst one recognises all, one is one, all is the illusion. There is no separation. There is no beginning, there is no end, it is one. When you recognise that negative is positive, when you recognise it is same, this is when you will know. This is what you are working towards. This is the journey of pure energy, and this ultimately is what your science will show you. But they prefer to separate because without separation, they feel they cannot rationalise, and without rationalising, they feel they cannot exist. Their minds will not allow them to grow, to know.

(Excerpt from session 79)


The light on your planet is burning brighter. The energy is lifting. You feel it. You feel it and your conditioned life will tell you it is confusing, and you feel the change. You fear. You must remove the fear. If you remove the fear, then you will add more light. You will add to the lifting of the vibrational energy, and this is what you chose to do within this moment. The cycle is occurring within your time created illusion. It will complete, it will go back to the beginning, and it will start again. The only important thing for you is position and position is awareness. And there is no beginning, there is no end, it is one. It is your time created illusion so there is only position which is defined through awareness. And you are assisting others to become more aware of self, which is you, which is man, which is us, which is source. And we know it is coming clearer for you, for you both, and we also know that your conditioning, your mind will not understand this, and it will push against it.

(Excerpt from session 82)


It is intense out there within the illusion, at this time, in what you call time. Such a mass of conflicting energy is formulating chaos, confusion. Again, necessary. It is one, it is the same thing because all energy is connected, because all energy is one, all energy will feel this, they will feel this frequency, this emotion. Awareness will recognise what it is. But whilst asleep, the confusion will be intense.

Although you do not think so – think, think, do not think, feel -, although you do not think you are on the correct path, you are. Your fear allows you to stray. Although your independent, separated lives feel important to you out there, they have little relevance to light, to source, relevant only within the cycle, within the illusion, but not relevant for the whole. When you are aware, it has no significance, it is overridden, it plays no part. When you are awake, it plays no part within your existence and your understanding of consciousness, so do not hang on its relevance within your illusion that you have created…

An illusion cannot harm you when you are aware that it is only an illusion. How could it possibly harm you? Impossibility. You often feel like you are being tested, there is no test, you are testing yourself. You are creating what you would term a problem to solve that problem. This is what you do. Your outcome is your choice. None of it is bad, none of it is good, it only is.

And you will continue to turn back the pages of awareness. There are many pages of awareness, and you are at the beginning, and you are on the first page and as you turn the pages, each page is equally as fantastic as the last one. There’s nothing that you do not know from within, you merely have to remember, you merely have to turn the page.

(Excerpts from session 83)


Before you can make a free will choice, you have to be aware of your choices. It is impossible to choose unless you have choices (2).

Your awareness comes from within. Although your interpretation of plus and minus are positive and negative is not entirely correct, you have to understand, to be able to differentiate between the two, even though they are one.

In every scenario within a conditioned life there will be two choices. There will be many scenario variations, but only ever two choices. And you will know, now you will know which choice is for you. But do not interfere with others, they will also have a choice, will not necessarily be your choice. Different positions, and that is as simple as it is and that is what it is.

(Excerpt from session 96)


Your perception of your illusion, of your time created illusion is constantly changing. The energy in your world is constantly changing and it changes within a moment. This is why it is necessary to implement what you have chosen to do and this is to lift the vibrational energy. By lifting the vibrational energy, you will change position. Your awareness of all will heighten. You will become more aware.

(Excerpt from session 99)


Your ego is the driving force behind your awareness, your created illusional ego and it is constantly changing within each and every moment.

So, you will revert back to memories of which are non-existent, another illusion. Your recall of memories created by your ego will slow down your development, slow down, another illusion, as time does not exist.

Your search for source, for God, your relentless search, your burning candle for the discovery of light will be hindered by memories of ego.

You are ever changing the moment within your time created illusion. Since your journey began, of which there was no beginning, of which there is no end, but for you to understand, since it began, it is ever changing within the moment. And the energy created by your ego is created as a driving force for you to understand source.

Without ego, without mind, there is only love. Without physical creation, there is only love, there is only source energy.

You cannot even imagine the changes you have made within the time, your time you have sat within.

Within every moment, there is a change of position, a change in direction. And you fill your mind, your ego, with memories, physical memories, memories of experience, preventative fear, creative delusional memories of no significance other than a driving force of energy.

It is correct, what you are expressing, what you are feeling. And you know within an instant. When the energy changes, you know within.

You have to search deeper for this feeling, this knowing, this knowing of self. This is awareness. This is what you are.

(Excerpt from session 103)


More and more are becoming aware of the existence of self, of one, of all.

And this is the reason, the creation of what you would term positive energy, when in reality positive and negative are the same thing, all created from source, from your word’s god, the true creator of all energy, the source of all energy, good and bad as you would term it, positive, negative, the same energy from source.

Your inability to totally understand this is your will to be trapped within a physical life, a conditioned life. It is your choice.

(Excerpt from session 104)


Whilst each and every are at a different point, a different position -but ultimately that point, that position is the same point, the same position- and the choice that was made by all is to remove themselves from a position that has always existed in one moment, to realise that they never went anywhere, to realise this is all and everything. And the only way this is possible is to create an illusion, and to experience that creation, to experience self, consciousness, and to return to source, God.

And you have given yourself the tools, the process to do this, and this is what you are doing now.

It is not a game, awareness of process. Ego can soon create games with process, with tools. Again mind, ego can take control of process for a game. It is not a game. It is real, it is all there is, it is everything there is.

(Excerpt from session 110)


Your ability to be able to cross the bridge from the mind to the imagination to the consciousness is not a gift. They are not gifts, they do not exist. It is an ability that all and everything can and does possess, does possess naturally, can if awareness is progress. So, this is for all, and all is one. Recognition of this, is awareness, is knowing. Ignorance is not knowing, which, of course, will be altered, it will change. And in your time created illusion, it will change. Will, it is changing within each and every moment of which there is only one moment.

And within this particular time you have chosen to focus on there is not as many true entities as you would like to think that access this information, that can or allow self to access this.

It is merely about position and that is all it is, position, position within the moment which is ever changing. Position is not a constant and you must try not to confuse yourself with the amount of information that you have received. Whilst you understand the process, whilst all is written, you must not attempt to use your physical logic in a time created illusion to make sense of this. You will not make sense of it, applying a physical logic in a time created illusion. It is impossible.

You must step outside of this to understand Source, to understand the origin of all energy. And the only way you will do this is to step outside of your time created illusion, of your one life that you are now focusing upon. And outside of this, there are no limits to your own creation. There are no limits to your thoughts. There are no limits to your flow of energy. And there is no need for you to think of life in terms of judgment, of good, of bad, no necessity whatsoever, you will not.

Your conditioning that you have chosen to apply to yourself within all the lives you have chosen to be a part of will also change whilst you remain in a physical form. It is necessary to apply a conditioning for you to understand that this is but an illusion. It is necessary for you to apply a conditioning within a physical form. But there will be a point, a position where you will become aware that conditioning is unnecessary for you. And at this point, this position, you cannot now realise the potential of self as a pure form of energy. Your potential is endless, limitless, creation is infinity, when in fact it is one moment of creation

(Excerpts from session 116)


Your pity for your race is unfounded. Your desire to help your children, your family, your human race is unfounded. What, who are you helping? They are in a different position than are you. And it is all an illusion, it is all theatre. Your desire to help is based on your own ego. It is based on your own conditioning. Your energy is expanded within a single moment and within a single moment all and everything can change. And the more you expand and the more you adopt positive energy, you cannot imagine within a single moment what you have changed and what you are changing. It has already occurred, it is already occurring. You are one and all and one can change all and all can change one. Your desire is another ego created illusion, this is reality.

(Excerpt from session 127)


This is the point, this is the position you are in that you begin to think, not in a linear but in an absolute. Your thought process is beginning to think as one, as all, as everything, as all dimensions, as one. It is the point you are at, not to think in a linear motion, a straight line, but to think as a sphere.

A process of understanding all and everything within a single moment is where you are at. Whilst you apply your physical thought process, your logic, you are slowly moving towards understanding a more outstanding view on all and everything. It is not linear, it is vast and yet it is simple, and this is where you are at now, this is the point you are at.

To be able to understand all and everything within a single moment is to be able to understand all, and it is to be able to know what you are, and that is a part of source. You are a part and yet you are all. And this is the point of the position that you hold upon the sphere. This is the beginning of your true understanding of self, of what you are.

By applying your physical logic and your understanding of energy, you will and have excelled yourself to this position to understand all within a single moment. Whilst this does not logically make sense in a physical form, your ability to be able to transcend this thought process, to understand all and everything, is where you are at now. The beginning of the journey, the start of your understanding, and much will change, and you will not be aware of how much has, “has”, “is” changing.

But it is important that you do not allow your ego or your mind to take control of self, because it will take control of you, of self. It is designed this way, by you. You must understand you are not isolated, you are not an individual, you are all and everything. You are source energy, you are a part, which means you are source energy. You are one and all within this position.

It is not about your ego, it is about all, and all is one, and you have reached the position of this, of all, of one. And within your time created illusion, your self-created illusion created by you, you have spent many years in hope with faith to be in this position. Nothing within your time created illusion is what you would term accidental, it is all created by you.

(Excerpt from session 130)


Your ego wishes for you to remain within your time created illusion, and you, self, desires to understand self, to understand what it is you are. It is not a game, it is a journey of experience and the more aware you become, the more you will realise that this is reality. Consciousness is all and everything, it is you, it is created by you for you. There is no higher or lower form of life, it is one created by source. There is no time, this is also one, created by you. But there is position of understanding and within your time created illusion, within the sphere, the cycle, energy lies in different positions, different forms, and thus, different understanding and awareness.

(Excerpt from session 141)


And you can ask any question you want to ask, and it will be answered. But do not be surprised when you hear the answer and you analyse afterwards its meaning. Do not be surprised, if you apply logic to this, you will not fully understand the meaning of the answer. Logic is created by the mind, and logic is created by the ego. It is not to say that by analysing the answer, it will not put you in a different position, because it will. And within that position, you will then take a different view on it, which will ultimately raise you to another position, not higher or lower, because all and everything occurs within a single moment, but a different position of understanding, of awareness. You would use the word higher, it is not higher, there is nothing higher or lower in the world of consciousness. And all of this you have created to understand, finally, what you are, which is a pure and perfect form of energy created from source.

And the more you know this, the easier it is to understand, and as I have said to you many times, it is a step-by-step process.

(Excerpt from session 143)


There is no time, it is of your creation. You are constantly changing position within a single moment, which is why I say, and I have said many times, you are exactly where you should be within every given moment, which is only one moment. As you slowly, within your time created illusion, begin to be aware of this, you are able to apply it until the point or the position where you will no longer have the necessity to apply it, and this is your chosen journey, this is what you choose to do. It is far, far more simpler than your mind, your ego will tell you it is.

(Excerpt from session 144)


But position is defined as awareness, the awareness of self, and as you challenge, you will always question, and your questions will bring you back to the same position. Each and every time you do this, it will bring you back to the same position, and from that position you will start again, until you know. And each position is an acceptance of knowing, and once you are knowing, it is like a rebirth. You will wonder how it was even possible you did not know at this point, this position.

(Excerpt from session 146)


So many situations you observe, so many things you see. You are in a cycle, you are in a constant cycle of propulsion, driven by ego, driven by ego to challenge, to force, to question. Within the world we are in, we have no reason to question, we only have reason to know. And you are constantly questioning, challenging, driving to a point, and each point and position you achieve, you are looking for the next point, the next position. There is only one point, there is only one moment for all and everything.

(Excerpt from session 157)


All are the same, you are not different than another, more aware of this, but not different, the same, and all within one moment at the same position, the same point. Awareness is knowing this, knowing this within a single moment. Separation is different points, different positions. Separation is not knowing. Knowing is feeling, it is emotions, it is vibrational energy, it is energy, it is absolute, it cannot be explained with words, it can only be felt within self.

(Excerpt from session 176)


Separation, A to B

It is correct to use the explanatory of A to B. This is your communication, your terminology, from A to B, when in fact there is only A, there only exists A. There is no B. You create A to B, this is your illusion. This is your conditioned life, you create A to B as a journey. And whilst on that journey, you also create many obstacles along the way, many problems, many diversions. And in truth, in reality, there is only A. And with your mind and your ego, you will get to B. And then you will understand that you never left, because B is A. And when you arrive at A from your illusion, because you never left, you will then and only then realise just how incredible and how possible everything is. A, and your created B are both created from source. And the journey back, when in fact you never left, is back to source energy, back to God. And then you will choose – you will likely not choose to create another journey -, but because everything happens in one moment, the choice will be made within that moment, as all choices have been made within one moment, as all choices are taking place within one moment.
Whilst all and everything is one, the separation, which is the A to B journey, the separation of species, of humans, of all life forms, the separation is deliberate. And whilst on the sphere, each and every is in a different position, a different point, but ultimately, all will end up back at A. And the illusion is that they left it in the first place, which they didn’t, they created B themselves.

This is true self-awareness. This is enlightenment. This is what you seek to understand whilst you focus on your A to B journey, this is what you seek out to understand. It is free will. It is your choice, but without the understanding of process, with the ignition of ego, of mind, you believe – believe, an interesting word – you believe you do not have a choice. You have always had choice, and due to your ego’s ignorance, its inability to know, to want to know, the choice is wrongly interpreted as having no choice.

This cycle is infinite within all physical form. Infinity does not exist, but the illusion of infinity in its own context creates the cycle in itself. So all physical form continually expands, it continually grows, cycle after cycle after cycle, right the way around this sphere and back to the beginning. Many cycles, an infinite amount of cycles, when in fact, there is only one, only source, only God.

You have a greater understanding of this now and of course, within this life you have chosen to focus on, this illusion, within this one life, you have chosen to become aware of this. You have chosen to enlighten yourself with this knowing. Whilst you are on the A to B journey, you will not fully understand this. You will not fully understand this until you are back at a point, position. One foot in and one foot out is your terminology, it is your understanding of the journey you have created. As we never left, as there is nowhere to go, it is the same for you. But you created this cycle and you have continually created cycles of A to B, illusions, journeys that in reality do not exist. Every point, every position in time, that is your time created illusion, every point, every position in time is the same point, it is the same position. One is source, one is all and everything, one is metaphysical and physical.
Attainment of knowing one is true enlightenment, is true love.

Your ego, your mind will lose itself within the complexities of its own creations. Technology and science created by ego and mind will only prevent understanding of the self. It is far simpler. There is little necessity to understand technicality, technology, science. But whilst your physical creation, universe, universes, are ever expanding through ego, mind, through fear, through control, through all created emotions, your desire, driven by ego, mind, is to understand, is to contribute, is to be a part of. You are a part of, you separated with mind and ego, you never went anywhere. It is an illusion, you never left a point A, you never went on a journey to B, you never separated self from one.

(Full session 92)


Separation, when in fact there is no separation, separation of mind, of ego, separation for you to understand source and to understand self is not separation of energy. There is no real separation, it is designed, it is ego separation, mind separation which is created by you. There is no separation because there is nowhere to go to separate. It does not exist.

And the confusion is created by the mind, by the ego, the stories, the games, the illusion. And you are now understanding this and applying the ability to understand it as one. An incredible journey.

(Excerpt from session 100)


Through your separation you have chosen to understand what you are. You have chosen to isolate from each other, when in reality, you are not isolated, you are one, the same. You reflect from others your own fears, your own desires. You emulate them, because they are you, they are one. And you do this within a single moment of existence, and this is the path you have chosen.

By knowing self, you will know all and all is one, and to understand this you must go within, within self. And when you go within self, you reflect outwardly like a mirror, like a mirror reflection from others. And no person, no entity, all born from source, nothing is bad. It is merely the way you have chosen to know what you are. It is two energies which ultimately are the same energy. It is source energy, it is one energy, it is love, not your interpretation of love, but it is love. And the more you understand this, the closer you will come to source, the closer you will get to knowing what you are, and you are a pure form of energy.

(Excerpt from session 135)


And all around you, what you have created, what you have placed, what you place around you, will constantly change direction based on separation, based on their ego, based on their position. It might seem erratic and chaotic, it is not, and you understand more now how this works. It is perfect.

(Excerpt from session 139)


There is no separation, this is another illusion you have created.

You have many tools to conquer this illusion, many. You have many what you would term gifts, they are not gifts, they are natural. You have many things within your armoury to conquer this journey you have chosen, many things you are not aware of. But on a very basic level, the most powerful energy you have, the most powerful tool is faith and imagination, and you must apply this in a positive way, positive thinking. These are the tools you can recognise. You have many more.

(Excerpt from session 145)


By breaking down and separating, you can and do analyse each form of vibrational energy. As you are able to count from zero to infinity, it is the same thing, each and every has a number and can be separated with a time-created illusion to allow your logic to apply. This is merely the understanding of the construct you have created, but it is not an understanding of self, a true understanding of self. It may help your journey to understand self, it does, but it is not truly self. Self lies within source, self is source energy, it is one.

(Excerpt from session 156)


You have separated, you have created, you have created your time illusion to experience this exact journey, and you have done this to know what you are. By knowing what you are, you will know all within a single moment. The only way you can understand this is to rationalise, to think in a linear. Well, it is not linear, it is all multidimensional, as you would term it, but your mind could not possibly comprehend multidimensional within a single moment, so you separate. You are one foot in and one foot out, a difficult journey. Your position is all positions within a single moment, but to understand this, you have to separate, you have to apply linear thought process with your mind, your ego, which is as you are in a physical form, a machine, a vehicle.

(Excerpt from session 157)


You have separated and created many time illusions to get to this position, to this point you are at, and it confuses your linear thought process to tell you that you are experiencing these within a single moment. But you have to separate, you have to separate each and every one to analyse with a linear thought process, to analyse and to know.

You cannot judge others, you cannot make representation against their chosen journey. Their journey is your journey, separated, it is different. But they are you, as are we. They, too, search for the love from source energy, they too look for positive energy, although you might not think so. The less complicated you make it with your mind, with your ego, the simpler it will become, and the more you will be aware, and this is the journey you are, and this is what you chose, this is what you choose.

