Session 176 – 25/09/2024


Channeling session 176

The word you are looking for is natural, nature, natural. Everything that is created through nature, through natural, has consciousness. It has awareness, the animals, the people, the earth, the trees, the sea, all natural, all awareness. Everything that you create outside of this does not burn with a candle. It does not have a candle burning within it. And you can create biological machines, and you do create biological machines. Although it is all your creation as one creation, a biological machine does also not burn. It does not have a candle burning within it, it is a construct created by you. So, your understanding of consciousness, of all and everything, it is however a part of your creation, but it does not have a candle burning within it. It is not nature, it is not natural. And this is how you feel what it is, it is how you know what it is. It is all about feeling. It is all about the feeling of vibrational energy (1).

All these things, all of these stories, all of these things you create, you are creating within many worlds the same, ever-expanding, ever-growing, an infinite amount of creations. And yet, not necessary to ultimately know what you are, not necessary to understand self. Complex, incredibly complex, your structures of creation, and you can create anything, anything with your mind, with your imagination, but it will not cross the bridge from the mind to the imagination to the consciousness, unless it is you, it is you that crosses the bridge. It is not your creations, it is you that crosses the bridge to know self, a part of source, source itself. And when you cross that bridge, you know, within a single moment, you know, you know what you are.

Remember that your experiences, your journey you have chosen, this one you have chosen to focus on, remember they are cycles and they will repeat. You chose for them to do this and you have chosen for them to do this within many realities you are creating, many illusions you are creating. And it is a repetitive cycle of continuous, until you know what you are. All are the same, you are not different than another, more aware of this, but not different, the same, and all within one moment at the same position, the same point. Awareness is knowing this, knowing this within a single moment. Separation is different points, different positions. Separation is not knowing. Knowing is feeling, it is emotions, it is vibrational energy, it is energy, it is absolute, it cannot be explained with words, it can only be felt within self.

How can you develop something that you already are? Develop takes time, and time is an illusion. There is no such thing as develop, you already are. You do not develop, it is not development, it is experience, you are experiencing self.

Your mind, your ego, it is your mind, your ego that becomes tired (2). The tool, the machine you have created becomes tired. It is the tool that expires when your time created illusion ends. There is no end, as there is no beginning, but it is what you created, and it is this that becomes tired during its journey. Your self is incapable of understanding tired, it is not a physical being. It is within one moment, and yet it is endless, it is all, it is everything, it is what you are. Your feeling of tired, your feeling of ill, your feeling of any of these created emotions is ego, it is your mind, and it is this that becomes tired. Outside of this there is no tired, it does not exist, neither is ill, neither is fear, neither is hate. And you will use your ego to understand these words as a tool, as the tool that you created for this very purpose.

Imagination begins its life within the mind, within the ego, but to create it has to cross the bridge from the mind, to the imagination, to consciousness, to one. It is formed energy within the mind, and it becomes one energy when it crosses the bridge from the mind, to the imagination, to consciousness. And then it is real. And it is guided by faith. Faith is its fuel, faith is the fuel that guides self.

Do not be restless, you are exactly where you chose to be, within a single moment.


  1. This morning we were talking about man-made biological creatures and wondering whether they had consciousness. We had extended our discussion to include hybrids, beings that are half-human and half-extraterrestrial, and which could well be circulating around us already… This subject came up this morning when John told me that there are a few people, including one in our street, from whom he feels absolutely no emotion, which is quite unusual for him.
  2. Another topic of conversation over our pre-meditation coffee was sleep. I wanted to find out more about what happens during our sleep, from his perspective, and be able to compare it with Seth’s perspective. But it was the subject of fatigue that came up, probably induced by John’s state of tiredness.