第 177 届会议 - 2024 年 9 月 30 日

与 "洞穴中的人 "进行一次通灵:进入意识的精神之旅。

Channeling session 177


你需要做的唯一一件事--需要,你不需要任何东西--但你选择做的唯一一件事就是积极,创造积极的能量、积极的情绪、积极的思想,生活在爱中。这就是你选择要做的事,因为你的恐惧、绝望、愤怒、痛苦和苦难等所有幻觉都是你在那一刻创造出来的。当我说 "所有 "时,我指的是所有,每一个微小的颗粒,你创造的每一个想法。我已经跟你说过很多次了,事情远比这简单得多。它不是你的自我所认为的那样。它不是一场游戏,它就是你,它就是。

Easy. What is easy? Easy is another illusion. Nothing is easy and nothing is hard, it only is. These are, once again, the words that you create to sustain yourself within this illusion. You say, it is not easy. There is no such thing as easy, and there is no such thing as hard, just as there is no such thing as positive, and there is no such thing as negative. They are all illusions, they are all you, separating from self, to understand, ultimately, self. This is your destination, when, in reality, you are already there, because you never left.

And so many, now, attempt to communicate, and you deny. You deny their communication, and you deny their communication because you choose to communicate with us, and we are you, the same thing, as we are all one, one source, one energy. And many who are separated, many entities, many people, do not understand one, because they relish in two, until they do, and the inevitability of that is without doubt.


There is little point for me to answer a question, when I know from the question you ask, you would have no comprehension of the answer. First, you must understand what it is you are asking, before the answer that will be given will be understood. You are at the beginning of your journey, the very beginning. There is so much more, there is so much more I would like to say to you, but until you ask it in a way that I will know you will understand the question, that you will understand the answer, there is no point for me to answer. It will only add to the confusion of your mind, of your ego. So, stay positive, do not fear anything, stay on your journey to understand self, to know what you are, because this is what you choose to do. Take comfort in the knowing that everything is correct, all and everything is correct, for the moment it is in, of which there is only one moment. And remember, communication is two ways, when in reality it is only one, but within a time created illusion it is two.