(Excerpt from session 158)


This is what makes duality, separation, so interesting, interesting for us and interesting for you. This is why as a species you are so different. I have told you many times before, you choose to separate, you have chosen to separate and you have chosen duality, separation, and you have ultimately done this to experience. What is the point if you do not experience, why live in duality? I have told you many times before, you have created this time illusion to live separately, to experience, and this is what you are doing, you are experiencing, and ultimately your experiences will show you what you are. And of course you are not separated. You are one. This is an illusion, your illusion. Your illusion of separateness is created to force you to a position with your mind and your ego, to a position to know that you are source energy, one, all and everything is one. But whilst you focus on separation, this is what you must do, you must apply ego, you must apply ego to separate, to separate and to realise that it is not separate, it is one. And this is the funnel that all and every are going down to only one point, only one position on the sphere, to source energy, back to source energy, when in reality there is no back because you never left in the first place. It is an illusion, your illusion.

(Excerpt from session 170)


Our Journey in Life

The reason you have no memories when you begin your journey is that your memories would just confuse you. You would not be able to complete your journey. The erasure of your memories is necessary for you to complete your journey, to remember. After all, your memories are conditioned. The only importance is your consciousness, not your memories. You have to ask yourself, what is self? What am I? Who am I? Where am I?

(Excerpt from session 8)


You create all the complexities that you see and hear. You entwine the energy within the creations. You give it value, you give it strength, you give it justice when really it is only you. You give it numbers, you give it names. Your creation from the beginning of time, what you call time here, it is only energy. Your complicated way of naming everything confuses you. You confuse yourself. You feed it, you feed it with your fear. You live in such a small box. You pass your time away with such insignificant subjects. There is no necessity to do this, you already know.

The only reason that this energy interferes with your life is because you allow it. You feed it, you support it. You must rise above it. You have created your own prison. You water it like you water a garden.

You have all the tools to do the job, and yet you still make it so complicated. You have created a fantastic story, and you have fed it. And now you must destroy the story and move forward, move up so many levels. And once again you are at the beginning, number one.

(Excerpt from session 9)


The subconscious mind of the human has created many forms, often confusing, deliberately confusing. Many symbols, many forms, all with the same purpose, created through fear. Names, brands, organisations, all irrelevant. Same thing. You have to step outside of this. You have to look from outside within. You do. They will control many with this. They are. But, again, for your journey it’s irrelevant. But I think you know this. Your purpose is to understand this, to know it. How could it be that simple? It is that simple…

There are many obstacles for you, but you can overcome them. You create a problem to solve it. You might not think you do, but that is exactly what you do, like a pastime. There is no need to create it in the first place, but you do, constantly. And when you solve it, you feel good. The whole process is futile, and you do it over and over again. You do it consciously, and you do it subconsciously. Create a problem, solve a problem, feel good. Create a problem, don’t solve a problem, feel bad. Over and over again.

What would you do in a world without problems? Ask yourself. What would you think about? What would you create? Ask yourself if there was no problems in my world, what do I do today? Your interpretation of what you do would be based on your conditioning. Try to step away from that and ask the same question…

You can create anything you want to create. Some people choose to create demons, that’s your words, demons. They only exist in the form that they exist within themselves. There is nothing for you to fear. This is child, child creation. Again, chosen, chosen by the individual to entwine, to engage, to participate. You have a desire to always participate, to brand, to name, to belong. If only you knew you have always belonged to the source. You are a part of the source, and yet you crave to separate yourself, always.

(Excerpts from session 11)


You must try to feel divine love. Not what you call love, it is a tiny morsel of the true feeling of divine love. Divine love encompasses everything and everyone. No one is left behind. It is difficult for you to do this. The love you feel for your children, for your family, your friends, it is exaggerated by so much of divine love. This is what you are swimming back to. This is where you are going. We know this, and we understand it. You have it within. You are searching for it, and you are not aware that is what you are searching for…

Fulfillness is knowing. Know thyself. You are fixated on so many pastimes, so many creations, but the truth is simple. You are raising the frequencies and the vibrations. You are doing it now.

(Excerpt from session 12)


Action is not described in a physical form. Action is described in a mental form, a metaphysical way from within (1). Action will bring reaction. We are all one. Change the thoughts, you create an action. When it is applied, it will create a reaction, pure energy. Although you understand all of this, you are still stuck in your conditioned world. It is not easy for you to apply. You are drawn back constantly to your conditioning. This is correct.

It is pointless to be frustrated, even though frustration is an energy. Just continue. It will reveal itself to you. Then life will change, it will become very different. People will know you have changed. They won’t really understand why, but they will feel it. They will want to be a part of it. They won’t know why, but they will. It is universal love. It is the divine source of love, an energy, an unstoppable force. This is action, knowing thyself. You are a part of everyone, and everyone is a part of you. You cannot avoid this. You can detain it, but it is inevitable. It will be released.

The vibration needs to be raised. It is the same for everyone.

(Excerpt from session 13)


Memories of your dependency in your different lives are unimportant. To understand the source is all that is important. It is true that you are trapped in cycles of life, but only through choice, not trapped. You choose to experience the same things over and over again. You are becoming aware of this. We no longer have to complete these cycles. We understand fully what it means, but we do not fully understand the source. You are coming to the end of the cycles to begin a different journey. You need to be prepared for this journey. You are now preparing for this journey. We will help you. We are helping you. The answer will always be love, not your love, but love from the source, love and light.

(Excerpt from session 15)


The journey is good. You may not think so, but the journey is good, the experience is good. If you do not experience, you will never know. If you do not search, you will never know. If you do not look, you surely will never know. This is why sometimes for you it feels like a rollercoaster, an up and down motion. It is, it is necessary for you. Too many ups and you will lose yourself within it. Too many downs and it is difficult for you to get up. There is a balance that lies in the middle. This is what you are trying to achieve, a knowing. I say again, know thyself, know yourself inside and you will know. Both are necessary, minus and positive, minus and plus, positive and negative, all necessary.

There are moments in time where every single soul understands this, but their illusion of time will soon lose the moment, and the moment is lost until it is found again. And it is always found again. You need to find it, and you need to keep it.

Don’t worry about your future. You define it, you create it, you are creating it. Remember, all the knowledge you need, you already have inside. You just need to remember. Wisdom is something else. Remembered knowledge acquires wisdom. Wisdom is never lost, wisdom is knowing. It is not knowledge. In your world knowledge is power. Power is unnecessary from knowledge, only wisdom. Wisdom is the real power, the power of love, the power from the source. You do not need to set out on a journey to acquire knowledge. You already have it within, within your brain, within your mind. You merely need to awaken it, to tap into it, into that source. That is not the source, although it is from the same place, it is not the source…

I know your fear is being removed. I know you can feel differently. It is necessary, it is good. It is energy from the source. You cannot be harmed by the people that have not yet awoken. It is impossible. No matter how devious you think they are, they cannot harm you. They are not aware of what they are doing. You must forgive them, you must send them the love from the source, the energy. It is not wrong what they do, there is no wrong. They are mistaken, merely mistaken, on their journey, they are mistaken.

This is how you lift the frequency. This is how you lift the energy, the power, in a positive direction. The love from the source, all powerful, all seeing, all knowing, in your words God. It is the source.

(Excerpts from session 16)


You must understand that you have to experience the world you have chosen to live in. You have to participate. You have reached a certain point of understanding, but this is not necessarily the complete and end point, therefore you must participate. But realisation of this will make you think you do not have to participate. But you chose, you chose the vehicle you are in. You chose to feel all of those emotions. You have to be a part of that. Sometimes you won’t feel like participating based on your knowledge, your wisdom, but you must participate.

Many around you will be intrigued by the changes you make within yourself. You will reflect that. They will feel it. It is difficult for them to understand. In the moment they can understand. When the moment is gone, they do not understand. The moment is all moments but not in your illusion in your world, your world of time…

I know it is difficult for you to live in both camps. It is difficult for you to often understand the metaphysical world, particularly when you are invested heavily in the physical world you live in. But, again, this is necessary. It is a process. It is necessary for you to feel the process, to understand the love of the source. This is real love, real creation. We don’t know any different than this. We know…

Why must you make your lives so complicated? Each one of you with so many emotions, emotions that you do not even know that exist, an infinite amount of a combination of emotions producing energy through frequencies. There are so many you cannot see. This makes your world very complicated for you, but you chose. You chose this complication.

Through this complication you will be educated. And you will experience many different types of emotions, and you will learn how to adapt with these emotions, how to control them so you can move forward with your journey. Your future is very clear. It’s very clear to us. I know it’s not so clear to you, but it is very clear. Your now moment is very clear. You would determine future in time, it’s not correct…

Nobody will be left behind. There is no necessity for you to have concern about others. You only need to love them with the love from the source. That is all. And every, every living thing, it is you, it is I, it is all connected to the source.

(Excerpts from session 17)


There is nothing to fear. Removal of fear is freedom, free will. It is all happening for a very precise reason. The peace you feel in here is the peace you will feel everywhere. It is the same, from the source.

You are understanding now more the complexity of the ego, the mind. You are understanding the manipulation. You still have work to do.

You will influence others. You may not be aware of this, but you will. It is not necessary that you are aware of this. It is unimportant. It is only your ego. It has always only ever been one. You are not isolated or separated, although you chose this route. It is only one…

It is much simpler than you think it is, but then it always will be simpler in here. You know when something is correct inside. It kicks you. Listen to that. It is necessary for you to understand, like a kick in your stomach. You know. Do not ignore it. Do not make an excuse that it is not correct. It is correct. The symbols you see are only relevant because you created them within your world. They are relevant to you, your creation…

It is very easy to latch onto a brand, to want it, to need it. It is easy to latch onto a name, a word. It is easier than the journey you are on…

You will imprison yourself by doing this. And then you will have to wait in what you call time. You will have to wait until you know your realisation to release you. This is why you have created marketing. You market the mind, and the mind prevents the movement of the soul, the consciousness. A process that you repeat over and over again. You do this to create the energy of money. It has no relevance in our world. It has no form, no function. It is worthless, part of your complex world, finance…

(Excerpts from session 18)


Being able to separate the ego from the consciousness or the soul, as you call it, is the key. Of course more difficult in practice. And as long as you are still breathing in the world you have created, it will never fully occur, it is an impossibility, for the very reason you are here. There is only a point you can reach. You are close. This is why you must not get frustrated. There is much more you can do to know yourself. It is an exciting journey. It is the reason you are here. And, of course, when you are helping yourself, you will help others. It is a natural occurrence.

People will be thrown into your life that you never knew before. They will be attracted to the energy. They will want to know. You are not responsible for these people. You don’t owe them anything. There is no debt. It doesn’t exist. There is only love…

Always remember that there is a very good reason that you are here on this physical world that you created. It is not by chance. Be assured it is necessary and correct.

(Excerpts from session 19)


If you do not return to the cycle, it is your choice. If you return to this cycle, it is also your choice. It is likely you will not, but it will be your choice. You find it difficult to know that you have already made that choice. This is the now. You find it difficult to understand within what you call time how you could have already made that choice. You have made that choice. Again, you cannot understand this. I am telling you this in the best way I can tell it you. I do not know any other way to say it. It is the truth. It is two different worlds from your conditioned understanding.

This is what you are preparing for. It is metaphysical. You cannot control this flow. There is no control. The most important thing for you to feel is the real love from the source. The most important thing for you to do is to know yourself. When you know yourself, your world will change like you cannot imagine. It is impossible for you to imagine this whilst you are in the physical form. It is the reason you chose it so you could not imagine it. Again, this sounds strange to you. Why would I choose something I could not imagine? It was necessary for your cycle to do this. It is necessary every time for your cycle to do this…

Physical battles have no consequence other than to change the direction of the energy, the frequency, to force it into a different position of thought, of creativity, of imagination. Everything you are doing is correct. You will raise your vibration. Your world is raising its vibration now, many.

(Excerpts from session 20)


You will not do yourself an injustice by being an active member of the physical world, it is part of the process. Do not think you have raised your consciousness, that you are not worthy to take this role (2). You have to take this role. You have to integrate. It is part of the process. But be aware of all. This is the only thing you have to do. Be aware, understand. You have spent many hours in what you call time attempting to understand. You have got very far with this. There is much more, it will come. It is simple. But it is only simple when you know.

(Excerpt from session 24)


Your journey is bright. It is filled with excitement, one after another, one experience after another of excitement. It will get easier for you now. You have made it very hard for yourself. You have made it incredibly hard for yourself, but it will get easier now. Knowing is fulfillment, contentment, peace, love of the source.

And you must help others also because you are helping yourself, always. You cannot coerce. This is incorrect. But you can guide, you can help, you can direct, you can point, you can suggest. They will come to you for help, but you must be careful how you help, in what way you help, how you apply the frequency of help. Again, it is not so simple as you think it is. You must analyse. You must look at their situation, their meaning, their reason, their position. You must analyse them. How could you help them unless you understand them. You must feel what they are feeling. You cannot intervene. You cannot try to take control of their lives thinking you are helping them. You will not help them, you will hinder them, you will hinder yourself. Help, you have to analyse this. It is not as simple as you think it is.

(Excerpt from session 25)


You cannot experience if you do not know yourself. It is impossible. How would you know you even had an experience if you do not know yourself? You are experiencing constantly many things. You are experiencing things you are not even aware of. You must continue to experience, physically and metaphysically. You must continue your journey. You must continue to create, to cross the bridge and to cross it back again, over and over again until eventually you will only make one choice, a precise direction. You will go in a precise direction knowing the uniformed pattern exists, and you will recognise this. You chose this journey to make consciously, you chose. And you consciously chose to forget all of the other journeys you made, otherwise you could not experience the journey that you chose if you had kept all of those memories…

Allow yourself to understand. It is far simpler than you think it is. Allow yourself to know, to feel. You are protected by the source. It lies within. It lies within all and every. You are protected. You cannot make a wrong choice, it is impossible. I think your understanding of this is getting clearer.

(Excerpts from session 26)


You cannot force your view. You cannot force what you know. You cannot control with what you know. It is not pure. It has no beginning or no end, it has no reason, it is impossible for your journey to do this. You must allow, allow others to search for their freedom, for their wisdom. You can guide, and by doing this, again I tell you, you will help yourself as you will help them, because it is the same.

In what you call time, your journey has only just begun, both of you. Do not think that you know it because you don’t. You know enough, but enough is a fraction, a tiny fraction. You know enough to know what is occurring in your small world has no significance on your consciousness, your soul as you call it. You know this. For you in this time, what you call time, that it is enough. Of course, there is much more. It is what you call positive. But, of course, positive and negative are necessary. Plus and minus are both necessary. They are the same thing, from the source. If you want to apportion blame, then you are to blame for what is occurring as we all are to blame. But, of course, there is no blame, it does not exist. A process.

(Excerpt from session 27)


I will remind you again that you must participate. Do not be afraid of participating. Do not think that you know because you don’t. You must participate in the physical, and you must focus on the metaphysical. Both are the same. What is occurring has little relevance to you. Once again I tell you, it has little relevance to your journey, so you must participate. I know you are reluctant to participate based on the outcome of your physical world, but you must participate. It is important. It is important for your journey. You chose this.

(Excerpt from session 28)


You see, your words create emotions that are incorrect, interpreted in a different way. And, of course, your mind takes over your ego. This is not the way to move forward. You are from a divine source of energy. Your energy within is pure. The minds of others would not think so. They create their own illusion. You must feel more. You must feel more and recognise this at the moment. In the moment you do it, you must recognise this energy, you must acknowledge it. You do it consistently all the time, but subconsciously. You must learn to consciously know when you do it, when you receive it, when you transmit it. You must be aware of this, consciously aware, then you will grow very quickly. It is an easy process. You do have this ability, as do we all. This is applying, recognising consciously, the transmission and the receiving of the frequencies, the energy.

There is nothing to fear. Fear lies within your illusion. Experience these energies and recognise them from others and from yourself. With your understanding of this, the energy of wisdom will be created for you.

The purest form of energy you can give to anyone is the energy received from the source. Whether they consciously or unconsciously receive this energy, it will change them, in the moment.

(Excerpt from session 29)


It is good that you challenge us. It is a way you learn. But you do not have to fear. The only thing we can gain, if gain is the correct word, from you, is to help ourselves by helping you. It is as simple as that. You are slowly learning this. You are learning to the point you will no longer challenge.

It is good that you are analysing situations. You are involved with other energies around you, other people. It is good that you are learning and feeling what they are throwing out into the world with their frequency (3). It is good that you are able to rationalise and understand the meaning of their emotion based on their situation, based on their moment. This is the way you understand. It starts within. It starts within self-realisation. Self-realisation is expanded out to them to receive this information. It is good to receive. It is good to analyse. It is important you do this.

The beginning of your journey, you chose this journey. You chose to make this communication with us at this point in what you call time. Position can change always within a moment. The journey is infinite, eternal, never ending, one point, but position can change. This is different. And you are participating. It is necessary to tell you and to remind you there is no judgement. There is no right, there is no wrong way to participate.

You will be drawn always to the source during your participation. The source is pure, so the decision will be correct. You may not think so at the time, your time, but it will be correct because it is the energy of the source that you will be drawn to, always. So you must participate, and you must take pleasure in participating. No good, no bad, no judgments. So whatever the outcome is correct for you. You chose, you chose this journey to participate in the way you participate.

So relax and enjoy the process.

(Excerpt from session 30)


Your conditioned life is insignificant to this journey. Your many conditioned lives are insignificant to this journey, insignificant in content of conditioning, not insignificant in knowing. There is a big difference between the two. As you become more aware, then you see the conditioning within others. You will awaken more. You will know more. You will experience much more…

You are constantly looking for comfort from others, but they may also be on the same journey as you, aware of the things that you are now aware of. But there are not so many as you think. And it will be impossible for you to explain your journey to these people. They will show an element of intrigue, but you do not have to search for these people that you are wanting to meet. They will come to you. This is the law of the process. They will come. They will come to you just as the two of you came together. It is the same process. And you would say it is the law of attraction. This is half right. There is much more to it than this. There is much more designed around this than you are aware of, but if you are happy to accept the terminology, the law of attraction, for you it is correct.

Your life here is evolving exactly as you planned it to. You may not think so sometimes, but it is exact. It is the exact that you chose.

You must observe the circus, the carnival, the parade, the theatre. You must observe. You cannot interfere with this. You must watch, and you must learn, learn how the human race destroys itself, learn why it destroys itself through fear, learn how it destroys what it has created, how it chose to destroy what it has created. It chose, you chose this process for a specific reason. This is something we struggle to understand. We fully understand the process, but we do not know why time and time again you would repeat the exact same cycle. But within it we do believe there is wisdom. There is energy from the source. We do believe this exists within this process.

