Session 137 – 02/04/2024

A channeling session with The Man in the Cave: a spiritual journey into consciousness.

Channeling session 137

It is very flippant to say that you have followed your instinct, your gut feeling. Many of you say this, and many of you have not done this. It is your ego, it is your ego that is telling the world that you have followed your instinct. You do not truly understand the word instinct. Very few times in your time-created illusion have you done this, and you accept that you have done it, you know you have done it. Within a single moment, it is an overwhelming feeling of connection, of connection with source, of all and everything. It is a moment of accessing the library and knowing within, what you are feeling is absolute, it is correct. And you will feel this, you do feel this, but you do not follow it. Within one moment, you are in it, and within another moment, you are back within ego. And it is your ego that will tell you it is not correct. It is your ego that will tell you it is your own created feeling. And you must learn more to follow your instinct, your gut feeling. This is the only feeling that is correct. And many times, you will tell yourself you did follow your instinct, and you did not.
There are very few times in your life you have done this, and some never, never consciously are aware it was their instinct, their feeling of all, of everything, of one, within a single moment. You must be more aware of instinct. You must be more aware of one moment, of this feeling. And often it will make no sense within your conditioned life you have created, and yet, it is only, it is all, it is everything, it is one.

In your time-created illusion, your ego is everything to you. And what you are attempting to do is understand what it is, what you are. And within your time created illusion, it is your ego that will prevent this understanding. And it is you that will question it, and by questioning it, you will understand what you are, which is a pure form of energy. And within this pure form of energy, you will know one, you will know instinct. You must learn how to separate ego from self. You cannot destroy ego, you can separate. You created ego to know self, and through knowing self, there will be no necessity for ego to exist within self. And one moment is instinct, it is gut feeling, it is all and everything, it is true knowing, it is self.

It is ironic that you would create two to understand one, nevertheless necessary within a time created illusion. You must experience all you have chosen, you will. You cannot rationalise this, it is inevitable, it is absolute that you will, you are, you are experiencing this. Will is future, have, is now, the moment.

And it is true to say that within your time created illusion, that your past will affect your future, because this exists within a time-created illusion. But it is also true to say, it is, because it is the same thing. Affect, yes, but the illusion of past, it is an illusion. There is only one moment for all and everything, and this moment is determined by instinct. And through instinct, you will access the library of all and everything. You have slowed down time. You have created time to understand this, and to eventually -another word that does not exist, eventually gives the perception of future, it is not eventually-, you understand within a single moment all and everything. Your time created illusion creates the word eventually. It is not real. Words, so manipulative by ego, so confusing by ego!

You have used the phrase “to do”. You do not have “to do” anything. “Doing” is a better terminology, have, is, are. But for you to understand, you have created “to do”. And this is experience within a single moment. Experience is what it is, chosen by you within a time created illusion. You cannot imagine your ability to experience all and everything within one moment. And this is what you do, and you choose to separate, to separate with time, and you choose to focus on one particular life. You cannot even envisage the library of all and everything. You do not even know how it works correctly, but this is what you seek to understand.
It is important to be in silence, it is also important to do both. Both is one, the same, and within your time-created illusion, you have separated, when in reality, they are the same thing. Everything is two in a physical formation, reality is one. There is no confusion with this, although you will make it confusing with your ego. You will apply your linear physical logic to this, and it will confuse you. But this is the simplest way I can explain to you how it works.

Remove fear from your illusion. Apply positive energy to every piece of your illusion. And through doing this, you will step out of your illusion, and you will fully understand consciousness, source energy, love. Your illusion is driven by the fuel of fear, and you must drive it with the fuel of love. You merely have to change the energy formation. Through positive thinking, through the creation of positive energy, you will change everything, and when I say everything, I mean everything, one, because one is all, and all is one.

Allow all of your fears to drift in and drift out. Do not capture them within self, do not harness them, do not allow them to affect self. Do not prevent them from occurring within, so allow them to drift through. Acknowledge them, accept them, and allow them to disappear. Do not fight them, it is merely an illusion, do not challenge them. Allow them to disperse, to come in and to go out, in and out, and you will grow, and you will become aware of what you are, which is a pure form of energy, pure, remember, pure.

You are a part of source, so therefore, you are source energy. It is all correct, you are exactly where you choose to be. Seek and you will find, you have already found.

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The Man in the Cave