Channeling books - Spirituality - Consciousness
Channeling books! If you like Jane Roberts channeling Seth, or the series of “Conversations With God” by Neale Donald Walsch, or if Eckhart Tolle inspires you, discover what The Man in the Cave has to say!
You would say faith can move mountains. It surely can. It can also create them.
The Man in the Cave
Excerpt from session 2

Everything you think is WRONG but you are perfect
A little spiritual metaphysical guide to understanding why
We are not human beings living a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings living a human experience.
This book is more than a work of outreach.
It could be described as a little universal philosophical manifesto, with an approach that is both revelatory and introspective. It is designed to be comprehensible to all, guiding the novice while enriching the initiated. It is for anyone who has questions about the nature of their existence, who is seeking to understand the world and their place in it, to move beyond the illusion of physical life or to reconnect with the universal source energy.
It is based on teachings received through channeling from a metaphysical entity that we call The Man in the Cave, and that we can consider to be our higher self, or even our higher consciousness.
But this book is not just about simplifying ideas. It invites you to delve into fascinating metaphysical concepts and explore the spiritual dimensions of existence. Its structure encourages personal reflection, an inner journey and deep awareness, which goes beyond the simple transmission of information. Its universal and timeless message is profoundly transformative, offering insights capable of changing your vision of yourself and the world forever…

Tout ce que vous pensez est FAUX mais vous êtes parfait
Petit guide spirituel métaphysique pour comprendre pourquoi
Ce livre est davantage qu’un ouvrage de vulgarisation.
On pourrait le qualifier de manifeste philosophique universel, avec une approche à la fois révélatrice et introspective. Il est conçu pour être compréhensible par tous, guidant les novices tout en enrichissant les initiés. Il s’adresse à tous ceux qui se posent des questions sur la nature de leur existence, qui cherchent à comprendre le monde et leur place dans l’univers, à dépasser l’illusion de la vie physique ou à se reconnecter à l’énergie source universelle.
Il est basé sur des enseignements reçus par channeling d’une entité métaphysique que nous appelons L’Homme dans la Grotte, et que nous pouvons considérer comme étant notre moi supérieur, ou bien encore notre conscience supérieure.
Mais cet ouvrage ne cherche pas seulement à simplifier des idées. Il vous invite à plonger dans des concepts métaphysiques fascinants et à explorer les dimensions spirituelles de l’existence. Sa structure encourage une réflexion personnelle, un voyage intérieur et une prise de conscience profonde, ce qui va au-delà de la simple transmission d’informations. Son message universel et intemporel est profondément transformateur, offrant des perspectives capables de modifier à jamais votre vision de vous-même et du monde…

Awakening the Source
Genre: Mystery, Spiritual Exploration, Supernatural Fiction
A John’s creation based on TMITC’s teachings!
"Thrilling, mystical, emotional, roller coaster"
In a world filled with ancient mysteries and hidden truths, Dr Emma Morgan’s life changes when an anonymous manuscript, arrives on her desk, from France, pulling her into a journey across the globe. From the depths of a mystical cave in France to the pyramids of Egypt and the ruins of Mexico, Emma and her friend Marc Leduc uncover long-lost secrets tied to “the Source”—a powerful, universal force beyond comprehension.
But not everyone seeks the Source for enlightenment. A powerful shadowy and ancient group, known as the Egostics, pursues this power for their own dark ambitions. As Emma delves deeper into the mysteries of the Source, she is forced to confront her deepest fears and face the fine line between light and darkness.
With the fate of humanity hanging in the balance, Emma must unlock the secrets of the Source before it falls into the wrong hands. A thrilling journey of mystery, discovery and intrigue, Awakening the Source will take you on a roller coaster of mystical revelations, ancient wisdom, and the ultimate battle between control and enlightenment.
Are you ready to awaken the Source?

The Man in the Cave – Vol.3
“Your illusion is driven by the fuel of fear, and you must drive it with the fuel of love. You merely have to change the energy formation.”
The Man in the Cave
(Excerpt from session 137)
The saga continues! Here we are in the third volume!
I’m still fascinated when we have these sessions in the cave and John starts talking. It’s fantastic! The entity speaking through John’s mouth is not physical but knows how the different dimensions work. It is a part of us that has never experienced physical life. In fact, it experiences it through us. Its perspective, from its level of consciousness, makes this communication a very unique exchange!
At the end of each session, as John slowly emerges from his altered state of consciousness, we look at each other and smile, still amazed at what has just happened!
The themes covered in this volume continue to revolve around the nature of what we really are, consciousness, awareness, the metaphysical world, the illusion of physical existence created by our ego, the changes taking place in our world today in this difficult notion of time, this time that is just another of our creations. Many other subjects are raised: energy, frequencies, communication, the cave, imagination and creation, extraterrestrial life, the human species, our different lives, our conditioning governed by fear, the library, science, faith, judgement, and then the source, the source energy, God as some call it, One…
We think it’s best to read or listen to them in the order in which they were given. There is indeed a logic in this sequencing. But once the main concepts have been integrated, any one of the sessions in this volume 3 is a masterpiece in itself.
At a time when artificial intelligence is intruding into every corner of our lives, The Man in the Cave represents a purely natural, and naturally intelligent source of information, and 100% AI free!