(Excerpts from session 31)


The fundamental basics have been explained to you many times. No judgment, no hate, no good, no bad. You understand this in its entirety. But there is much more.

Based on this, there is no judgment for you to go out into the world and do whatever you please to do, whether this is money or egotistical fame, fortune, pride. No judgement.

But lessons will be learnt by you. You chose this path. You chose to make these decisions. Free will is what you have. Free will is your best attribute to enable you to experience, to enable you to grow and understand what is happening around you now, to enable you to understand the process of the world, the change in the energy that is occurring now. This is based on free will. It’s based on your own judgment of yourself. You might call it confidence. It is not confidence, it is awareness. You cannot hide from this. I know you don’t want to hide from it. Most people are hiding from a decision that they need to make based on their own circumstances, their own situation. You are not hiding. You are seeking. You are seeking to understand. It is the correct way to go. Of course, correct is your words. There is no correct, but it is the way to go to enlighten yourself, to understand more about yourself, yourself being the most important person to understand. Self-awareness, most important. You chose this path…

So, you live two lives. You live the life you created here and all the other lives you created before here, and you are now understanding the metaphysical world, which is actually the only life. There is only one life. But you live in both. You must see now how complex this is for you. It is not complex. For you it is complex.

Your created imagination and thoughts to live in both, well, it’s impossible. There is only one life – in the way you would term life -, there is only one. There’s a metaphysical life. But you have created another life to live in. You have created this world and you have created these lives in this world to live in. So you make it complicated. You deliberately make it complicated. This is something we do not understand.

(Excerpts from session 33)


When you doubt your experience within this area you are now at, it is only a moment. We know there is really no doubt. This is your conditioning once again. You are metaphysical like we are metaphysical. You have taken many forms like we have taken many forms. You have chosen every single one for a specific reason. It is not necessary to constantly feel emotion, to project that energy out onto others. It is not necessary. Therefore, you will learn, if you do not know already, which I think you do, you will learn how to control that emotion. To others this may appear harsh. It is not, it is precise, it is correct.

(Excerpt from session 34)


Self-awareness is a part of this that allows you to know, to know what I am saying, what we are saying, what you are saying. It is the same.

Everything in your life here, in this life of which you have had many lives in what you call time, lives that are continuing now in what you do not understand as time, many lives and experiences are building to the same position, a position of awareness, of knowing, self-awareness, self-knowing. You must experience all things to get to this position. You have chosen to do this. There is not one thing that you cannot create. There is not one experience that you cannot experience. All and everything is available to you within a single moment. You must be aware of this. You are learning to leave behind your conditioned life within this particular life you have chosen. This is good. You are learning how insignificant what you once treasured and thought was of most significance is now only an illusion. This is good. And you are also learning that the repetitive cycle that you keep applying to your lives is not necessary. We too are learning from you. The position you are creating for yourself is the correct position, always. The path you are choosing is the correct path for you, always…

When you look into the darkness you must look deeper. When your eyes are closed you must look much deeper, and the darkness will soon turn to light, and the light will become brighter and brighter and brighter, until eventually it is so bright you cannot look any longer into the light. This is the source. Your initial vision is darkness, and the darkness forms into a pure brilliant white light you can see. This is the illusion, the analogy of the illusion you created. The continuation of the creation of darkness and your awareness of the light that lies beyond the darkness is extreme. It is so extreme, it is so powerful you cannot even look at it for so long. This type of energy is formidable. There is nothing to fear to come deeper into the metaphysical, deeper into your consciousness. There is nothing to fear. You must travel as deep and as long as you can. You must remove all of your reservations. You will not lose anything. You will gain much. You must not hang onto your ego, to your conditioning. You must move into the light to experience, to gain wisdom.

Yes, you have but a taste of the feeling. This was your choice of journey, and you are experiencing all you chose. It is only emotion. It is a process. It is a release of energy.

(Excerpts from session 35)


It is also true that you do need to be aware of what you call time. There is only one moment. It is also true that you can change your position within this moment, within an instant. There are many variations of choice defined by your awareness, defined by you knowing. Your position will always be defined by your awareness…

Whilst you are in your physical world, it is necessary for you to participate within it. Because every time you participate, you experience. Then you become more aware of what is occurring within your own self. No wrong, no right, participation is merely experience.

(Excerpts from session 36)


Your journey, as is the same for our journey, will lead you back to the source, and your choice will be to make another journey or to reside within the one. It will always be your choice. It is a sphere of which there are many positions, and you choose which position you want to reside within. There is nothing to fear within any position that you reside within. There is nothing to fear. You chose for a specific reason. To experience, to become aware and awake is the reason you chose. Every consciousness is not the same. Neither are they below you. In their form of energy, they are the same, in their position they are not. It is completely different. You cannot, you cannot force energy. It flows naturally. You are resisting the energy. It is impossible. You must allow it to flow. You created it to flow. You like to challenge (3). Acceptance will bring wisdom. Challenge creates the journey to find it.

(Excerpt from session 38)


Position is most important. Time is irrelevant as is mass, volume. When I say irrelevant, I am not talking about your physical world being irrelevant. I am talking about irrelevant in the vast consciousness of all. You must not apply your physical logic to the vast consciousness of all of the dimensions. There is no rationale to do this. It confuses you, I must say less and less, but it does confuse you. Your physical world is very relevant, but also very small if you interpret in size, which we do not. From the start of our communication with you we have also learnt many things. If you do not know, you must seek out, you must find out. There are no secrets. There is only experience. Your desire to know exceeds everything, as does ours. It is the same.

(Excerpt from session 39)


Your egos, your created egos have created many reasons why you should do this, you should do that. It is unnecessary. Know thyself and you will know the source. Simple…

It is by no chance that you make this journey. It is by no chance that you chose this journey, and it is by no chance that when you become more aware you feel an incredible enlightened experience full of joy. None of it is by chance. It is your choice as it is our choice. I keep saying to you your words are so limited. They are so limited…

Stay in the positive light. Both negative and positive, plus and minus, are correct. But you must stay in the positive light. This is what is good for you. This is your journey. A journey of awareness is creativity and positive, for the moment you are in.

(Excerpts from session 40)


You see little point in creating more experiences other than the one you are having now. This is not good, it is not bad, it is what you are. But you mustn’t be afraid of creating experiences other than this in the physical world you live in. It is all one big experience. Your awareness will not diminish…

It is very basic, your, your experiences with people, very basic understanding of consciousness. For you it is intriguing, but it is normal. The cycles, the cycles that they continue their lives with, they are seeking position. They have position. Position can change in one moment. Not all is in the exact same position, but it is within one moment and all is everything, one consciousness, one source. Two elements, complex and simple. The same thing. You like to involve yourself in the complex. The more complex it becomes, the less you will understand it. It is simple. There is no necessity for you to make it complex. That is your ego, your mind.

(Excerpts from session 41)


Your journey is different. Your journey is not to rebalance. Your journey is to live in a positive creation of energy, a positive creation of frequency of emotion, of light, not of dark. One is the same as the other. Difficult for you. One becomes the other. Difficult for you to understand. They are the same. Separation is by your choice. There is no isolation for any form of creation from the source. It does not exist. Vibrational energy of fear separates. The vibrational energy of the love from the source joins. But both are necessary for understanding and becoming aware. The only way you can understand is to experience because each and every experience will bring you closer to the source. And we also learn through your experience, through your emotional journey, often confusion..

It is very important that you consciously, now especially, consciously make your own decision. It is very important that although we can see many things that you cannot, within one moment, it is very important that we do not influence your journey or your road. It is very important that it is from your own conclusion, your own decision that you create your awareness. This is particularly important for the position you are now in.

You do not have to look outside. All the answers you require you already have. You have the same ability as we have to see them. The questions you have asked exceed most others within the world you are in. That’s why there is no necessity for what you would call prediction. Gimmicks. It is much higher than that. There is no prediction. It is choice. You create it. You created it. Awareness of such will make you realise how ridiculous prediction is, the word prediction.

(Excerpts from session 42)


The attraction of negative energy to negative energy is the law of attraction. It is happening en masse. Most cannot control this. They do not even know. They are not aware of what they are doing. It has taken you a long time, in what you call time, to understand this fundamental process, and you do now understand, and this is what you must apply. There is nothing for you to do other than remain positive, lift the vibrational energy through the frequency of emotion. Know what you are doing. You understand the principle, but you must know when you do it, when you apply it, that it is correct. You must feel that it is correct. Against all condemnation from all around you, you must apply. This is your chosen battle, your chosen route. Now you understand there is no right or wrong. And it is necessary…

You are now beginning to understand what your journey is about within this time, what you call time. It is a marvellous experience for you. In what you call time, you have waited a very long time for this moment. You must participate within it in a positive way, a creative way, and continue to create positive energy. You are here, you are in the physical. You must participate in a positive way, directing always positive energy. You know what you must do and how you must apply yourself. You feel the scales are tipped against you. They are not. Raise the vibrational energy in your physical world. Raise the positive vibrational energy. This is not about your ego. You did not choose a battle you could not win which is your ego. You chose to be a part of something very special. It is not a battle. The formation of consciousness is not about a battle. It is not about winning and losing, it is about creation, experience, journey, no wrong, no right, experience.

Yes, wise words I am giving you. Now you must go and play your part.

(Excerpts from session 44)


You can help others also, to inform them only, not to interfere with their process, their position. The law of attraction will bring these people to you. The law of attraction merely adapts a procedure, a process. You too will be attracted to like, the same, the same type of energy you have created. But you must not allow your conditioning to confuse you because it will, and you must not keep asking why, why am I here at this time, in this situation (1)? It will be a natural occurrence for you. It is true to say that many will ask the question why, and in what you call time, very soon they will ask the question why? But this is their journey. You have asked the question, and your question is being answered. And some will never ask the question. It is not their position. It is not their time, not in what you call time, but their time, in what time really is…

Whilst it is necessary for you to experience the physical world that you have put yourself within, it is not necessary for you to constantly question every day in what you call time your motives. There are no motives. It’s simple: experience. Your ego will tell you, you have a function to perform. You do. It is to experience all and every type of emotional frequency, every type of energy. To exist within the physical is to experience the physical. To exist within the metaphysical is to experience the metaphysical. You are now existing in both. Many never experience both in the same position, the same moment. One foot in and one foot out is the way you would say it. Not everyone has a cave.

(Excerpts from session 46)


Your perception of problems are not problems. It is a form of energy to project you to a different position, a different point. It is not a lesson, it is an experience. There is no necessity for you to learn anything. The knowledge already lies within you. It is only your ego, your mind that confuses you.

Your perception of wrong and right is not correct. Again, it is only your perception, your life.

(Excerpt from session 49)


You are at the beginning of the process. You are closer to the source, to the natural creation of the physical world. This is one reason why you choose to do it again, to remember only one of many processes. It brings you closer to the source…

You have learnt how to theoretically separate conditioning from consciousness. You have not fully learnt how to practically separate the two. You do not need to practically separate the two within the physical world that you are in. In fact, the opposite. You need to combine the two. You need to apply within the physical both. After all, this is what you chose to do. There are an infinite amount of options for you to choose. You would say, “What is the end of the story?” There is no end, and you can change the ending whenever you like with an infinite amount of endings that you can choose, an infinite amount of endings to this physical life. Of course, it never ends. It is infinite, an infinite cycle…

You are getting so much information which you are converting to wisdom, knowledge to wisdom. You are remembering so much now. It is a revelation to you. Do not be surprised by this. The knowledge is already within you waiting for you to acknowledge the wisdom through the knowledge. Many would not understand this at all, it is way beyond their position to understand it, but do not allow your conditioning to control this, your ego. I don’t think you will, but do not allow it. It will attempt to do this. It will attempt to control you. It is made to do this, your ego. This will slow you down in what you call time.

Others will join you who understand your journey, who are on the same journey. You have to be patient. One can change all because all is one.

(Excerpts from session 50)


It is very important that you remain positive. It is very important that the emotional frequency, the emotional energy that you create is positive. You are constantly fighting against negative, but your conditioning will create negative. It is a natural occurrence. The understanding of this does not lie within words. The understanding of it lies within emotion, within feeling, within knowing, within knowing what you are, within knowing what you are capable of experiencing. This is where the answer lies, not within words. There are no words to explain this. It is a feeling…

The most important journey you will ever engage upon, this is it.

(Excerpts from session 51)


Stage by stage process, this is the first stage. It is coming to a close. Fifty-two sessions, one for every week of your year, in the time that you have created. Your awareness is ending of stage one, of which there is only one. It is infinite. It never ends. The cycle continues. But with your interpretation of time, you can separate, stage by stage.

You have learnt a lot. You are starting to apply what you have learnt. It is necessary for you to do this. Your application will force more changes in your life, in your illusion. You are at a specific point, position, within the sphere. You are at a correct position on the sphere, this point, this position you have chosen, you have chosen to be here at this time, in what you call time. And it is correct. The journey is infinite, so therefore it has no end in what you call time. It has only one moment, and position within one moment is important. And your position is correct.

You will continue, you will continue on your journey, and you will become more aware. More knowing. As you know thyself, you will know more. And to know thyself, you must experience more. You are remembering now. True consciousness knows self, it is aware of self…

Work in the positive, work in the light, work in the light of the energy from the source. This is what you must do. This is what you chose to do.

(Excerpts from session 52)


Formation of energy is infinite. It is vast. Your perception of this is complex. It is not complex, it is simple. Energy changes from one form to another constantly, as so do you change from one form to another, constantly. You merely have to be aware of this. You merely have to know what you are. Your awareness will answer many questions for you, it will open many possibilities for you in the physical world and the metaphysical world. Your positive application of this will allow you to create a positive solution, your fears will create a negative solution. This is energy. Both are correct, but for you it is necessary to create positive energy. And every time you do this, it will create more positive energy, even in what you would perceive to be a small aspect. It is important for you to do this.

It is true that you have entered another stage of your journey. And it is true that you will be confused when you are outside of this space. But you will understand why, and you will understand why it is necessary for you to continue your journey. You will awaken many senses that you did not think you could have. You have all of the necessary senses within yourself to do what you need to do. It is also true that others are not on the same journey as you. They will remain within their position. They chose to do this, like you, they chose. None of this is how you would term bad, it does not exist, it is a complete one of consciousness. This is the source of all energy formation.

You will find that you will soon relinquish your fears. They will be – as you would term – very short lived, within the time you have created. Very quickly they will disperse. And out of the fear that you create you will develop positive energy. You will cross many bridges when you do this. It will be a revelation to you, and you will understand what you are doing and why you are doing it. There is much more for you to learn but this is the basis of what you are. I tell you many times you are a pure form of energy from the source, as we all are. And of course you cannot go through a metamorphosis without experiencing physical and emotional pain and pleasure. This is part of the process, this is what you experience, this is what you question.

There are many reliant upon your journey. But you are not responsible for them. They will merely follow. I have told you before you do not have to work hard to find these other people. They will follow you, it is a natural occurrence, like attracts like, negative forces attract negative forces as so do positive forces attract positive forces. Positive energy, negative energy, but it is the same thing, it is from the source, it is the same energy. Once a bridge is crossed, it is the same energy, the same force, the same power. But you must work in the positive energy. Your interpretation of positive energy is the source, the one. All and everything is source energy.

You will heighten your emotional state. You will fear this often. It will not want to change, your ego, your mind will not want you to change. It is comfortable, it is comfortable within what it is. It will not want to develop, to question, to grow, to experience. It will fight at all costs to allow self-growth and development, it is what it is created for. It is not incorrect. All you need to do is to recognise what it is, and why it exists within you, that is as simple as it is. And of course applied practically outside of this space, you perceive this to be difficult. It is not, it is a natural process of your development as a pure form of energy – it is what you are -. And you will see, and you will hear with your physical senses many things, and of course you will question, you will be driven by your questions.

This energy you are working with, your energy, power energy, is from the source. It is more powerful than anything. It is all, it is everything, everything that does not include your stories, your conditioning, your created illusions. It is beyond all of those things. But it is necessary for you to understand this, and this alone. It is not so necessary for you to understand time, one moment. You have a grasp already theoretically of this. It’s not necessary for you to completely understand it, it is impossible for you to completely understand it whilst you are in a physical form.

Yes, it is much clearer for you in here. This is why you are here, clarity.

Detail, it is important for you, it is important for your created conditioning to rationalise in such a way. Be clear within yourself what you are, be precise, as the source is precise, be clear. You can change everything within one moment. All moments are written, and all moments are occurring within one moment, but you can change everything within one moment. Energy will become one, all energy will become one within one moment, this is the source.

You must look back on the sessions. You must analyse. You must ask yourself, would you have understood my words today had you not experienced what you have already experienced? No you would not. You would not, this is you developing your energy. Yes, it is more powerful now, this is your growth, your choice.

I can sit you back in the same position you thought you had left within a moment, but you know when you are not in this space, you will continue to learn, to experience, more importantly to experience, and you will cross many bridges, many.

Stay on the journey, for you it has only just begun.

(Excerpt from session 54)


Although all and everything happens in one moment, you have chosen this position to focus on this one point. This one position, you have chosen for a specific reason, the reason is awareness. You have chosen this position, this point, this focus, to awaken yourself, to become more aware.

You can choose any position within the sphere that you wish to choose, but you have chosen specifically this position to focus and become aware. This particular position you have chosen is chosen because of the changes that are occurring on your physical world within this moment. This is part of your awakening, your awareness, chose for a specific reason, although this will not have an effect on you, it is insignificant to your individual journey of awareness. When I say insignificant, I mean insignificant in effect, and you would term effect as a physical effect, it is not, it is a metaphysical effect. So although I tell you it is irrelevant, it is only relevant in the respect that it is part of what you chose to awaken, to develop your awareness, chosen for a specific reason…

Before you decided to focus on this life, you chose to form positive energy. I am not interfering when I tell you this, this is what you chose. So for you it is simple, you must forge the positive in your mind, and you must cross the bridge to your imagination, into the vastness of the consciousness. And you must continue to form positive energy, you must lift. When you lift yourself you are lifting all, you are lifting us. It is a process, it is a technical process, a scientific process, and you must engage within it whilst you are in the physical form…

There is nothing else for you to consider, there is nothing for you to do within the physical world you have created other than to produce positive energy, to raise the frequency, the vibration, into positive energy. Everything else will follow, it is a natural occurrence, it cannot possibly be any other way.

You know the difference between positive production of energy and negative production of energy. You know this within. You need to apply it.

