Session 180 – 18/10/2024

Una sesión de canalización con El Hombre de la Caverna: un viaje espiritual hacia la conciencia.

Channeling session 180

Es difícil para ti comprenderlo. Has pasado miles de tus años construyendo tu mansión, viviendo tus sueños, tus ilusiones, muchos ciclos, muchas cosas, muchas cosas físicas creadas por la mente, una cantidad interminable de años. Y en un instante debes hacerlo desaparecer todo. Porque no es real, no eres tú. Y es difícil para ti hacer esto. Pero en tu interior sabes lo que eres. Y no hay tiempo, no hay espacio, y qué de estos miles de años de creación, es un momento. Y sin tiempo ni espacio todo puede cambiar en un solo momento, y esto es lo que necesitas comprender, esto es lo que buscas comprender. Borrar, deshacerse de todos estos ciclos, de todas sus creaciones, de todas sus creaciones físicas, es lo que están tratando de lograr, cuando en su realidad no quieren dejar ir esto. Es tu mente, es tu ego el que no quiere dejarlo ir, no eres tú, no es lo que eres. Y este es el reto que tienes ante ti, dejar ir en un solo momento, todo y todo lo que percibes que es precioso para ti. Y esto incluye tu percepción de ti, de lo que eres. (1)

Sientes como si se te mostrara una pequeña parte, no es así. Tienes acceso a todo y a todos, eres tú el que no quiere ver, eres tú el que no quiere soltar, eres tú el que se aferra a tu creación, a tus deseos, a tus esperanzas, a tus miedos. Y eso no es real. No eres un ser físico, eres energía, y existes dentro de un momento en todo y todos. Y dentro de un momento lo sabrás, y dentro de un momento lo olvidarás, este es el camino en el que estás, este es el viaje de experiencia que eliges.

There is only love, there is only the all encompassing love from Source, which you are a part of, which you are. And you will continue with your A to B journeys, with your cycles, until you are fully aware of this. And you must continue, because this is what you choose to do. And you must experience all, because this is what you choose.

Your world, your world, your tiny world, is lifting. It is balancing, it is forming, it is starting to know what it is. And you are in many places within the moment. It is only this one that you choose to focus on, which you are aware of all, this is the one that drives you. This is the one where you experience more self. And this is the one that will release you from the prison you have created. You have chosen to do more within this time created illusion, and you will, you are. It is very important that you are positive, it is very important that you are not negative, this is what you choose, because this is what you are.

And you can feel, you can feel all. It is a wonderful feeling. It is the ability to feel, this is how you create the feeling, it is a feeling of immense sadness combined with immense joy, and the conclusion is one. It may seem numb, it is not, it is a wonderful feeling of peace, of harmony with all and everything, and this is what you feel, and it is a wonderful feeling (2). This is Source, this is the true essence of us, of you, of all, of everything. One does not cancel out two, one merely becomes one, Source, Love, Light. This is energy. It comes to you through frequency, through vibrational energy, through emotional feeling. And it is no more complicated than that.

  1. This also explains reactions to death. This week, during a meal with friends, John broached the subject of death. The subject was quickly turned on its head by the hostility of the guests…
  2. As he said these words, John felt an indescribable state of bliss.