第35届会议 - 2022年8月23日

与 "洞穴中的人 "进行一次通灵:进入意识的精神之旅。

Channeling session 35

The question you ask is fundamentally simple. Why is the position you sit in a good place for communication? (1) You only have to know of your own experiences in life where the energy is knowing to you or it is not knowing. You can feel the different energies when you travel across what you have created. It is the same, it is the same for this place. It has a different energy. Energy, what is this? It is you. It is everything you have created. Different energy is more acute or it is more subtle. It is more, as you would say, powerful or it is less in its appearance. So this is the place where energy can come together. This enables a clearer communication.This is what you are experiencing now. Your physics would explain a lot of this. But, again, it is a process, a simple process, a formation of frequencies that collide in a position that allow you to open the vertical. It allows you to correspond with, to communicate with a channel. You are a receiver and a transmitter of energy as we all are. And in certain positions and places this energy is what you would call stronger. We would call focused, there is a difference. There are indeed places of the same in the physical world that you created through matter, through frequencies. There are indeed other places where this occurrence is possible. But this place has a strong energy focus, a coming together. You would ask why this place? It is an accumulation of many things. Your own energy has a play in this, both of you, as does ours, it is the same. Your own choice has a focus in this. It is a process. It is a correct pattern of the formation of what you call matter. All elements have a play in this process. It is not the first time you have been in this area. It is not the only life you have visited this cave for the same reason always, to communicate.


We prefer not to give names for places. They are insignificant to us. Many other energy forms will want to give you such information, precise information of their terminology, of their existence, of their creation. But it is the same thing. We do not have names in the same way that you prefer to give everything a name. A name creates another illusion, another story which for us is incorrect. Of course, we know what you are referred to in this particular life you have chosen. Of course we know what your names are. We prefer not to express your energy form in names. It has no significance. It feeds your ego. It feeds your human desire to be wanted, to be needed. We prefer not to feed this desire. This is the reason we do not use your language of names. Whilst you are still working within this world you have chosen, then we will do all we can to prevent you reverting back to your conditioning. Using names will only encourage you to remain in your conditioning. It is very simple. (2)


When you can accept that everything happens in one moment, when you know this is the case, you will be fully aware of all that is occurring at the exact same moment. The balance of energy in the world that you have created is volatile. It is up and down. It is volatile. It has to be rebalanced. It will be rebalanced. It is inevitable that it will be rebalanced. There is no escape from this. Escape, there is nowhere to escape to. But this has no significance. I think you are aware now it has no significance in the real world, not your created illusion. The metaphysical world is the real world, and your awareness of this will prove. Do you need prove, do you need to prove anymore your awareness? So long as you remain in the world you have created, you will always need to prove.


的确,在你现在所处的空间里,你可以创造出不同类型的能量。如果你们愿意,在这个空间里可以做很多事情。我们希望与你们交流。你们可能会有不同的愿望。在这里,你可以创造任何你想创造的东西,做任何你想做的事情 (3)。你们只需意识到这一点。没什么可怕的。但也要从我们这里意识到,这可能会让你震惊。它会让你大吃一惊。再说一遍,这是你的条件反射,是你的无能,是你无法理解。你必须知道。


还可以这样说--你们又提出了更多的问题--还可以这样说,从在你们创造的世界中创造生命开始,就必须经历整个过程。整个过程就是在这个世界上创造生命。  So to become a form of the same as you, then we too would have to go through the process, the whole process. But we are also aware that the whole process has no time. So for us it is irrelevant (4). You would measure the process in time. We would not, but we still have to go through the process, the same as you have gone through the process many times because, after all, the process is the human form of life.





Everything in your life here, in this life of which you have had many lives in what you call time, lives that are continuing now in what you do not understand as time, many lives and experiences are building to the same position, a position of awareness, of knowing, self-awareness, self-knowing. You must experience all things to get to this position. You have chosen to do this. There is not one thing that you cannot create. There is not one experience that you cannot experience. All and everything is available to you within a single moment. You must be aware of this. You are learning to leave behind your conditioned life within this particular life you have chosen. This is good. You are learning how insignificant what you once treasured and thought was of most significance is now only an illusion. This is good. And you are also learning that the repetitive cycle that you keep applying to your lives is not necessary. We too are learning from you. The position you are creating for yourself is the correct position, always. The path you are choosing is the correct path for you, always.



Yes, you have but a taste of the feeling (5). This was your choice of journey, and you are experiencing all you chose. It is only emotion. It is a process. It is a release of energy.


You must go back now.



  1. This notion of position is important and delicate, is it the geographical location, the cave, or also the state of consciousness, or both?
  2. Clear explanation of why we feel a cold, clinical side in him, in addition to the explanations given in the previous session about their management of emotions, and their adaptation to human emotions.
  3. During my personal meditations in the cave this week, I tried, in vain, to bend a fork by thought. Probably my ego needed to prove something…
  4. Answer to my question of whether they need to go through the birth process to physically manifest themselves to us.
  5. John had an extremely intense visual experience during his trance.