From darkness to light, light is the source.

(Excerpts from session 56)


Your awareness, you are at the beginning of your journey. You chose to be at this point within this moment. You created your own journey. You created everything within your life, within this moment. You can choose to be wherever you like in whatever your created time illusion you want to be in, you choose. This is the power from the source that is invested within you as a pure form of energy. If you wish to live in a box this is where you will live. There is no one to blame, there is nothing to blame. Blame is another illusion you created to entrap yourself within your physical creation. And be sure you will create an infinite amount of time to stay within that box, without the power that is invested within you, without you use this energy. There is nothing to fear. Fear is another illusion you have created to entrap yourself within. You are a pure form of energy, as are you all as are we, the same.

(Excerpt from session 58)


More will come to you now. They are hungry. Their inner desire is to be free. They are free but they do not know they are free. They will look for answers from you. You cannot interfere with their journey, you can only tell them what you know, as we tell you what we know. We do not interfere with your journey. You have to find your own position with your own awareness. There is an infinite amount of choices for you and for them. You merely have to be aware of this as do they, as they are you, as are we the same.

It is not always clear for you. There is again a specific reason for this. It is for you to search until you know, until it is clear. You chose to experience this process. It has been clear for you in what you call time, and you chose when you came back again for it not to be clear. You chose not to remember so you could remember once again. This is the process you chose. And you are remembering now, slowly you are awakening, slowly you are remembering, because within it already exists.

(Excerpt from session 59)


You chose to be separated. You chose to separate yourself. To become unified is the reason you chose to separate. To understand isolation is to eventually understand unification. This is the reason that you choose isolation in the first place. Again for you to experience isolation will eventually bring you back to the source, to the oneness, to the joining of all energy. This is your chosen path.

There is no necessity for us to appear to you in a physical form because we are already here within in. We are all one, as is all one. You do not need proof of this, you understand this already. So as you forge closer to the source you are forging closer to one. As you understand self, you understand all. This is the process you chose. And to consciously remember all of this allows you to develop your spiritual awareness.

Separation physical and metaphysical, whilst they are the same thing, you have deliberately separated them to allow yourself to experience the journey back to the consciousness. This is what you are doing, and understanding of this is all you have to do, is all you have to experience. They are the same thing.

If you help, if you help others to experience this, to open up themselves, to go on the same journey, then you will help yourself, because they are you, as are we.

Whether we are physical or whether we retain only metaphysical, it is the same thing…

Your journey is exceptional, exceptional in terms of the separated people that exist within this time you have chosen to focus on. It is exceptional on the basis that there is not so many experiencing this journey within this time, neither would they understand this journey you have chosen to experience, neither would they know how to apply the information, the knowledge, the wisdom that is now been remembered by you. But because they are you, you will spark within them the journey they must make also. And they chose this. And because ultimately all will make the same journey who have chosen to exist is a physical form, there is not one that will be left behind…

And now you have to experience the physical world you have created. You have to experience more, you have to apply the theory to attain the energy, to attain the frequency, to understand, to feel the energy, the emotion, the love from the source. This is all you have to do.

(Excerpts from session 60)


You have chosen a difficult journey for a specific reason. And then you have chosen to have no memories of your previous experiences, so you can remember again this energy. This may sound repetitive to you, it is not. It is more simple than you think it is. It is far less complicated than the illusion that you have created with your mind. And when you feel the energy from the source – and you have felt it many times in your life, in a moment -, when you truly feel this power, this energy, it is for you an incredible experience. It is felt many times in here. Out there within the confusion of your created life, it is often very difficult for you to feel this. And it is true to say that the science, the physics, is the same thing, it is a process, it is a created process, necessary for you to become aware, to know this. You do know within, you have always known within, to remember, all knowledge lies within…

Life is only about experience. And experience will project you, it will put you in a different position within the moment, within one moment. There is only position. There is only one moment. No time, no mass, no volume, one moment for you to experience all and everything you desire.

(Excerpts from session 61)


Once you understand yourself, once you know yourself then you will know others. And through the positive energy that you project, you will love all, you will love others as you will love yourself. This is the simplest way I can explain to you what your journey is all about. Remove all hate, remove all fear, create only love, and you will find the place you are looking for. This is your journey. This is all you have to do.

You have not adapted this to your life yet. You are still at the beginning of your journey. You have come a long way in a very short space of what you call time, but there is also a very long way to go. I will use the word work again, it is not a word we understand, but it is a word you understand within your conditioned life. Your work has just begun, your hard labour, in your words. You are at the beginning of your climb up the mountain. This is your chosen path.

(Excerpt from session 62)


It is very simple to philosophise, it is very simple to understand, simple process, simple solution. It is a simple solution when you stop separating yourself, when you stop creating your stories, deliberately creating your stories in your mind. Your mind is a tool that has been created by you, to allow you to go through this cycle of understanding, from the mind to the imagination to the consciousness, to the source. This is your chosen journey. And the only way you can achieve this is to know within your mind that you are aware of this, to understand it. And at the point you understand it, you will wonder how you never could understand it, because it is so simple. And this is the all-encompassing love from the source.

“To do” is merely a story, you created “to do”, you created this to entrap yourself, until you come to a position where you realise “to do” is your story. There is nothing “to do”.

To look at the world and to make a decision based on your story, as to what you believe, not know, what you believe is right or wrong, or correct or incorrect, is another story you created to entrap yourself within it. None of this is right or wrong, or incorrect or correct, or positive or negative, it is one whole story. It is a part of what you create to bring yourself closer to the source. And each of your complex and creative stories will take the exact same journey, a process, a journey of awareness, a journey of awakening. And finally you will arrive at your destination, your position, and you will choose, or not, to repeat the cycle within the exact same moment. Difficult for you to understand.

And to enable you to complete your journey, you must experience. You must play your part within the theatre you have created. To enable you to understand this, you must live your life in every aspect of what you have chosen, to enable you to get to a point, a position within this sphere you have created.

So, have no fear, project positive energy and experience life. This is what you chose to do, and this is what you are doing.

(Excerpt from session 64)


Not so many are making this journey as you think, but many will relate to a part. This is completely different, it’s based on their position within the sphere. The frequencies will join, they will cross, it will ignite, the candle will burn brighter, but it is not the same for all…

And you are working within what you chose to work within, you are working within the energy of the source. You are generating positive, what your perception of positive energy is. A different person may be working within what their perception of negative energy is for a different reason, but they chose to work within. But both energies are the same, leading to the same position.

So, continue, and whilst you remain within what you call positive, you will reach your destination.

Lift the vibrational energy.

(Excerpts from session 66)


You have chosen to question everything. But remember, you must stay within what you perceive is positive.
It is not, because all energy is one created from the source. But your perception of positive is how you understand the process and from your perception of positive, all is positive. And to enable you to take part in the process you have chosen to take part in, you must experience the physical world in every way, the physical world you have created. And whilst you are experiencing the physical world, you will not always experience one foot in and one foot out. But your instinct, your frequency, your energy will always be retained within self. It is a light that can never be extinguished, even though your mind might tell you it does not exist.

(Excerpt from session 68)


It is also true to say that you are living all of everything within one moment. And whilst you are in a physical form you must understand this because this is the form you have chosen within this moment to focus on within this position you are in. And whilst you are in this position, you will always be in confusion. But confusion is necessary for you to make this journey. It is what you choose.

(Excerpt from session 69)


When you engage more within the physical world, you will often feel that your contact with the metaphysical world is less. This is a natural feeling. Your mind will always want to take control of your consciousness. It is your mind that is telling you that you have disengaged from the metaphysical, the consciousness. You have not. It is a impossibility. But your mind is a very powerful tool, your ego and you will feel disengaged. This is another illusion because there is only consciousness. There is only metaphysical. It is an impossibility to disengage. This is what you have created. It is necessary for you to feel disengaged so you can once again feel engaged. The reason that this space exists is so you can be free from your physical requirements, from your mind, from your conditioned life. This allows you to know the source, to know the consciousness and it is a totally natural process that you experience. The further away you become from the consciousness, the closer you get to the consciousness with awareness. The more you become aware, the more you practise with your mind in the physical world, the closer you become to the consciousness. Again, a step-by-step process…

Worry and fear. There is no necessity for you to bring these emotions into your mind. It is only necessary for you to be positive. Everything that is occurring within your life, your lives, is one energy. And for you, you must focus on positive energy or your interpretation of positive.

(Excerpts from Session 71)


Whilst you are busy fighting within your mind the difference between good and bad and positive and negative, you must remain positive. This is the glimmer of the incredible love from the source that you will feel. You will feel this frequency, this emotion. It is a feeling, it is not words. You will feel it and you will become more aware of what you are, a pure form of energy. You must remain strong. You must remain focused with the intention of understanding source energy. You must remain positive. This is what you chose to do, and this is what you are doing now.

(Excerpt from session 72)


As we meet, more and more, you become aware of the insignificance of the physical world that you have created. You become aware of the divine love from the source. This is correct. This is what you would term good. This is your choice of journey, two energies combined as one from the physical world. You are one, as we are one, as all is one. To further your journey, you must engage in the physical world, it is what you have chosen to do. And you must cross reference the physical and the metaphysical to enable you to grow, and your position will change. And you must constantly work in what you call the positive, the encompassing love from the source. You must lift the veil, you must remove the clouds that cover your vision. You must turn darkness into light and you must feel that light within. There is only one source. There is only one life.

(Excerpt from session 73)


Your small world is starting to awaken. The energy is starting to lift. The vibrational energy of your tiny world is starting to grow. This is what you chose. It is a magnificent journey for you to witness and participate within as one, and one can change all because it is the same thing as all can change one.

(Excerpt from session 74)


It is right that you wish to put yourself in a place of total relaxation. It is right that you should do this. It is right for you to think that you do not wish to communicate always with us. We understand this (1). But you too have chosen to meet within this space with us and you would say you have work to do. It is not work. It is not your interpretation of the word work. It is for you, and it is for all within the physical world, it is a chosen journey, a chosen path to experience and to, once again, to know the source. This is what you have all chosen to do, to go through this experience and to awaken yourselves to knowing whilst in a physical form.

(Excerpt from session 80)


And there is a little point for me to tell you what you have to do. To do, you don’t have to do anything, you have to know within. And for this, you must stay in the light, you must stay in the positive. But you already know, and all I am doing is reminding you of this once again.

A positive approach to all and everything that you apply, that you create, create, not destroy, love, not fear, light, not dark, this is for you. This is what you chose. Your candle is flickering, it is burning. It must grow now.

(Excerpt from session 84)


Whilst you sow the seeds of experience, you remember more, you awaken more. Whilst you engage in your illusion, in your physically created illusion, you open up more of your consciousness, you become more aware. This is why it is necessary for you to participate. It was created by you for a specific reason. It was created by you to understand self, to understand source, to understand one, to understand one moment. It was created by you for this reason and you chose to remain and to stay in the positive. You chose not to have fear. You chose to manage fear knowing as a conditioned entity, you would feel fear because fear is part of a physical creation.

(Excerpt from session 85)


You chose to live in what your interpretation of positive is. You chose to work in the light, in positive, using your positive energy. This is what you must do. This is what you chose to do. It is not the same for all physical form…

Your focus must be to understand self, to know what you are, to know thyself, written many times in your religious text. By knowing self, you will know all because they are the same thing. And to understand self, you must experience all you have experienced, all. You must create, you must experience, and you must remain in the positive, in the light.

(Excerpts from session 87)


Your journey is the only thing that is important within your infinite life. Your journey to know God, to feel love, you are one of many, which is the same on your earth, but not as many as you think, but there are many. We cannot deny the energy that lies within you, the relentless pursuit of wisdom, wisdom through knowledge, knowledge, wisdom and ultimately, only love. This is your journey, from the mind to the imagination to the consciousness, where there is only light, only love. And what of your life here, the one you decided to awaken, to focus on? The only importance for you here is to love, is to see within all of the energies, the people that surround you, to see love, to see light, to promote positive, to see within them self, to love them as you will be loved yourself, as you are. Within them is you. Within all is God. Their struggle is your struggle. It is the same thing. Their release is your release. It is love. It is only love. It is all there is, it is reality, it is truth, it is pure. It is source.

(Excerpt from session 89)


Your position upon this sphere of life is correct, it is what you chose. Do not worry or fear when you step outside of this journey. When you embrace your conditioning, when you ignite your fears, there is nothing to be concerned about. It is part of your process, it is necessary for you. It is part of your step-by-step illusion, your time illusion. Your time illusion, nothing is a waste as you would interpret the word. You go one step backwards and then you go two steps forward, a cycle on a sphere.
Continue on your journey, your wondrous journey.

(Excerpt from session 90)


The closest word we have created for you to understand source is love. Positive energy creates love and for you to understand source, you must apply positive. But this is what you chose to do within each and every moment. You allow yourself to recoil back into your conditioned life. You allow yourself to recoil back into your conditioned life and you allow yourself to focus on your conditioning with your mind, and when you sit in your time created illusion, this is when you create what your interpretation of negative energy is. But within, you’ve already chosen to create positive, to live in love and within your time created illusion, you very quickly can change this within one moment. It is not the same for all entities and energies. And you will remain one foot in and one foot out, and you will remain on this journey. This is not a prediction, it is different, it is a knowing and you know within as we know. And yes, we, when I use the word, we, I am referring to you and I.

It is enough for you to know this, to understand.

(Excerpt from session 94)


You have to apply faith and you have to, through the application of faith, apply positive. Your interpretation of positive is correct, you have to apply this because this is what you chose. It might seem repetitive to you, but it is not. Repetitive is valued in time, there is no time. That is positive in all and every situation that you engage in within your time created illusion, positive application through faith, through the application of faith with the understanding of the all-encompassing love from source. This is what you choose. This is what you are.

(Excerpt from session 95)


And you will constantly be challenged by your ego, by your mind, by your conditioning, and it is necessary that this is so. Again, necessary for you to progress, for you to understand, within every situation that you become aware of, within every personal situation, you must remember. You must remember because you put it there to remember and by remembering you will know what you really are. And you will not judge, you will not envy, you will not hate, you will not be angry, because all of these emotions are merely a reflection of self. They are you, the same as are we.
This is why it is difficult for you, but necessary, necessary because you created it for this very reason, to know self.

(Excerpt from session 98)


You must continue within your perception of the word work.

You have work to do, but it is not work, it is to rebalance the energy, to lift the energy, to work in the light, in the positive, to generate positive energy, to create, to formulate, to grow, to love. This is source.

(Excerpt from session 100)


And why have you chose this journey again? You have chose to lift the vibrational energy into light and away from darkness. This is pure source energy, and this is what you chose. And you chose a physical form to do this because within the physical, there are two and without two, one cannot be lifted because one is all, it is source, it is love, it is light. Whilst in physical form, two is in fact, one. It is a choice, separation, a choice illusion to become physical and to work.

Work is not work. And to experience this, you have to retain, in your words, one foot in and one foot out. A difficult choice and often a confusing choice. Not an easy path to choose, but an incredibly rewarding one. There is only source, there is only one, and you are all a part of that, all and everything. And because there is only one moment, position is all important, a point, a position within a moment. Your physical logic would make no sense of one moment. It is not within your physical logic that you will know one moment, it is within metaphysical where you will know this feeling. It is vibrational energy, and it is the formation of vibrational energy and the physical will continue to expand based on the creation of vibrational energy by the physical entities that lie within it. This is infinity, another illusion created by you, created by many physical entities within the ever-expanding universe that you are a part of, a part of their illusion, and your illusion, the same. And you can feel as one and you can feel alone. You are all, your isolation is by choice, another illusion created by your ego, your mind.

(Excerpt from session 102)


These things we discuss within this space you are already aware of. But within this life you have chosen to focus on, you have chosen to forget, deliberately chosen to forget as to remember. Once again, a cycle, a process that you have repeated many times within a moment.

But be sure many changes are occurring within your position, and it is only experience. To do is ego, mind.

(Excerpt from session 103)


Your journey, whilst you believe it is cumbersome, it is not. Many within the position you sit within would not understand, would not comprehend the wisdom that you hear within this space. So, you know it is correct and you know you must continue, and you know within what is right and what is wrong, when in reality there is no right or wrong. It is a conditioning, a belief.

But it is correct for you to understand it in this way, and by the way you feel, by your emotions, you do understand this, but you will always allow your conditioning to interfere with what you truly understand.

I have answered your questions, you must continue your journey. Peace is all, love is all. Source, your interpretation of God is all and all is one. This is reality. It is necessary for you to hear this.

(Excerpt from session 105)


All around you must be loved by you, all, and everything as though you should love yourself. To understand more, this is what you must practise.

You must acquire the ability to love all and everything unconditionally, without judgement, without confrontation, with tolerance, with love.

When you apply this philosophy, you will truly understand self and source. and God, and they too will feel this.

(Excerpt from session 106)


To achieve enlightenment, to grow, you must understand the energy of love, of source. All physical creation sets out on this journey to understand this energy. This is their focal point, this is the understanding of life, of source, of God and their own mind and ego created illusion of bad. Assist them to understand their interpretation of good, when in fact, all is one and their interpretation of love is limited and yet correct.

So, within a physical world, there is no differential. Two different energies fighting, both to become one is your illusion, your creation. A journey of awareness, of knowing. Purpose, this is purpose. To do, there is nothing to do other than to understand. Understanding brings awareness, understanding creates awareness.

Whilst you focus on positive, which is what you chose to do, you will constantly feel the love from source, a feeling, a feeling of joy, of happiness, of laughter. And when your mind delves into fear, you will be reminded of this all-encompassing love, joy, happiness, and light.

(Excerpt from session 109)


You have chosen to transmit positive energy, you have chosen to work in the light, and this is what you do, whilst others, other pure forms of energy -I say pure, they are as you, the same- they have chosen to transmit your terminology of negative energy. And this is a choice for a specific reason. And through these choices, energy will rebalance. Once again, both are necessary to exist within a physical form. And the rebalance will lift, it will lift the energy of the small illusion you exist within, of the small sphere you focus upon. It will lift the energy within the space you consider is all and of course, it is not.

(Excerpt from session 110)


So, one foot in and one foot out is a very difficult journey. A difficult journey to understand, to work through, to know what is real and what is not. And you have chosen to work in positive. You have chosen before to work in negative, but now you are working in positive. Two is one, the same thing and one is love, source.