L’Homme dans la Grotte – Vol.3
Version française, par Philippe

The Man in the Cave – Vol.2
I’m always so amazed when we have these sessions in the cave and John starts talking. It’s extraordinary.
In this second volume, The Man in the Cave, as we keep calling him, is going to be more precise...
He’s going to fit the pieces of the jigsaw together in a different way so that the overall picture takes shape. He knows exactly how to present the themes so that they make sense to John and me. His words are always chosen with great care, constantly warning us that it’s not the words that matter, those words that are always open to interpretation, if not confusion, but the emotion that is conveyed. This is why the original audio recordings of the sessions, available here, represent the purest material of these transmissions.
We have now gone beyond the stage of mistrusting him, and have instead established a relationship of total trust. We now know who and what we’re dealing with!
The themes dealt with in this second volume revolve around the nature of who we really are, consciousness, the metaphysical world, our journey in this physical life, in relation to the changes taking place in our world today in this difficult notion of time. Many other themes are addressed or explored in greater depth, including emotions, energy, frequencies, communication, imagination and creation, extraterrestrial life, the human species, our different lives, our conditioning governed by fear, money, religion, science, faith, judgement, and then the Source, God as some call it, the Love of the Source…
Finally, The Man in the Cave gives us further information about his environment, the value of these transmissions, and the characteristics of the cave that enable this quality of communication.
This process of self-discovery and self-awareness is a slow one, step by step, and you’ll understand why.
And if you’re about to read this book, it’s because you’re already on this fabulous journey…
Read more
In a world where the cacophony of everyday life often drowns out the whispers of our true essence, this book serves as a guiding light on the profound journey toward self-discovery. Drawing wisdom from the depths of human consciousness, “The Man in the Cave” takes you on an odyssey beyond the confines of ego and conditioned thinking, revealing the timeless concept of the higher self.
Through profound insights shared across numerous sessions, you’ll embark on a transformative exploration of your inner wisdom and innate connection to the universal consciousness. As you delve into the pages of this book, you’ll uncover the significance of meditation—a powerful tool that leads to inner silence, allowing the wisdom and knowledge stored within to gently unfurl.
The concept of the higher self is not merely theoretical; it’s a deeply personal journey, a step-by-step process of self-realisation that transcends the bounds of time and ego. This book invites you to embrace the paradoxical dance of awakening—simultaneously yearning for change while resisting it, acknowledging the challenges while celebrating the growth.
Ultimately, “The Man in the Cave” is a testament to the profound interconnectedness of all existence. It emphasises the importance of love, harmony, and unity as essential components of your voyage. It’s a reminder that in your quest to know yourself, you also come to know others, for all beings are threads woven into the intricate tapestry of the universal consciousness.
Prepare to embark on a journey of self-discovery that will awaken your inner wisdom, deepen your connection to the universal consciousness, and lead you to the profound realisation that you are not alone but an integral part of the grand cosmic dance of existence.

L’Homme dans la Grotte – Vol.2
Version française, par Philippe.

The Man in the Cave – Vol.1
An incredible channeling experience! A must-have if you like channeling books!Compilation of the original transcripts of the first 52 sessions, held in 2022, of The Man in the Cave channeling.
A higher self channeling from the 9th dimension
Fascinating information about the metaphysical world, about spirituality, consciousness, energy, frequencies, physical creation, emotions, time, extra-terrestrial life, The Source… supplemented by some contextual and personal notes.
For all explorers of consciousness! A key explanatory for a better understanding of what we really are, as well as of what is occurring in the world today!
If you like Jane Roberts channeling Seth, or Neale Donald Walsch’s Conversations With God, or if Eckhart Tolle inspires you, discover what The Man in the Cave has to say!

L’Homme dans la Grotte – Vol.1
An incredible experience of higher self channeling! A must-have if you like channeling books!
French version, by Philippe
My translations have been filtered through my personality, my own experience, my understanding of the concepts, as well as my desire to make the message as clear as possible and as undistorted as possible from the original. The remarks and contextual notes are personal to me.
In addition to trying to distort as little as possible the original meaning of the concepts transmitted and transcribed by John, I am faced with another difficulty, that of translating the ‘you’ into ‘tu’ or ‘vous’! Is the entity expressing itself through John’s mouth addressing him, me, both of us, or all of us? I have chosen to translate it mostly as ‘vous’ as we consider this material to be universal. However, it answers very precisely the questions we ask ourselves, as well as our personal concerns, without the need to verbalise them…
From time to time you will find in brackets the original words or phrases in English where the interpretation and translation are ambiguous.
If you like Jane Roberts channeling Seth, or Neale Donald Walsch’s Conversations With God, or if Eckhart Tolle inspires you, discover what The Man in the Cave has to say!
An incredible experience of higher self channeling! A must-have if you like channeling books!
Channeling - Spirituality - Consciousness