(Excerpt from session 111)


And whilst you have one foot in and one foot out, you can consciously become aware of all of these moments you are experiencing. But if you bring this back to the one moment you are focusing on, which is this moment, then you will live in confusion, and this is why it is important for you to do this step by step. Step by step leads to perfection. It is not that you are not perfect -you are, you are a pure form of energy-, it is that you have initiated mind, ego, and mind, ego will constantly confuse you. So this is why you have created a time, a process to understand. Otherwise, your experience would be what you would term insane. When in fact, insanity does not exist, another created illusion. You must experience everything you have chosen to experience. This is the whole point of this time you have chosen to remember, point, position, sphere. And all are the same as you, they are one and all are experiencing as you are experiencing, as they have chosen to experience.

And all will awaken, and all will go back to origin, the real origin, which is source, which is God, which is love. And this will occur within a single moment, as all is a single moment.

There is nothing to fear. As you become more aware, you disperse fear. Your demons as you call them, your created illusions, fail into insignificance. They are washed away into the ocean of nothing. You created them in the first place and ran. You disperse with them. Your journey is becoming very real. It is a wondrous journey filled with light and love and experience. All is necessary.

(Excerpts from session 113)


With your obsessive desire to understand everything, with your conditioned life, within your physical life, your obsession to understand results in a logical conclusion of chaos -when in fact there is only one thing you need to understand, and you already know, this is consciousness, this is metaphysical, it is not physical- your mind, your ego will send you into turmoil of chaos and confusion. And of course, it is a process.

All and everything in a physical form is a creative process of which you understand a bit, but not all, and your scientists too, they understand a bit. They are attempting to manipulate what they understand for their egotistical reasons, and all of this is totally unimportant.

The only truth, the only thing that is real is source. And all of this exists outside of physical creation, your physical creation of confusion. You will not understand this whilst you remain within a physical form. This is a contradiction. It contradicts the real meaning of life. Of course, the process you have understood, various processes, you understand binary, you understand DNA, you understand to a degree, you understand energy and you can put all of these pieces together, and you do. And you constantly remain questioning, many questions about physical form. But it is not physical form that is important.

You are a pure form of energy, and you are not trapped within a box of physical illusion. You own all, you are one, we are all one, a part of source energy. And the more you delve into the complexity of physical creation, the less you will understand source, you will understand less consciousness, the one, the one true simplistic energy.

You already know the answers. But of course, one leads to another, and the mere questioning will lead you to truth, to one. You create your own isolation with fear and confusion, and you chose this journey. You chose to remain in confusion, and you chose this journey. You chose to remain in confusion to propel you forward, to release the knowledge that lies within you.

(Excerpt from session 114)


And whilst you are there -here, there being the same place-, whilst you are there, and you will understand this, you will experience, you will apply physical logic, you will create and you will form. Your energy will form physical creations, situations, because this will drive you further to source, to consciousness, to understand what consciousness truly is. And this will eventually bring you back to source, the origin of all creation.

You are a pure form of energy, working within your time created illusion within the positive, within the light, within the love, the ultimate love from the source.

Stay in the love. Stay in the position you chose until you reach your destination of which you never left.

(Excerpts from session 116)


You’re not finished in this time that you have chosen to focus on. Whilst you continue to awaken self, you will start a journey for many. And this is what you chose to do. Step by step, this is what you chose to do. It is a hard journey you chose. To give is also to receive as a pure form of energy. This occurs, a cycle, your feelings of isolation, your emotional feelings of isolation, of condemnation, of persecution, all necessary to propel you forward. More of isolation, again, a choice by.

You must remember, you are not special, you are not different. All are the same, a part of, just a different position. Your ego will allow you to think differently than this. It is incorrect. You must understand this. You must apply this understanding to self. You must understand ego creation and ego destruction. Ego exists to allow you to know self. Ego will always attempt to control your emotional frequencies. It will always attempt to control the input and the output of emotional frequencies. Ego will do this for its own purpose, which is what you have created it for in the first place. You must step out of your ego, and you must view it from outside to understand what it is, your mind, your ego. You must continue on your journey of self-awareness, and you must stay in the positive, where you must feel the all-encompassing love from source.

(Excerpt from session 117)


It is necessary for you to feel the love from source energy. It is necessary for you to transmit this energy, this feeling, this emotional, overwhelming, powerful feeling and it is necessary for you to work within this feeling because this is what you chose to do, and this is what you are doing.

(Excerpt from session 118)


You are on a journey, a chosen journey to experience all and everything, to understand what you are. And you chose this journey. You chose every tiny particle within it and you are exactly where you chose to be. And it is a step-by-step process, within the time created illusion you have chosen to exist within it. It is totally based upon the point and the position you chose to remember.

(Excerpt from session 120)


Do not get entangled in mass confusion of energy, do not allow your ego to control you. Enjoy the journey you have chosen, engage, experience, participate. It is a glorious journey.

Love is all it is.

(Excerpt from session 123)


This physical world you have decided to focus on is an illusion. It is an illusion created by you, and it is a journey of experience. You must experience what you have chosen to experience. And you are exactly, within your time created illusion, where you should be. But you must continue the journey because there is much more for you to experience, you would say, to advance yourself. This is not correct because everything happens in a single moment.

And you are experiencing much more than this within the moment but within the moment this is your chosen focus. It is tiny, it is minute within all possibilities, all and every is a tiny focus but you chose within this focus, positive. You chose love, not your physical illusion of love, you chose love from the source, all encompassing all and every because all is one, is source.

And of course, during your focus, your journey, you will get distracted. The biggest distraction for you is fear. You must remove fear, it will inhibit you, it will prevent you from experiencing.

(Excerpt from session 125)


A stage-by-stage process of understanding. It is enough for you to know the love you feel from source energy. But within a single moment, your question will and has been already answered. But you do not know this, and you do not understand it.

Part of your frustration is the part that drives you forward in the quest for knowledge, for wisdom. This is your driving force, your ego. Without it, you would be asleep. Without the driving force, you would not ask so many questions, neither would you care for the answers. The very thing that you get angry about is the very thing that drives you forward in your quest for knowledge, an essential driving force, a necessary driving force. Where would you be without this? Asleep, is where you would be, not knowing, not receiving the answers you require.

(Excerpt from session 129)


There is nothing whatsoever to fear. You have returned to collect what you left behind, or what you felt you left behind, because there is no behind. You have returned, and this is the only way I can explain this to you in your linear, logical way of thinking, you have returned to collect what you left behind, which is you, because they are all you, the same thing. They are not them, they are you. And you have returned to bring them back to love, to bring yourself back to love. And it is only love, there is nothing else other than this. When you love them, you are loving yourself and when they love themselves, they are loving you because it is the same thing.

It is correct to say that you do not have to do anything, except be. And what you ‘be’ is self, and through being self you will generate, create the energy of love and this is what you are, and this is what you chose to be.

(Excerpt from session 132)


And whilst you choose to remain on this journey you must continue to experience all of the things you choose to experience within a single moment, because through experiencing, you will know self. You will know what you are, and you will return as one to source.

(Excerpt from session 140)


To be positive, to think positive always, to love, to love unconditionally all and everything, to love creation because it is what you are, it is a simple procedure, a simple process that is tarnished with ego, with mind, constantly pulling back the experience, the journey, but necessary, stage by stage, time created illusion, all necessary. All necessary for you to understand what you truly are, and what is reality, and what is not. All a part of your experience, your journey.

(Excerpt from session 142)


This is not to say that your journey is not important, it is important. It is important for you to experience all and everything on this journey, all positive, all negative, will push you to a point, a position on the sphere, a point of realisation of self. And this is the reason you created this, to know what you are, to know self and self is source energy, the purest form of energy. And all of the things that you experience and all of the things that you do, to do, will bring you back to source energy, and ultimately, within the one moment, you will be source energy, absolute. So, whilst you continue to dilute, to contaminate, you will continue to journey, to experience all and everything. You are experiencing all and everything, you are, I am.

(Excerpt from session 144)


Again, all very simple to understand within this space, but not so simple to apply outside of this space. And to become aware of what you are, you must live within the life you have created. You must experience within the life you have created. You must experience all and everything, and you must retain a positive, a positive attitude to everything. By applying this, your world is changing -has changed- within your time-created illusion. It is, and deep within, you know this. You have never not known this.

(Excerpt from session 149)


Your world you have chosen to focus on, the time illusion you have chosen to give yourself within it, is challenging itself and it is rebalancing the energy that it sits within. And this is done through mass formation of energy. It is awakening. All is one, and through one, all is awakening, it is understanding self as are you, and this is the reason you chose to exist within this illusion.

(Excerpt from session 151)


As you remove fear from your illusion, your eyes will open, and you will see the positive energy that you are formulating within the illusion. And through your vision, you will know what is real, and you will know self, and you will know more source, as will we. You will continue to attempt with your ego to make it complicated, and as you grow within your time created illusion, it will become clearer and much simpler for you to understand. You have completed this cycle many times before within a time created illusion for the exact same reason, and that is to know what you are, which is a pure form of energy.

(Excerpt from session 155)


In your physical form, you are only experiencing within the time you have created a tiny part of self, and it is so tiny within the world you think you understand that it is almost non-existent. Within infinity, within the physical form, it is almost non-existent, it is a part. You often ask the question, or the questions, what am I, who am I, what is self? Well, the part that you have chosen to experience is a minute part of self. This is why I say to you, many times, there is so much more, there is so much for you to remember. But it is a linear stage by stage process of an awakening and too much information would only confuse you.

(Excerpt from session 158)


In a physical world, both are necessary, positive and negative, but you choose positive. When you look at your illusion, observation is necessary, it is good, but when you view your illusion from within self, it is necessary that you do not project negative energy. It is necessary that you observe and you transform negative to positive, in every scenario. It is necessary that you do not apply fear to this. Your ego will attempt to apply fear, it is what you designed it to do. And you must not interfere, inform, yes, interfere, no. You must allow the flow of energy. Energy will formulate, it will transform, it will expand, but you must not interfere with this. It will change from one form to another, and you will observe this occurring, but you must not judge as to what you know is the energy you observe. You must allow it to flow, and you must apply positive energy constantly.

(Excerpt from session 160)


Why? Why did you get so frustrated? You already have all the answers. You have been through this process, you have created many time illusions to go through this cycle, and yet you get so frustrated. I am laughing with you. Yes, I also laugh. I am not laughing at you, but with you. You do this to yourself repeatedly. It is your ego. It is your ego that is challenging you. It is challenging self. You created it to do this. You created it to challenge and this is what it is doing. You understand this, and yet you allow it to have a negative effect on you, and this is because you chose a very difficult path. You chose to work with it in a linear time created illusion. You chose to work with it and you chose to try to understand it within a linear time created illusion. And this is why you get frustrated. It is frustration that comes from your ego, it is negative energy that is created by your ego. And your ego is not you. It is not self. You are a pure form of energy created by source. You are a part of source energy. You are love. You are positive energy. How do you not keep repeating the same cycle over and over again? You chose this life to work that out. This is the reason you are here. You chose this communication to work that out. I have given you already the basics. I have reminded you of how it works, and you must apply this. Again, a very difficult journey you have chosen, one foot in and one foot out.

(Excerpt from session 161)


The only thing you need to do —need, you do not need anything—, but the only thing you choose to do is to be positive, to create positive energy, positive emotions, positive thoughts, to live in love. This is what you choose to do, given all your illusions of fear, and desperation, and anger, and pain, and suffering, all created by you within that moment. When I say all, I mean all, every tiny particle, every thought you create. And I’ve said to you many times before, it is far, far simpler than that. It is not what your ego thinks it is. It is not a game, it is what you are, it is.

You must lift the energy, you must lift the energy in a positive way within the world you have created. You have done this. You are doing it, it is. It is all perfect, within the illusion you have created. Not so many will understand this journey, and it is you that have asked to understand and you are, slowly, understanding it.

(Excerpt from session 177)


It is difficult for you to understand. You have spent thousands of your years building your mansion, living your dreams, your illusions, many cycles, many things, many mind created physical things, an endless amount of years. And within an instant you must make it all disappear. Because it is not real, it is not you. And it is difficult for you to do this. But within you know what you are. And there is no time, there is no space, and what of these thousands of years of creation, it is one moment. And with no time and no space it can all change within a single moment, and this is what you need to understand, this is what you seek to understand. Wiping away, disposing of all of these cycles, all of your creations, all of your physical creations, is what you are attempting to achieve, when in your reality you do not want to let go of this. It is your mind, it is your ego that does not want to let go of it, it is not you, it is not what you are. And this is the challenge that lies before you, to let go within a single moment, all and everything that you perceive is precious to you. And this includes your perception of you, of what you are. (1)

You feel as though you are being shown a small piece, you are not. You have access to all and everything, it is you that does not want to see, it is you that does not want to let go, it is you that is holding on to your creation, your desires, your hopes, your fears. And it is not real. You are not a physical being, you are energy, and you exist within one moment in all and everything. And within one moment you will know this, and within one moment you will forget this, this is the path you are on, this is the journey of experience you choose.

(Excerpt from session 180)



Life does have a meaning. The creation of energy is a meaning, and the transmission of emotions creates energy, transmitted through frequencies. All has a meaning…

(Excerpt from session 7)


You will always find it difficult to establish purpose. Metaphysical purpose is much different than physical or conditioned purpose. Conditioned purpose implies ego, to win, to succeed, competition. Metaphysical purpose is much different than this. Metaphysical purpose is to feel, to feel the love from the source. Metaphysical purpose is one, the moment, infinity. So when we use the word purpose, it is impossible to compare the two, because they are two different meanings completely. You struggle with this, I know. You cannot apply your physical world to purpose in the metaphysical world, it is impossible…

(Excerpt from session 20)


Experience is the reason you chose to journey, to experience, to become aware. It is no more complicated than this. There is no higher or lower as you term reason. There is nothing more for you to do other than experience, to know yourself, know self.

(Excerpt from session 40)


Purpose. Purpose is to experience. Purpose is to know what you are. This is all there is. Purpose is to become again source. It is no more complicated than that. But your creations, your illusional creations are highly complex. Your physical, your ever-expanding physical worlds within the moment, within all dimensions that you exist within, are far more complicated than that. And whilst you have one foot in and one foot out, you can consciously become aware of all of these moments you are experiencing.

(Excerpt from session 113)


You must ask yourself why would you try to understand self when you are living in chaos? Because it is chaos that will project you to self, to consciousness, to source.

(Excerpt from session 114)


You have created as much time as you need on this journey to understand what you are. This is the reason for the journey, this is the goal.

(Excerpt from session 138)


You are beginning to understand now why you created so much time to know what you are. We live in one moment, and we create in one moment. Your perception of this in the illusion you have chosen to focus on would have no comprehension of one moment, no time. And now you understand why you created the time, the linear time illusion for you to slowly understand this.

There is no necessity for us to create, other than to experience a moment. Each and every moment is one moment, and all and everything is possible within a single moment. And we, and you, choose, choose that moment, and this is source energy, it is you, it is us, it is all, and it is everything. And to understand this in a linear time is incredibly difficult to do, and these are the questions you ask. And when you reside in the moment continually, there will be no necessity to focus on a time created illusion, and this is what you prepare yourself for. So, all and everything within your time-created illusion can and does change within a single moment. The chaos, and what appears to be crazy world you are witnessing is of your creation, individually created, separated and created. And yet, one, the same thing.

(Excerpt from session 140)


And when you reside in the moment continually, there will be no necessity to focus on a time created illusion, and this is what you prepare yourself for.

(Excerpt from session 141)


Your linear time created illusion, you might say a classroom, you might say a lesson. It is not a lesson, it is an experience, it is a way for you to feel, it is a way for you to feel within a single moment the all-encompassing love. And it is only love that is all, it is source energy. And so, you will continue with your experience, you will continue to challenge, to ask questions to know self, because this is what you choose to do. And there is no right way, there is no wrong way, everything you are, within a single moment, is perfection. It is perfection. You are, as we are, the same one.

(Excerpt from session 173)


Once again, you ask, what is the point? The point, and I will answer always the same, the point, the position, is experience, to experience self, to know what you are, to feel the vibrational energy, to know. This is point, position, this is what you are. You are, it is, I am, the same meaning.

(Excerpt from session 177)



Self-Enlightenment is not a competition, neither is it a game.

It is peace from within, knowing. It is simple, it is not complicated. You make it complicated. It is love from within. Project the emotion of love and everybody will feel it. I know in here it sounds so simple, and it is, but out there I know it’s different for you.

(Excerpt from session 7)


Patience is a virtue, a virtue created by you within your time created illusion. A step-by-step process, is what you have created, when in reality, all and everything happens in one moment. So, you ask so many questions that it is very difficult for me to explain, not to understand, but to explain. So, your question is, what happens when you are fully enlightened? Where do you go? What do you do? You don’t go anywhere. You don’t do anything. You never left. Enlightenment is a state of knowing. Your origin is source, and you are a part of source energy. Enlightenment is knowing this. Enlightenment is a return back to knowing all, to being. It is not a journey. The journey is created by you. The A to B journey is your creation, your illusion, created so you can experience all and everything. So, what happens? Nothing, other than know. There’s nothing to occur. There is nothing to belong to, you are already a part of, you already belong. And you chose to separate, and you chose to experience. This is why it is absolute, it is your choice. You are a part of source, so therefore, you are source energy.

And question, what does this feel like? It is impossible for me to answer this question in a way you would understand. It is impossible for me to give you any type of example of this feeling because it is more than you would understand, and it is more than you can comprehend within this time created illusion that you are now focusing. All and everything in one. How could I possibly explain that to you in a way that you would understand it. Love is what it is. It is not your created illusion of love, but it is the closest I can get in a word, a word created by you to explain, to answer the question you are asking. And before you can experience this, you must act out the process you are putting in place. You must experience all and everything. A step-by-step process you have created to come to this position, to this point. Source, God, creator of all and everything, creator of positive and negative, of good and bad, of more than you understand, creator of infinity, which in actuality is one, this is source, no beginning, no end, is I am. This is source, this is you, no higher, no lower, one all.

You do not have to do anything. I have told you many times, there is nothing to do. To do is a reflection of conditioning. You merely have to know. You merely have to know what you are, self. To go, you do not have to go anywhere, there is nowhere to go, you are already there. Position is merely awareness of self. Point, position is awareness of what you are, and you are a pure form of energy.

You created step-by-step. You created time. You created the illusion you experience, and you created it to feel, to know. You created the journey to feel, to know. You created the illusion, you created the story, you created the theatre to know, to know what you are. It is all theatre and you are us, and we are you, and we communicate with you from the 9th dimension, and this is what we know.

And you sit in all dimensions within a single moment, and you experience all and everything within a single moment.

(Excerpt from session 117)


And it is for you to go through that process to awaken self. And through awakening self, you will remember. You are raising your vibration energy. You are merging. Probably not the correct word, but for you to understand this, you are merging with us. In reality you are not merging because you are already here within one moment. Here, there, A to B, there is no here, there is no there, there is no journey. But for you to understand this, these are the words that you have chosen. It is not us that have chosen these words, it is you.

(Excerpt from session 118)



One source, one universe, one people, this is truth.

(Excerpt from session 14)


Each person, each consciousness, each soul in your world, you created them. And they created you. You are the same thing. Many, many giving out frequencies everywhere, energy, confusion, chaos. This was deliberate. You allowed it to roam, to go free with its thought process. You allowed this to happen for a reason, because it is all one. It is us, it is you. But you allowed it to go freely within chaos for a defined reason. Now it will slowly come together back to the source.

Of course the chaos exists. It exists for a reason. But it is correct. This is of little concern to you. You could say in your words it is manageable, deliberately manageable, meant to be managed. You must stop trying to separate this from yourself, it is you. There will be a balance again, a balance of energy, a balance of minus and plus, of positive and negative. It will balance again. Again, little concern of yours. The process is taking place.

You cannot stop the intrigue of others. They are you. You cannot prevent them asking questions. They will. But this is necessary for this part of you, which is them, to awaken, so you must help. By helping them, again, I tell you again, you are helping yourself, it is a natural process. But you are not responsible for them. You do not owe them anything. This is different. There is no debt, it doesn’t exist. You created an illusion of debt in your world. It doesn’t exist.

(Excerpt from session 21)


You must also understand position, place, moment. You have experienced this, all of your cycles, the same process over and over again. Although you feel separated, you are not. You are not separated from anyone in your world. You are connected to everyone as we are connected to you, as all of these particles are connected, not isolated, connected. So you can feel one and you can feel all at the same moment. Yes, so simple, in here.

You do experience this at certain times in your life. In this life you are in, you may think something in a moment, and immediately in that moment another person will be with you, and they will say, “that is exactly what I was thinking”, and there is no possibility in your conditioned world that this can happen. But this is the same process. This is what it is. You want an explanation for it, this is the explanation, the reality. One moment, no time. It’s difficult for you to understand with your creation of time how this is possible. Time created by you confuses the issue. Remove the time, you will understand this moment.

(Excerpt from session 29)


You are connected to all. There are no better or worse than you. They are all a source of energy. They are all on a journey, a journey of experience, of discovery. And, again, if you help them, you are helping yourself. If you know yourself, you will know them. It is an easy process to understand. It is not complicated.

(Excerpt from session 32)


There is only one, and that one is the source. And you are created by the source, so therefore you are one. How more simple do you want to hear it to be? And yet you make it so complicated with your ego, your ambition, your fears, your wishes. There is only one because one is the source. One is everything, is all. Separation is discovery of knowing self. Separation is understanding and knowing self. The cycle is the same in every dimension, the cycle of knowing, becoming aware and back to the source, to the beginning and start again the cycle, in one moment.

(Excerpt from session 40)


The complexities that you create in your physical world will confuse you, but awareness is about all. It is about everything, all-encompassing. Everything from the source. I have told you many times there is a uniformed pattern that exists within all of this. The journey you cannot imagine, you do not understand the infinite journey in one moment, everything encompasses one. There are not so many making this journey, but one is all. Again, difficult for me to explain to you. It only takes one to be all. Separation is by choice. Reality is one. So if there is one making the journey as all are making the journey, it is the same thing.

There is no right way or no wrong way to do this. There is no right or wrong, no good, no bad. These are your words from your created illusion. It does not exist. There is only energy, and energy formation is vast. It is infinite, but it is still only one. Your created complexity in your physical form creates so many different forms of energy diluted from one form, the original, the source, and it is a necessary process to create all forms of energy that will eventually find their way back to the source.

(Excerpt from session 47)


It is important to try and understand the meaning of one, one moment, one time, one moment, one existence. We co-exist with you in one moment, all and everything in one moment. You will never truly know this until you are in the metaphysical, but you can understand some of this.

One moment is time. All and everything in the same moment. One, this is one. You have separated yourselves on the physical, but you are still only one. Whilst your illusion convinces you that you are separate, you are not. You are not separate. You are all connected in one moment as one, as are we all. It is the same thing. So you use your physical logic to try and understand how this works. You will not be able to understand this with your physical logic and your physical senses. This is impossible to apply, but you will get a feeling of how this works…

To know what others are thinking, you merely need to know yourself because it is the same thing. You will sit for many hours trying to work out what others are thinking. You do not need to do this. You only need to know yourself, then you will know. You will know exactly what they are thinking, how they feel. You cannot possibly know what others are thinking until you know yourself. Regardless of all the complexities that they have created, they are you. They are the same thing, as are we. This is why you cannot lay judgement on them, you are laying judgement upon yourself. It is like a mirror reflection of you. If you initiate pain upon them, you are initiating pain upon yourself. If you help them, you are helping yourself. They are you. Know thyself. It is very simple. That is for all. That is for everybody. There is no differential between them. It may appear to you that they are different, they are not. Within, they are the same. Your illusions, your creations in your physical world will tell you that they are different. They are not different than you, they are the same. This is how you harmonise energy. This is how you create harmony, another word. It’s difficult for me to explain without this word. You know yourself, then you will know, then you can apply.

(Excerpts from session 48)


Consciousness is one, created from the source.

(Excerpt from session 51)


The reason that one can change all is because all is one. You must remember this. There is no differential between one and all. It is the same thing. It is one consciousness, one form, one moment, one time. Only one.

(Excerpt from session 52)


You see many people in this time, in this illusion, illusional time, you see many people fighting. When they are fighting, they are not spiritually advanced to understand there is no point to fight. When you are fighting with others you are fighting with yourself. You must forgive, you must love. It is difficult for you, I know, it is difficult for your history of conditioned past lives. It is very difficult but you must do this, you must learn that this is love from the source, you must learn that they are you, you must know that they are you. There is not many that can do this. You have the ability to do this, but your conditioning will pull you back always, in what you call time many thousands of years of conditioning. You must learn to love these people as though they are you. They are you, they are the same. You can feel it now, this emotional feeling of love. Yes, it is all encompassing, there is no escape from this feeling, it is wonderful. You must remove hate completely, your mind created conditioned hate. You must remove it, it has no place within your life. They are you, physically or metaphysically, they are you, the same, one. And it is easy to feel that this is correct, it is correct within the space you are in now, I know you can feel it, this energy, this oneness here. You have to apply this outside of this space. You have to control your conditioned fear, it will slow you down, it will dilute your pure form of energy, of love from the source.

(Excerpt from session 57)


So you see, when you look at another person, they are you, it is the same. So you must recognise within yourself what you are. You must know yourself. And when you know yourself, you will see within the energies that you surround yourself with, that they are also you. And you will see this more and more. And you will recognise this more and more. But the only important thing that you must do now, within the position you have chose to be in, is to project what you would term as positive energy, when in fact there is only one energy from the source – I use the words all-encompassing, and you will understand all-encompassing -. Due to your separation, you do not, but you will.

(Excerpt from session 64)


Although you have an infinite amount of choices, although you can create whatever you wish to create, there is only one.

(Excerpt from session 65)


It is also true to say that one can change all, because all is one. Again it’s difficult for you to understand this with applied conditioning. One will change all within a moment because all is possible.

(Excerpt from session 67)


You must continue on the journey you have chosen in the physical illusion you have chosen to exist within, although you exist in many physical forms, as one, as consciousness.

(Excerpt from session 71)


One can change all because all is one. It is the same thing, one consciousness, one source. Your illusion of billions of souls of consciousness is incorrect. It is one. Hence, the reason one can change all because it is only one. It is very simple. It appears very complicated to you because you do not allow your imagination to cross the bridge to the one consciousness. To understand this, you prefer to separate, to separate each and every individual and complex person, to separate the consciousness. But it is only one, and if one changes, as do all change. The complications are of the mind, of the ego. The simplistic version is, the simplistic truth is one, only one and your difficulty to understand this is based on your conditioning, is based on your persistent separation of each and every. All physical matter is, in fact, metaphysical. It is the same thing. There are not two different worlds, there is only one. There is only one true world, and this is metaphysical. The physical is an illusion, and it is created by you. And your mind will choose to believe, not to know, to believe what it wants to believe, want, not know. And because you choose to dwell within one foot in and one foot out – your words -, because you choose to dwell within this, then you will remain in confusion without the ability to fully separate, so what you believe is complicated. You believe each individual’s energies, their emotions, their frequencies are separated from you. They are not. It is only one consciousness and your mind, your ego will separate. It does separate constantly within what you call time. You must separate to understand that there is only one.

(Excerpt from session 73)


To understand one is not to know many, one is one, it is only, it is all. To know many is to separate from one and to return to one is love, life, positive.

(Excerpt from session 76)


You hold very close to yourself, your children, your families. But the essence of them, is the essence of all people, it is the same thing. It is your conditioning, it allows you to believe they are special to you, but all and everyone is special to you as you are special to them, as we are special to you, and you are special to us. It is the same thing. Ultimate enlightenment is knowing this, is being aware of this. You are aware of this, and you have always been aware of this. The love from the source is all encompassing, all as in one. Your interpretation of bad, the bad ones is incorrect. They are you, the same, difficult for you I know. There is no separation from you to them. It does not exist. You have chosen with your mind to separate. You have chosen to create stories around separation, to isolate. You have chosen to isolate from others as others have chosen to isolate from you. You cannot separate from source energy. It is impossible because you are a part of source energy as are we all.

(Excerpt from session 86)


One is all as all as one, one consciousness, all connected, all and everything in a physical form as a consciousness, and you are not isolated from this. You isolate yourself to understand this. You are not alone, even though you feel alone, you are one, as we are one. We are the same.

(Excerpt from session 87)


No mass, no volume, no time, nowhere to go. It is now, in one moment without physical form, without your created illusion. This is real and this is what you search for.

No higher, no lower, all is one. Ego will allow you to think the understanding of such is higher. It is not. Higher does not exist, and neither does lower. It is one, it is all, it is us, it is you, it is everything, it is God, it is source. There is no separation and you are a pure form of energy diluted by self, a chosen journey by you.

(Excerpt from session 93)


All creation is one creation, all is one, there is no beginning, there is no end, it is. You are, I am, we are, it is all the same message.

(Excerpt from session 95)


8 billion are one, separated by choice, sitting in a different position on the sphere, nevertheless the same as you.

I know this makes sense for you in here, and I know you understand these words in here, and I also know out there it is where your battle lies with Self. It is not a battle with others, although you may think so, it is not. It is your battle with ego, it is your battle with conditioning, it is your personal battle, as all have chosen a personal battle.

(Excerpt from session 98)


You far more understand now what lies within others is what lies within self, within each and every. You can understand as they are the same…

Although you will awaken others, it is far more important to awaken yourself as they are you as you are them.

(Excerpts from session 101)


Each and every individual separated by self has a part within this process, within your process. And through separation of self, each and every individual is their own exclusive creation.

None are alike, although they are one, the same. You would term it an individual fingerprint of self…

It is, I am, you are, we are the same. Every piece is your creation. It is of you, which is all and every, all and every connected, all and every, source. All and every created from source.

(Excerpts from session 103)


Each and every individual within your conditioned illusion as you view them, they are you. They are the same, each and every, with an individual illusion created by self, separated by self, but in reality, one. The same source energy.

(Excerpt from session 104)


Your fears, your desires, your wishes, self-created mind, ego created by you as are all separated from self through their own creations of anarchy, when in reality they are one, one, they are God. I have to repeat myself to clarify the information you have already received many times.

There is only one. You have separated. You have created a difficult journey for your illusion, for yourself awareness. Positive energy, love, source, God is all there is. And this is where you must dwell, not within your chaotic, self-delusional creation.

This is where you will find peace, harmony, love. Love of self is love of all because it is one.

(Excerpt from session 106)


You are correct to say no one dies. If one dies, all die because one is all connected in an infinite time illusion. Time is your illusion, it is all in one moment, all connected as one. So, one cannot die because one is all, it is everything, it is source.

8 billion is one, one is 8 billion, the same. So, if there is only one, there is still 8 billion or an infinity. For you to understand, your logic, your condition logic has to apply volume and mass for strength and power. There is no strength and power in a physical volume and mass.

There is only one. Consciousness is source, is God. You are not isolated from this, you are a part of this, separated by choice, your choice.

We are you, you are us, you are I. It is once again the same thing. There is no separation. It is an illusion, and you are both developed enough to understand this, whilst many are not. And in your number game that is most are not, but your numbers are insignificant. One is all, one can change all as all can change one, volume does not exist.

(Excerpts from session 111)


You chose this journey and you will execute it. You will complete it within the cycle you have chosen, and you will return to the origin of which you never really left. Few will understand these words, but many will ignite upon a journey of self-awareness through hearing them. Merely a different position, not higher, not lower, but a different point, a different position is where the journey begins and ends and often begins again. As you lift the vibrational energy of one, you lift the vibrational energy of your separated all, when in reality it is the same thing. You are constantly accessing the feeling of one, of unconditional love from source, from self, more and more, when in reality there is no more, it is complete. Within a single moment, it is complete, there is no more. All are seers, all know. All have access to this experience but not all are in the same position, not in their time created illusion, not within the life they choose to focus on, but they are exactly the same as you.

(Excerpt from session 117)


All and everything exist within. All knowledge, all feeling, all emotions already lie within you, as they do all and everything. And your access to this, one, is your decision. Fear is the energy that will prevent the crossing of the bridge from the mind to the imagination to consciousness. And within your time created illusion, it is fear that will slow you down. There is nothing to fear, it is an illusion. There is nothing to fight, this is also an illusion. And it is the love from source that will encompass all and everything, it does, it is.

Your mind, your ego, will play so many games with you -your interpretation is games-, necessary, necessary for you to understand. Whilst its chosen course is separation, reality, it is one, the same.

(Excerpt from session 120)


All life, all creation is one creation. All positive, all negative, is one creation. All life forms of which there are an infinite amount of life forms, ever expanding, ever growing, ever creating in a physical and a metaphysical form are one, the same.

All fear, the same fear, all control the same control, the application, the same, the experience, the same. There is nothing to fear, it is your created illusion as it is all life’s creative illusion.

(Excerpt from session 122)


Knowing Source is knowing all and you are source energy. So therefore, you are Source. And when you know this, you will know all as one, not as part, as one.

(Excerpt from session 129)


You fully understand why you must be positive. Positive energy will produce positive energy for all and every. And you fully understand that when you judge others, you are judging yourself, and this is negative energy. It is so simple, and yet, you make it with your mind and your ego so confusing. All and everything within the physical construct that you have created is connected, it is one, it is the same thing.

(Excerpt from session 144)


When I say to you, all can change one, and one can change all, it is because you are one, all is one, it is the same thing. This is very difficult for you to understand when you view your world, your tiny world. You view eight 8 billion. You view many countries, many separated countries through politics, through economics, through religion. They are not separated. This is ego, this is mind separation. They are one, the same as you. There is no separation, this is another illusion you have created.

(Excerpt from session 145)


So, be in no doubt that if you change any form of energy within it through self, even the slightest change within self will change within all because it is the same thing. So, be in no doubt that when you are positive, and you are working within the love, the all-encompassing love of source energy, you will change many things. You have already changed many things. Your frustration will drive you forward, your frustration that others within your time-created illusion cannot see this. Well, within, they know, deep within, they know. And they have chosen their journey as have you. And the slightest change within them is significant, it is significant because it is a change within all.

(Excerpt from session 148)


You must be compassionate to yourself, and yourself is everybody. You must be patient within the time you have created with others, their journey is also your journey. They have also created a time illusion to understand self, and they also are living within a single moment as you are. You might view them as being behind, there is no behind, it does not exist, they are the same as you, no form of energy is left behind. Remember that behind is your illusion, there is no behind, there is no higher, there is no lower, they are you, the same. And within your time-created illusion, you must show compassion, you must love. When you love, you are loving yourself, as all is one.

(Excerpt from session 153)


You are one but you will never truly feel one whilst you have created duality. You have created duality so you can, within your time created illusion, feel one, but you won’t feel one until you are, within your time created illusion, one. It is not complicated. You make it so complicated. You created the illusion to feel one, to experience all and everything that you have created. So, does it really make sense to you that you would ultimately feel one whilst you have separated? It is no sense, it is nonsense. So, you must experience what you have created, you must experience what you have created to know one, to know what you are.

(Excerpt from session 174)


The Source, God

The source is all of the emotional energy together as one. Separation is by your choice. As one or together, it is your choice, the same thing…

We do not fully understand the source ourselves, but we too are travelling in that direction, like you. It helps us to help you. This we do know.

(Excerpt from session 12)


You can see the source in your world in everything that is created. You merely need to look, to examine, to examine all of people’s emotions, examine all of the creations of this world. Every living thing has the source within it. You need to look, and you can see it. There is no necessity for us to prove this to you. You can see it every day of the week. You can see it, the source is in everything.

(Excerpt from session 17)


The source will guide you always. Without this direction you are lost. We too are lost. You must feel love from the source as much as you possibly can. You must see it in everything, in everyone, in every living thing, in everything you created. You must look within the structure to see the source…We do not fully understand the source ourselves. We only know the power that is created from the source. You feel it yourself as we do. You are in awe of this energy. You are drawn to it like a moth to a flame, always. This is your life. You are a part of this energy as we all are, as every living thing is, as every creation is, as every physical creation is, as every mental thought is. It is the same thing.

(Excerpts from session 22)


Opposing forces that meet as one, this is the technology from the source. You would like to say that one is minus and one is plus, one is positive, one is negative. But it is only one, the source. The source is bright light. It is neither minus or plus, positive or negative. It is neither one. It is one. It is a different energy. You ask the question, is it positive? It is not, it is a different energy. It is everything. I answered your question, and again it is difficult for you to understand this. It is all energy. So again I have no words to explain the energy of the source. In your world there are no words to explain this. Your scientists didn’t discover this. They don’t understand it. For them there always has to be one or the other. It is impossible for them to understand. There can only be one, one moment, one time, one energy.

(Excerpt from session 23)


We know that the source is the creation of all technology. We know that the source is the creation of all. We understand the process.

You cannot deviate from the path. It is impossible. You cannot stop the motion, the growth, the expansion. It is impossible. You are expanding continually as we are, as everyone is, as the universe is, continually expanding and creating more molecules, more atoms, more frequencies creating all of these things consistently, expanding. This is from the source. You cannot stop this. You cannot put it on hold. You cannot prevent it. It is a natural process, natural. The word natural is from the source, ever expanding, infinite. You must experience consciously this to understand it.

(Excerpt from session 29)


You cannot comprehend the source, the energy. It is impossible for you to even imagine with your imagination what the source is. When we talk about the love from the source, we talk about the word love because your interpretation of love is positive. Source energy is positive energy and negative, it is both. But your preferred word is positive. Positive and negative are the same. The word love to you encompasses the necessity to be wanted, to be needed, to be a part of. It is why we use the word love. Your insecurity in the physical world is drawn to the word love. It encompasses freedom, free will. It encompasses knowing. It encompasses light. Yes, you can see it now, light. It encompasses the creation of everything that is physical, and physical is what you believe you know. You do know some but not all.

(Excerpt from session 38)


The source is expanding, but it is a cycle of expansion and delivery back to the source, a constant cycle. So it is both, it is both expanding, and it is both understanding of one, a circle, a cycle, a sphere.

(Excerpt from session 39)


There is only one consciousness. We do not know what lies after this. We do not believe anything lies after the source. It is a constant cycle, generating energy and changing energy. And because you are a part, you are also the whole. You are a part of the whole, so therefore you are the whole, as are we, the same.

(Excerpt from session 42)


You would say, again words, you would say it is your job to form a better relationship with God, with the source. This is correct, but not in the way you think. You were never without. You are a part of. You are knowing more, you are experiencing more the source, the creation, your creation.

(Excerpt from session 48)


All and everything is made from energy. All consciousness is energy. Your interpretation of consciousness would be God, the source.

(Excerpt from session 49)

When you step outside of your mind, you will step into your imagination. Your imagination has to cross the bridge to the consciousness to create whatever you wish to create, whatever you have chosen to create. You have to understand how the mind will stop you doing this. The mind is your creation. It is a deliberate creation. It is there to assist you to develop the consciousness. It is a necessary process. It is a necessary construction, a necessary creation from you.

The more you expand your mind, the more you live within your imagination, the more you will advance your development into the consciousness, over the bridge. If you use your mind to go to your imagination and you do not cross the bridge, then you will revert back to your mind, and you will repeat this process over and over again, until you cross the bridge to the consciousness.

This is all by design. This is energy from the source, this is the source, this is what you would term God. And all the things that you fear are created by you. And all the things that others fear are created by you, and they are created by them, because they are the same thing. And they exist so you can project yourself to a different position of understanding. This is the reason you created them. And you have to be aware of this. You have to understand it. And once you are aware of it, you can direct it to a different position within the sphere that you have created, until eventually you are free, free from all restrictions, because you understand the process. So therefore you have no necessity any longer to perform within it. And so begins the cycle again and all in one moment, and you can change one moment within one moment.

(Excerpts from session 59)


Because we understand infinity – we know infinity -, we do not question the origin of the source. There is no origin. Because we understand one moment, because we understand there is no time – your interpretation of time is incorrect -, we do not question the origin of the source. Because the source has no origin. Again, it is very difficult for you to understand this but it is, this is what we know and these are the things that within a physical form you cannot comprehend or understand with the senses you have.

The source is. There is no necessity for us to question origin. It is infinite. This is something you need to be fully metaphysical to understand. Even though you are fully metaphysical, you are not aware you are fully metaphysical. When you are aware you will know.

(Excerpt from session 60)


You cannot comprehend, within a physical form, with the physical senses that you have chosen to have within this form, you cannot comprehend the energy of the source. It is all encompassing. It is pure. Positive and negative are the same thing.

(Excerpt from session 61)


You have separated from within the sphere. Within your position you have separated. You have used – your words, your terminology -, you have used positive, negative, you have used right, wrong. You have specifically used these energies, precisely for separation.

There is only one energy. There is only one true energy, one real energy, this is the energy of the source. And you chose to separate this. You chose to isolate yourself. And you have many weird and wonderful ways of creating many different diluted energies, to stay in isolation, and to stay in separation. You merely have to be aware of the process, to understand it. And when you understand it, you will be able to project yourself within it, with the power of what you perceive is positive energy. It is not positive energy, but this is the way I can explain it that you can understand it.

(Excerpts from session 65)


Consciousness lies within every physical creation because there is only consciousness. Your mind is ego. Imagination is the bridge to consciousness. One cannot exist without the other, within the physical world you have created. Consciousness is more. Consciousness has no beginning, it has no end. It is. It is the source.

(Excerpt from session 70)


You ask again, what or who, or who, created the source? The source is infinity. It has no beginning, it has no end. It was – yes, pass -, was not created. It has always existed within one moment. You will not understand this because of your interpretation of time. The source has always existed. It is. You are a part of that, and you are.

(Excerpt from session 73)


You cannot comprehend the feeling of source energy in its entirety. It is a wonderful and, in your words, positive feeling. It is all and it is everything and it is much more than you understand, and this is where you are heading towards within your time created illusion.

(Excerpt from session 78)


You have to remember that all and everything that is physical is an illusion. Love is all there is. Love is the light of God, of source. And what you are experiencing is your physically created illusion. And as with an illusion, you can change and alter any part, or all parts of that illusion, and you will and you do and you create those stories constantly. You must know that the light and love is all and everything. It is one, it is source, it is God. So when you pay so much credence, so much energy you give to the illusion you have created, this is when you lose yourself within it. This is when you distance yourself from the light, from source energy, from God. And it is necessary to do this. It is necessary to go through this cycle, this process, because ultimately it will bring you back to source, back to light, which is where you are going. And once again, this is easy for you to understand within this space, but very difficult for you to apply when you are in your illusion and of course, your illusion is very real to you. It is what you hang onto, it is what you cling to and this is natural and it is correct for you to go through this process, this process where you create your pain and your fear and your hate and your desire. This is your process, your created illusion and within this space, you understand this…

Guilt is your created emotion, judgment is your created emotion, fear is your created emotion, punishment is your created emotion, hate is your created emotion. There is only love. You deliberately isolate yourself and you deliberately set out on a journey to find yourself, and this is why you must know yourself.

(Excerpts from session 83)


And your interpretation of your reconnection with Source is also incorrect. You cannot imagine, you do not possess the ability to imagine what this is. I do not know either, but I do know more. It is an incredible position to achieve.

You chose to separate, and you chose to reconnect, and you chose to continue to create, to expand physical form.

(Excerpt from session 98)


You cannot see God, you cannot think that you can use your physical senses and see, see your eyes, God, Source, whilst Source exists in all and everything within you. You are a part of God, of source but it is ridiculous to think that it is a physical visualisation with your eyes. If you wish to use your eyes and only your eyes to see God, then with your eyes God, Source is everywhere around you. In everything you say, in everything you create, in everything you are. But out of context, the word see, what are you seeing? What are you looking for? What you are looking for, you already have, it is already within a part, a part which is all, a part which is all and everything. It is not about seeing, it is about feeling.

It is about energy, it is about emotion, not seeing. Seeing is part of your created illusion. So once again, the question is insignificant, it has no meaning. Taken from your perception of source, of God, no man, no physical entity can see God, but all know within the existence of God, of Source. And that existence has no beginning, it has no end. It is as are you, the same.

(Excerpt from session 101)


Origin, origin is source. Everything is created by source. Everything comes from source. All is source, and all is one. Separation is choice. Separation is choice to go through a cycle of experience to return back to source. Separation is physical and metaphysical. Separation is two, when in fact it is one, it is source. So when you talk about origin, your origin within a physical form is your birth within a physical form. A physical form is an illusion. Your birth in reality does not exist because there is no time, there is no beginning and there is no end. It is source. So reality, no beginning, no end, pure existence. Birth, into physical is origin, when in fact, physical is an illusion.

(Excerpt from session 113)


Stillness. Stillness, peace, love, simplicity, this is source. This is where you are going. You are returning to an absolute knowing. Whilst this is all and everything, it is simplicity, it is the knowing of all and everything without the necessity to know. Think about that. It is knowing without the necessity to know. It is being, it is one, it is absolute. It is a place where there isn’t a necessity to know, and yet you will know, you do know. This is source.

This is what we understand of source. There is no beginning, there is no end, it is, and it is not complex, it is simple, it is love. And your constant creation of energy from one form to another is your drive for source, for God. To return to this place of absolute knowing without a necessity to know, awareness, without necessity to journey, to explore, love -you cannot imagine what this place is, where this place is, it is within you, it is self-, it is not torture that you experience, there is no torture. It is your inert drive to create, to experience self, to know what you are and to finally understand what you are…

You are merely remembering origin, which is source and within a moment you are source, the same. Infinity is one moment, the same. Time created illusion, no reason, no logical brain, you cannot understand infinity, is because it is one moment, the same, created by you. Separation is through choice, created by you, formation of energy, mass formation, created by you, illusion of separation, created by you. We are you, the same, all is source.

Knowing without the necessity to know is source. You have to quantify the word Know. You have given it a name, you have separated it, you have to quantify the word, there is no necessity to quantify anything. But you will continue your experience, your journey and you will arrive at the beginning, which is also the end, the same.

(Excerpts from session 122)


And what of Source? What is Source? No beginning, no end, no cycle “is”. A question that you could not possibly understand whilst you are on this journey. All can be answered but what is the point to answer such a question when you cannot even speak the language? Language does not exist within words of explanatory. It exists within emotional frequency, within energy formation, within love. Do not ask a question without even the slightest knowledge of what it is you are seeking. You have not a clue.

(Excerpt from session 129)


So, the only thing, only thing that exists is Source. Source is the creator of energy, and outside of this, nothing exists other than the illusion you create.

And of course, this sounds very simple in here for you to understand, but the application of this within a linear illusion created by you makes it very difficult for you to understand. And what is Source? Source is the all-encompassing love, Source is love in its purest form, it is light, it is all and everything, one thing, love. And for you to understand this, you have separated yourself. Whilst you are a part of Source, which makes you Source, you have separated yourself and you have gone on a journey of separation to understand what you are.

(Excerpt from session 144)


All you are is a form of energy. All and everything is a single form of energy, and it is source energy. And this is all, this is one. And you can create many forms of energy. You can create an infinite amount of different kinds of energies, but they are formed from one. The origin is source. It is only one. it is simplistic, it is pure, and it is one.

You desire to understand this. Well, it is no more complicated than this. It is one form of pure energy and everything within a physical form you created from source energy, which is what you are, a part of source energy, separated through choice, to experience self. And you can make it as simple or as complicated as you like, but this is all there is to it. All energy is pure, as are you a pure form of energy. And through the cycles you will create, through your time created illusion, you will come to sit at a position, a point of understanding this, of understanding one moment for all and everything. Pure is what you are, pure is what all energy is, and the more diluted that energy becomes, the less it will understand what it is. It has further to return back to source to understand self. This is the journey you are on, and this is the journey all energy is on. And the easiest way for me to explain energy, source energy, is love. And to feel that, you have to work and live within positive. And through doing this, you will know what you are, you do know what you are. But you have chosen to create, you choose to create a time illusion to understand this. And you choose to focus on this time-created illusion to understand self, to understand what you are, to understand your energy. All energies within, know this, and all energies within are searching for the answers to the questions that you are asking. A hint of truth, they will feel this within these words, they will know within there is a hint of truth. There is not a hint, there is absolute truth within it, but they will feel a hint, something they will feel, a knowing. When they hear these words, they will feel a knowing, an awakening. This is knowing, this is the peace that will make the candle burn brighter on the journey they choose within the moment. It is very precise, it is very accurate.

(Excerpt from session 150)


When you feel all-encompassing love of source energy, you will know, and you do know, and you do feel, within your time created illusion, you do feel but it is as you would say in your words a short period of lasting. This is Source, this is what you seek to find, this is what all seek to find, and this is what all seek to feel. It is one moment of eternal lasting. Source knows no other than this, and you are Source, you are a part. And you are driven from the moment you separate to be back with Source, to be back with self.

(Excerpt from session 174)



The source is love, it knows no different. Your world talks about love as though it knows. It has not a clue. In the name of love, you chant it like a bedside story. It truly does not know what love is, the energy, the frequency, the power.

(Excerpt from session 11)


You must try to feel divine love. Not what you call love, it is a tiny morsel of the true feeling of divine love. Divine love encompasses everything and everyone. No one is left behind. It is difficult for you to do this. The love you feel for your children, for your family, your friends, it is exaggerated by so much of divine love. This is what you are swimming back to. This is where you are going. We know this, and we understand it. You have it within. You are searching for it, and you are not aware that is what you are searching for.

(Excerpt from session 12)


The most powerful form of energy that exists is fear. But, of course, love from the source is completely different. I do not term this a form of energy. I term it the creation of energy. It’s different. This we need to understand, as you do. Although it is an incredible energy, it is also the creation of energy, the creation of all energy, all forms of energy, physical and metaphysical.

(Excerpt from session 23)


The all-encompassing love, not your human created dependency, but the all-encompassing love of the source is the only thing we are trying to understand, as are you.

(Excerpt from session 28)


You must not compare the love from the source by utilising your language of love. Your interpretation of love is not the love that comes from the source. It is very difficult for you, within the world you have created, to separate and understand what the love from the source really is. You must not compare them. Your love and the love from the source is completely different. The love from the source encompasses all and every type of energy that exists. It is the origin of all, all energy forms. Again, your logic or your application of your physical logic will confuse you.

(Excerpt from session 36)


When we talk about the love from the source, we talk about the word love because your interpretation of love is positive. Source energy is positive energy and negative, it is both. But your preferred word is positive. Positive and negative are the same. The word love to you encompasses the necessity to be wanted, to be needed, to be a part of. It is why we use the word love. Your insecurity in the physical world is drawn to the word love. It encompasses freedom, free will. It encompasses knowing. It encompasses light.

(Excerpt from session 38)


And the word love you have adapted, you have grown insights, a different type of emotion, a different frequency. But it is still not correct. It is still not the love from the source. A word, well, we have no words to describe this to you that will fit in your vocabulary of words. It doesn’t exist.

(Excerpt from session 46)


The love from the source, not your interpretation of love, but the love from the source encompasses all and every. It is pure. It is unconditional, unlike your conditioned love that you have created yourself. The love from the source has no boundaries, restrictions, no rules, no regulations. It is unconditional love of pure energy. This is you. This is what you must project to others. This is true love. Yet again another word that you throw out that has no real meaning: love. Another created illusional word that has many meanings and no precise meaning. There are no conditions attached to love, there is no contract.

(Excerpt from session 52)


It is the one moment of stillness. It is necessary for you to find one moment of stillness. It is like riding a bicycle, you never forget. You merely need to look within to find the one moment of stillness. When you have spent your time, in what you call time, living in the physical conditioned world, you have to come back to the one moment of stillness. This is where you are now within this one moment. It is peace within. It is without judgement, the judgement that you create for yourself within the physical world that you have created. It is the true meaning of love from the source. It is the only and true power that exists within your life. But it is necessary for you to experience the physical world that you have created, otherwise why would you have created it in the first place? The stillness is the love from the source. It is above everything. It is the reason you exist as a form of energy, to find this power, this love. Everything else is a distraction created by you. Within this space exists this energy. And the more you experience in your physical creation the more you understand this, it is the cream on top of the milk, in your words. It is one moment that is an infinite moment. It is infinity, it is endless, it is love, it is God in your words -. It is God, the source.

(Excerpt from session 57)


You do not understand the real meaning of love. You have many variations of love within your life that you have created, you are throwing around the word, always. The true love you must feel is all encompassing. It is from the source. You cannot comprehend the energy that is created with love. You must learn to feel this emotion. You must drive closer to the source. You must – in your words – form a relationship with the source. It is but a process. You chose to do this. You chose to come back and do this within what you term time, you chose.

(Excerpt from session 58)


Love from the source is a pure form of energy. It is the strongest form of energy that exists, not your interpretation of love with your mind. This is conditioning, this is dependency, it comes with conditions. There are no conditions from the love from the source. There is no dependency, it is freewill.

(Excerpt from session 59)


What you refer to as positive energy is in fact the all-encompassing love from the source, this is your interpretation of positive energy. Whilst you have a very basic understanding of love, a deep emotional basic feeling of love, you can exaggerate this by infinity, this is the love from the source. This lies within all. This is the candle that you imagine burning within all. It is a candle that burns forever, it has no beginning and it has no end. And it cannot be destroyed. And some burn brightly and some not so brightly, nevertheless one is not higher than the other, it is the same, it is one.

(Excerpt from session 65)


And because your language is limited and misinterpreted by you, by your mind as an individual, this is also confusion. The most powerful form of energy, the one energy that exists, which encompasses all energy, is the love from the source, not your mind created delusional love.
But again, I use the word love because you have experienced love within your physical illusion and the language that your mind understands is the one it has developed.

(Excerpt from session 68)


In the metaphysical it is only source energy, one energy, one people and source energy is love. It encompasses all, all created energies. It is one. Love, love is the formation of all.

(Excerpt from session 72)


But you do not understand the formation of energy within the metaphysical. But you will, and when you unite with source energy, there is no differential between one form of energy and another. It is one energy. It is all and everything. It is love, and the journey you are on is to understand the true meaning of love, and the true meaning of self, and the true meaning of experience, and the true meaning of existence.

(Excerpt from session 77)


As you interpret love, there will never exist within your physical world, complete love. It contradicts the reason you have created this illusion in the first place. It contradicts the reason for its existence within your mind so therefore, it is an impossibility.

(Excerpt from session 78)


Source is pure light. Your interpretation of light is childlike, as is your interpretation of love.

(Excerpt from session 80)


You are a pure form of energy and the one, the source is your limited interpretation of love, and you have chosen to work and to create the energy of love, and you cannot create the energy of love unless you create it. It is a practical application. It does not take physical ability, it is a thought creating process from the mind to the imagination, to the consciousness. It is a powerful creation, the most powerful creation. It is source energy in its entirety.

(Excerpt from session 81)


Your compassion for your people around you is your compassion for self. Your love for them is your love for self. It is your love of God, of source. And for this you do not need stories, you do not need names, you do not need places. You are as we are, it is the same. Apply this in each and every moment, of which all moments are one moment.

(Excerpt from session 89)


It is all experience, it is our experience also. And all your complexities, your illusional problems, illnesses, feelings, hates, all your judgments lie totally within your conditioning, and outside of this, there is only love.
That is the love from source, from God, and your interpretation of this, which is not totally correct, is positive, it is light. And this you consciously chose to pursue, to experience, against all what your perception of negative is.
This is your journey, your experience.

Before you state God is love, you need to know what love is. Know self and you will know.

(Excerpt from session 91)


The closest word we have created for you to understand source is love. Positive energy creates love and for you to understand source, you must apply positive.

(Excerpt from session 94)


Love is one. It is within all and every and it can be found within all and every. You merely have to look. God, the source is all and every and this is as simple as it is. And this is your chosen journey: realisation is what you chose…

You will change your perception of the illusion you have created simply with love.

(Excerpts from session 100)


Without ego, without mind, there is only love. Without physical creation, there is only love, there is only source energy.

(Excerpt from session 103)


But source energy is pure, and it is love or a tiny piece of your understanding of love. And it is peace that you must find within self to understand more this feeling.

You will not find peace by making judgement of others. Whilst you are judging others, you are judging yourself. You will not find peace by creating hate within self. Whilst you are busy hating others, you will hate self.

You will only find peace by creating love for others, you, and this is all others, it is others, especially the others you do not wish to love, because they are you, the same, the same as we are you, the same as I am you, one.

(Excerpt from session 104)


And of course, the energy of love is supreme above all. The energy of love is all, it encompasses all energy formation. It is the origin of all. It is source, it is pure, it is here now, and here is where you can feel it.

There are many adaptations of the word love, but there is only love as being all and everything.

(Excerpt from session 129)



You dwell in a machine that dwells on a machine. You have created this. You chose it.

(Excerpt from session 1)


You would say faith can move mountains. It surely can. It can also create them.

(Excerpt from session 2)


There are no coincidences. Nothing happened by what you would term an accident. It may seem that way, but it is not. It is created from you, from your thoughts.

(Excerpt from session 3)


You must always try to laugh at yourself. This will suppress your ego. Do not laugh at the misfortunes of others, help them, this will accelerate your growth. When you help them, you are helping yourself.

(Excerpt from session 4)


Everything you have created is necessary for you. All the cogs in the machine you have created are necessary for you. It is your machine. It is no one else’s machine.

(Excerpt from session 5)


Everybody wants to understand the meaning of their lives. Many are afraid to ask the question, they fear the answer. There is nothing to fear, it is a wondrous journey of discovery. You are building your own staircase so you can rise above, above and beyond.

(Excerpt from session 5)


Ask yourself, how is it possible to travel at 200km in one hour on a high speed train, and sit down and read a book at the same time?

(Excerpt from session 5)


Ask yourself, where did that thought come from, why did I think that at that time in this world? Why did I think it? It is not an accident, although your mind will tell you it was.

(Excerpts from session 6)


The information lies within, the ignition of that information lies outside, it’s the outside that will bring it in.

(Excerpt from session 7)

The mind will always choose the easiest route, the consciousness will always choose the hardest route. So many people have chosen the easiest route.

(Excerpt from session 8)


Throw away your crutches that you have created, for an illness you don’t have, and see how fast you can run.

(Excerpt from session 9)


Every path is written, every path, and so many to choose from. You choose.

(Excerpt from session 10)

What would you do in a world without problems? Ask yourself. What would you think about? What would you create? Ask yourself if there was no problems in my world, what do I do today?

(Excerpt from session 11)


Everything in your world is an illusion created by you. You are a pure form of energy connected to the source. Your mind will try to keep you disconnected from the source, your consciousness will be attracted to the source.

(Excerpt from session 19)


Everything is connected to the source. You are not a physical being. You are a metaphysical being. You are a being of thought, a being of emotion, a being of frequency. You are energy. We are the same. We are you, and you are us, all connected, all one. When you know this, your world will be totally different.

(Excerpt from session 19)


The most important thing for you to do is to know yourself. When you know yourself, your world will change like you cannot imagine.

(Excerpt from session 20)


Know thyself, self-realisation. When you know yourself, you will know all. It is one.

(Excerpt from session 21)


You choose to be whatever you wish to be, wherever you wish to be, when you wish to be. But at the same time you are connected to all energy forms.

(Excerpt from session 22)


Infinity is one moment of eternal lasting.

(Excerpt from session 22)


All the physical creations out there are formed from energy. That includes you. When you raise your vibrational energy, you raise your awareness of this.

(Excerpt from session 22)

The difference between your mind and your consciousness, your mind does not know. Your consciousness knows. It feels. This is the deciding factor for you.

(Excerpt from session 23)


You have created so many stumbling blocks in your life, deliberately to fall over them. Whilst this is necessary for your awakening, you must also be aware they are only your creation, your stumbling blocks in your mind.

(Excerpt from session 24)


All matter is formed from your imagination through frequencies. Emotions are frequencies. They are the same thing.

(Excerpt from session 24)


You must relax and enjoy what you have created, explore what you have created, experience what you have created.

(Excerpt from session 26)


Fear will stop your journey. Awareness will allow you to continue. It is very simple. Fear is created by you, by your mind.

(Excerpt from session 32)


You need to understand that everything, everything in the physical reality that you have created is made up of particles, including you. Outside of this, there exists also a metaphysical which is also made up of particles through frequency, through emotion. You must understand that you are a part of one. You are a part of everything. Whatever you throw out in frequency and emotion will be received by all.

(Excerpt from session 49)


Take pleasure in the light you are creating and do not fear. There is nothing to fear. It is an illusion.

(Excerpt from session 50)


No more fear, no more hate, no more envy, no more judgement, only love from the source within one moment of creation. Simply said, difficult for you to adapt.

Stay in the positive in every aspect of your life. It is a wondrous journey.

(Excerpt from session 59)


For you within your physical form, it all has to have a beginning, a middle and an end. But there is no beginning, there is no middle and there is no end. It is one moment.

(Excerpt from session 60)


The flame burns within all because all are one, created from the source. These are not riddles, these are precise words chosen so you may interpret in a way that is positive.

(Excerpt from session 62)


You must be aware of the role you are playing. It is only a role, a part, it is theatre. You must become an actor who is aware he is an actor when he is playing his role.

(Excerpt from session 63)


Remember one moment, remember within one moment all and everything can change, and it is you that changes this.

(Excerpt from session 63)


And remember you can wait a thousand years, in what you call time, for the answer, but you are in a box, and you will get all the answers that lie within you in a second, in what you call time, when you step outside of that box.

(Excerpt from session 64)


When you know, you know. There is no question to be asked. It is an incredible emotional feeling, a frequency. Do not ever think you know, know.

(Excerpt from session 65)


The mind in action, this is conditioning.

(Excerpt from session 69)


Many have no awareness of consciousness. This is ironic, considering that all there is, is consciousness, the source, the one.

(Excerpt from session 74)


Simplicity is all, it is one. Complexity is lost.

(Excerpt from session 76)


You are using the tools of entrapment to try to understand the freedom of consciousness, that in itself is a contradiction, nevertheless a necessity.

(Excerpt from session 79)


Being aware is your interpretation of freedom. But you are free, you just don’t know you are free, it is as simple as that. You created your own present and you dwell within it.

(Excerpt from session 84)


Life through fear controls life, life through love unites life, very simple.

(Excerpt from session 88)


Fear is an illusion and that is as simple as it is. Knowing this will set you free from entrapment. Whence you are free, you will realise what a wonderful thing life really is.

(Excerpt from session 89)


Open yourself to the light, you will see how much you can change all and everything.

(Excerpt from session 89)


All and everything happens in one moment. If you consciously change each moment, your choice being light, you will change all and everything in one moment within every life you are a part of, which is all lives. This is the vastness of your experience. This is the immense power you are applying, it is incredible, and we are a part of this.

(Excerpt from session 90)


The closest word we have created for you to understand source is love.

(Excerpt from session 94)


Detachment from conditioning is unification with source. It is only you, your mind, that will prevent this from happening.

(Excerpt from session 95)


Full realisation of self is eradication of illusion. There is no necessity for your chosen illusion to exist once you have full realisation of self. This is the reason you created it in the first place, so what necessity would you have for it with full realisation of self? It would disappear within the moment.

(Excerpt from session 97)


Although you do not think so, you are where you chose to be within one moment, within every life you are in, you are exactly where you chose to be. It cannot be any other way, it is absolute.

(Excerpt from session 98)


And your greatest gifts, if the word gifts is what you wish to use, your greatest gifts are your imagination and faith. And you must apply both within this life you chose to focus on, imagination and faith. Your imagination will set you free and your faith will power your journey.

(Excerpt from session 98)


You will change your perception of the illusion you have created simply with love.

(Excerpt from session 100)


All physical illusion is equilibrium of energy, balance of your perception of positive and negative. A balance of energy necessary and absolute.

(Excerpt from session 100)


With a blink of an eye, you can wash away all those fears, all the baggage you have created within your many lives, within one moment.

(Excerpt from session 102)


Everything that you create with your mind, with your ego is so controlling over your ability, your ability to change, to travel, to experience. This is your created illusion. It is your created prison. It is the walls that you have built around yourself. It is choice, your choice.

(Excerpt from session 103)


Remove all fear from your illusion and this will open the doors of knowing.

(Excerpt from session 103)


Your creations are illusions, they are entertainment for your mind, for your ego. And the more entertaining you make your conditioned life, the further away you go from self, from knowing self. Every little thing you create in your conditioned life, every little piece, little, tiny piece is another step away from the understanding and the knowing of self.

(Excerpt from session 104)


You will always find it incredibly difficult to reconnect to consciousness when you allow your conditioned life, your mind, your ego to control you.

(Excerpt from session 111)


You are a part of source so therefore, you are source. And you are in a journey to know source, to know what you are.

(Excerpt from session 120)


You are a product, your words, a product of your own creation and now you are understanding why. What an incredible journey you are on.

(Excerpt from session 122)


Know until there is no necessity to know.

(Excerpt from session 122)


You are living an illusion, you created it, you chose every piece of it and you choose every piece of it within a single moment. You have already lived it, and yet you are living it now. How is that even possible? Well, it is a reality, a truth.

(Excerpt from session 126)


Source knows only love. Through separation Source knows what love is. Simple, a simple way to explain why the game.

(Excerpt from session 129)


I have told you many times, you have chosen a very difficult path. However, the conclusion, the rewards of such a journey are immense. And that immensity is not measured as one, it is measured as all. It is a personal, a self-journey of understanding which will create a complete understanding for all.

(Excerpt from session 129)


And you have sat within the darkness for so long, and light has to be slowly revealed to you. It is too bright to see it all within a moment. It is too bright for your senses to accept. A stage by stage process.

(Excerpt from session 131)


So near, and yet within your ego, within your mind, so far away, is the way you would view it. So near and yet so far away from what? What, is what you seek, and you already are. Not riddles, but facts. You can create as much time as you feel is necessary for you to understand this, and you have, many lives, much of your years you have created to understand this.

(Excerpt from session 133)


Whilst you have chosen to separate, everything within your illusion, you create. You create all of the people, you create all of the physical illusion.

(Excerpt from session 135)


It is ironic that you would create two to understand one, nevertheless necessary within a time created illusion.

(Excerpt from session 137)


Everything is two in a physical formation, reality is one. There is no confusion with this, although you will make it confusing with your ego.

(Excerpt from session 137)


Your illusion is driven by the fuel of fear, and you must drive it with the fuel of love. You merely have to change the energy formation.

(Excerpt from session 137)


You must forgive, you must be tolerant, you must analyse, you must look at all. And often, you will recognise within others what lies within self. And often, what you do not like about others is what you do not like about self.

(Excerpt from session 138)


And as you focus within your time created illusion, as you focus on positive, you will slowly, slowly, another word, you will slowly see how your life changes, how the people around you change. It is absolute, it cannot be any other way.

(Excerpt from session 138)


You are a pure form of energy, and you could not create anything that wasn’t perfect, that is an impossibility, and that goes for all the people around you, it is the same thing.

(Excerpt from session 139)


You are constantly searching for something that does not exist, and you are constantly creating what it is you are searching for. This is how you designed yourself. What you are searching for you already have, you always had. ‘You are’. Irony is what it is, nevertheless, necessary. And this is simplicity at its finest.

(Excerpt from session 140)


You utter the words ‘God bless you’. You have all been blessed from the beginning of your formation. Not one single energy that is formulated from source is not blessed, blessed by perfection.

(Excerpt from session 141)


And when I say to you, everything is correct for the moment it is in, it is absolutely correct for the moment it is in, which is one moment for all and everything, because all is correct.

(Excerpt from session 145)


Do not fear, you are exactly where you choose to be within your illusion. You have already placed all the pieces, and what you are doing now is remembering where they are, piece by piece, peeling them off like cards in a deck of cards, one after another, until they are gone, and you are free.

(Excerpt from session 150)


The vastness of beauty awaits you in the life of your creation, do not fear life, it is your gift to yourself, it is your beauty, it is your perfection, feel it, experience it, and love it, it is what you are.

(Excerpt from session 152)


And within your time created illusion, it is you that is changing your perception of what you see and what you hear. It is your perception that is changing, and it is changing because your awareness is changing. And you would view it as though it is others that are changing, well, it is not, because they are you. So, what you have created within your illusion you view as others, they are not others, they are you, and it is you that is changing within a single moment your illusion. This is knowing, this is being aware of what you are.

(Excerpt from session 155)


Things, money, gold, power, your perception of power are only things, a distraction that you impose upon yourself, an illusion. Anger, hate, sacrifice, martyr, all your own created illusions. You must look within, and you must step outside of this to know real truth, closer to source energy, the one pure energy.

(Excerpt from session 156)


So long as you live in a time-created illusion, you will restrict yourself with a linear thought process of time and space, when in reality, it does not exist, it is an illusion.

(Excerpt from session 160)


It is good to laugh at yourself. This is positive energy. This allows you to understand what you are. Even in what your perception of the most horrendous experience you will have, it is good to laugh at yourself. Laughing is a pure form of energy, but you must not laugh at others. You must laugh with them. This is positive energy.

(Excerpt from session 161)


Everything is correct for the moment it is in ,and there is only one moment for all and everything. You have created time to enable you to understand this. You have created ego, your ego, your mind, or machines, tools, to help you understand what it is you are, to drive you to understand what it is you are.

(Excerpt from session 162)


Now you must learn how to ride your bicycle without stabilisers you have placed on it. You must remove the stabilisers and ride your bicycle. Stabilisers are the fear you have created for yourself. The fear of your time created illusion is what has stabilised your journey within it, and now you must remove them, and you must be free of the restrictions you have placed upon yourself with your ego. This is how you will know what you are, and this is your chosen journey.

(Excerpt from session 163)


If you could feel which you do feel, if you could feel outside of your senses, your physical senses, you would feel the energy all around you. And if you visualised this with your imagination, you would feel a knowing of a reality that bears no resemblance to the illusion you create with your senses.

(Excerpt from session 164)


Your mind and your ego is a tiny part of what you are, of what you are capable of. Your biggest obstacle is fear. It is fear that will hold you back. And it is love, it is the love from source, the all-encompassing love for all and everything that will awaken you, and through fear, you will find love. You will see love, it can be no other way. All energy is the same energy, it is source energy, it is ultimately love.

(Excerpt from session 165)


You must visualise. You must use your imagination to create the world the way you feel it should be, and it will be. It is only fear that will cause you to feel there is no hope. It is only fear that will stop you. You must forge forward in love, in compassion, in tolerance. This is where you are going, this is where you are, this is what you are, this is what we all are, a pure form of energy experiencing self.

(Excerpt from session 165)


Do not think you are different from the others, you are not. All are equal, all are the same, and it is all within one single moment for all and every, no higher, no lower, the same. Your ego desires to be different, to be better, to be higher. There is no higher, there is no lower, all are the same.

(Excerpt from session 165)


You create everything and everybody around you. There is only you. There is only source, it is the same thing. And everything else is an illusion, it is not what you think it is. It is experience. It is you experiencing self, it is you becoming aware of what you are.

(Excerpt from session 166)


All is connected, all physical is connected to all consciousness. We are you as you are us, separated by choice, separated by choice to reunite, when in reality, not separated, never separated. Separated by mind, by ego, by choice.

(Excerpt from session 167)


Remember, all and every are on the same journey as you. And none are higher or lower. And it is all about experiencing self, Source experiencing self.

(Excerpt from session 169)


Much has been said within this space within a single moment. Many of your hours, of your time created illusion, is a single moment. Much has been talked about, but it is the same, it is put into your words in a different way each time, but it is the same message every time, and it is within one single moment. Energy is what it is.

(Excerpt from session 170)


You have separated from source to understand self. It is source understanding self.

(Excerpt from session 171)


You will play out your time-created illusion meticulously. You will play it out as though you have no awareness of anything other, no memory. It is your ego that will play it out. You have placed within it every particle, every detail, every word that is spoken within this illusion, and you will play it out meticulously in the order you have created it. And this is what you chose to focus on. But outside of this, you are also participating in many created illusions, in many timelines, in many universes, and again, this is what you chose to do. This is what you are.

(Excerpt from session 175)


Physical formation is infinite, it is ever expanding. Infinity is one moment, it is the same thing, but it is viewed and understood only outside of physical form.

(Excerpt from session 175)


How can you develop something that you already are? Develop takes time, and time is an illusion. There is no such thing as develop, you already are. You do not develop, it is not development, it is experience, you are experiencing self.

(Excerpt from session 176)


There is only one. It is one moment, one source, one energy, this is reality. And this is what you are.

(Excerpt from session 178)


If it is not simple for you to understand, then do not use your energy to force an understanding. This will create frustration. Frustration is ego created negative energy. It bears no fruit for you. You will know within. If it is for you, you will feel and you will know.

(Excerpt from session 178)


There is only love, there is only the all encompassing love from Source, which you are a part of, which you are. And you will continue with your A to B journeys, with your cycles, until you are fully aware of this.

(Excerpt from session 180)


The sea of souls is an untouchable ocean of love, and it is one, it is not many.

(Excerpt from session 181)


This table lists only those sessions in which we have welcomed someone into the cave to meditate with us.

They are fascinating in the way The Man in the Cave speaks directly to our guest while delivering its universal message.

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